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Are there equivalents of Copleston for Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian philosophy? If so what are they?
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By mimicking the retarded you make yourself retarded
from someone in coppleston's school of thought on metaphysics specifically, not as much history though I still found it interesting.
Gonna check this one out thanks anon

I need suggestions for a philosophy book,not an introduction but a primary source non-fiction philoosphy book that is easy to undertand and then others books to increase the difficulty trough time, i dont care about reading philosophy cronological, I only want some interesting book from wathever movement,time or author.
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I guess it couldn't hurt to have a basic idea of Ancient Greek history but Herodotus really focuses on the Persians and the Persian Wars, so if you're looking for more a more broad base of knowledge there are better sources. If anything, Thucydides is more relevant to Plato. To answer your question: no, not really.
Yes, if you want to have a firm grasp on Plato. Herodotus goes in depth on the Anatolian Greeks, this is where philosophy was born. He also explores Egypt and Mesopotamia, which were the main source for the Pre-Socratics.
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Don't bother
It's all fluff and no one really knows or cares enough about anything
Just chill out and enjoy life and try your best to comfymaxx with those you're close with
If this was the case that would be extremely damning of the discipline. It's supposed to be asking fundamental questions about the world, and hence having to trace back everything shouldn't be necessary unless the 'tracing back' itself is relevant to the topic concerned.
Tracing back is relevant to every topic in philosophy, even meme subdisciplines like logic. Even at a linguistic level it's important; to call something Platonic, Aristotelian, Cartesian etc. offhandedly is normal in philosophy and you won't understand what that means without the historical knowledge.
Remember that philosophy includes every other discipline, there aren't a set of agreed upon rules about things you're allowed to leave out. As such you have to be familiar with everything to at least a working knowledge level.

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One of the many fucked up things about how much of the classical heritage we lost is that far too much material we have from the Romans is from late antiquity, because they were fucking Christians, and they, like, copied all this shit. And we have enough of this material basically to realize, if you’ll excuse my French, what fags these people were. And so there was this entire grammarian class, which was basically an intellectual class. Grammarian is Latin for fag, actually. And, you know, these people were expensively educated. They were bureaucrats. They studied Virgil. They considered themselves, you know, the equal of Virgil. And they just wrote each other these long letters full of flowery garbage. And it’s like you have this entire huge volume of letters of Sidonius or Prodentius or something like that. And, you know, just letters full of, like, you know, back scratching some other aristo, like, you know, full of flowery Latin shit. And then every once in a while, he’ll, like, drop some hint about what’s actually going on, and he’ll be like: oh, you know, Biggus Dickus, I’m sorry I could not visit you this year because the roads were not safe. And you wanna be like: why were the roads not safe? Who was on the roads? What was happening? You know, these people are writing at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, and they don’t actually mention the fall of the Roman Empire. Who will save the roads? So that’s why I’m more right wing than Eric Weinstein.
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>Its heckin happening!
Not literature.
>It's coal
>One of
>too much
>you know

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Not as Yarvin. As Moldbug he basically did

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How many pages of a book do you read before deciding whether to drop it or not?
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no hard fast rule
But life is too short to waste time on pleb writing
(If it's Faulkner or Joyce I never pick the book up)
I gave it more than that but quickly realized I don't give a shit about some prick tennis player at an uppity private school
If short book sub 450 pages, I’ll give it 40-pages. If it’s a long book, I’ll give it 100 pages before I toss it.
This, but 50 pages for short books.
Put it back on the shelf, librarians don't have time to pick all those books off the floor.

I wanna read the bible for the first time. What version doesn't shill the jews in the translation? And any other things I need to know before I start reading. Thank you
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Christianity is not Judaism. One of the central ideas of Christianity is that membership of Christianity superceedes social standing and race. That idea developed from Judaism which is to this day more focused on being a religion for a people instead of being for everyone.

In the early decades of Christianity there was a debate amongst the jews how open one should be to outside influences. Ironically Jesus was pretty much a reactionary hard liner and opposed to grecoroman influences. I mean, the dude went to the temple and physically attacked the money changers who facilitated trade between jews and non jews.

