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Did Melville have the gay?
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I think this is the kind of thing you have to experience or witness first hand to understand. I never understood being prison or sailor gay until I started working in strip mines in the absolute fucking middle of nowhere Nevada. You had it good if you were a married guy who could go home for two days every 6-8 weeks to get some hole and wake up outside of a rank smelling mining dorm. If you were a single guy all you got was a 6 hour drive hoping to get some of the disgusting, worn out, pro and amateur pussy of old mining towns like Ely, Elko, and Battle Mountain. If you're an old timer in the mine there are guys you've spent years with almost every day and almost every hour of those days. You work together, you eat together, you drink together, you share almost every facet of your life together. While it's too macho of an environment for it to be openly acknowledged there are these kind of relationships going on it's just a fact of life there. We even called one of the shop store rooms 'the cum closet' because of how often it was used for sexual liasons. Humans need intimacy and that need is strong enough to overrule a person's sexuality over a long enough and isolated enough period.
Luckily I was ostracized and called a book reading faggot so I could keep my heterosexuality is intact.
An actual interesting post for once, thanks anon.
Romanticism doesn't imply sodomy. Eros doesn't mean sex. You're all completely illiterate brainwashed commies.
Bumping for insightful debate on homosexuality in literature
>if you would put off being intimate with your friend just to avoid being seen as gay
Wasn't a thing until some hollywood commie decided to make it a thing in 1993. It does not occur to normal healthy men to associate the intimacy they've experienced with their friends since they were born with any of this deranged horseshit you're trying to push as normal. The media and media golems like you condition people with that unnatural association.

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Is it possible to write an entire book, or even have a full conversation in English without Greek and Latin radicals?
Indeed it is
Georges Perec wrote a whole novel without the letter e.
Yes. Just use saxon derived words.

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If I had a hammer I’d go get hammered
And if I had a belt then I’d get tight
And if I had a car I’d get smashed
And I had a top it get tipsy
And if I had a gun it get loaded
And if I had a pot it get stewed
And if I had a liver it get pickeled
And if I had a back bone it get lashed
And if I had a future it get trashed
And if I had any balls they’d get pissed
And if I had a car it get trashed
And if I had a dollar I’d buy a beer
But all I have is a phone
So I suppose this will do
>But all I have is a phone
I can tell from how you phoned it in with his poem! lmao xd
Cheers lad
fuckin got em lol

what is is what is not is not
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You don't need a "specialty" to have some modicum of taste in movies. Unless you're a woman you have no excuse for being movie illiterate, that's how I see it
negative nose bridge?
cro magnon gene expression
Read my post again. You need to watch movies to have taste in them. People like Magnus simply don't do anything but play chess.
Say something about chess and large trunks of neuronal connections immediately fire. Say something about movies and a few scattered and frail branches fire.

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This is bullshit. I invested over 2 weeks of my life reading over 1000 pages of this bullshit, and it just ends without resolving any of the main plot lines. Why did Hal have a mental breakdown? What happens when the terrorists reach ETA? Does Don survive his coma, and does he hook up with Joelle? Why is DFW such a fucking faggot? I've never been this mad at the ending of a book.
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I don't get it
>all that shit to have zero payoff
That was exactly the intended payoff. It pissed me off at first, but when pieced with the whole rest of the narrative, it makes perfect sense why it would end in such a way. Not every story has a happy empty. Sometimes life just keeps moving on long after we've lost focus.
The way you constructed your post was excessively abhorrent, but I am thoroughly impressed at how sufficiently abhorrent it was.
Thanks. Every sufficiently informative thing I try to say to you people typically comes off as abhorrent because I’m thinking at about 10x the rate of mental wpm and get so frustrated by the material necessity of transposing it into particular signifiers meant for an entirely ambiguous other that I have to try to appease while aware of the fact that I have a fucked up social-recognition radar and need to be constantly mediating between all of what I would actually like to say and what is going to have the most game-theory type probability of signifying correctly and being at least engaging enough that you read to the end of my overly long response.
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besides William Luther Pierce, everyone knows those

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what's the point in writing anymore when ai will destroy the human spirit within the next decade?
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Betting against humanity is the only play. Thank you Nvidia for our daily bread.
>You are nothing, NOTHING, but the complete totality of all the experiences that happened TO you.

