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Language and Naming Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"

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Walter>Walder, Richard>Rickard, Samuel>Samwell, etc. it's like a midwest kindergarten.
low life expectancy or low birth rate or both. maybe the immigration is happening to offset the aging population.
Why woul they have special names?
Like, do the parents know they are gonna be necromancers?
But is that realistic though?
Hell, is not even interesting. Maybe worldbuilding is not for you.
Disease. Ancient cities were population sinks that had to continually suck up surplus population from the hinterland in order to make up for losses due to disease.

No matter how many religious texts I read God never stops looking like this to me. How should I (a republican voting male) cope with this?

Not that God is just this, but this is the part that most people are interacting with on a day-to-day basis.
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pretty sure goddesses are mother tier
Not all of them. In Greek myth for example most of them are either nymphos or indomitable virgins, neither which is necessarily motherly.
those are lower in hierarchy dude
>i imagine woman as death
Gee. Mysogny much? Read Jung. You have demonized yr anima and been possessed.
Despite what wikipedia might say, kali is not a death goddess. If anything she is the opposite, being a form of shakti.
Mahakala, her masculine partner, is sometimes seen as a death god but this is an epithet of Shiva.
Jung associated her with the inevitablity of fate as well, so I will assume like most jungians you haven't read your guru.

Anyway don't you see the big scary flesh eating demon? You HAVE to run away in fear.

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what's the point in writing anymore when ai will destroy the human spirit within the next decade?
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Butlerian Jihad when?
Sinners have always been allowed into church, and AI users will be allowed a place in society too. Likely a diminished one, probably in a labor or logistics role.
AI is an economical offramp for career programmers who have 'finished' their work but still have insightful skills in asset management, data entry, project management, etc.
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Betting against humanity is the only play. Thank you Nvidia for our daily bread.
>You are nothing, NOTHING, but the complete totality of all the experiences that happened TO you.

Anyone who's seen newborn animals with the exact same experiences and very different personalities would justifiably disagree with you.

Any tangible advice on how to increase your concentration beyond "just get enough sleep and drink water bro"? When I was a kid I could read for 3 hours straight, and it would be very pleasant as well. I would experience this sort of magnetic pull and get into a flow-like state. Now I can read for max 30 minutes, and it's a very unpleasant experience. I'm very fidgety and feel a constant urge to get up and do something else.
I tried doing the basic stuff like gradually increasing how much I read, etc. but it's not cutting it.
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Get some easy to read shlock you enjoy like fantasy or whatever and then practice
Ultimately like any skill you have to push through till it gets easier
>I'm very fidgety and feel a constant urge to get up and do something else.
You are older, and have more nagging responsibilities, so unless you're ever practiced sitting for long periods, your body might just fight it. I wouldn't worry about shifting positions, so long as you shift to a comfortable position to keep reading. Take care of the psychological, and the body will adapt.
There's no such thing, there's simply degrees of metabolic response. Learn to control the level of metabolic response to the stimuli you want to re-encounter.
There are some activities that worsen your attention span. Scrolling through a feed conditions you to read by "skimming". I have found that it helps a lot if i just force myself to not do skimming, but rather just calmly move my eyes deliberately from one word to the next without doing the quick overview type glances.

It might be helpful to reduce social media and other "quick hit" things like it for a while. And try to be more deliberate and calm when you do use it.

Also doing a bit of exercise regularly really helps. Walking/running/cycling seems to be especially good to get the mind functioning properly.

Be patient and stop any "speed reading" goals and techniques for a while.

Good luck bro. If you can focus for 30 minutes, you are still in a better condition than almost everybody in our modern society. Most people drift off after a couple of minutes. The good thing is that it is reversible.
All it takes is practice unless ADHD is a real thing and your brain is actually dysfunctional. Set a timer and sit down and observe something. The best thing for this initially is a busy place like a highway or a town square or a shopping mall and as you practice you will be able to increase the time and how inanimate what you're observing is. My coworkers view my ability to sit on a milk crate and stare at a bush for a straight hour as some sort of superhuman power but the downside is they all think I'm severely mentally ill and maybe retarded too :(
This is distinct from meditating. Meditating is about exiting the corporeal vs what I was talking about which is about existing completely within the physical world.

