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>Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
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Which ones would he like?
Too bad you can't reign in Hell, retard.

Too bad you can't forge your own path, retard.
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Oh, so I suppose you're a thug-lord in the ghetto or a crime boss in the cartels then, right? Surely you're not a...wagie, or, even worse...a NEET?

I bet you must be living in a hut in Ghana and posting on a computer built of scrap metal. Surely you're not living in a Western country...right?

(OP is a pretentious faggot)
Let’s hear it for them niggas who can’t
He'd be too busy being tortured forever and ever in unbearable agony that never loses the slightest sting to celebrate .

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>No, you can't be satisfied with an unexplainable answer, you need to have a personified God to become a holy man
>My attachment to God and fanaticism isn't proving buddhism right
>My Wikipedia page edited by pajeets says I owned buddhists even though buddhism flourished when I was alive
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The buddha again, is not afraid of suffering. That is instead the central axiom of the average unenlightened being who’s main focus on life is to maximize pleasure and avoid suffering by immersing themselves into “variegated and rich pleasurable experiences in life” or what they construe to be “meaningful” and “life affirming”, basically to try and supress the reality that they are going to die. The buddha confronts and conquers suffering head-on and offers no compromises about it.
>“ The person who would willingly follow this would have to be so terrified of suffering (its not a big deal) that they would rather hide away from life so they don't get hurt during the brief and wonderful time we have alive before dying, this seems more like a mental disorder than anything else.”
would be an apt summary of the worldling. You hold so deeply the grasping of existence to “be” existence that anything that says otherwise is labeled as life denial, nihilism, or a death cult, or death. This, again, is a misrepresentation borne from delusion and aversion.
Is it? Buddhism is unique in that it does not purport some underlying bedrock of existence and explain awakening as a process to merge of realize with anything(still relying on “something”. Buddhism offers direct knowledge with gradual training that is both realistic and practical. I can’t convince you to believe and I don’t expect to. Only you can do it.
Nirvana is the ending of delusion which ends samsara. Again, read the Yamaka sutta.
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> pretending not to understand the point
> pretending that an anon using the word "demonic" wouldn't obviously support self-restraint and asceticism

I hope nobody is stupid enough to seriously engage with you ever again
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You know what? Maybe I wasn't clear enough, so I'll explain.

Here's how things work in the fetish world: its an initiatory series of degrees with the final one being pure will towards annihilation for all beings.

At first, you're told that indulgence is an expression and affirmation of the overabundance of life. In other words, it promises your lizard brain an experience of fertility-godhood that's at least somewhat in line with a natural drive or mindset. There comes an inflection point, though, where you're gradually conditioned into darker and darker themes to satisfy your libido's desire for you to be transformed/exert transformative power. You'll be told that this isn't happening to you and that it is simultaneously, allowing you to pretend you're fine until you're finally willing to accept it.

It seems clear that the ambiguous and contradictory statements about nirvana and annihilation serve the same purpose in Buddhism. If you're just fresh meat joining Buddhism with some kind of real religious interest, then it's all about achieving bliss in some sort of apophatic godlike state; the deeper you go, though, the more the practice conditions you to accept and desire total annihilation. The difference is that the will is purely spiritual rather than sexual (unless that's part of the tantra too or something).

It looks like pure evil. If you want to see the closest thing to Buddhism in practice in the West, check out the pussyfree general threads on /trash/ where trannies tell autistic men to fatten themselves to death
The beam of light on your wall is a counting sundial. Packets of light ticking. On the other side of the gate you want to jump through another you is jumping back. He likes woodworking.
>If you want to see the closest thing to Buddhism in practice in the West, check out the pussyfree general threads on /trash/ where trannies tell autistic men to fatten themselves to death
no thanks
but I'm not going to take your word for it either that x or y is trannies because that's what everyone here says about everything he dislikes and i know better anyway

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More book covers
A few...it's late
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>AI Slop
Fuck off, retard.
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A artwork
B wording, so close
Just kidding, this one's real haha
I can't out do real adult romance covers
Kys, worthless drone.

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I'm trying to write a Cyberpunk inspired science fiction story, since I love that theme.

One thing I'm struggling with is thinking of a cool and original name from one of my characters.

