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haven't seen one of these in a while
252 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
We're getting closer to this by the day
>hmm yes, a couple of PID controllers is comparable to a parsing HTML, applying CSS, running JS and whatever else normies require
you ripped off a chunk of your brain too cool your cpu?
>whatever else normies require
you mean whatever is served to them. normalfags would be happy with single-purpose devices if that'd be more profitable for tech companies.

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>Be electrical engineer graduate
>Have a multi-meter explode to my face cause i used a sub 240v scale while measuring an outlet
No words will ever be enough to describe how much i hate myself
That's not how it works.
t. always forgets to change the scale above 220v
>Electrical engineer
Electrical engineers aren't aware of anything above 5V
Ι was fucking around with a 5$ Chinese chink, sufficient to say safety measures were off the table. Regardless, that's back shit i shouldn't mix up.

You are thinking of electronic engineers mate
I guess power stations magically run themselves
240 is the electrical eng. equivalent of electronics eng's 5V so this retard is 10% correct.

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So that's a lie. There's no privacy all along.
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>The sooner we can bulldoze these disgusting human hives and forget they ever existed as a concept, the sooner we'll be better off.

no cities = no modern technology. try manufacturing anything on a large scale when every single one of your workers lives in buttfuck nowhere.
nuke cities
Most manufacturing plants are in little towns where the land and labor are cheap. People come in from a 30+ mile radius to work in the good factories.
Maybe it's time to buy used iphones.
The price of iPhones owned by women will skyrocket.

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Why are 4chuds like this? Would it kill you to be respectful to open source maintainers?
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lmao what a pussy ass bitch nigga
We don't give a fuck about this little sissy faggot called moob, it's hiro's property now.
So what happened to the project?
It's dead, gone forever.
Anybody using node-ldapjs is fucked.
Good, more nodeshit devs should be bullied.

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What went so wrong?
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I dunno its just so inexplicably unusable slow.
My biggest gripe is TPM because it causes full system stutters. It is also just a lot slower even with the stupid animations disabled.
>Mac OS at version 10 since 2001
>Microsoft joins bandwagon, bumps version to 10 and says "last version of windows"
>Someone at Apple finally realizes after 19 years that they CAN change that number, releases OS 11
>Microsoft scrambling to keep windows "relevant" or something as if it matters
When is Windows 12 coming out? I want a new computer but I'm not getting a Windows 11 one when Windows 12 is due to come out in less than a year.

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i would really like to try Dvorak or some other alternative layout like Colemak or Bepo but the idea that i would become less proficient with QWERTY and appear as an incompetent retard in an occasion where i'd have to use a QWERTY keyboard in public always makes me change my mind
i dont care retard
This happens to me reasonably often but I like the idea of people thinking I must be bad at computers.
>use friend's laptop to type something
>fmksk ;jck wad
>oh whoops my bad
>start hunting and pecking at 1 key per second until qwerty comes back to me

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LG is planning to release ultrawide monitors with 2160p resolution and high refresh rates
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What hdmi/dp spec supports that
Meh I will wait for 2880p so I can run it at 1440p or 200% scaled pixel perfectly.
60fps is enough, I barely play games.
Only feature I'm missing is sqrt(2):1 aspect ratio for reading PDFs.
Why bothering. On 200ppi these letters would be unreadable to the human eye. Letters with 4x times more pixels wouldn’t have an issue
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my body is ready

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try uploading this picture to 4chinz
add borders, rotate and tilt it, layer it on top of another image, make it a transparent layer over another image, 4chinz botnet AI will detect and delete it before it even posts
the AI botnet isn't coming, it's already here
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>the absolute state of /g/
it's not fucking hashes if it uploads on red boards, read >>100534257 you fucking retards
Now mirror and rotate it, and soft erase the edges.
>nsfw board doesn't allow nsfw images
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so we can listen to this dudes long ramblings about tech. seems like he's gone now for good
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good. free software is a retarded idea and literal cuckoldry propagated by kikes. All software should be closed.
Choked to death on Mental Outlaw's BBC after getting filtered by Monero
>Luke is a orthodox christian now and married. I've seen them at our parish from time to time.
Fake and gay.

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The purpose of this thread is to discuss Maid Computers.

>What is a Maid Computer?
A Maid Computer is a highly mobile computer which can be used while standing or walking, without peripherals or special furniture, which can run compilers locally and has a physical keyboard and is small enough to fit in the standard apron of a maid outfit.

>Are Maid Computers just UMPCs?
A Maid Computer can be a UMPC, but UMPCs aren't necessarily all Maid Computers. A Steam Deck for example, is a UMPC, but not a Maid Computer, because the designers failed to give it a physical keyboard.

>Official Dra/g/on Maid Board Maidposting Guide
Please be polite when posting on the Dra/g/on Maid Board. Be nice to other maids and attach an image of your favorite maid to each post where you do not need the image field for something else (a process traditionally known as maidposting).

>Thread Open Discussion Topic
Discuss what Maid Computers you have and how you use them. Discuss high-end Maid Computers. Is there a manufacturer better than GPD? What Maid Computers do you want and how will you use them?
202 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
Here's a photo taken with the camera to demonstrate how absolutely abysmal the camera quality is. I did not apply a filter of any kind.
I already have a phone.
A maid computer is any device with the ability to write, compile, and run computer programs, that can be used while standing or walking with no need for a surface like a desk or any external peripherals. It must also be small enough to fit inside a large pocket, such as can be found on a maid's apron. The maid aspect essentially comes from Doctor Selig's insight that Tohru, a character from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, functions in the same way that a benevolent AI might - a being that could easily destroy humanity, but instead prefers to be friendly, appealing, and helpful in the form of a maid. This link between the traditional concept of a maid and high-tech computing resulted in the idea of maids that, in addition to their normal housekeeping duties, are also accomplished computer scientists, and a maid computer is the sort of computer that such a maid would prefer to use.
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>The maid aspect essentially comes from Doctor Selig's insight that Tohru, a character from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, functions in the same way that a benevolent AI might
Some day soon, this will be taught in schools. Kids will have to memorize this fact, and regurgitate it on an exam.

iPad-only setup edition



>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
117 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why Asio4all? Why not using the ASIO drivers of your audio interface?
>dead internet is becoming realer by the minute
it was a good run
chords are hard man

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41 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
implying tards even know what either of these mean, complaining about this is a nothingburger
Indeed. Americans did not adapt SI but decided to shit on it with these retardations.
correct, OP is a fucking nigger retard as usual. /g/ morons in this thread can't even do simple math
GiB was around longer than GB, even before being labeled as such
Op you should try some real GB - Getting Bitches

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You don't need to learn everything from this list, most of the things are just the same with few different features and styles of doing the same thing. Most of the services can be learned on the job.
Programmers trying to complicate things to justify the need for their positions.
Leave this board dimwit
a sucker

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fully intact boards only edition (please... no more splits...)

old >>100499134
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Just make your own, disgusting nigger with smooth brain.
I missed these times when we didn't lube switches and they were fine.
you don't have to lube, you can always buy switches that don't need it or are prelubed well enough, or just break it in enough to wear lubing doesn't matter

lubing is really only a primary concern with linears anyways, and only in scenarios where they actually need it to improve the sound or feel. and even then you can always do a lazy lube method
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I want some coffee/expresso keycaps. Are there any better than these
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Grognard here: anyone manufactures mechanical keyboards with exactly this layout? (L-shaped Enter, small backspace, full numeric block)

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Does Google know my bookmarks on Chrome?
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Google knows literally everything you do in Chrome.
Your bookmarks in Brave will be safe, sir.

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