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You maybe demoralized from how gay 90% of people in politics are. But never forget what you are fighting for pol.
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too late
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>all it took to get normies on our side was a catchy song

turkroach alert
>screaming at the clouds
This is the great open spaces where all the shitskins are supposed to live. Fuck off, we're full.

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This theory seems to become more common as time goes on. Can anyone here explain the theory, and either support it or debunk it?
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Guys. So early jews believed Satan was a heavenly prosecutor who would rat them out to God. The idea that he was the great deceiver came from the belief that he would basically entrap jews to get them in trouble.

The horn they blow is to confuse Satan so he can't do holy justice to the Jews.
Its mostly homosexuals who dislike Paul as he was explicit in his condemnation of their degeneracy. Christ actually was too, but they like to misunderstand Christ, they ignore what He said about not having come to remove the law but to fulfil it, and they misinterpret the episode with the adulteress; it was foreshadowing Christ's great mercy, that despite the fact that He could have killed her for her sin, she would have deserved it, he instead is merciful and instead commands her to turn away from that life and to 'sin no more'. It is a call back to Jacob turning away from his life of evil, where God stopped him when he sought to run away and abandon his family and friends, to leave behind all his earthly goods and flee like a coward from his brother; after meeting with God, Jacob experienced a 'baptism', a rebirth, and was given a new name. Jacob, now Israel, went forth to do what is right, and went to see his brother Esau who he fully expected would kill him; instead Esau embraced him. The message we are supposed to get from this is one of redemption, that we are all sinners, we all deserve death; but that there is hope, that we can be reborn by the grace of God and strive to live as righteous men and women.

It is not saying that Christ was okay with adulterers or whatever nonsense the degenerates think. Anti-Paul types always, and I mean ALWAYS go back to trying to justify the sexual depravity.
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No, he seems to be genuinely reformed after the divine intervention.
Had Christ not intervened, he would've been eternally damned for his prideful persecution and Paul knew it.
Do you mean (((Saul))) ?
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I'm telling you, every single time you get an ardent anti-Paul type, they are gay and are butthurt over his epistles.

Doge has passed away from old age
O7 the hood lost a real one today
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They are massive faggots, that's what.
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RIP sweet princess
We're truly in the end times now.

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I miss these threads so much it’s unreal, bros. Post memes in remembrance of this momentous event.
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This is you, the dumb golem who just wants to consoom fake jewish narratives.


I hate goyscum so much it's unreal.
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That's a possibility but if you think that real events don't happen and those events aren't exploited by the media for attention (or to distract you) then you're dumb as shit. But let's humor that point for second.
What's the motive?
A bunch of nobodies and some rich WEF jeet and his teenage son had to fake their own deaths? Why?
Or was it for the insurance money. Money that the clients had to burn on stupid trips to the titanic in a death trap.
Here's the realistic take.
Two titanium end caps glued to 5 inches of carbon fiber tape made several dozen documented trips to the titanic and didn't come back on the last trip because it imploded. The media spun the story as if "dey was still alive" to string people along.
When you cant even handle the laughs online you nee to take the meds
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do not feed the denial troll, their only mission is to come into threads and deny everything.
that is all they do.
you will not win or make them see any light of reason or logic.
they have a mission, and that is to deny everything.
just ignore.

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Russians had chance here to mog entire worlds feminized cuckmobile industry, is it nigh time we end matriarchy on this planet ?
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e.g. in Nepal Chinese cars are all EVs petrol all Indian.
Agreed but if the design was at least nostalgic i could have lived with anything. Why do we have to drive ugly shit with lawnmower or blowdryer motors and Xi Jinping gets to have the prettiest car made on earth right now with a huge V12? It's not fair.
You have Hindustan Ambassadors in Nepal?
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Forgot pic.
Suzukis and Tatas mostly iirc.
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I just wanna go back. Earth sucks.
>send message to proximabro
>get reply in 8 years
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>not using quantum tech to send messages instantaneously.
they aren't sending their brightest are they
i used quantum tech to fuck your mom
>Jews told him that "C" is the speed limit for photons
>He blindly believes that
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<Don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
NGL chances aren't great ATM.

