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Is there any novel, poem, or play that arouses you every time you read it? Which excites your imagination, your erotic imagination as much as your poetic or literary imagination? Ever read a novel or story you masturbated to? Which is it?
16 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
The Way of a Man with a Maid
By Anon, appropriately.
I also love that this book *still* makes people seethe.
Haters gonna hate.
Germinal gets me erect but it's not a book you pull out for a wanksesh.
It is sobering to admit, but Kim Kardashian, despite her excessive cosmetic interventions and utterly vulgar superficiality, remains one of the sexist females to ever walk upon the Earth. Quite frankly, she is incredible.
Kanye I'm begging you please upload Vultures 2

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When will we have a decent adaptation of The Tombs of Atuan

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When collecting books by series or by author, how much does it matter to you whether all the books are of the same imprint and/or design?

Pic related
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Because it's nice to own a physical piece of history, anon
Also this: >>23395663
Y'all keep your books?
I return them to the library, return them to the library OP.
I care about the contents of the books I read, therefore I have an ereader. None of this superficially autistic shit
eReaders are far more autistic than just getting an actual book
>go on Anna's archive
>click download
>Find which publisher you want book from so it matches le shelf aesthetic
>Spend hours finding which store has your specific version
>Go to store, oops they dont actually have that version
>Order it to store, and go back days later to pick up your book
>You just wasted a week of your life instead of 5 minutes getting a book

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Where can I pirate it?
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>2024 stable release
If you're the OP, I must compliment the subtle shill.
It's available on every platform to! You can get syncthing for free sync as well
I hope you’re 15 writing stand up like that, if you’re older…….don’t do it anymore
I have a laptop with an extremely minimalist Linux install. I use Vim.
Libreoffice is the jewed version of openoffice.org, retard
It's 95% marketing and 5% autistic developers who don't ever use it themselves so have no idea what a word processor should be about
Word 2010 is where it's at

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Can anyone truly be a postmodernist? It seems to me that those who use postmodern rhetoric, just want to replace the current modernist structures with their own. They might even hold a linear view of history, which culminates in the liberation of "opressed" groups. This leads me to believe that its all a big psyop to force our compliance. Any books for this?
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Certainly! Modernism and Postmodernism are two distinct movements in literature that reflect different philosophies and styles. Here are example passages that capture the essence of each:

Modernism: In the fractured skyline of the city, the buildings rose like jagged teeth against a pale sky. The streets hummed with the rhythm of machines and the march of progress, each step a testament to man’s triumph over nature. The narrative of life was no longer linear but a collage of perspectives, a stream of consciousness flowing through the minds of disillusioned souls seeking meaning in a world upended by war and technological change. The prose was sparse, the themes existential, as writers sought to “Make it new,” and peel back the layers of reality to expose the alienation and ambiguity lurking beneath the surface.

Postmodernism: The text was a patchwork of genres, a playful pastiche where high and low culture collided and coalesced. The author winked at the reader through the pages, blurring the lines between fiction and reality. Characters leapt from one story to another, aware of their fictional status, challenging the very notion of a singular truth. The narrative was non-linear, a labyrinth of intertextual references and ironic detachment, where the grand narratives of history and identity were deconstructed and reassembled in a kaleidoscope of endless possibilities.

These passages aim to reflect the core characteristics of each movement: Modernism’s focus on the inner workings of the mind and the fragmentation of traditional forms, and Postmodernism’s embrace of plurality, intertextuality, and the playful subversion of expectations.
Or maybe a transition from the last great modernist to the first post modernist if you retards can't write a simple passage.
joyce to beckett
Postmodernism isn't a belief, it's a style.
>take the blandest, most overused run-of-the-mill progressive mainstream opinionoids
>use opaque, pseudoeloquent language to LARP as academic
>wa la! postmodernism

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Why do japanese literacy test use haruhi susumiya in a japanese college when It has 7k unique words, meanwhile an average english novel has 15k words and an average japanese light novel has 4k words?

