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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100632102

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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Is PW still the cutest poster in this general?
yeah lets talk for days about fucking avatarfags and namefags again
there really is no reason to get upset
Somebody told me that PonyXL does not work well with ControlNet

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>Despite only making 14% of the world's phone, they earn 80% of the profit
admit it /g/ yall are just jealous of apple's success
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yes, iOS is spyware, how do you not know this
Why are they like this
women like the idea of owning luxury goods
>ripped off
Iphone has a much higher resell value and have 2x longer software support. if you just look at upfront cost andriod may look better but if you use it long term, apple comes out on top
i(spy)phones have a really good resale right now because if you buy one used you might get someone else's nudes thanks to the Photos issue recently

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crts were perfect
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CRTs DO have a resolution.
CRTs don't draw pixels, but they DO draw lines.
There is a upper limit of line density in any given CRT that determines it ideal level of sharpness.
while you CAN render more lines, the end result isn't a higher resolution but an attempt to blur excess lines into acceptable lines, resulting in blurry images or flickering from uneven interlacing.
The CRT in your pic has a maximum of 1024~ vertical lines (some is lost to front/back porch, overscan, etc), and has a horizontal resolution limited to its refresh rate of 85hz.
>>you cannot show the same color in 2 different brightness levels on screen at the same time. Modern HDR displays can.
>no modern HDR display cannot.
OLED has self luminating pixels, which is part and parcel to how HDR is even possible today. A CRT can't just turn off the beam unless it's in a horizontal blanking interval.
>all of this talk about digital nonsense is meaningless, a crt can do it all aslong as you feed it the right signal
I'd like to see you try. I truly don't believe you can "just" make a CRT display HDR content like that with some decoding circuitry.

>>There are display capabilities to consider here, not just input signal. I think you're missing that concept.
>no, there really arent.
Yes there is, HDR also includes an expanded color gamut that I don't believe you can accurately replicate on a CRT period.
>fire the electron guns at different intensities based on the input signal
>haha do you even understand how a crt works?
That other anon did a great job of replying so I'll leave the rest to him but I was wondering what you think I got wrong here? I should've said gun instead of guns I guess.

crt were not perfect, when you take picture with camera in shorter exposure times you notice that screen has only partial image

stress looking crt with computer display glow material in low refesh rates was pretty bad
both the gun and the phosphor are capable of handling near infinite signal gradients.
>what you think I got wrong here? I should've said gun instead of guns I guess.
you are talking about HDR as if its something special when really its just another way to add more bit depth.
which has always been a fundamental flat panel issue since crts have unlimited bit depth

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Using microsoft products in 2024 will prolapse your anus.

You have been warned.
go back retard
>immediate butthurt response
i am sorry for what happened
Don't do that to Persica
>nuh segs loog!
youre boring
I wish I could switch to Linux but GIMP isn't even close to Photoshop CC 2024 and Affinity Photo 2.5.

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What are you working on, /g/?

Prev: >>100593110
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Sir i have one query

Im learning fp and already worked on some sicp chapters. Now im trying to use a haskell book but i wanna learn fp not haskell so instead im building a list of topics to focus
>hof filter, map, reduce
>foldl foldr
>recursion and acumulator

Anything i should add? My book focus on haskell libraries and thats not my interest rn.
You mean imprv'd

They overflowed. long long bjarne overflow is well defined.

If it is full of footguns, then it isn't clean. Your code should make conceptual sense on how you are approaching the problem, not be a series of difficult to alter monkey-patches.