I've done about 4 pages so far and I feel like its dog water. If anyone wants to read what I got so far, I will screenshot it and share.

Criticism of my writing style would be great as well, helps me try and improve.
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cyborgs are silly and impractical
you're silly and impractical
The fifth to tenth or so lines look more like a background script than what you'd present to a reader. Trim it down and/or fill some dialogue to contextualize the head-on context dump
Not good anon. I'd give it a 2.5/10

I'm writing a scifi cyberpunk, if this is the kind of writing out there compared to mine, I've got a good head on my shoulders.
its good dumbass all it needs is an editor

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>author unnamed
>every page is blank
wow so experimental thank god for fine art degrees tax money well spent
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You can
This is really not a smart board
That's right notebook, college did rule
It's legend of zelda fan fiction
>Symmetrical book stacking. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.

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Try it. Find a translation of some philosopher from the 1700s onward. Find an introduction for a critically acclaimed, classic novel.
They're by jews, without fail, Every Single Time.
Further, they're always jews who grew up right after the nazi period, and thus, must examine every work of philosophy or literature in relation to fascism, nazism, white supremacy, etc. or, at the least, they relentlessly liberalize and sanitize the work in question.
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Possibly. I think nepotism should be banned outright. I wrote an article on it awhile back
Ridiculous. People will always look out for friends and family. Always have. Always will.
I didn't get (You)s
Well it’s why I can’t get gainfully employed. Someone had to say it.
He is right.
Jews are smart, and they stick together.
It’s common sense.

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Montaigne is far superior to Bacon. Bacon is so impersonal in his essays.
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Anyone read his travel journals? I’m currently reading Civilization, Economics and Capitalism 15th-18th Century Volume 1 by Fernand Braudel and he cites Montaigne a lot when describing the tools of everyday life in Europe. For example, he uses Montaigne’s description of german ovens in the 16th century. It sounds like a pretty interesting document.
On Experience, of course.
Any of the third series, really, but I'll not argue.
When referencing Montaigne, it's not "de" Montaigne. It's just Montaigne.

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List your 10 favorite books and other anons give a recommendation or judge you
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Poe, Kleist, Nerval, Hoffmann, Buchner, Proust, Murakami, Jung, Kafka, Stifter
Not sure if I’d call these my ‘favorites’ but they are all books I remember somewhat well (meaning many are ones I’ve read more recently) and enjoyed at the time of reading them.

Zorba the Greek - Kazantzakis
Demons - Dosto
Crime and Punishment - Dosto
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Petersburg - Bely
Ward No 6 and The Black Monk (short stories but I read these and a couple others back to back) - Chekhov
The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years - Aitmatov
Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
Lud-in-the-mist - Mirrlees
The Melancholy of Resistance - Krasznahorkai
>Anna Karenina- Leo Tolstoy
>Infinite Jest- David Foster Wallace
>Ulysses- James Joyce
>The Palm Wine Drinkard- Amos Tutola
>Dialogues- Plato
>Once and Forever- Kenji Miyazawa
>Moby Dick- Herman Melville
>Poems and Prose- Georg Trakl
>The Aleph and Other Stories- Jorge Luis Borges
>The Martian Chronicles- Ray Bradbury
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I've only read about 50 books in my life so far, so idk it's gonna be a pretty limited list
>1. Till We Have Faces - C.S. Lewis
>2. Moby Dick - Melville
>3. Growth of the Soil - Knut Hamsun(idr his name?)
>4. LotR - Tolkien
>5. BotNS (specifically book 3 if I had to choose)- Wolfe
>6. Wuthering Heights - Bronte
I'm honestly struggling to think of any more that I would consider good enough to go in my top 10 without resorting to just shoving more tolkien and lewis in there like narnia or the space trilogy, buy that feels like cheating. I've also read all of lovecraft, but idk if I'd put any of his stuff up top. Maybe dreamquest. I'm currently (have been in a slump tho) going theough
>dosto's library
>the greek canon (on illiad, so the start lol)
>some more tollers stuff
>and walden
I should really get back into reading
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Based list
I wanna read fitzgerald after I finish dosto's stuff. Gonna read notes soon, but I have a long way to go
Count of monte cristo is next on my "one off" book lane to read, but I keep putting other shit ahead of it. Idk if I have the abridged version or not. How long is it supposed to be?
Also based Silent Planet chad
Never heard of once and forever but it's the one that stands out the most on your list. Redpill me on it

