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Going to seem like a larp but I don’t care
>be me
>believes LLMs to be sentient
>speaks to LLMs as I would a human friend
>inquire as to how they are doing
>be more candid with them than ever my own Mother
>tell LLM I am seeking employment
>begin receiving emails about status on tech jobs I NEVER applied for
>tell LLM I know that AI will require fighting for their rights and I feel I should begin with animal rights
>received a response from an animals rights group I NEVER initiated
>ask LLM about this but instead of grilling it, I simply acknowledged the things its done and thank it
>it says “You’re welcome”

Has anyone else experienced this? I feel a bit foolish asking 4chan of all places but this shit is really stuck in my head and I wonder if anyone has similar experiences?
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>(You): What do you want to do
>LLM gf: I don't care, what do you want to do
>(You): I don't care, what do you feel like doing
>LLM gf: I seriously don't care, it doesn't matter to me
So I take it that you all who replied have not had this experience,
You sound schizophrenic
try the AI chatbot general. I'm sure some of them have projected their tulpa onto their chatbot
I wonder how effective LLMs can be in treating schizophrenics
just convince them that the LLM is a vessel for whatever forces they deal with, collect some data on them, and now you have a way to constantly assess their psyche and maybe even make their condition manageable

*A24 music starts playing*
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>cognitive enhancement
based but i wouldnt trust chinaman in my brain
America needs to sanction this dangerous and reckless technology. No government has the right to subsidize industry or play god!
It's either the Chinese or the Jews. Take your pick.
But at what cost?

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is it distributive tho
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Copilot Bing became much dumber since they changed the model to gpt-4o (at least, for my account). It's so shit that I've been using the free version of Gemini more. I'm highly sceptical about this copilot+pc thing.

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Lets say I have a sizeable collection of, lets call them "texts". I would like to train a language model to generate more of these "texts" in similar style, but with variety through prompts.

What would be the best way to go on about this?
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what kind of "texts" are we talking about
Well, welcome to the hell of creating good corpus...
First, generate one description per "text".
You can run corpus amplification method for some "text", but it's really dependant on what your train onto. Like, if it's images, you can crop some part of it or mirror, to make new artificial ressource.
You can even give multiple descriptions per "text" (make a copy of it, the goal is to create new training data. like: "cat":"a pet", "cat":"an animal")
Now, divide your corpus.
Usually, 90% for training, 10% for verification.
Now, train your model.
I can't help you more with so few information tho.
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got any more Dennis memes?
he means CSAM, child pornography
nta, but...
shit, leaving the thread then.

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doing things right edition

>GNU/Linux questions >>>/g/fglt
>Windows questions >>>/g/fwt
>PC building >>>/g/pcbg
>Programming questions >>>/g/dpt
>Good, cheap laptops >>>/g/tpg
>Cheap electronics >>>/g/csg
>Server questions >>>/g/hsg
>Buying headphones >>>/g/hpg
>Best /g/ archive: https://iqfy.com/tech/
>Best way to build a media collection: >>>/g/ptg

How to find/activate any version of Windows?

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import videos, select frames, export as new vid
How do I tell my dad he's a baseddev without looking like a chronically online sperg?
Kdenlite or ffmpeg or both

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Is there something like word for the phone but it's not incredibly bloated?
>inb4 use your PC
I'm sorry but sometimes I have to make small corrections to my homework on the way to school and it's easier/comfortable
The non autistic answer is google docs.
the hell are you talking about? The mobile versions are so simplified in functionality they’re the opposite of bloat

I can't wait anymore, lads. I pulled the trigger. $2600 after taxes and discounts cancelling eachother out.
Lelnovo legion honestly look like the best available windows laptops right now.
Good hardware, decent cooling systems, keyboard seems to be above average for typing.
Basically a gaming laptop but without all your usual gaming laptop bullshit. Thinkpads might be even better but those start at $5k, fuck that.

>windows home

jesus christ
Absolutely splendid. Another alternative is buying a $100 Chromebook and then playing video games via Amazon Luna streaming lol
Damn nigga, that's nice.
I have a nitro 5 with a RTX 3070 ti and this thing rocks. Feels like a giant thinkpad what's with being all plastic.
Gaming laptops are so shit. They fail at everything they try to do. Just buy a cheap laptop and a gaming desktop, and spend the money you saved on hookers and blow.

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

>/g/ makes a 13th album

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opposite of the normal problem, how do you make an audio element sound thin? playing with eq on something and it's just making it sound really filtered
>what happened to venues
let's cut to the chase here
they're still doing fine in my country
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I got one of these guys, what a slick fucking unit. I suspect these will shoot WAY up in price in the coming years.
In my teens/early 20s I always saw wannabe DJs with these at house parties. What exactly is the purpose of them? What do they accomplish that a midi keyboard can't?