For 1, I would place the objects at their room offset position, then use the same transforms on them as I am using with the room. For 2, there are some similarities with 1 - you need a clean way to group things and transform them together. If you don't want to copy code, you can grind through, but if you just want to get it done, you might want to have a look at existing local-to-world transformation stuff (it's a common problem).
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I'm going to fuck with PHP!
>soft type" errors particularly in the context of graphics and physics programming. Is there any way to solve this?
- use a language with parametric types
- write transformation functions with an extra argument precising the semantic of the main arguments, do a conditional on the extra argument and make the appropriate transformation
- same thing but with a macro, the conditional is evalauted at compile time and the macro expand to the static function call for the appropriate transformation
I often write the tests at the same time or shortly before. Then every time I save, or change an input file ghcid reruns the tests.
Why do you choose to write "round" in terms of "floor"? You're "reinventing the wheel" and you can't argue that that yours is better.

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Web Scraping General

Finally losing our virginity edition

QOTD: What's some cool data you've recently scraped? (Kinda grasping for straws with this one)

> Captcha services

> Proxies
https://hproxy.com/ (no blacklist) (recommended, owned by friend of /wsg/)
https://infiniteproxies.com/ (no blacklist)

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Just use gallery-dl
And for data besides images?
But I'm using it.
What data?
Post content, replies, usernames, etc.

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why are some loonix users like this?

aren't software centers on linux quite similar to the windows store? They serve the same purpose and feel like mobile app stores except on desktop. I just saw this parallel and wanted to comment on it.
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this is an input problem. a good system MUST support ALL of these methods:

keyboard (solved by CLI)
mouse (solved by UI with tight padding)
touch (solved by UI with increased padding)

windows does touch best, rest is shit
macos does mouse best, rest is shit
linux does keyboard best, rest is shit
App store is a frontend for package management system. Nobody seriously uses this shit except complete noobs. Even Winblows users use Chocolatey.

iPadOS does all best and none of it is shit.
It's why Apple still uses it on iPads over MacOS.
Discover makes me lose almost as much time with its slow as shit interface.

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Why are they trying so hard to replace it?
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you don't need more than 49
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>replacing C
at least they got the spirit right
Re-using code works best when you have decent dependency management. In C, that means combing through compiler errors looking for clues about which libraries you need to install, which will be packaged differently on different distros. In rust, it means running "cargo build".
command not found

xitter SUCKS
>Lust provoking image
It always has. Same with Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and the rest of them.
lmao at the people who pre-ordered

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firefox qbittorent vlc media oh no so bad give me utorrent with ads and opera gtx
gimp didnt have the ability to do layers for like 20 years which significantly crippled it in terms of being comparible to adobe.
which in turn made people not care about it, not want to support or recommend it, ect ect. This was especially bad in the early years, because adobe outright allowed people to pirate photoshop knowing full well that they would be forced to get licences if they ever got a job that utilized photoshop (before software as aservice was a thing). So your option was garbage gimp that you would only use to prove you are a linux autist, or free professional software that could do everything gimp could do and more.

When i was in highschool. the computer department would let you take home adobe cds and install with the school licenese. adobe knew exactly what it was doing getting people hooked on their product.
Kdenlive could use better, more hardware agnostic foundation. Their issue is not missing functions but weak compatibility and the result is more bugs than usual. I don't want to see new features that only work with new nvidia graphic cards. Fucking fix old shit first.
GIMP has always had layers

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I will not upgrade to Windows 12 but ReactOS will never be ready. What other options do I have?
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which one will be ready first, hurd or reactos
Turd or ReactPooOS? It's all shit.
nta but I need to run Winforce.exe by donut studios / Patrick Könemann.
sure thing you stupid fucking idiot nigger, if you needed any of those you wouldn't be playing overwatch, a game that works on linux with no tinkering. continue using windows, you deserve it
who the fuck uses the bloomberg terminal AND any of the other programs you listed
fuck you
Windows 12 doesn't exist

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Weapons out the Wazoo Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting

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>>a forum post from a literal who
>That's why I suggested we start with better tests in rust. That's the
>petfect way to make sure we get the external tool chain working. We get the
>integration right. We fight with whatever pain there is and fix it as
>needed. We learn if it actually fits in and if we can keep up the
>infrastructure or if that's not something we can do. Once that works, we
>can rewrite other things as the need or desire arises.
>So no, we aren't going to rush headlong into fullscale rust replacement of
>all the things. However I'll note Linux hasn't done that either. They are
>taking a one step at a time approach. Step one is build integration with an
>external toolchain, imho. Until we have that, 0 Rust will be in the system.

