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What are you working on, /g/?

Prev: >>100593110
131 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Running a program that's going to take about 30 minutes to finish, and expecting that there may or may not be one error that blows it up. What's the program do? It's a preprocessing script. What would cause the error? One of the features is supposed to be categorical, but for some reason uses floating point values. So I convert it to an integer category number. How do I do this? I use a hash table... mapping 465 different floating point numbers to an integer ID. Some of these values occur quite frequently, while others occur only once. I wrote a script to output the text constant for the hash table by iterating over the dataset first, with some values that are basically... "5.1560000000000015: 33"

I am half expecting there to be an issue with the base 10 representation being inaccurate going the other way around.
>so yeah uh you need to write a scheduler and page handling functions before this
well good thing i had done most of that but fuck me still because there is no way that
register int lol asm(RANDOMREG_ONE)
#define lmao lol
clusterfuck will even compile to what i want
it is -O0 time, going to -O0 ll over them (and gcc will still do whatever)
It makes more sense when you mention aabbs. I see how floor(x +/- 0.5) can't be replaced by round() since we don't know if it'll be + or -.
In R it's just factor() and table().
Yes. It might be better to convert to a string with x decimal places depending on the floats you have.
Anything that can compile to a native executable. Even more if you can statically link to the libs you need.

dc -e '1 2 3 * + p'

Is reverse Polish notation still useful in year 2015 9 +?
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>2015 9 +
MGSV was released 9 years ago
will you say
my name
it never was useful as a notation, it's only good for underpowered calculators and for those who can't into parsing
For doing calculations it is
you do realize that once parsed you convert infix to rpn for eval/exec?

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This is the retard /g/ays fall for


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>spend 1 hour debugging
>turns out I forgot to add a hyphen
Should I switch careers?
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no worries, is company coffeemaker well kept
>woman poses with thing mostly men made
>gets all the credit in popular culture
A tale old as time.

I don't programmer at Amazon pee in bottle, but they do get put on-call 24/7, so you can get woken up at 2 AM to fix some code.
its a good time to become a coder now that AI can debug your code
No, you're OK. This stuff happens.

Using proprietary software makes her cry. You dont want to maker her cry do you?
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That's Kino

sometimes her sobs make me peepee go hard
She's from a proprietary software (game) she's owned by a company
op btfo
please atleast one

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Why did it fail to be good? Wasn't it supposed to be the good of both world?
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>Have a normal desktop PC.
>Your monitor just died.
>Replace monitor.
>It's all fine.mp4

>Have All-in-One PC.
>Screen dies.
>Replacing it means that you need to either send the entire damn thing to service OR find 100% proprietary replacements part and fuck around with it. Obviously it will also end with voiding your warranty for the entire computer.

Besides, with currently available mini desktops that you can literally just mount on back of your monitor with some zip strips or some shit you can get same results without all downsides.
By being a balance of a laptop and desktop, it fails to achieve any of the qualities that the users of either group want.
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But what's even supposed to be the point of it?
>Not portable, you won't fill the whole shit in your bag
>Not upgradable, unless you want to void the warranty
>Not reliable, cracking the screen means you have no option of replacement unless you plug another monitor to your monitor
>Not even cost-effective because those stupid companies will charge extra for a stupid PC-screen-thing
Even if you care about space, you'll be better off buying a laptop, which is much smaller.
>Not upgradable, unless you want to void the warranty

See Magnusson-Moss. Buy one with accessible RAM and SSD.

>Not reliable, cracking the screen means you have no option of replacement unless you plug another monitor to your monitor

Who has "no option"? Buy panel, replace panel as on a notebook which is done all the time. Why are you cracking a display on a desktop? Do you spergrage and throw things at it?

>Not even cost-effective because those stupid companies will charge extra for a stupid PC-screen-thing

Asserted conclusion.

AIO are popular for their specific use cases which are mostly for people wanting a larger than notebook display but with no other footprint and as few external connections as practical. My garage sale Lenovo is quite upgradeable so it got RAM and an SSD. It lives next to my 3D printer without cluttering the work table so I can print direct.

