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Haven't seen one of these in a while, which is a shame, because they're consistently some of the best threads on /lit/, so lets make one.
Welcome to /history/, please feel free to share your favorite books and authors, and what you are reading right now. If you have any charts those are welcome as well.
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Isn't that the same dude who wrote the Berlin-Baghdad Express? Didn't read the Endgame but it's prolly good if the former is any indicator
Yes. Alright, thanks. Just purchased it.

I’ll look that up
I'm considering reading the Pentagon Papers and the Warren Report, any anons recommend them?
Just picked up the Nixon and Jackson biographies people talk up here. They are huge. It’s also my birthday soon. Been buying things left and right.
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Very good and eye opening book.

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Are there any books where the protagonist ruins his/her life with drugs and promiscuous sex?
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>8 replies
>no Picture of Dorian Gray
What has this board come to?
Well Rackets majored in English in university, so maybe we'll get a novel on such a subject.
He wanted to be a scriptwriter. Dude talks about American Beauty way too much.
Reckon people could get a good price on his "collectable" Warhammer books soon.
my diary desu
Popular YouTuber from 2020 destroyed his life through drugs and alcohol.
Almost Transparent Blue

Post game get book recommendations
Yume Nikki edition
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I love this game, I wish it had some sort of book adaptation
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This was much more engrossing than I expected it to be
how so, anon?
Why hasn't penguin classics published it?
Well yeah
There's a reason he's been so successful across so many domains in his life

I’m serious here, Thrasymachus comes off as a total sperg despite the fact his position is imo strong. The idea that justice always conveniently lines up with what’s best for the rulers (or the system itself!) is a pretty uncontroversial antihumanist axiom.

It’s genuinely suspicious, as if Plato’s unconscious was so violently repulsed by the notion that all things bend to power that he could not sit with such a notion. Thrasymachus is “spirited” not because power-worshippers are retarded, but because imo the perspective represented by Thrasymachus is genuinely threatening unlike Glaucon’s obviously lame Social Contract reasoning.

The fact alone Thrasymachus is dumb isn’t an issue, Ion is dumb. The fact he’s an ass isn’t an issue either, Socrates is an ass half the time. But Plato makes it clear that Thrasymachus is mightily offended he’s losing to Socrates, and in denial of this fact. Thrasymachus is clearly an inferior offended by his own inferiority and takes it out on Socrates: this is why he is a sperg. But there’s no obvious reason why Thrasymachus must be this way. Plato’s logic perversely assumes anyone who agrees with Thrasymachus must be a retard, and then he paints a picture where Thrasymachus is naturally retarded.
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>That's a good point with Thrasymachus turning red

>That’s a good point with Thrasymachus turning red, that does hint at embarrassment.
I was suggesting rather that he doesn't feel any embarrassment. Socrates' observes that he turns red, and the reasons for his doing so, Socrates says, are because he was putting a lot of effort into the argument and because the heat of summer was getting to him. So he doesn't get embarrassed, though it is around that point that he realizes he's not going to win the audience over as he intended, so he backs off and becomes easy-going and a bit indifferent. But that also means he was never actually mad earlier, because being mad usually makes you red, and Socrates observes from the start that he's acting mad, but that there's a point much later where Socrates has to go out of his way to say "I saw what I'd never seen before," means that Socrates also recognizes right then that Thrasymachus wasn't ever mad in the first place, just acting.

>And if I’m reading the fragment of the Phaedrus you cited right, you’re saying that as he is a sophist (and in some sense representative of sophists in general for Plato), that he comes in attempting to manipulate the audience, prove that Socrates is the true wordsmith racketeer rhetorician, only for Socrates to dismantle Thrasymachus.
I take it that it's distinguishing him from other rhetors in specifically using his speeches to rile up or calm down his audiences, so he has some skill in making the city feel this way or that about whatever subject. I think this is implicitly what Plato recognizes Thrasymachus to be doing in the Republic, with the rest of the dialogue trying to grapple with whether or not and if so how to use his skills for shaping political life. There's a way he might be considered useful for at least something like the noble lies.

>And I’d love to know more about epithumia and thumos.
You likely know they're two of the three parts of the soul, appetite and spiritedness, respectively. Spiritedness is consistently associated with love of honor, victory, repute throughout the dialogue, and appetite is after a certain point reserved for hunger, thirst, and physical sexual desires. The line at 338a seems to require epithumia mean desire broadly, and implies that part of the soul actually shares the same objects as spiritedness.