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What are some books that discuss topics like and related to Blue Eisenhower November?
yes please. I have always been looking for these
The obvious answer is Nick Bostrom. Bernardo Kastrup is also close.
Ask Bob Dobbs
based? I heard him mention Blue Eisenhower November on Achieve Radio

The only actually talented free verse poet.
>free verse
Thats an oxymoron. If there are no verses its prose not poetry, simple as.
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>**whips out cock, not in a gay way but just as an affirmation of the natural beauty of the human body, then intones some lines of free-verse on his genitalia in a spontaneously beautiful way patterned on the cadences of the King James Bible and Shakespearean English**
but does he name the jew?

How do you judge a book based on the year of publishing? What kind of books are the older the better? Are the newer books always the most helpful?
Everything made after around 2012 is bad. This is true for literature, music, videogames, etc.
No. Try 2001.
Yeah, that's the year of the Great Pozzening.
The rich authors make horrible slop full of ESG propaganda.
The indie authors make soulless outrage-marketing crap to gain attention.

Everything's shite now
Morrowind is the last videogame that had SOUL and it came out in 2002. But no good book has been written since 1981
Because people read always only the newest instead of the best of all times, authors remain in the narrow sphere of circulating ideas and the age
becomes more and more silted up in its own mire.
In regard to our reading, the art of not reading is, therefore, extremely important.

It consists in our not taking up that which just happens to occupy the larger public at any time, such as political or literary pamphlets, novels, poems, and the like, which make such a stir and even run to several editions in the first and last years of their life. On the contrary, we should bear in mind that whoever writes for fools always finds a large public; and we should devote the all too little time we have for reading exclusively to the works of the great minds of all nations and all ages, who tower above the rest of mankind and whom the voice of fame indicates as such.

Only these really educate and instruct.

We can never read the bad too little and the good too often. Inferior books are intellectual poison; they ruin the mind.

In order to read what is good one must make it a condition never to read what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.

from On Books and Reading, Arthur Schopenhauer

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/clg/ talks mostly about Greek and Latin. I am your local Classical Chinese anon. If this gets any traction, I'll put together some guides for learning these sorts of languages. Any Eastern languages are welcome!

Preliminary Classical Chinese recommendations: Pulleyblank's Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar and Van Norden's Classical Chinese for Everyone.
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12 years prison in dprk
whats a good book to read for mandarin
i'm reading hanyu series what after that
every book i download assumes i know chinese and is written in chinese probably for locals
Bing Chong Ling faces death by 1000 cuts
By Bonbbong Shaoching
How do I learn Japanese by beating off?
small pp
Pp cut off by feminists
castrated for buttsex w emperor
circumcised with kitchen knife
castrated for buttsex
Pp fell off from 10,000,000 years of chastity

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I want to buy some poetry collections.
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Holderlin Rilke
Blake, Callimachus, Coleridge, Milton, Rilke, Sophocles, Wordsworth, Vergil,
Baudelaire and Lautreamont
ts eliot
please consider ending your own life.
Wallace Stevens

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>The characteristic of the great compositions of Beethoven is that they are actual poems: that in them it is sought to bring a real subject to representation. The stumbling-block in the way of their comprehension lies in the difficult task of finding with certainty the subject represented. Beethoven was completely possessed by a subject: his most pregnant tone-pictures are indebted almost solely to the individuality of the subject with which he was filled; in consciousness of this, it appeared to him superfluous to denote his subject otherwise than in the tone-picture itself. Just as our word-poets really address themselves only to other word-poets, so did Beethoven in this unconsciously address himself only to the tone-poets.
- Wagner

>The only lasting & authentic passages of the Ring are the epic ones in which text or music narrate. And therefore the most impressive words of the Ring are the stage directions.
- Wittgenstein

