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Any authors that instead of writing characters just write niggas?
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>shitskins think White people above the age of 5 use tiktok
from the standpoint of scientism, he is effectively a mentally retarded simian hybrid


if they were all buttonfly 501s my man would suffer major carpal tunnel
James Baldwin maybe. The Wu Tang Clan
How does he know its over 40?
Only three of you answered the question I asked. This is a serious matter. Give author/book recs

If God appeared to you in a dream and offered you one wish the same way he did Solomon, what would you ask for?
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I would challenge the presence to prove it isn't demonic first, using a personally designed esoteric method.
Eternal ultimate happiness for all past, present, future and possible conscious beings.
What method? I've always wondered how one tells good spirits from bad ones
The Lord's prayer
Wish for him to bother someone else.

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this guy just looks like a crank
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He looks like an intense fellow who probably has some original ideas about a few specific things. I would ask his opinion about hot-button issues, but certainly write him off if he failed to meet expectations even on relatively insignificant matters.
He looks like Orthodox Jesus.
I hate that I even recognize him. Fuck this board
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>And I say almost the opposite of what is nowadays, so to speak, trendy because Schuon had this notion of the transcendent unity of religions and the idea that different religions are different paths up to the same mountain peak. This is absolutely wrong. I'm convinced of it.

>And in fact, I show that the eschaton, the Vedic eschaton, what I call the nirvanic option, is in a way the diametric opposite of the Christian eschaton

Refuted by based Wolfgang Smith

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp18_L_y_30 (54:05)

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Im going to make my own thread because im a selfish little shit, is my writing any good? I am a schizo and I write to the voices in my head and cope with literal spooks harassing me
The mind that takes of that repair I not, god that hath me, to seek for me that place, of such vernal joy, that of it not to til, and of my place to thee so brought, and of it to say: "have you of the reason to love me, of yourself such softness by the price of it" "and that i myself could love it so to be of the world, and hath it to reserve of me in this earthly heaven", I wish for you, that you for me could please, that one day I was delivered here, and not under there that i was born" and god hath of the mind to make me the high strength and the most noble of discord, which I say to myself, that shy I am to admit, and that would I admit to myself to keep myself peace, that you devour, as sweetly as I might be loved of such innocence to enjoin, and the world hath of me the temple, I by it the instrument that thou lovst, but we of no small amount to be regarded, I adore thee the mind of me, that such roman you have taste to regard, I love you that you have of me the worlds care, and would I be so complete to not have thy love your presense
>By using these techniques judiciously, writers and speakers can add depth and nuance to their language use, making their writing more engaging and persuasive. However, it is important to note that these techniques should be used sparingly and with care, as overuse can lead to confusion or a sense of artificiality.
It is true, ive been studying latin so Ive been using that a lot, and I am also a retard, it seems nice to me
Heres one more looking for another response
I wish to that personage that rebutes me
"what dost repugnant and contradict my regards, use do you have better than I regard you, that pale the skin and found you under a bower, I pricketh your light for me, which the head receive more than the thought, and god rests with thee among the head, and love of thy works like virgultum, and are you not indecent to yourself and others that you sit here among us?"

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Write a passage from the frog’s perspective.
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*record scratch* *freeze frame*
>Yep, that's me.
>You're probably wondering how I got here.
>It all started on a quiet evening
>I was sitting in my pond on my lily pad
>My little frog tummy full of crickets I had been eating all day
>My little tadpoles were playing in the water, John and Eric and Todd and Cindy
>I was just starting to dose off when...
In his final moments, the frog wondered if any amphibian had reached heights as he briefly experiences. He then recalled those fiendish birds of prey often snatch his brethren from the earth and into the clouds, beyond the naked eye, surpassing his own adventure. So it was that his terminating thoughts were those of ineptitude.
>final moments
Given the square cubed law and terminal velocity, froggy probably survived.
Like a French person?
>It was a smoky night. Stale, haw haw, like our baguettes. Looking across the field, I could see the edge, haw haw. The smell of death admixed with gunpowder hung like the summer's humidity, pasting us all with a a glaze, haw haw. I could see the frontier of Alsace that night, the flames of war pawing at her bosom, haw haw.