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and? when is rust going to be included into the FreeBSD base install? even if it happens, you still have OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD. you're panicking over nothing.
>them having c++ in base is bad enough in itself
I thought the only C++ code there was gcc
you think of "BSD" like a retarded trannix distrohopper; they are completely different operating systems. i said nothing bad about openbsd
I misunderstood your point then, sorry. keep on keeping on

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your super-intelligent assistant, sir
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not my fault america allows arbritration clauses, and the rest of the world allows shit like “we are not responsible for the content displayed in search results” in terms.
>slurpy faggi and Dr Butto are gen z's Anakin and Padme
elated laughter, thank you anon
anon, thats clearly ai. not because of any mistakes but because of how interesting the pose is and the random detail that a slop artist isn't going to actually add themselves
tbf generative AI is pretty good at replacing bottom of the barrel artists and translators

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stole image in OP
Rate each other and give suggestions
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nobody keeps their screens like that
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Not true, I haven't bought any new gnomes. Can't you pretend to be someone else?
I do not no. I think tablets are rather silly jack of basically no trade devices and have yet to understand their appeal or own one. Just get a thin convertible laptop honestly if you want to use it primarily as a laptop/desktop.
That sounds miserable. The only practical reasons I could see for that are for being a regular traveler, or for just not having the money for a good tower/laptop. And the only non-practical reason I can see is being a ricer for minimalism and showing off to people.
Peak retards of the thread.

what the hell is going on g. why are people everywhere using speakerphones absolutely all the time to have personal one on one conversations. especially in public. its like people forgot how to use phones. i assume when I'm talking to someone, that im talking just to them. not to whatever idiot happens to be around them at the time. and no one needs to hear what your friend is saying on the phone. they're talking just to you. ALSO its harder to hear on the receiving line because of all the background noise thats now being picked up because its on speaker phone. i caught my friend doing it and hes a conspiracy weirdo and doesn't want phone waves or whatever leeching into his already soft head. but i don't believe its that.

so what the hell happened in the last 5 years to make everyone use speakerphone all the time?
>the last 5 years
nigga this shit been going on since NEXTEL days
Convenience and Multitasking: Speakerphones allow people to keep their hands free to perform other tasks while talking. This is particularly useful when driving, cooking, working, or doing any activity that requires the use of hands.

Group Conversations: When multiple people need to be involved in the conversation, speakerphone is a practical choice. This is common in business meetings, family discussions, or any situation where more than one person wants to participate in the call.

Comfort: Holding a phone to the ear for a prolonged period can be uncomfortable. Using a speakerphone can prevent discomfort, especially during long conversations.

Health Concerns: Some people believe that holding a phone close to the head may have potential health risks due to radiation exposure. Although scientific evidence on this is not conclusive, using a speakerphone can be seen as a precautionary measure.

Hearing Issues: Individuals with hearing impairments may find it easier to hear the conversation on speakerphone, as it can provide louder and more adjustable volume compared to the earpiece.

Poor Signal Reception: In areas with poor signal reception, speakerphones can sometimes provide better call quality, as the phone might have better reception when it's held away from the body.

Preference and Habit: Some people simply prefer the experience of talking on speakerphone. Over time, habits and preferences can develop, leading people to use the speakerphone more frequently.

Voice Command Usage: With the rise of virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, people are more accustomed to using voice commands. This habit translates into using the speakerphone more often since it complements the hands-free experience.
>Speakerphones allow people to keep their hands free to perform other tasks while talking.
See the image in OP.
It's cropped so maybe he's jerking off
Perform a melanin check next time you see this happen.

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