Anyone who's seen newborn animals with the exact same experiences and very different personalities would justifiably disagree with you.
Literally retarded lol.
Can't come soon enough
How good is AI writing now bros?
It's really gonna render writers totally useless, isn't it

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>Trying to read it
>Large portion of the first chapter is literally about how huge sonny's cock is and how he fucks some woman during the wedding
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What a weird, puritanical normie take.
I'm giving you one (you) to fuck off.
Why is it bound on the right?
That is basically the consensus though.
Again with normie argumentatum ad populum: go bother twitter or reddit, I'm sure you'll be well liked there.

movie left out the movie producers and their lolis walking funny after the casting couch which is kind of funny

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>read old book
>barely catch a subtle reference to some old figure of speech, scrap of literature, some other old meme or idea that was popular in the day but now gone to disuse
>"Oh, I know what that is, almost missed it"
>realize many people who come after me probably will miss it
>realize this effect increases as time goes on
>realize much information is being lost even though it's sitting right there on the page
>we don't even know what we don't know

How to cope with entropy?
I take a picture of any old sayings and ask ChatGPT what it means. It provides some quick context.
Our records of late medieval life onward are decently well-preserved. It's just that no one but scholars who can speak the language are able to sort it all out.

>"You, who killed your mother to come into the world? You are an ill-made, devious, disobedient, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust, and low cunning. Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not mine. To teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father’s sigil and his father’s before him. But neither gods nor men shall ever compel me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse.”
How do you respond to that without sounding mad?
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It was not planned. Tywin wanted to marry Jaime to someone of high status and let him rule Casterlyrock while Cersei married Rhaegar in Kingslanding. Of course, that would mean the twins would be separated, and neither wanted that. So, Jaime, in his infinity wisdom, decided to join the kingsguard to stay in the capital and close to his sister. The mad king, in his infinity madness, went accepted the request because he wanted to troll his Hand. Now, Tywin was absolutely livid and called the royal marriage off, took his daughter and his men and fuck'd off from Kingslanding, ultimately separating the twins for good
Tywin was furious at Jaime's choice to being a Kingsguard, the thing is King Aerys accepted and now Jaime was essentially a hostage to the Mad King at the time so he couldnt do anything about it other than calling off the wedding for Rheagar.
Add that the familiy name is already disgraced by a Kingslayer, a rumour of a bastard king, kicking out the best knight of its time from court and whores, hill tribesmen and thieves crawling in the tower of the hand because of the Lannister Imp.
At this point, getting Jaime out of the Kingsguard is impossible and would further damage the family name.
The only logical course of action were to hand Casterly Rock to Tyrion but blinded by hate, Tywin categorically refuse and berates his son as an incapable leader not fit to hold the family name and responsabilities that comes with getting Casterly Rock when he was actually the one to save the city and apart from the whores ordeal (which is VERY high coming from Tywin, the man who built a secret tunnel to go in a Brothel and also fucked Shea while Tyrion was rotting in the dungeons), everything he has done was for him to protect the city, prove to everyone he is a shrewd player in the games of thrones and most importantly, to prove himself that he isnt worthless.
So anyway, Tywin makes a fuss about the whore thing so his master plan for Casterly Rock was to give it to Tommen who is next in line after Tyrion and we know that because of Joffrey's death its no longer the case as Tommen is now the new King, so the next in line was Myrcella and even that is problematic since she is with the Martells now.
The Lannister are in a shit show, and Tywin's death and later on, Kevan's are litterally killing blows to the Lannister house. The Winds of Winter would start with an interesting and enormous power vaccum in Westeros. But we will never see anything cuz GRRM is a fat slog that procastinate and cant trim for shit the "garden" he made of a story.
Incredible perspective and all-around good post. Thank you anon.

>The Lannister are in a shit show, and Tywin's death and later on, Kevan's are litterally killing blows to the Lannister house. The Winds of Winter would start with an interesting and enormous power vaccum in Westeros.
Is the book series as focused on Daenerys as a saviour-messiah that can do no wrong? I feel like her and Jon Snow were treated with silk gloves and were written to act absolutely beyond reproach and have non-flaws. If I had to meme it'd be something like:
>he's perfect in every way but his men don't like how perfect he is and so the watchmen rebel!
>she's beyond reproach and a savior and aryan and has dragons and an unbeatable army that doesn't eat, sleep or fuck but she's a woman so all the nobles rebel! and some slaves join in too that are nostalgic for the whip!
I should probably read the books but it's so much I'd rather start when a definitive end is published.
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>Is the book series as focused on Daenerys as a saviour-messiah that can do no wrong?
absolutely not. the entire meereen plot in the books is basically her trying to be a savior-messiah and utterly failing at trying to make any meaningful change in the culture in meereen. there is a lot of mother-of-dragons wankery, but a lot of that is just characters' opinions of her, it's not necessarily a narrative statement about her. she's also just one character in a series with dozens of POVs. there's a reason why people meme about skipping her meereen chapters.

>he's perfect in every way but his men don't like how perfect he is and so the watchmen rebel!
not even close. in the books it's made very clear why the watch react the way they do to him. he makes some very controversial decisions that piss many of them off.