Yet still Christianity opened up and spread amongst non jews while the jews doubled down on being jewish.
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>A scholar from the 15 hundreds had a more difficult time learning the languages involved and had less sources to work with.
Modern translations, even the NKJV, are blatantly biased and made by a small number of people with nothing to stop them from making idiosyncratic changes whenever they want. The 1611 translation was made by a large committee that subdivided the work to different groups over seven years, and it was largely the same as two Bibles that came before it, the English Geneva Bible of 1560 (later revised 1599) and the Bishop's Bible which was made around the same time. The Authorized version wasn't made by one guy. And these people were far better scholars than what is produced today; many of them knew ten or more languages. They were much more well-grounded in learning, scholarship and so on compared to the people we have today who try to replace that translation with very low effort slop that's meant to be nothing more than a placeholder, to prevent you from reading a good Received text translation.

>Worrying about these translation quirks is stupid.
The fact you think this is a "quirk," despite me having just explained it, really says a lot. It's not even a "translation quirk" when it comes to John 5:16, as the modern versions are using a coptic-derived text as their source and reason to remove that phrase entirely. Their source text simply doesn't have it, so they omit it while the KJV includes it. The modern versions also remove entire verses from the New Testament in other places for the same reason. Because it's based on the same non-original, non-received source. And wouldn't you know it, these missing words and sentences are effectively an attack on the divinity and infallibility of Christ and other important doctrines. People should be aware of this.
new jerusalem
*Former vatican lexicon translator Mauro Biglino reccommended the New Jerusalem version.
You get cleaner results because it doesn't try to substitute words
>non received texts
>removed passages that call Jesus divine
The canonization of the bible was itself a political process full of biases. These people ages ago wanted to justify worshipping Jesus as a god and wrote or selected texts accordingly.

The bible is a document that was put together over many hundreds of years. That's why I told people to read up on the historical circumstances. Because then you stand a chance at filtering centuries of agenda.

There is no single definite version of the bible. There are only versions that are closer to the source texts, of which there are several versions too.

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if Evola was aware of Kaliyuga in the 30s why did he write Ride the Tiger only 20 years later?
to merc everybody because only faggots ride the tiger

So, what is interesting in contemporary literature? What are people writing about most often? Is it a topic or motif that elevates the craft, and does it hold the attention of critics and audiences? Is there a positive progression in writing, or are trends in engagement spaces, or publishing practices winnowing the field and diluting the impact of good works in a sea of mediocrity, distractions, and other potential pitfalls spurred on by technological development?

There's many hundreds of years of backlog to sift through already, and it's easy to not have a true sense of current trends in literature.
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lmao. this post is peak modernism.

>"anything you can say about reality (except what's quantifiable and measurable, of course) is just your opinion, brah"
>"everything that's only qualifiable is relative/subjective"
>"this is an objective statement, btw"
>"it cannot be quantified or measured, btw"
I know, but I wasnt thinking that far ahead to try to intellectually sabotage you, Im a schizo responding to a line of posts from different threads
Honestly, I feel that the trends are supposing e-literature and such.

After all, self-publishing is a lot easier now than it used to be and much more pervasive!

I think there's also some good examples of what people have done in literature to account or respond to the Internet and technology.

Axlotl Roadkill is a "mixing" book that uses another person's book to try to tell a new story.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is another good example, although I believe those were in the public domain.
i finally bought a book published in the last few years. it's called the house of rust and it won the ursula k le guin prize in 2022. i haven't gotten around to reading it yet because i'm currently reading another book but i've bumped it to the top of my list.
Literature is a dead media. The media is so old that it's hard to compete with its peaks. The best writers post 1950s know this and don't try to compete against the best with pure literary talent alone. They create new narrative gimmicks in hopes to distract and to keep the audience's attention.
That's not even the half of it. I believe many writers know their opinions aren't worth shit and just see publishing as a way to capitalize on a trend or a fanbase. Look at Jake Paul, Gabbie Hana and Mike Ma. Youtubers and Vinestar grifters love publishing books.

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Why can't they produce literature?
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kill yourself
All mediocrities.
Even Northrop Frye?
I didn’t masturbate for 2 weeks now. Why does she make me wanna bust a nut?
Because she activates your anima

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Rei vs Asuka debate = Naoko vs Midori debate

Only wish the latter was as prominent as the former
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The piano teacher MILF with subdued violent impulses hiding behind her mommy veneer is obviously the best fuck in the book.
That;s because you are shallow and can't think, only feel.
Drop your mask of hollow intellectuallity and stop being afraid to truly feel with all your being. To focus on thinking so much is to carefully tread only shallow waters, drop your pretense of the search for truth and other such nonsense.
Unrelated to the book though, all the characters are paper thin representations of author's experiences, as is what you'd expect from Murakami(and Nips in general).
Women don't exist, you know this
That's irrelevant. My argument was that hatsumi and nagasawa represent a narrative about relationships that is not common in literature, is it any wonder that the main characters espouse the common heartbreak to new love pipeline that is so vapid and soulless; it doesn't incite any insights, its emotional porn at best and lazy writing at worst.