I don't remember where I got the data, but is more or less those numbers.
Trips get. To answer your question: because 7k is enough to understand most conversations. 4k is the low end, especially as most light novels aren't made to be word-heavy.

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #5

In the next threads we will be reading and discussing important art, culture, history, and political essays.
Regardless of the original problems they were aimed at, the concepts introduce and the analyses they make are extremely relevant to the issues we face today such as AI, the inefficacy and decline of nation-states, the growing rift between entertainment and 'real' art, and more.

>The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin
This is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of a work of art, and that in the age of mechanical reproduction and the absence of traditional and ritualistic value, the production of art would be inherently based upon the praxis of politics.

download here:
the file is encrypted, pass is

Thread elaboration (old version, new one is under construction):

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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such a good book, extremely underrated author. or maybe that is the point of being an aristocrat, normalfag commoners will never understand.
there are many real philosophers to read and not enough time to read them, fuck off with your meme book
I see you get it anon, glad to have you here
do you have an essay you'd like to recommend or a book for the history list?
Maybe Timaeus and Critias for some history of modern thinking and monotheism. As an exercise find Atlantis and show why your answer has to be the correct one. When you see it you don't have to ask if you're right, it's demonstrable.
I like this ongoing timeline overview of Rome.
The first BBC documentary and the most ambitious. Post-Rome European historical overview with footage of all the places, structures and artefacts being talked about.
Timelines can act like the memory palace trick, we can put things in shelves on the timeline. If we have elaborate imagery associated with an event it's easier to recall and associate when relevant, like in the memory palace trick. Seeing the temples, castles, cathedrals and artefacts helps.
wtf is Imperium Europae

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All religion is stories.
it isn't, it has no argument or base
it's only a half backed opinion that can be fully discarded
He's mormon and he writes more than GRR Martin eats.
It would be interesting to see a researcher delve into this in-depth. Japanese manga didn't really have "hard" power systems until HxH in '99. Prior to then "magic" was largely system-less. I wonder if there was a pre-cursor to this, as the author is a big fan of video games.
>Because his work is decent and readable
Slop of the extreme variant. Not even goyslop, just niggercattleslop.
Because his works are shit and are unjustifiably popular.

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I bought the complete volumes of The Story of Civilization by Will Durant today for twenty bucks from an old college professor today. Is it any good?
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spy stories too
What am I looking at
those images have lots of words
>I made them
and see relevant to op topic yes?
He's copy pasted this into every thread o. Durant. And yes, everything you said is true. Sounds like a bitter gatekeeper.

The book is fine. His strong suit is the discussion of philosophers and the arts, which is actually important.
Durant is a decent writer, awful historian. I could only get through the first volume before setting aside this series. Just take his account of a historical phenomenon and set it next to the actual history to see how bad it is. For me, I had recently read an in-depth account of the reunification of Japan before reaching his chapters on the same subject. His portion on this period of Japanese history read like a child's fable. If I remember correctly, he portrays the three unifiers as lifelong friends who allied with one another for the express purpose of uniting the country? He also calls Hideyoshi 'monkey-face'?

I hate the way he separates art - economics - military history. He'll cover a millennium of military history, then breeze back through describing the art in each century. He's horrible at providing any coherence or context.

Durant was barely qualified to write the history of anything, yet he basically attempted a history of everything.

>tfw there are like 85 bible verses talking about universal salvation and 2 suggesting eternal chastisement
What is the end goal? For us all to return to godhead? If so how can there be souls permanently alienated from him?

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Dostoevsky is fucking Westoid fanservice, Tolstoy is pseud garbage, Nabokov is boring. Why can't you into Lermontov, Bunin, Kuprin, Soviet Sci-Fi, Pelevin, at least try Chekhov?