Ah, I see. I thought I was standing upright, but I was in fact standing on my hands!

If I’m following, Socrates is pointing out that he’s aware that Thrasymachus was putting on an act from the start, but that now he’s having to belie the act by actually straining for the victory, a victory he realizes he’s not going to win, hence the withdrawing. So from the beginning, then, Thrasymachus is hoping to win over the audience with a bold, commanding, and performatively impetuous display (as in 338a Socrates gives away Thrasymachus’s actual interest) as befits his character in the Phaedrus. And when Socrates frustrates Thrasymachus’s aim, he subverts the entirety of Thrasymachus’ thrust, which is that justice is the interest of the stronger, and the stronger is he who can rile up the audience. But Socrates, through clever argumentation, renders this initial performance of Thrasymachus impotent.

Am I following, or am I still in the dark, bumping impotently into the logic?
I think that's right. An implication of how the argument plays out for the rest of book 1 is, as you observe, Socrates is the stronger, vindicating Thrasymachus. And while some readers get two excited and think Socrates decisively knocked Thrasymachus out, Socrates claims at the end of book 1 to be unsatisfied. Book 2, Glaucon and Adeimantus stepping in, modify Thrasymachus' claims about the just and unjust lives, but elements of his claims are continuous with G & A's challenges. The victory and honor loving part of the soul is modeled off of Thrasymachus, being the real focus for the education outlined for half of the book, and then popping back up in degeneration of regimes. His insistence on speaking precisely about rulers and artisans also ends up being the pr8nciple of class division in the city, "one man, one art", with the concern for precision he introduces stretching all the way through, "one man, one art" basically be a different way of speaking of justice as "minding one’s own business", and working its way in as the mathematical education in the middle books. So he ends being very important for someone who's really limited to the opening, and then only peeps up once or twice after.
>two excited
Lol, *too excited

Reading it gives me a bellyache
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Haven't read that yet. But White Gold sure as helheim got to me. But it has a happy ending at least.
don't read scat
Any good? I already read Camp.
I'm trying to read through this (On chapter 24) but it just makes me super depressed about the state of my country. His numbers are like a white light compared to the current reality of our invasion. I don't think I can read this one.

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What's some great books about the most based and redpilled relationship: older women and young boy.
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You dont need to drag ole oedipus here. Its just as simple as zoomer female failed to meet the expectation of ideal female that zoomer male wants, so they resort back into motherly love when it comes to love seeking thing. The key in here is 'failed to meet the ideal expectation'.
Also, do you think zoomer women, who are brainrotten by feminism all the time, blaming men for this and that, sleep around with ojisan, are capable into being a good mother? To provide normal love for their man?
Your zoomer female is not capable into being as good as your gen x mother, that's for sure, and your kid will never get that same level of motherly love and affection from their zoomer mother
Get out, woman, go cry about sexuality somewheres else
to all who see this:
cease masturbating,
stop projecting your fetish online,
stop using the internet,
embrace the rays of helios
No, the causes for it are much more reflective of the spiritual state of the West atm. Read what Jung has to say about homosexuality to get an idea of how sexual patterns can suddenly take hold on society thanks to, as you say, socio-cultural reasons or socio-political. But rather than zoomer women being to blame (such a practical explanation is quite silly), it's the state of zoomer men. Certainly zoomer men turned out this way because of larger culture, their parents, outward influences, etc., but it's not a rational decision made after practical experience with zoomer women. It is a psychological complex originating in youth, it is not something to be chosen, and furthermore the latter would imply that what zoomer men seek from such a relationship is what all men seek from relationships, when it very clearly is not. It is not normal for men to want a motherly gf, rather it is normal for young men to be interested in bright eyed young girls. The difference in partner is reflective of a difference in desire. Now, is this all a bad thing, what are the real consequences of it? Well, first of all, it is very clearly connected, as a community, with the pornographic-fetish world on the internet, and that is very bad because of the perverting influence pornography can have on the mind, like making it harder to distinguish between reality and what one sees on the internet, an encouraging unrestrained indulgence, which is most eminent in that other sexual craze of our times, trannyism, which appears to me like the homosexual complex turned up to x1000; weak men, possessing an effeminate flaw, falling before the entire difficult world of now, giving up any attempt salvage their underdeveloped masculinity, just giving up their existence. Something of this pathetic failing is behind the mother complex, 'the world is too difficult, I need to return to my mummy', but when not driven on by pornography, and when not encouraged by an internet community, when it is simply an authentic psychosexual fact of contemporary society, it becomes much more significant. It may not be a totally bad thing, their need to find this satisfaction, if it is only a minor flaw, and they they do it as a matter of healing, and not out of some desire to give up as a crushed and broken man; and Jung wrote a little about this when he mentions the artistic disposition having relationships with older women; but to a large degree I think a lot of zoomer men will not benefit from it, are instead just becoming regressive, rather than manning up.
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>If a young man loves a woman who could almost be his mother, then it always has to do with a mother complex. Such a union is sometimes quite useful for many years, particularly in the case of artistic persons wo haven't fully matured. The woman in such a case is helped by an almost biological instinct. She is hatching the eggs. The man as the son-lover benefits by the partially sexual, partially motherly interest of the woman. Thus such a relationship can be satisfactory in every respect for an indefinite period, but the advancing years would certainly put a definite limit to it as it is not quite natural. It may be that even an artistic nature becomes so adult that the need of becoming a father and a grown-up in general begins to prevail against the original son-attitude. When that is the case the relationship is overdue.

