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Who killed Shinzo Abe and Robert Fico?
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They discovered the moonies, and calmed down about what they ended up seeing as an honor killing, like the guy who stabbed the commie boss to death
He was shot by his higher self so that he can get another downloads from higher dimensions while in hospital.
Robert Fico is incarnation of a strong light being and his mission against dark cabal will continue.
Ficofaggot is still alive (unfortunately). The retard who shot at him must have been utterly incompetent.
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Why is it that when the ultra rare event of a politician actually getting assassinated happens, the victims are always those who deserve it the least?

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>praising Iran, Bashar or supporting the rafida in any way
>working or co-operating with rafida shia
>eating the sacrifices of rafida shia (meat of Jews and Christians is permissible)
>Celebrating birthdays
>swearing and cursing
>card games and any form of gambling

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A bunch of this is bullshit and also muslims that follow 100% of the rules in religion are extremely rare.
Religion is a guideline to follow in order to have a better life. I am muslim and I still ocassionally enjoy drinking a glass of good scotch, jerking off to sluts that record themselves with toys up their butts and skipping a fast or two during ramadan.
Nobody is perfect, we just strive to be better each day and enjoy having some guidance. Maybe you would too if you took your heads out of your atheist asses and actually tried practicing religion. I am 100% sure you would realize why the fuck it used to be so important and why the west is collectively destroying itself after substituting it with identity politics and cheap entertainment.
And islam is banned under me, what's your price nigger
Looks like a waste of half-decent genetics (even before Oct 7)
Lmao i don't want to be Muslim, I just want jews to die

we're not done yet, but it sure has been wild so far, huh /pol/?

Share your favorite 2024 presidential election memes!
Man there is no dynamism at all, at least with Trump and hillary there was a competition, now it's like two rotting hulks out in the sea, and one side wants to see the red one sink the blue rusted clump of steel
Remember when an Indian pharma shill was considered a front runner until he wasn’t?

Remember when a Kennedy was consider a front runner until a shilled for Israel?

Remember when the best options for the most powerful nation in the world were both pushing untested gene therapy on the populations of the world for profit and power consolidation?

Remember when dumb boomers still thought voting matters?
Come to think of it, 2020 was a bland season too, 2024 is just waiting for Joe to kick the bucket, no one supports this guy, even his own side will vote retards and corpses like Deluca and Fetterman, if it means team BLU gets ahead, no one likes Biden, but they like his party emblem
I think you underestimate the stupidity of Americans and overestimate the morality of Trump.
Trump support these days is driven by inertia and instinct, like the fish you see in china, that they sprinkle some salt onto on a plate and suddenly they start jumping around, if 2018 was the death of fanfare around the guy, 2024 is the year of vampires and skeletons

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Swedish Antifa just dropped a hit piece against the German, pro-Israel "antifa":


> For a long time now we have closely followed, with disgust, the pro-Israel German anti-fascism, or the antideutsche movement as they are called in Germany, and we have never considered ourselves to share anything in common with the groups that represent this obscure current.

> However, with the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians, it is long past time for us to officially disassociate ourselves from all left-wing and anti-fascist groups, both inside and outside Germany, that support the state of Israel.

> These “anti-fascists”, who are anti-fascist neither in theory nor in practice, and who align their anti-fascism with the interests of the political establishment, are not our comrades.

> It is a responsibility for all of us to draw up principles for anti-fascism, for example that it must be revolutionary, for example that it must be class-based, and internationalist, so that neither social-democrats nor German Zionists can dilute its concept and impact.

> Based on our analysis of fascism and anti-fascism, we see clearly that the pro-Israel left is not only wrong, but downright dangerous.

> On the one hand, they reject German nationalism, which is rightly claimed to have historically led to fascism, while on the other hand they fanatically support ethno-nationalism in the Middle East. The moral is thus that nationalism for white Europeans is somewhat unfashionable, while the devastating consequences of nationalism for Arabs are a worthy price to pay. The product we are left with is a deformed, imperialist and racist type of “anti-fascism”, well suited to the interests of capitalism and nationalism.