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China is basically guaranteed to become the single world superpower if they manage to take Taiwan, and I'm rooting for them. They will acquire a blue water navy and be able to project power globally. They will become unstoppable. I fucking hate the gay and cringe USA and West policing everyone. People don't realize it, but in the US, there are federal laws in place that ban you from doing all sorts of fun shit outside the borders of the US. It's a federal felony to pay a prostitute outside the US (PROTECT Act of 2003). It's a federal felony to use recreational drugs outside the borders of the US where it's legal. You can't legally play with guns and explosives outside the US without American feds knowing. It's all a bunch of bullshit. Sure, you can get away with a lot of this stuff, but you're fucked if someone snitches on you and gathers some evidence. The feds don't fuck around, they always seek maximum sentences, and there is no parole in the federal justice system. They want your life to be a living hell if you do what they personally don't like.

China would actually give more freedom to everyone and not force their morality upon everyone. As long as you don't fuck with their rule or compromise their security, they'll let you do whatever the fuck you want outside of China. If the US wants to send you to prison for some stupid bullshit, they'll just grant you asylum to rub it in their face. They don't have an insane foreign policy like the US does.
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CHINA NUMBA WAN, right chang? Don’t lecture us about freedom, slave.
ahahaha he thinks semiconductors will get ahead of semiconductors

this just in genius, they're all made the same way with the same methods and thenonly difference is vary slight changes in architecture but they all follownin eachbothers footsteps and are reliant on the current state of fabrication

fucking numbnuts

the whole reason Taiwan is even a thing IS TSMC LOL
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Wishful thinking that China is a paper Tiger. If they weren't a threat then the media propaganda making them look bad (irrelevant if true or not) wouldnt be needed.
Most media doesn't cover everything. In fact a lot of places believe what China's telling them. Thats why none of the retards in investing know whats going on.
China is a joke that has shittier quality control than Russia with an even shittier command structure they cobbled together. They couldn't even invade Vietnam. They were like 4k from having 1:1 on casualties.

take off your memeflag then i might take your opinion a little more seriously. the usa is a collapsing shit heap owned by one of the biggest mafias in the world; the CIA. the usa is giant psyop farm for goyim. an experimental cancer on the world.

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I think it's Goyim Defense League, as it's the name of the channel.
I was tricked with all the comments like 'long live GDF' and similar.
>Any similar channels?
Probably, but as I said, I'm no longer on the cutting edge of anti-semitism.
I knew about every anti-semite by name in 2006-2012, but these days they are so many that it's impossible, and that is a huge white pill.
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Zoomer Historian


Do all think that this Pakistani bitch is good at sucking cocks? Man she is built for bbc..

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Post times when the truth slipped through the noise.
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do christians know how obvious it is when they try and inject christianity into everything?
Fuentes does this all the time

>we need to get back to what made us great
>we need a strong country
>a country that isn't ruled by women
>a country that doesn't simp for jews
>a country where White people can exist
>a country where the economy is based on real things

does this all the fucking time bro
All the proselytisers do it so ham-fistedly
that copypasta is only partly what is goign to happen.
It doesn't account for "multiculturalism"
We are going to reach a point where politics is based completely on race.
It's already happening overtly with muslims in GB and Chinese in Australia.
When "The Arab Party" and "The China Party" pop up, and start taking seats, you will know you are in the civil war death-spiral.
This is because it will become harder and harder to form majority governments and harder and harder for our already-very-incompetent politicians to accomplish the things that actually need to be done.
Yeah. I would consider myself something of a National Socialist but I'm not randomly bringing Hitler into every conversation and accusing anyone who doesn't identify as one of being a 'kike'. Back during the Alt-Right era, I had no problem with Christians, and even looked up to them in some ways. But then they completely destroyed the online dissident right movement with their purity spiraling and proselytizing and virtue signaling. Groypers think they are somehow going to build up a larger movement or even establish a Catholic theocracy? And yet someone like me, who already seemingly agrees with them about many of the issues (Jews, race, usury, women, degeneracy) was alienated to the point where I now view Christcuckery as nearly as serious of a threat to the Aryan race and western civilization as the Jews.
what celebrity is that again?

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>Polish girl turn herself into human toilet
how else is she gonna get Polish men to pay attention to her?
Kevin is her half nigger son
why? so you can see how i broke a knuckle on her tooth? weird fetish bro. im White

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I wish I lived in West Virginia. It looks so comfy!
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Americans here tell me senate.gov is settling central Africa niggers (Congo) in Tennessee and Appalachia.
Is this true?
It sounds like something they would do but I have not seen evidence of this personally.
itt: Norway colonizes West Virginia
yes, but Tennessee is strong and will survive.
looks like Bosnia.