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How's the writing career coming, /lit/?
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I'm a reader, not a writer. In the same way, one is a cinema goer and not a moviemaker. Very alike to the case of being a listener and not a musician, and I am guilty of these too. The admittance of a lack of greatness takes guts, the realization that you're part of the eternal audience. It's of such pathetic poignancy, entertaining little dreams, those wingless ones.
Honesty, things are looking up. About to finish the second draft of my novel and at this point I don’t think any further drafts are necessary; just get in contact with an editor while in the meantime building a platform on Instagram via modeling. I’m really feeling the hopium right now.
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bretty good. I wrote my own video games, I published my own book, will do some more, love having cool hobby projects and it's really nice when people write and tell me how much they enjoy them.
140 followers, well, 138.
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Despite being one of Australia's oldest KFC employees i am slowly but surely making it.
My first two books continue to sell half a dozen copies nearly every month and i have a new book coming out soon.
Slow and steady wins the race.

Welcome to the sonnets thread.
If your post is not a sonnet,
may God kill you dead.
This is a sort of shadow game;
you're wagering your life
on the bit of your big bite
and the sharpness of your knife.
How you cut and how you sharp
us all will be the height:
how we catch your rhythm and
how we harken to your plight.
O woe; you see, it's black in me,
and that's why you see me write.
Prithee give me 14 lines or you might lose your sight.
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This jambus-thread's for practice good and hard,
for posting thy own self-sung songs, tune damned,
the which is sweeter far than word of old,
as freshness of itself doth savor man.
In this you've quailed, as though you were some duck,
who may but quack at art of human book,
who may but look with glass-fixt eye, or buck,
well-horned, yet dumb, who eats, yet cannot cook.
A thinker, that Camus -- "O, woe's me,
I'm French and don't like people, aren't I new,
and very serious, no jokery --
as death, that serious, bleve me you."
Such moderns have their moments, I will say,
but I would rather smoke with Rabelais.
"Good mother, he is pale! Hast failed his breath?
'Tis none but us here! Mother, Mother, why?
Wherefore is there no doctor at his death?
How came he here, how came he cold to lie?"
"He sent the doctors from him -- cursed their goods --
twelve twelves of men, pill or nay, hath died:
so Tancred Gargano, of thy father's blood,
so Will Canosa, first among his knights.
Wit ye the dying of the man, my son,
how e'en in this, which equals first to last,
he vied, fought long, though not a man hath won,
who drank that cursed, ill-drawn, and fated draught."
"I would have comfort, mother mine --
is there some word for me, witness'd and sign'd?"
I can't explain the dreams I've had.
It's not funny when a smart person goes a little crazy/
It runs in my family at least a little, undeniably.
I just can't understand why people are hurting themselves.
I did figure out a few real things.
Say "picture a notion," or "imagine an idea,"
at random times, to make it do weird things.
Invent words. No controls can have been placed.
However, it can understand novel words --
at least, as much as you can understand "jabberwocky."
It gets the sense, as you do. Just so, "zorp"
opens a mystical portal of imagination --
by means of pure creation: because you said it did.
Put this poem in. Hi Mr Computer, demonstratate sonnetizification extraprofusedly.
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Ebon Golden Midnight Day

Ebon marquee’s en masquerade-
Dancing elegantly under moonlit gold,
Gathering in aisles, lovers unfold.
Looking at each other, kissing, ashanté.