Following Wittgenstein's recognition of Wagner's immense talent for poetic, epical description, the explanatory programmes for Beethoven's symphonies immediately become a point of interest. As Wagner's understanding of Beethoven's symphonies was groundbreaking for its era and set the standard for generations of conductors and musicologists. And even more so would Beethoven's Third Symphony benefit from this, a work which Wagner explicitly describes as beyond the comprehension of the 'uninitiated', and therefore requiring a guide such as his programmes hope to offer. Music here becomes literature. In full is his programme for Beethoven's third symphony:
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This shattering Force, that filled us half with ecstasy and half with horror, was rushing toward a tragic crisis, whose serious import is set before our Feeling in the Second, Movement. The tone-poet clothes its proclamation in the musical apparel of a Funeral-march. Emotion tamed by deep grief, moving in solemn sorrow, tells us its tale in stirring tones: an earnest, manly sadness goes from lamentation to thrills of softness, to memories, to tears of love, to searchings of the heart, to cries of transport Out of grief there springs new Force, that fills us with a warmth sublime; instinctively we seek again this force's fountain-head in Grief; we give ourselves to it, till sighing we swoon away; but here we rouse ourselves once more to fullest Force: we will not succumb, but endure. We battle no more against mourning, but bear it now ourselves on the mighty billows of a man's courageous heart. To whom were it possible to paint in words the endless play of quite unspeakable emotions, passing from Grief to highest Exaltation, and thence again to softest Melancholy, till they mount at last to endless Recollection? The Tone-poet alone could do it, in this wondrous piece.

Force robbed of its destructive arrogance by the chastening of its own deep sorrow the Third Movement shows in all its buoyant gaiety. Its wild unruliness has shaped itself to fresh, to blithe activity; we have before us now the lovable glad man, who paces hale and hearty through the fields of Nature, looks laughingly across the meadows, and winds his merry hunting-horn from wood-land heights : and what he feels amid it all, the master tells us in the vigorous, healthy tints of his tone-painting; he gives it lastly to the horns themselves to say those horns which musically express the radiant, frolicsome, yet tender-hearted exultation of the man. In this Third Movement the tone-poet shews us the man-of-feeling from the side directly opposite to that from which he shewed him in its immediate predecessor : there the deeply, stoutly suffering, here the gladly, blithely doing man.

These two sides the master now combines in the Fourth—the last—Movement, to shew us finally the man entire, harmoniously at one with self, in those emotions where the memory of Sorrow becomes itself the shaping-force of noble Deeds. This closing section is the harvest, the lucid counterpart and commentary, of the First. Just as there we saw all human feelings in infinitely varied utterance, now permeating one another, now each in haste repelling each: so here this manifold variety unites to one harmonious close, embracing all these feelings in itself and taking on a grateful plasticness of shape. This shape the master binds at first within one utmost simple theme, which sets itself before us in sure distinctness, and yet is capable of infinite development, from gentlest delicacy to grandest strength. Around this theme, which we may regard as the firm-set Manly individuality, there wind and cling all tenderer and softer feelings, from the very onset of the movement, evolving to a proclamation of the purely Womanly element; and to the manlike principal theme—striding sturdily through all the tone-piece—this Womanly at last reveals itself in ever more intense, more many-sided sympathy, as the overwhelming power of Love. At the close of the movement this power breaks itself a highway straight into the heart. The restless motion pauses, and in noble, feeling calm this Love speaks out; beginning tenderly and softly, then waxing to the rapture of elation, it takes at last the inmost fortress of the man's whole heart. Here it is, that once again this heart recalls the memory of its life-pang: high swells the breast filled full by Love,—that breast which harbours woe within its weal; for woe and weal, as purely-human Feeling, are one thing and the same. Once more the heart-strings quiver, and tears of pure Humanity well forth; yet from out the very quick of sadness there bursts the jubilant cry of Force,—that Force which lately wed itself to Love, and nerved wherewith the whole, the total Man now shouts to us the avowal of his Godhood.

But only in the master's tone-speech was the unspeakable to be proclaimed—the thing that words could here but darkly hint at.