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Dont do drugs
Get sleep
That is all
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Jesus fucking christ he looks bad
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Josh has accomplished literally nothing besides getting so fucking fat that he can’t do a single push up. He refuses to get on camera anymore when he used to be a huge face fag and now he can’t get five words out without wheezing like he just finished a marathon. He’s 300+ lbs now, easily
So what actually happened here? Last I heard of this dude he was a popular law streamer and now he's in jail for drugs apparently, but I haven't seen anybody actually post the story.
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Who is this deeply disturbed lolicon enjoyer?

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Am I wrong or is the quality of oglaf related to the amount of white men, the lack of randomly assigned gender and skin colour to characters, and how closely it references normal, white fantasy works?

Heh. :)

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>be me
>want indian food
>go to Indian restaurant
>enjoy curry and nan
>entire business is owned and operated by thais
>don't have to see or hear any poos or worry my food is tainted
It's almost as if we don't need the foreign hordes to have ethnic food...
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Love me slow cooked curries.
that's a good thing
You first
does it taste good? i never eat an indian food in my life but i don't want to judge a book by its cover.
>memeflaggot asks another memeflaggot to reveal their geoflag
Tastes good and is very healthy because of all the spices.
It's the only reason poojeets can survive in such polluted environments as they do.

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>The kremjew said I must defend the motherland so I go
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At least he's the rapist unlike the frog that just lets them in en masse
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Like you would know what honor and sacrifice mean, copper man.
More than you apparently
>Least faceblind hohol
To be fair, these guys also think people like Joe Biden or Putin are one guy so the bar is pretty damn low

What are the factors that caused inflation of the US dollar to reach this level? It has to be more complicated than "Jews" and "Biden".
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Once again, you can still boil the federal reserve issue down to the jews.
>that was 10/10 cope gypsy. thx
Keep coping it's cope, nigger. You can't eat digits. You can't sit your in digits and move around. And you don't get more of something just because you pay more for it.
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>Growth doesn't have to increase the money supply. Quality of life could increase without increasing the money supply.
1. GDP isn't economic activity.
2. GDP growth isn't economic growth. It's mostly inflation.
3. Increasing the money supply increases GDP.
4. What you pay for something isn't how much you get of it.
5. Just because you pay more for it doesn't mean you get more of it or proportionally more.
6. Capitalism runs on money creation because it literally has to print its businesses' profits as it goes and even part of its businesses' expenses towards other businesses. So it cannot run within a fixed money supply or even within a money supply which grows slower than geometric. Especially not without massive periodic depressions.
7. jews and their golems (politicians, urinalists, e-goy-omists) love to talk about economic growth (for example to lie about how well the e-goy-omy is supposedly doing under the current regime) alluding to GDP growth, conflating that with economic activity, but they never point our points 1 through 5 above. And they assume or hope that all of their dumb golems, whom they've trained over decades to think of GDP as economic activity and how much they're paying for something as how of that thing they're getting, will keep believing that GDP is economic activity.
Money is a collectible card. It's only valuable when it's hard to get. When pay goes up and when loans are made more available, then money becomes easier to get and less valuable.
Jews and their fiat money system allows them to print money which devalues the money in your pocket in real time and acts as a defacto tax without ever needing to campaign to raise taxes.

What are your thoughts on Marget Thatcher?
I was talking with my parents today, and they talked about how great Margret Thatcher was, but, I know nothing about her.
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Destroyed the industry of the UK and brought finance capitalism and US control. She ruined what social cohesion left in Britain, this led to the influx of migartion.
She was the British Trump of the 80s, useless neocon that did nothing good but it's okay because she owned da libtards.
A great sign if a person is good or not is how much they are liked in the US. She and Churchill are considred gods there so that tells you everything you need to know.
I was too young to really know but I'd swap 80's Britain for nowadays Britain, at least Caribbean nigs, pakis and poos were trying to assimilate then.

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Bad in math, is that Seamiles / hour2 ?
so they're accelerating? noice. fkn go hard lads.
100 knots Chinese submarines would fall apart
I wheezed

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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*Taps the sign*
I stand with the Rost and Frost inside Krost
Guten morgen ihr nicht-deutschen kekskoeppe
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picrel, kek




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