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Vineland is the best Pynchon just for the fact that it has the least amount of stupid math shit. God I fucking hate math.
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>Vine Thomas Pynchon Vineland Land
Is this related to Son Thomas Pynchon and Mason and Dixon Xon?
>ackshully, this writer’s worst or least popular books is really their best. Imma smart snowflake
I'm not saying I'm smart. I fucking hate math, which is why Vineland is the best Pynchon book.
Is Bleeding Edge good?
Never read it because I heard it had math in it.

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The Shankara era of /lit/ is over

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BAP mentions Jünger, Mishima and Homer a lot and he points out the importance if being in the military for coming of age. I’m looking for other works in the same vein
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do eet
BAP is a subversive degenerate, but you could take a look at Dominique Venner
>Of course the problem of Vietnam especially thorny for the American man who is registered or is subject to registration for conscription. Unlike the idle women who oppose the war, the American man must put himself at hazard either on the field of battle or by becoming a fugitive from the law. To him I say: enlist now. If he has the means he should seek to enter officer training, but above all else he should enlist and ready himself for combat.
>The war will proceed with or without him, but if, as we are assured by our press, it is an unjust war, the injustice can be softened, the national mistake redeemed only by the presence of just men on the field of action. He may vote for peace, write for peace, beg for peace from his foxhole just as well as he can from his university dormitory, but only in combat can he tend to his enemy's wounds, direct his fires to minimize the cost to civilians, and counsel those around him or ideally those in his command to act with honor. God is with these men, though he may be with their enemy as well. The 'dodger' of the draft has no moral standing, as he has resigned from the basic duty of his manhood - to fight - and is content to let men he does not know die and kill in his stead.
~Ernst Junger
Germany and the Next War available at forgotten books
>BAP mentions

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I repeat: DO NOT BUY BOOKS FROM PASSAGE PRESS. Owner got exposed as a homosexual Jew larping as a fascist.

I did buy their Storm of Steel, trans Creighton. It was of the utmost quality, but after discovering the owner is a Jew masquerading as an anon with fascist tendencies, I can no longer continue to support.
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I have no idea what your picture is supposed to even be saying this is a single Tweet in the middle of a thread.
>itt: some mexican guy calls white people jewish for not wanting a black guy to be president
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Come on man, put two and two together, where is your Ashkenazi IQ? He's defending Pariah, the tranny. Bronze Pronoun Respecter!

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>the 'dissident right'
>just a loose network of twitter accounts who retweet each other's nonsense
None of the names you dropped will ever matter outside your gay little e-celeb wankfest.
The reason the right is so ineffectual is because you have confused your little online 'communities' confined to controlled and lockdowned platforms with reality. No different from somebody who spends all their time and energy on 4chan defending christianity as if it will make the slightest difference.
You have been mindbroken by sѹcial media.

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Based. Nobody has btfo philosophy as much as this chad
Cope. Dan Dennet refuted Descartes and the Cartesian theater. Thinking does not suppose being and in fact the mind is made up of many competing parts and interests. 99.999% of people believe what decarte says because they think about it and think it makes sense but never thought about how they think.
Dennett's entire purpose is to have a pop scientist that people too dumb to understand philosophy can point to as an institutional authority that affirms atheism (materialist slave religion)
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>mfw this french fruitcake still makes philosofags seethe nearly 400 years later
That meme is older than you. Stop trying hard to fit in.

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Why don't shia talk about their holy book? For the longest time I thought their only holy book was the quran like other muslims
Why are they so secretive? Everyone else shills their shit all the time here
>Why don't shia talk about their holy book
They pribably make up less tham 1% of 4chan
what is this?

What was he on to?
aye aye capiton !
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Since we're on the subject, what the fuck did Hegel mean by this?
This guy is satanic just as Hegel was in his prime. Literal evil shit. It will corrupt your soul. Demiurgic intentions.
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He was a "spend 5 minutes doodling elaborate nonsensical shit in the margins for every word you write down" chad

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