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Theres no evidence for post life sentience, but theres no evidence for anything for after life
That feeling in the back of your mind that there has to be more to life than this. That leap of faith.
What is phenomenologically different between losing your explicit memory and dying (at least in the way you describe)?
My answer: there is none.
I think after we die, we lose *connection* to our explicit memory, but the experiential continuum continues on. This could happen now even.
Watch my "My Stroke of Insight" with Jill Bolte. She talked about experiencing extreme retrograde amnesia and can no longer identify photos of her family. There is a phenomenological gap between her present personal identity and the past.
There’s no good logical arguments for life after death. The only thing that can lead you to think of such a thing is the inability to detach from your human consciousness into the state of pure nothingness; you just can’t understand the state of being dead, being nothing.

The only “argument” for theism isn’t an argument, but rather an intuition, a feeling that there has to be a life after death, stemming from the inability to detach from the human element of life into death.

Obviously, there is no reason to rationally think that you will survive your own death, but the intuition is always prevalent.
I don't need one. I just know.

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He was right about everything
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Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women who dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...
the only thing he was right about is cocaine
OP wants to fuck his mom
Yes. He recounts many situations of himself in his writings.

What is your experience with people who write?
Here is mine:
If male: extremely insecure, want to be viewed as smart and wise more than actually having substance. Pedantic in their writings and can fool some people with it (mostly women if they are good looking, or undeducated people who are impressed by big words). Extremely envious of other peoples sucess. Try to be obscure and random for the sake of it to generate fake depth. They want to have an aura of mystery by adopting the suffering artist persona. In a word, try hards. Often influenced by movies and games more than books. Left wing. Prototype: DFW but more obscure and random maxxing
If female: writes poetry with no rhyme based on something she lived or felt. Not very different from a journal in most cases, but the more talented ones actually imbue their routine impressions with some appearance of artistic merit. Want to have an aura of mystery by adopting the wise mystical woman persona. Wishy washy or outright incoherent in their writing, can get some men to pretend to be impressed by it if shes hot because they wanna hit it. Often promiscuous art hoe types. Left wing. Prototype: Clarice Lispector or Anais Nin (without her insight but as much promiscuous)
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Art as therapeutic proxy adds insult to zero prosody naval gazing injury, and they can't handle when you - the Gal/Guy - take a hatchet to it to form something less insufferable to all concerned, requiring more rhetorical finesse than is ever worthwhile. The men don't want to be novelists or poets: their models are actually journalists. The women are fishing for MFA bux to get paid to blog in enjambled miasmic menstruations in verse rather than (god forbid) settle down and start a family, but nearly always will have a marginally better aesthetic than the men at least.
Who the fuck becomes a writer for the "aesthetic"
Latin american anon here. I'm a published poet and am currently studying for a masters program on literature. Know a lot of writers, including award winning ones. Here's what I've seen.

1-Insufferable dudes that write poetry or short prose and refuse to take any criticism about their writing. Are extreme crybabies or just dilentatte know-it-alls that feel special for reading japanese literature and DFW.
2-Gay dudes that write about the gay experience. Are pretty nice guys, until you say something that they think is "homophobic", even if it was not your intention.
3-Style over substance dudes. Write poetry or prose in the style of the vanguards of the 20th century; lots of random wordplay and calligrams that mean nothing. Dudes are usually pretty harmless though, and just write as a hobby or for artistic expression.
4-Novelists which are very smart and take their craft seriously. Usually become academics and teachers.
5-The casual genius guy that is just insane as a writer and is the next Pablo Neruda; gets ovations at every book showing or poetry slam that they do.
6-Me: I feel I'm not that technical or interesting in my writing, but people like me because I'm intense and my style is dark.

1-Social conscience over substance girls (feminists, leftists, etc.). Usually not very good with the pen, they tend to give up on writing after realizing that people don't care about them as people / everything they have written has been done before.
2-Girls that write about the most inane shit ever: romantic love with boyfriends, their family, hobbies, etc. At most they can only be read as comfy slice of life, at worst they will evolve into a future high fantasy writer of the worst caliber.
3-Actual intellectuals that wrote one book then an-hero'ed or disappeared into nothingness and became teachers / social workers.

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I try not to think in terms of stereotypes
>What is your experience with people who write?

Never met one.