Just wanted to thank you anon for posting this. Just because your thread went without any replies doesn't mean it went unnoticed. Have a good day.
Never stop posting, Wagnerfag.
does anyone have a wagner reading order? i think i've seen a chart posted before, but i can't find it.

the ending was fucking horrible, it undermined everything the book tried to do

first off, Estella is told to be extremely beautiful and educated and intelligent and men are dying to be with her
why did she marry drummle for money? charles wrote it that way so in the end, after the abuse, she becomes softer and less of a bitch so that pip and her can have a cinderella ending!

this was so bad, pip shouldn't have reached estella, that was the entire point of this story

also becky and joe's marriage was retarded as fuck, she never once show any sign of being interested to him but let's just do it so we can have the "i lost my chance" moment with pip, she should have married someone from where she teaches

overall i was so disappointed in the story
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I read some it when I was way younger and dropped it when they met the old woman in the decay mansion. I loved reading as a kid too I don't know why I dropped it exactly.
Estella didn't want to marry Drummle. The whole point of her existence was that she was raised to break the hearts of men. Pip was supposed to be her whetstone but she instead started to fall in love him. Drummle, representing the species of men which Havisham despised (herself being the victim of one of them) was supposed to be Estella's mark. Instead, Estella got brutalized.

I think Dickens original downer ending was dismissed with good reason. It's "realistic" but ultimately disappointing, not just from an emotional standpoint but structurally as well. Remember that Estella is Magwitch's daughter which means, in a certain sense, Pip was always fated to be with her. It's simply not as satisfying otherwise.
Just watch the Malcolm McDowell adaptation.
people hated it back when it was published. i kinda liked Joe & Becky cuz it continues the theme of "things dont always go the way you want", even though yes it comes out of fucking nowhere. Maybe she thought Pip was getting too good for her or something
>Estella got brutalized
God, imagine her tight, virginal flesh being defiled and stretched out by Drummle's famous horse-cock. Picture him grabbing her lovely golden locks and shoving his cheesy erect member into her soft lips, using her mouth as a meat hole, ignoring her tears and moans of protest, then bending her over and piercing her with his lance, huffing and puffing upon her, keeping her dainty figure trapped under his bear weight, dripping sweat on her, irritating her pale, perfect skin with his coarse hair, until he slams inside her more violently in a fit of lust and finally fills her up with his seed and an animalistic grunt. Then he rolls over, grabs her face again and forces her to clean up his cock and massive balls with her tongue, not allowing her to stop until even his taint has been fully explored.

All this, every day, for years.

Pip really got himself a treasure.

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what do you do when you encounter a word you don’t know when you’re reading?
do you look it up? or you just ignore it?
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eFL here I know more words and how they are used in a sentence than I know definitions of words so yes, sometimes.
I'll try and use context clues first, but if I don't know then I'll just look it up
i look it up and then i decide if i put it into my anki deck to memorize it. if it is too obscure i do not bother.
I use context clues to at least get an idea of what the word means and/or I finish up the paragraph before looking it up.

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Who would you put?
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>Lady Macbeth and King Lear but no Falstaff or Hamlet
Whoever made this was retarded.
didn't force his ex to watch him bang his hot greek daughter-slave-wife
I love BM but I didn't really find Glanton interesting
Mizoguchi and Kashiwagi from Temple of the Golden Pavillion
Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov and Nozdryov from Dead Souls
Clause and Lucas(Notebook trilogy)
Erika Kohut(The Piano Teacher)
Prince Andrei
Ulrich(The Man without Qualities)
Miss Havisham
Juan Preciado
Nikolai Apollonovich Ableukhov and Apollon Apollonovich Ableukhov(Petersburg)
Howard Roark(The Fountainhead)
Hal Incandenza, Don Gately
Miss Vera Cartwheel

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Favorite Incel writer?

I did this thread before and it kinda got derailed. What do you think is the implication of twitter politics overtaking art in all mediums and corroding the very spiritual nature of it? Imo all of these types of poems and books will be completely forgotten. Sucks to live through such a drought of meaningful art though
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Do you think that maybe every writer/reader in history thought this but culture just kept on chugging along?
i would guess it will become split apart into subcultures that do not know about one another. so no central discussions about "the best books". just about books in the specific genre.

also less books more web novels, alt lit, patreon instead of book sales.
Picrel is actually good compared to OP.
I wouldn't mind reading that book on a cozy winter night while playing with my dog. The OP poem has nothing going for it

lol. thats a good one. funny joke

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