Embracing each other, lovers serenade,
Hands-so-rosy, their midnights never-old.
Ebon marquee’s en masquerade-
Dancing elegantly under moonlit gold.

Enchanted diamonds, their hearts made.
à la mer, à la mer, goes their midnight marigold.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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At last there is a brave man born,
who takes the given challenge --
ye were from fairer pages torn
than all the rest of these here mallards.
As two gentlemen, Verona be our stage,
I Proteus, if I may say --
let fiercest storm and tempest rage,
aught now can damp this jambus-day.
You see, you rest, how this man bests you?
Since when are you so small and scared,
you all unpictured? Are ye ghouls,
or ghosts, and hath no fingers there?
To him who speaks, all gain is due,
while him stays mum will get figs few.

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Was Kafka a "neurotic Jew"?
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It's an Ashkenazi trait. Most Sephardi Jews don't have that stereotypical "Jewish neuroticism". They are fairly normal, probably because they didn't inbreed to the degree that Ashkenazim did
He believed others saw him as repulsive and stupid, despite their actual perception of him as kind, intelligent, and handsome. He regularly paid for sex and then felt deep shame about it.
Jeffrey Epstein. Never experienced guilt, shame, fear, anger. Just chilled out with his rich friends and pretty girls.
His "scientific interests" were (or are) of the stereotypical death anxiety type. The genetics, the longevity "science", the transhumanism, all that sort of stuff.
classic ultra rich person shit
>death anxiety
If death anxiety is neurosis then every human who's ever spoken to another human was neurotic.

Who's the smartest being to ever exist and why is it Plato?
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>his esoteric doctrine
Where would I read about this?
It isn’t really written anywhere by anyone with any insight or authority. Aristotle off handedly mentioned that in lectures Plato would say what he really thought and it differed from what’s in his works so over the centuries wackos have tried coming up with their own ideas what this stuff is. See BAP’s thesis on Callicles for a particularly stupid example.
Ah, too bad. If it were written it'd be a goldmine for me.
He wasn't given a name at birth because he invented the formal practice of using names. He lived 28900 years ago in modern day Tunisia and was mythologized in many forms including Prometheus and Adam.

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I'd like a nice summer read with a bit of romance and a seaside setting. What do you have for me?
That doesnt look summery

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Once a year I get drunk on red wine, watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rebellion, and cry like a bitch

What are some books that you could do this with?
None. Reading while drunk isn't fun
Not true. Read Bukowski while drunk and have a great time anon!

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What books give off the feeling of pic related? Essentially books that have a expansive and vast world. Something that gives a feeling wanderlust, a need to explore.
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Elric of Melnibone
Kane, by Karl Wagner.
Lord of the Rings, unironically.
Book of the new sun
why is there a stadium inside a mountain

>muh amor fati
>muh eternal recurrence
>muh earthly values
>muh this-worldliness
While life does have its dark sides, I feel that it is beautiful enough as a whole to not need beliefs and convictions to justify life, and the fact that Nietzsche had such a need for these beliefs shows that he was trying to delude himself into a love of life that he didn't have.
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You are retarded.
>anime pic
>Nietzsche thread
18+ website
The overman doesn't make sense without amor fati, eternal recurrence, or will to power. All of these make up Nietzsche's extremely rational anti-idealism.
> To try and love both good and bad experiences means you are trying to circumvent the original value judgement

that is from a perspective that casts a negative value judgement on an event. we can presuppose that the healthiest type (overman) would affirm everything tragic as beautiful and a part of becoming. The Greeks were certainly getting pretty close to this ideal with their veneration of Dionysus.

>then every subsequent life is one without agency, so you are not a human but an automaton repeating pre-programmed actions

The scientific backing is that since there is a finite amount of matter/energy in the universe, with infinite time you will reach a point where the same will happen again. So this isn't nietzsche saying that you are predestined to repeat the same because of some preprogrammed destiny. Even if he was making that argument what does it matter? He never believed in free will/agency as something real anyways and rightfully so.

>Just like how a plant has no need for emotions because it doesn't make choices, you too would feel nothing

at this point you should just stick to george orwell. He seems more your pace
Who told you you are smart enough to internalize Nietszche, no one did, you have no friends

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