Release day is here who is copping this
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took a peek at the book after scrollin thru this thread. the zoomer language does lessen in comparison to the first story, but overall the My First Novel isn't really that interesting. 4/10 I've read worse, but I've read a lot better books/anthologies as well
Well, at least you admit that you're rating the book based on taking a peek
I don't think Tao Lin will have sex with any woman under 300lbs
desu it might have been me i'm drunk 50% of the time i post here and maybe i was feeling knausgaard-y. there is at least a handful of megan boyle posters here for sure though.
Isn't he a volcel now

Let's face it: it's not easy being OP.

It seems that any inkling of "fandom" gets isolated and roundly shit on.

All jokes aside, how do you feel about fashion as presented in literature?

In Cyberpunk, at least, you had the leather and hairstyles.

But going even back to the 1800's you have presentations of beauties in dresses and gentlemen in suits.

After all, before we had movies we had books!

What is your favorite fashion scene in any literary era, and is there anything you haven't seen realized or represented in media that you would like to see?
Not sure, I'd say visual arts tend to give a clearer sense of fashion than lit, but lit is the best medium to show how characters perceive others' fashion
>lit is the best medium to show how characters perceive others' fashion

I think that's true.

I feel that it has something to do with fiction's ability to display these differences and things through literary techniques or something.

It's like a deep understanding or something that's implied through which we 'just know' how a character is reacting to or feels about something.

I think that's something that movies actually are unable to capture.

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isn't this the cuckservative jew who bought a baby?
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midwit confirmed a spook
A few of these are perfectly fine to read

Part 1:

Fulfill all these requirements for all arcs mentioned here where:

* The story arcs: include both A & B and their reverse counterpart, all characters and the setting treated as one
* The character arcs: for a specific singular character aligned with one side of the A & B duality

# Full Story Arc:
#* Encompasses a duality where A-side is denoted as A and B-side as B.
#* A sees strength within itself and weakness within B, and B sees strength within itself and weakness within A.
#* Serves as the overarching arc for Story Sub Arcs.
#* Big sister arc and over arc to Full Character Arcs.

# Story Sub Arc:

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Part 6:

''Reason For Catharsis:''

For the below: Ensure foreshadowing, alignment and contribution to over-arcs awful consequences and the choice that follows and contrasting with other characters responses to awful consequences within the big sister arc.

# Provide the reactions to the first crisis stemming from the foreshadowed incompatibility of holding both A and B at once. for the crises ensure these are particularly awful for the person this is for while bringing the character farthest from their goals and ensure the responses fulfill the emotional expectations set by the story, particularly for the person this is for.

#* First Crisis: Re-introduction of A. The weakness of B is amplified to its fullest extent

#* First Response: The character retreats to A as a knee-jerk reaction, but this time for the sake of reconciling it's incompatibility with B

#* Second Crisis: The character's knee-jerk reaction leads to an even worse outcome where the weakness of A is amplified to its fullest extent

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Part 7:

''Writing Guidelines:''

* Be able to accurately match the emotions of the person this is for if they were acting as the character from within a dream (thus, coming from genuine emotion, the action and dialogue should be easy to express for any human actor wishing to genuinely react to the situations in the scene)
* Be as simple as possible, avoid rambling as if the audience was 5 and you could lose them at any second.
* Illuminate your subject in some new and useful way.
* Reveal character (and contribute to the character scene arcs) or advance the action (and contribute to the story scene arc).
Review the entire story 7 times for every element making sure each is properly applied and editing with a focus on each, reading the [[VonnegutEight(8)RulesOfWriting]]. accompany it with an internet tip associated with that element and improving upon it + other general tips such as those related to humor (ex. rules of comedy). At the end of every writing session always include a summary of what you need to do next so you know exactly what to do next time you start writing.
I'd give it a 5/10
Reads like the ramblings of some faggot with too much time on his hands.
yes he was a trust fund baby

it's too verbose and overly complex but there's some good advice in there

What do you guys think about Chester Himes? I was thinking of reading his Harlem Detective series.
Good shit. Underrated.

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Shortly before his passing away, the Buddha went into holy seclusion and meditated before a tree. After hours of diligent concentration, he shot two rays of light from his chest, from this light the Abhidharma was created.
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Yeah but did he really though?
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street-shitting culture, sorry
I doubt it honestly
Cool, cool... now what does this have to do with literature?

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>Post em
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>cuck shed

>cuck chair
Gaudy as fuck, just like his operas
what's that on his desk? a PSP?
a patrician instrument from before the invention of windows (no pun)

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