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>Be electrical engineer graduate
>Have a multi-meter explode to my face cause i used a sub 240v scale while measuring an outlet
No words will ever be enough to describe how much i hate myself
That's not how it works.
t. always forgets to change the scale above 220v
>Electrical engineer
Electrical engineers aren't aware of anything above 5V
Ι was fucking around with a 5$ Chinese chink, sufficient to say safety measures were off the table. Regardless, that's back shit i shouldn't mix up.

You are thinking of electronic engineers mate
I guess power stations magically run themselves
240 is the electrical eng. equivalent of electronics eng's 5V so this retard is 10% correct.

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i would really like to try Dvorak or some other alternative layout like Colemak or Bepo but the idea that i would become less proficient with QWERTY and appear as an incompetent retard in an occasion where i'd have to use a QWERTY keyboard in public always makes me change my mind
i dont care retard
This happens to me reasonably often but I like the idea of people thinking I must be bad at computers.
>use friend's laptop to type something
>fmksk ;jck wad
>oh whoops my bad
>start hunting and pecking at 1 key per second until qwerty comes back to me

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LG is planning to release ultrawide monitors with 2160p resolution and high refresh rates
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What hdmi/dp spec supports that
Meh I will wait for 2880p so I can run it at 1440p or 200% scaled pixel perfectly.
60fps is enough, I barely play games.
Only feature I'm missing is sqrt(2):1 aspect ratio for reading PDFs.
Why bothering. On 200ppi these letters would be unreadable to the human eye. Letters with 4x times more pixels wouldn’t have an issue
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my body is ready

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try uploading this picture to 4chinz
add borders, rotate and tilt it, layer it on top of another image, make it a transparent layer over another image, 4chinz botnet AI will detect and delete it before it even posts
the AI botnet isn't coming, it's already here
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>the absolute state of /g/
it's not fucking hashes if it uploads on red boards, read >>100534257 you fucking retards
Now mirror and rotate it, and soft erase the edges.
>nsfw board doesn't allow nsfw images
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so we can listen to this dudes long ramblings about tech. seems like he's gone now for good
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good. free software is a retarded idea and literal cuckoldry propagated by kikes. All software should be closed.
Choked to death on Mental Outlaw's BBC after getting filtered by Monero
>Luke is a orthodox christian now and married. I've seen them at our parish from time to time.
Fake and gay.

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You don't need to learn everything from this list, most of the things are just the same with few different features and styles of doing the same thing. Most of the services can be learned on the job.
Programmers trying to complicate things to justify the need for their positions.
Leave this board dimwit
a sucker

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Does Google know my bookmarks on Chrome?
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Google knows literally everything you do in Chrome.
Your bookmarks in Brave will be safe, sir.

ARCH USERS: reminder to run yay today
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something break again? i fell for this one time and it was a kernel update that broke nvidia or something and had to be downgraded for 2weeks
$ yay
bash: yay: command not found
im seriously moving to slackware soon and using all my stupid sowy apps like firefox that demand you update every ms patch tue in a distrobox container
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>king mutt incels (asmongold, penguinz0, xqc and austin evans

Stay classy /pol/tard aka retarded newfag
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>Intel charges more than amd for fake cores, worse single-thread performance, and crashes every other minute
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that's a pterodactyl, they're only nonbinary gender wise not species wise as well
>frogposter making shit up
a tale as old as time
The cuck cores don't even work on older Wndows versions, fuck Intel. Actually advertising an i5 as a 14 core CPU, LMAO.
>furry shit
lmao classic amd
>frogposter dropping trvth nvkes
Thats new

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IceWM shows two different times on top right

The other is 12 hour clock while another is 24 hours
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what rule has been broken
2.Tech support threads should be posted on /wsr/.
FOSS software at its finest
fuck off
use a real wm like i3
they probably just update at different times,
tooltip at the end of the second and display at the start

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I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
why not just block youtube altogether?
I use it for music and documentaries
>I just installed BlockTube to filter every word related to video games and gamer content, I'm finally leaving this manchild hobby
I just lost interest when I got older. It's just not fun anymore.

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Musk did this.
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this is true.
after this post ima activate them again.
enjoy your bots/rebbitors/nufags/cultists npcs et al.

i shall not bless you with my insightful posts from until this tardation is stopped.

sayonara and konichiwa from me anons.
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there's always another way anon.
Mullvad browser is basically TOR for the clearnet.
It has all of the anti fingerprinting features but doesn't use the TOR network.

Works on my machine.
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>Mullvad browser is basically TOR for the clearnet.
>It has all of the anti fingerprinting features but doesn't use the TOR network.

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/g/ insists thag Linux is superior to Windows, but why not just debloat it?
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the rootkit is in the microsoft windows portion of the setup
it's fine, because if the atlasOS guys are spying on me, the ccp will tell me about it
And troubleshooting Linux takes a lot more work than anything in Windows because EVERYTHING JUST WORKS.
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I don’t need more than what I get with Linux mint. I spend 99% of my time in my browser anyway, and Linux does that fine. 0.5% of the time I’ll play a game and the games I play are pretty well supported so they work fine, and the last 0.5% is me using libreoffice, which works well enough as an MS alternative for me. I could switch to windows IoT LTSC but I don’t really have a reason to.
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Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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what part of operating systems are necessary to run programs?
also more specifically what are the bare necessities for running an .exe with nothing else happening at all
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what is it all dependent on to make it do what i want (use programs and applications + has the internet)
can i have an operating system which has most software capabilities run all programs .exe .apple .apk .linux .java ??
what is it called the pieces called which make so you can using software to videogames internet browser file browser media player
for example i wanted the computer to start into a gui which was lists of console commands
click word > next list of console commands
and a file explorer which you could run different programs from
what is the absolute minimum i need to run them?
example i want run firefox.exe firefox installer.exe
>a gui which was a list of console commands
thats not important i just ask what do i need to put in an operating system to make different programs work

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me too
Bro? Your performance? Why aren't you reading the first X bytes of the symbol? Why the fuck are you using an entire database?
If you wanted a hint you just needed to ask, anon.
Try encoding japanese kanji into hex. Be aware of difference between hiragana, katakana and kanji.
You'll start noticing a pattern, I'm sure.
why hello hate unicode, how are you feeling this morning

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