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american diversity engineering strikes again
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I’ve been in a F-2 tornado. It came through my city at night. Sounded just like a freight train coming through. Everything outside appeared green reflected through the street lights until power was lost.
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yeah, buildings are most vulnerable during the construction phase. i've played warcraft 2 and warcraft 3 a few times.
that's so heckin oddly satisfying
>house without shear walls installed falls over due to wind
>jew in europe with vpn comes in to try and own
>fails because is eurofag and superkike
>vpnsamefags to save his supershitty shitpost

neck yourself, or learn how timber structures work. hell, it's YOUR FAULT homes are built like this, since you fags invaded masonry ages ago and ruined the craftsmanship while driving up prices to FORCE the use of toothpicl houwe construction, which you queers then invaded again and helped murder the hemp industry when it was poised to take over, all to invade that on order to sell nuclear grade weed everywhere. fucking faggots.
In texas they don't put plywood on the exterior walls. They put some waterproofing sheets nailed to the frame. Once that and the roof is up they immediately start putting in plumbing, windows and electrical. Sooner or later they will get around to putting some brick up, but that might not be until cabinets are going in.

unless your builder had storm brackets installed in your house, the only thing stopping your home in much of the US from doing this are the bricks around your house. Thats why so many times when weather events happen you usually have one house out of an entire neighborhood that was destroyed still standing as if nothing happened. The gusts hit hard and rip your roof off or blow over a section of your wall and the rest of the house goes down with it. That one house left spend the extra grand to have storm brackets.

And don't even get me started on fires.

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Accidentally clicked on /b/. What the literal fuck...
/b/ was ruined by BBC during the Tumblr Wars and never recovered.


Do not ever go to another thread. Stay here and bump. Mods sticky.


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>Make everybody's lives miserable wherever you go for centuries.
>People hate you.
>Surprise pikachu.jpg .

Death to all jews,zionists and israeli scum
The only right place for them is hell.
>piss off the entire planet with your usury and jewish mind games

>oh vey we have nowhere to go!

I guess jews aren’t as smart as goyim are led to believe.
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fuck off we're full
Settlers they are. Give them greenland

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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements. HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

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Eliran Bismut is also responsible for pic related
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The man in the webm is Eliran Bismut his actions resulted in pic related; 20 staples and permanent brain damage
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The victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

Why? Because Eliran Bismut is NOT a US citizen, he does NOT have a Visa, he is an ACTIVE DUTY SERVICEMAN IN THE ISRAELI MILITARY.

Eliran Bismuts actions are an ACT OF WAR and because he targeted civilians it is also a WAR CRIME on US Soil.
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Bump. Jews are posting natsoc and physical labor themed posts to facilitate a positive view of the jews. And to shit up the thread. Last thread 404’d after picrel. If you’re in these threads long enough, you’ll learn all their tactics.

>be pic related
>young eye doctor in london and not even interested in politics
>your brother dies
>find yourself all of sudden the leader of the only secular country in the middle east but majority of your country are mentally ill muzzie subhumans
>your dad already ruined all relationships with the west and allied himself with the soviet union that collapsed a few years ago
>the west says you are an easy game
>the west start their kikery against arab boomer dictators
>all your other dictator friends who have double your age of experience get killed, mutilated and pegged with sticks
>your country is next
>billions of dollars spent on getting rid of you
>america, israel, western europe, turkey, all gang up on you
>every terrorist organization rushes to your country
>terrorists from all over the world somehow find their way to your country
>people give you 2 years max to either get killed or run away
>lose 80% of your territories

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>Al Nusra have only fought against Islamic State they have never fought against Assad.
Anyone with a two second google can refute this, there was dozens of battles against syrian army by Nusra and Vice even filmed them holding syrian army POWs. When they split and changed names same thing.
yes, i praise expulsions as i expel the arab invaders back to their home, arabia.
whats the issue
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Can’t mossad the assad
They are. There were suggestions that most of arab spring thing was there to not only create a semi-legitimate reasoning for muslim migration to europe, but to also destroy old christian communities in those countries.
The only christian group that was not welcome in syria were evangelicals, aka jew-worshipers.
Why do leaders in these shithole countries never get overthrown and betrayed by their inner circle?