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idk about you but my laptop is upgradable and i use it in bed for 12+ hours every day,

posting from a seamonkey browser, ask me anything.
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Can I have sex with your wife?

do you actually have printer?
for me its iceweasel-upx
what happjens if i8 growth food?
You'll end up needing i16, i32, and eventually i64

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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kys troll, real thread is here
exactly, it's obvious to anyone with even single digit IQ that the other anon is lying
Stop trolling
bruh, you've been discovered, just hang it up and move on
You'll get them next time
can you explain why https://pastebin.com/pn9vzWZ from >>100642430 does not work?
https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ from >>100642873 works perfectly fine

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When are you guys building this? It can't be that hard, right? My friend needs it as soon as possible.
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Anime styling helps prevent uncanny valley. Also anime does look appealing IRL when it's done properly.
One of the biggest issues with ai is long term memory. They have none.
You can talk with a conversational ai and it'll forget what you said 15 minutes later.
fixable. Simply train an AI to extract the important parts of the conversation and add them to the system prompt
Sounds like a typical husband.

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GIMP has always had layers
But not adjustment and filter layers among other layer features programs like Krita have.
Thunderbird is the only decent GUI client out there.
Blender is much better than any commercial 3d software.
Libre Calc is awful. I can’t believe that there’s no viable alternative to Excel, free or proprietary. There’s no “skill issue” here.
i will go even further, why is software so bad in general?
no other engineering branch has such degree of jankiness

I installed kali linux on my computer . What do I do now /g/? I wanna hack other people's computers
sudo rm -rf
Install Gentoo.
Attack this IP address:

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So how hard is the CCNA really? Do only retards get filtered or is there a bit to it?
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It's a lot of memorization of useless information.
Ancient esoteric history of the 802 working group. Holy fuck I had so many god damn flashcards for these
for CCNA all you really need to know is
radius (authentication)
vlan tagging
wifi (although I'm not even sure if you really need to know that).
>Got my GNAA years ago

what r ur best net+ tips 4 me bro

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windows 11 ltsc is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i will not install :)
poo in loo Sarahs
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This but unironically

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Why are pedo shits so butthurt that major high IQ tech giants like Richard Stallman and Elon Musk have turned their backs on them?
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>like Richard Stallman
People always assume nobody is left, but that doesn't make sense. A more realistic version of this story would go something like this.
>at first they came for the Jews and I didn't say anything because they had correctly identified the source of most problems in the west and were taking action to rectify the situation
>then they came for the blacks and I stopped one of them to make sure they got all the Jews. Check every attic and basement.
>then they came for the browns and I stopped one of them to make triple sure they got all the Jews. Check every church. Misguided evangelicals may try to hide them.
>then they came for the LGBTQIAA2S+ and I stopped one of them to make quadruple sure they got all the Jews. Check for subterranean tunnel Jews!
>then they quit coming for people because the problem had been solved and society was healing
>then everybody clapped
You'd clap too if society was cleaned up in such a way. Humanity peaked in the US about 70 years ago and those changes would bring us closer to that.
you would still be a loser in the 1950s, only your wife would cuck you with the milkman instead of you being alone

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Why haven't you gone back to a dumbphone or a semi-dumb smartphone? If you can make calls, use maps, and search things on the world wide web, why do you "need" more?
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>ad hominem
Hit the nail on the head + no argument? Whoopsie~
>why do you "need" more?

Precisely why do you consider the question of "need" important enough to post? My phones and computers are tools. I use them as such for comms, navigation, pics, reading stored .pdf tech manuals and parts catalogs etc.

I grew up long before the internet and have zero desire to go back because everything really is better now. If you cannot figure out how to use tech beneficially then I encourage you to kill yourself because you're wasting oxygen.
>If you can make calls, use maps, and search things on the world wide web, why do you "need" more?
communication is a two-way street, it does not fucking matter what I want to use if people are using different tools also banking and navigation from anymore and anytime is convenient, that's what life is about.
I don't give a fguck about minimalism or other schizoid non-sense
>T. NPC Grandpa
>we wuzz all hard life n shii
>Why haven't you gone back to a dumbphone or a semi-dumb smartphone?

I did, I got an iPhone

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