>I’LL be the judge of this blood meridian
Him saying this constantly got a bit old
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>You just got blood meridianed - or - the evening redness in the west by Cormac McCarthy author of the book behind the major motion picture No Country for Old Men now on Netflix!
>High functioning human who is also immortal and can see the future
It says he looks as if he hasn't aged.
>can see the future
It never says this nor implies anything close to it. There's a scene of him performing a phrenological study on the Idiot's brother, which is an out-dated pseudoscientific theory. In fact, even the supernatural interpretations don't include something like this.
What about that part where he's just sitting out in the middle of the desert waiting for Glantons gang? Exactly how did he know they'd be coming through there low on gunpowder?
His reasoning was that he left his other group to go out alone. Be mindful of the fact that this part of the story is told through Tobin's eyes, they were in pursuit, it's possible that the Judge saw them and decided to leave his group to try and join them. They would be more focused of what was behind than something that could be to their front or side.

No matter how many religious texts I read God never stops looking like this to me. How should I (a republican voting male) cope with this?

Not that God is just this, but this is the part that most people are interacting with on a day-to-day basis.
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Not all of them. In Greek myth for example most of them are either nymphos or indomitable virgins, neither which is necessarily motherly.
those are lower in hierarchy dude
>i imagine woman as death
Gee. Mysogny much? Read Jung. You have demonized yr anima and been possessed.
Despite what wikipedia might say, kali is not a death goddess. If anything she is the opposite, being a form of shakti.
Mahakala, her masculine partner, is sometimes seen as a death god but this is an epithet of Shiva.
Jung associated her with the inevitablity of fate as well, so I will assume like most jungians you haven't read your guru.

Anyway don't you see the big scary flesh eating demon? You HAVE to run away in fear.
It seems that this thread really is confused about Ma Kali, so I will clarify a few things
Not really, goddess Kali is very strongly worshipped in West Bengal, one of the most populous states and is represented elsewhere.
Gods have many forms, is it not your fault for sticking your beliefs of how sacred should look onto divine?
Christians say repulsive things like this then get angry about muslims, so strange.
You're right, Ma Kali is representation of life and death, one can't exist without the other.

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So... why did he hate jews?? Was he a proto-/pol/tard or what?
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Twas but a jape, me Irish fellows!
>why did everyone to ever live in every corner of the earth, despite never being in contact with one another, all come to the same conclusion about a very small specific group of people whenever they encountered said group
truly a mystery
This is not true, a lot of our Irish heroes after the flight of the earls were Anglos, like Wolfe Tone and Parnell. Anyone with a brain could differentiate an English person from their parasitic Judeo-Masonic elite. It’s not the English peoples fault they became enslaved to Jewish finance when the Jews were allowed back in to the country by Cromwell and William of Orange, with just as much disastrous consequences for their people as for the Irish people. I mean look at England today, so much good “”””””their””””” empire did them, lol.
Irish hated Brits and vice versa because the former thought the latter were evil conquerers and themselves an oppressed nation while the latter thought the former were quarrelsome barbarians in need of their own gracefully civilized governance. Basically just an older-younger brother freudian rivalry.
Jews were despised on a spiritual level for being foreign aliens of a foreign alien creed, and they were social termites.
>The Yid and his bank
Already kek’d. I love the reference to Jews in the singular, as well as the image I get of a normalfag having an aneurysm reading this.

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>Zebra’s can’t be domesticated because blacks couldn’t do it, so therefore white Europeans only became successful because of their geography!
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And here is a far better (though long) critique.
Are you denying the definition of domesticated? Learn to shut up when you're wrong, your yapping just makes you look like the retard you are
Lol did you just call someone a midwit when you dont even know what "domesticated" means? It's so cute watching retards like you flail around and think they're intelligent.
Yeah and lets pretend IQ measurments don't exist and that they dont show us that niggers aren't intelligent
Rome is the reason.

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What does /lit/ think of Le Comte de Monte Cristo?
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Why are french language book covers always so boring and samey. Literally zero effort put into making an aesthetic design, interesting font, photos/imagery. Sure, don't judge a book by its cover, but spend more than 3 minutes making it surely? English covers are so much more appealing and draw you in.
This is Le Livre de Poche, literally the cheapest "pocket book" around. Covers of proper editions are typically very lean which is much better than the whoredom trying to lure clients in you are apparently preferring. I'm turned off by covers having more clutter than pic related.
>Edmond Dantes
>Rodion Raskolnikov
>Don Juan
>Eren Yeager pre-rumbling
What are some other kino, edgy, byronic characters that are literally me?
>Until the day when God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, - "Wait and hope".
It kinda drags after they go to Paris but the conclusions it sets up for the cast is kino. Except for Danglars and Mercedes. Danglars got off easy, and I was kinda hoping Mercedes would go back to Edmond at the end ngl.
This is actually a pleb take. French and German publishers have a far superior design to low quality English books.

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