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Post your favorite quotes and aphorisms from the books you "have" read. Text from all genres can be used.
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>buzzword buzzword no u
you're right, shouldn't have wasted my time
>I don’t like that guy who did that [INSERT MOST BASED THING EVER] thing
>everyone is an idiot except me
concession accepted. Your post trying to save face was so cringe i didn't even finish reading it after you started using buzzwords like a retard.
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alright little bro you definitely destroyed me now
"And like the Narcotic Acts," he added. "A hundred thousands harmless junkies became criminals overnight, by Act of Congress, in 1927. Ten years later, in '37, all the pot-heads in the country became criminals overnight, by Act of Congress. And they were criminals, when the papers were signed. The guns prove it. Walk away from those guns, waving a joint, and refuse to halt when they tell you. Their Imagination will become your Reality in a second."

- Illuminatus! trilogy, by Roberts: Shea & Anton Wilson

Simple as
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What must've been going through his mind while painting this shit bros.
It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
>t. Some biography and catalog book I read about him
So to answer your question
A bullet lmao
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>It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
Yes I'm aware of that, although I've never heard of it being unfinished and wikipedia says it being the very last painting is a myth.
But still
imagine what he was thinking........
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I forgot the picture :(

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Tropical Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23376452
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As a final message for now, if you're the same anon who's been making these posts, I appreciate the consistency you've shown over the years. Thank you, it's been amusing. I hope you don't use this negging strategy on others though. Let's keep it between us.
Nta, I started out thinking he was blowing it out of proportion. But no, you actually just have dogshit opinions. Stop posting thanks.
Read the first one and it was ok but Garion's character development and conflict with Pol felt forced. The second one had a passage that was meant to read like mythology but included the phrase "hit-and-run", and that triggered me too much to continue.
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You guys like Sailor Moon?s

>most 4chan book ever written
>/lit/ refuses to read it because muh cultural marxism
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Baudrillard wasn’t a full bore Marxist tho…
Just like your sex life
There's literally zero (0) cultural marxism in it.
cultural marxism unironically sucks though
But he's the Quintessential boomerslop next to Foucault. everybody Had to cite him back then.

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(/lit/ edition)


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Lolita, almost done with it. it was pretty funny which i didn‘t expect. After that i have 2666 by Bolano, Complete Stories by Borges and Journey to the End of the Night by Celine laying around. And suggestions for which one i should start with?
Songs in the Key of Life
gonna have a grilled cheese for breakfast
OJ now, beer later
started rewatching old episodes of Trailer Park Boys

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At the second, NOTHING. I hammered out several articles, did all my billing for the week, and am letting my brain rot in it's skull cage for a few minutes, desu.

Groovy J-oldies.

Thick miso ramen with slabs of beef added for extra flavor. Hell yeah. If I'm still hungry I'll add some senbei alongside the coffee.

Coffee spiked with whiskey. Might add some vodka-infused whipped cream if I feel fancy.


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Medieval Europe by Chris Wickham and Dramas, Fields And Metaphors by Victor Turner
The James Gang, but my playlist is huge as always
not much, gonna make oatmeal & eggs or toast in the morning
nothing atm, might fire up EU4 tomorrow
not in the mood

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I’ve read his lectures on aesthetics and wasn’t impressed
Unfortunately I'm also too deaf for any white noise machines to be able to work that well
Same bros
I've still got about 8000 words left to write and then I'm fucking outta here

Without looking at a dictionary, how would you define Kafkaesque?
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Being frustrated by society or its social conventions for absurd reasons.
inspired by works of franz kafka
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>Adj: Evocative of or in reference to the works of Franz Kafka, in particular themes of illogicality, stifling institutionalization and bureaucracy, and the oppressive banality and bizarreness of life.
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Pharisaical absurdism under Last Man statehood, and mulish forbearance in the face of it.
Surreal beuracy.

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