Dostoevsky is the worst Russian author and every self-respecting Russkie author considered him garbage cause he was inauthentic shit for Westerners to jerk over. The same way you picked TATU as the popular Russian Pop. You cherry-picked Russia according to your vision and it has nothing to do with quality.
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You don’t think Dostoyevskys characters are authentic or compelling? Tolstoy seemed to think so but thats besides the point
>What the fuck happened?
One of my favourites. Short, fun, witty with a grim edge, doesn't drag for a moment.
Dosto's characters are blatantly melodramatic and overwrought. Even his defenders will admit this, it's so obvious. Tolstoy was personally a very conflicted person who went from admiring his own work, to despising it, to reading it and asking who wrote it since it was so good. I'm sure at different times in his life he would have felt many things about Dosto, that doesn't change the fact that Dosto's characters are very poorly constructed. Tolstoy's weakest work stands leagues above Dosto's greatest, there is simply no comparison between them. I shall state again for your benefit, Dosto is viewed more as a kind of prophet or mystic rather than an artist. He deals in woo woo more than artistic integrity. Americans simply lack the sense to understand this and get enthralled by nonsense and malarkey. His work degrades the human spirit and makes a mockery of what it is to be human. He had no idea how to deal tactfully with the darker elements of man. How does Dosto purport to redeem these aspects of humanity? Is it to integrate them? To accept that they are rightful parts of the human experience and to work with them to self actualize; to transcend and include? No. His worldview firmly states that they must be brought before a higher power, judged as sinful, and repressed forever. As I said before, this enterprise is utterly futile, since its objective is to destroy what is human, to snuff out the very spark that is humanity. Thus the cycle of indulgence (the inescapable humanity) and self flagellation (the divine judgement that such things are sinful and abhorrent). There is nothing profound, nothing transcendent here, just shallow fetishistic pleasure taking of the lowest tier followed by the harshest condemnation and repentance. Both sides of this coin forever restrict the other to its worst form, forever traps the victim of this ideology to a lifetime of misery and self hatred. It's vile in the extreme.
To me his characters come across as lunatics and caricatures, but maybe that's how people were in 19th century Russia

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Are there any?
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I thought steppenwolf was Evangelion-esque
Hey, I almost want to agree with you but there are two massive differences between Dosto and Eva. 1 is that Fyodor is too pre-Freudian with his character analysis to ever conform to the negative spiritual depiction Eva has of its characters. 2 is that Eva is too materialist-Kabbalastic to ever say anything true to religious thought; religion is a framework hiding an underlying element of truth ready to be clutched and perverted by the whims of men.
They go on completely different ways. With Fyodor you end with a gross perversion of The Way of a Pilgrim, with Evangelion you get the missing link between Schopenhauer and Hegel through a work that understands neither.
Kafka On The Shore is essentially the same story and themes but without mechs

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Previous: >>23364009
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I figure it's just westerners trying to jump on the isekai trend.
do you want to be at the funeral of someone you don't really like?
If there's free food, why not?
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>mfw anon overcomes his fears and his vices for however fleeting a time and does good work on his story.

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>espy my bookshelf
>95% of the books on it were written by dead authors
Mine are filled with snakes.
>I gaze at my bookshelf
>The wall of book spines show no trace of a woman's name
>I smile

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It completely mogs Tolkien and every other work in the genre, it’s just THAT good
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This is covered in detail in the extra 500 pages of mereen content in ADWD: extended edition
>good mix of well-thought-out characters including both YA staples and more mature archetypes; something for everyone
>keeps magic mysterious and peripheral instead of D&D rules-based slop
>chapters consistently ending on cliffhangers keeping you on the edge of your seat
>murder mysteries are fun
Daenerys is a prime example of George's point in that quote though. She says "we must save le heckin slaves no ifs ands or buts" and then the whole city goes to shit because she didn't consider the consequences.
It was crappy torture porn with unlikable characters and boring politics. The author was probably bullied at school

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