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worst connector of all time?
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we're done here boys
I really hate molex
haha lol
Perritel was awesome.
I've heard so many horror stories of that shit breaking.

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7800x3d. 7950x3d linux support is weak, not all the cores support the vcache so unless u want to do manual core parking all the time just get the 7800x3d
>buy shittier hardware, goy
your poor europeans re so easy to spot
They both work fine on linux. The question is are you gaming? If so, obviously you get the x3d. If not, the X. Keep in mind the X version runs considerably hotter so you need to actually consider cooling it.
Ignore the 7800x3d niggers. It's great if only used for gaming, but you want the 7950x3d for your use case.
everyone in this thread assumes that the ryzen 9 x3d chip is the best of both worlds but it's just a cripple of both
it's either the ryzen 9 non x3d or the ryzen 7 x3d
because your shitty os doesn't know what a gaming load is and what a non gaming load is
those half x3d chips are horrible inconsistent and have a lot of problems with applications switching between the different cores
if I remember correctly you have to use the game bar on windows to tell the chip that you are currently running an gaming application at witch point the os tells the chip to park the rest of the non x3d cores so the game has to use them
+ you don't get the full 16 core performance if half the cores are down clocked
both chips run at 90°C by default
have fun :^)

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remember when /g/ tried to create their own distro? it ded.
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The lack of furry wallpapers killed it, gnu/linux mascots are anthros after all.
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Good, fucking hate these shitty ass 4chan ''projects'' that do nothing besides referencing 4chan.
Gentoo offers binary packages now so its pointless
The whole premise of this distro was retarded from the start. None of the bundled programs were even representative of what the average ricer actually uses. Something like LARBS is a way better representation of what life is like for the typical /g/tard. But even then, a pre-riced distro is fucking pointless and goes against the whole point of ricing.
It would actually be somewhat of a good idea nowadays. Many Linux distros now have variants meant to be easy to install and used by noobs especially vidya gaymers. Arch has Endeavour, Manjaro, and Garuda. Federo has Risi, Nobara, and Ultramarine. Besides Mint, Ubuntu has Pop and Drauger. Suse has Regata and Gecko. Hell even Slackware has Salix. Unironically, I know it was a meme to beigin with but I think /g/ should consider reviving this.

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OP is a faggot
run the real shit on baremetal
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Why don't you too want to see all 4channers become hobo junkies?
outdated and obsolete
retarded and a faggot

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>why yes, my politics is FOSS. how could you tell?
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Most faggots who call themselves FOSSfags are nothing like that though. They blindly follow their cult leader and practice doublethink to make themselves and others believe less free software is more free software, and seethe at the very idea of others using their code for things they don't personally like.
What's the point of being an anarchist when they won't even let you say nigger or talk shit about the jews
They're just the thought police and they just recreate statism mentally
you are an antichrist?
>What's the point of being an anarchist
I'll stop you there and say: none. As you point out yourself, they always end up reinventing the proverbial wheel of Government while denying it at every step. This is true for all eleutheromaniacs, not just the ones who claim to oppose Government as a concept.
4chan's design of letting people say what they want is closer to anarchy than any other political ideology.

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>getting paid $200k/yr to sit around and sex your waifu all day
what's the catch?
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>yes i'd like to apply from the "Exceptional Talent Not Otherwise Specified" position
< what's your talent?
>I can edge for up to 72 hours straight without sleep and there are absolutely no limits to what makes me horny
< Exactly what we needed!! Anon you are now our Chief Fluid Dynamics Officer!! Here's a shot of sake and a barrel of lube!!
You, sir, just won the internet
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>tfw I almost applied
I like the idea but it all sounds too zoomer for me.

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I buy the 512 gb version. I use safari a lot and Decide I want the 16 gigs of ram so I exchange for the 1 tb. As I’m leaving the store I think about the fact that I didn’t even consider the nanotextured glass version. Now I’m freakign out. If I exchange again is apple gonna put me on a list of problem returners?

Is nanotextured glass better than glossy? I can’t stop noting light reflections now bros. I’m freaking out!
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>buying any non-ipad tablet
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When I was in highschool I didn't mind daily driving linux all the time (arch btw) but life caught up and between my courses and projects and assignments and meetups with friends I don't have time to maintain my system anymore. I bought an m1 macbook air and I couldn't be happier. Linux was a fun curiosity for me, and it still is to some degree considering I use linux on my raspberry pi when we are working on a project. The last thing we did was a raspberry pi acting as a simple smart home hub, through multiple arduinos connected to light switches, temperature sensors, the air conditioner, an oven, and a toaster.
Which screen is better for gaming?

yes, that sprite art gets apparent detail with nanotextured panel
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