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>only to find them being paedophile retards with no understanding of the world around them.

This ended up being true of Antifa in Chicago too. I know a ton of these retards because I was in a predominantly gay 12 step fellowship that was full of them.

Although sober, good for them I guess, every single one of them turned out to be a kid fucking lunatic degenerate . I got iced out of recovery and events for non conformity

I’m still sober. nearly none of them are. Fuck all of those people
Ps: They didn’t accomplish anything besides making everyone’s life worse than it already was. And giving us more strife amongst ourselves than we already had. Good job dick heads.
fuck me, i love final days of an organization. the factions start splintering into shitty little cels. just like wcw and nwo during the downfall. by the end of it, there was like 15 different nwo factions
Leftists usually fracture like this on very small issues. If they were actually serious about taking over the world, they wont actually crack like this. See: Spanish Civil War, the Soviets, etc.>>468426223

In Indians believe in reincarnation then why are they such nasty people?

Don't they know this is only going to make it worse for them in their next life? Even more dumber are those Brahmins who are going to throw away all their goodwill accumulated.

Or let me guess there's a special clause that says it doesn't count?
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same question as why christians scared of death if they believe in heaven (and convinced they have been good)
brown curry stained hands typed this post
Nobody really believes any metaphysical bullshit if it gets in the way of a thing they want. Christians are happy to quote the Old Testament when it supports them and quietly ignore it when it says to not eat pigs. How many "Buddhists" eat meat? How many "Jews" flip light switches on the Sabbath?
Or this. The most fervent Christians who become martyrs really aren't scared of death, they have the courage of their convictions, but the average rank and file plebs? They're just not convinced enough on the subject of Christ to bet their own specific non-refundable life on it. Sure, they'll go to church on Sunday to let some guy sooth their death anxiety but if the guy at church says you need to at least volunteer at a soup kitchen to make it to heaven? Sorry, I'm sola fides.
Karma and reincarnation are separate concepts. Indians believe in both, however, there’s a tendency of religious people to believe what matters most is a superficial worshiping of deities in order to avoid accountability. Christians do this a lot, or at least because of being in the west it’s the example I see the most. Basically you can be a piece of shit and a sinner as long as you proclaim to still believe in whatever God, and pay tribute by wearing a necklace/getting a tattoo/going to church once a year etc. so Indians are no different, and are generally dumber so they’ll do fucked up shit like rape but it’s ok because they’ll pray later or do the ceremonial cow shit eating ritual and that means god is happy with them.
Most jeets are atheists

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Reminder that kikes suck their own newborn infant children's mutilated dicks and give them herpes with their blowjobs.
Video of a Metzitzah Bpeh being performed.
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why do they feel the need to absolutely traumatize their young by snipping the tip and sucking on it?

I looked up ((their)) reasoning pic rel
how did this become a traditional and 'good' thing their faith?
it makes zero sense to me
fucking terrible thing to do to a new life

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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the fsneed
Go now
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you can smell female assasin fear lads.
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Thing is though, majority of people are obese. Not many have the time or are stopping to Cook themselves a balanced breakfast. But with Keto; you don't really have to worry about that; also keto/carnivore is literally our ancestor's diet which got us far in terms of evolutionary progress.

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>if you don't like indians you're muslim
>If you don't like muslims you're indian

You're both disgusting
Im just white. Here is my card. I hate everyone and assume everyone is a moron regardless of race or ethnicity.

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What are the political (and anthropological) implications of KIRAC 23?
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>this explains all the niggers having sex with white women.
But this actually doesn't happen that often and you're a cuck fetishist
what the actual fuck is wrong with my country
imagine having poorer english comprehension skills than some ESL
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Guess that's true. But why did god give me a big dick and nice symmetrical abs online to never do anything other than rot in my room?
only 5 minutes in and it's so much intense faggotry i physically cannot bring myself to watch any more of it

New Scytoxil edit that's over 2 seconds dropped we are so back.

What can we do about it?
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>be not afraid
>be not afraid
>be not afraid
Right oin, Bro!!!
That's what I'm talkin' about!
"Fearlessness," in all traditions is absolutely key to progress; whether in this world or the next!
demons projecting their fear of hell onto humans
Forget everything and remember

For Everyman a religion
Well I do be hating niggers

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7 Ukrainians walked around Germany carrying nazi flags

German government got offended

The Ukrainians got deported into Poland and it is not known what Poland will do with them, force them into Ukraine or not?

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>deport afghan refugees? nah
>deport syrian refugees? nah
>deport ukrainian refugees? YES
To. The. Last. Ukrainian.
We won't deport them. Don't worry.
They aren't even asylum seekers here. They immediately receive residency here and the same benefits German also get. Far more than a Syrian for instance.
why Syrians get so little
Because they are regular asylum seekers who must claim asylum. And unless you are recognized as a genuine asylum seeker, you get a credit card with far less gibs.
They do. Well we give them the same but the "Syrian" migrant camps are run by Lebanese clans i.e. jewish slavers and they surprise surprise enslave them by not processing their asylum applications and instead put them out on the street to sell heroin or face deportation.

I want you think about that every time someone says refugees welcome because this is what they really mean.

Male deaths
Female deaths

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/pol/, why do i want to put my face between a womans legs? politically speaking? why do it think it tastes good in there?
dios mio
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stop watching porn
This thread is off topic. This thread is extremely low quality.
Looks like Jake paul

I want the truth.
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...a miserable pile of secrets?
no thats a man, Mr. Castlevania fan.
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I dunno but my rib was not worth it.
If a man is a miserable little pile of secrets...
[sips blood]
...Then a woman is a miserable little pile of lies.

But enough talk!

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>Now that the dust has settled...
Cons cons ... 3 ? Cons ... this bad thing should not happen.. but maybe they look like using the same reason previously

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Both are evil middle eastern barbarians.
I wish they would keep slaughtering each other for decades to come.

And to any jews or arabs reading this:
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The problem is Israel is going to win and Palestinians are going to be deported to the West. Then Israel will have more land to build condos and in a few years do the same to the west bank. As an American you're going to pay for it all.
If you want both sides to lose, support ukraine only enough to continue to fight against Russia so neither wins or loses.
18 million jews vs 1.2 billion Muslims I think the Palestinians can find somewhere else to live, maybe Russia is a good place to live for them since they're funding the whole thing.

Nope, I'm not wishing Israel any luck at all, I want them destroyed. Israel and their zionist lap dogs are responsible for all the degenerate culture, propaganda, mass migration, I couldnt care two shits about Palestine/Hamas but I just hope they fight long and hard and win and make israel and their zog pets expose what evil monsters they are to the whole world

The muslim problem is downstream from the jewish problem

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This is the new normal, chuddies. From now on, these people will make your manchild hobbies and you won't do shit about it
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I just remember that story about the tranny-led translation team getting caught using AI translators and doing retarded edits and the JPN studio only found out after fan translators did a better job and it got seen by the director of the game. Forget the name though.
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>"behaving as the wind behaves"

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:"- Ephesians 4:14-15

These people are not grounded in anything, their idea of what is true changes from day to day, they are easily dismayed because their worldview can be quickly dismantled as it is grounded in empty materialism and self destructive heathenism.
>whoosh, the post
I never played an Assassin's Creed game. The latest entry doesn't inspire me to alter that tradition.
if there's any actual indie game devs ITT, i make music and do vo work. if it's the right project, i'd do it for free.

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Non-whites tend to act according to their collective interests but we're supposed to pretend they act individually. Whites (today at least) tend to act according to their individual interests but we're supposed to pretend they act collectively. Why?
source is I made it up
I'm the OP btw
Americans arent white and their hive collectively serves the jews. How does that fit into your theory

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