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>Fears of new Windrush as thousands of UK immigrants face ‘cliff edge’ visa change

>How a British SAS hero was drafted in to boost Trump’s presidential campaign

>Northern lights will be visible from UK more frequently, space forecaster says

>Brighton manager Roberto de Zerbi to leave club
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>Fears of new Windrush
Ohh, they mean the "Windrush scandal". Had me worried there for a second.

just post the news updates here lad
Might put £25 on Fury

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Should workers own the means of production?
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>Gold is not a commodity.
Then define commodity.
Nigger, I know the abstract definition of 'commodity' you're using includes all fungible "goods", including stuff that is useless except as en economic tool, but I specifically contrasted them with commodities that are directly useful.
That's communism, not socialism. Socialism is the state owning means of production as opposed to private enterprise. It's something that might work when paired with nationalism.
They should pay for expenses and losses as well.
same people who coined the term "privatization"

Why do you guys oppose increasing the minimum wage? You don't hate poor people do you?
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thow shit on the web, recieve shit back.
no one wants to see some faggots eat goyslop like 6 year old children.
Adults are treated like adults.
maybe. but that's also a trap that's easy to fall in. that right there is kike talk, but instead of being commie kike talk, it capitalist kike talk. the only reason everyone thinks it's acceptable to pay people shit now, is because wars are a thing of the past. remember, no one owes anyone anything in this world. the only real reason anyone is nice to anyone and ever has been nice anyone, is because it was needed so people would be willing to die for their so-called "countrymen" when their country was invaded, and such.

>if we give money to the poor they won't be poor anymore because the problem is that they just don't have enough money

Imagine the smell of your wound.
Even this shit thread knows your post is shit and didn’t seem you worthy of quads because you’re just full of hate and spite. You’re an Incel and mad these men have what you never will. Keep grinding away at work while they enjoy life.
404 argument not found.

>muh inflation menu
>Actually a 5 dollar biggie bag clone
You toddlers keep pooping your Pampers on inflation
All furry, no bite
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>The Biden biggie bag by bendies
You have ibs
I bought a house in 2020 for 375k. It's valued at 615K now. 240k increase and it's in worse condition. Got it for fixed 3.9%, now is 8%? Lmao yea it's totally not 2008 all over again but even worse.

McDonalds is literally the cheapest shittest food ever created and the reason it's cheap is to goad as many fucking idiots like you into eating fucking estrogen beef to turn you into whatever androgynous faggot you are right now.
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>$5 menu
Can't wait to see a $10 menu after 4 more years
Modern America is a body horror nightmare.
Why are you upset capitalist?
You voted for this
That's the regular menu
10.19 for a quarter pounder meal in 2018

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Just as foretold by the prophecy
>"It's about protecting our Nation's children"
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>the legendary home of "The Beast" computer system
I remember the demonstrations when they introduced that shit
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Hehehe this will surely stop the bot epidemic on the internet, right? Wait, why am I asking a bunch of bots?
Oh neat! So it's totally voluntary like Social Security, Income Tax Reporting, and Vaccinations.
do your part anon

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>Sir? Sir! That is a forbidden topic. No you don't have the right to know what companies were involved in the making of this product. Sir! These are banned thoughts, stop asking questions!"
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>Wikipedia even deleted and will keep deleting processor specs on the SEGA Genesis Vs. the Super Nintendo (protip, the genny is faster), and that was several years ago and was my first real clue that society had ended.
why does that even matter? Imagine what else is being removed
>why does that even matter? Imagine what else is being removed
NO shit, that was my whole point. If we can't even discuss VIDEO GAMES, it's over.
>Is Sweet Baby Inc involved in this game?
>wtf why is my heccin thread deleted guise im just asking questions D: D: D:
Good on the Gearbox developer. You people suck and drain the fun out of the things I have fun with.
That's a lot of words for "yes."
>an hour later, /pol/skins still seething
Why don't you leave video games alone. We all know you never played them and never will ;-)

Give me the lowdown on Boeing
America's labor force can't into planes anymore
Donald Douglas bought Boeing with Boeings money and its been downhill ever since.

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Why he cant just come to earth for like a year, heal millions of people, straighten shit up, write rules on economy and how to use technology, wish us good luck and go back to heaven?
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I'm claiming Christian hierarchy is detached from its believers.
It's feudal structure designed to exploit Christians.
Even symbology alludes to that - a shepherd leading sheep - i.e. don't think, don't act, mindlessly accept clergy telling you what to do and robbing you in the process...
Search your heart and tell me shits not fucked
Go ahead
Since Jesus was crucified in His 30s (most say age 33) then the 2030s mark the two millennium point since His crucifixion, which is likely going to be significant.
Nobody knows the date or time only the Father
Read it
Shit was always fucked, you have no idea how good you have it, burger.

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Christians actually believe a 2000 year dead rabbi was God himself and resurrected after dying. Let that sink in for a moment.
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That's nice dear
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Today is my birthday, and I got her as a present. I feel blessed.
>just say no to jewish lies
Yet you call a Jewish man God. Hilarious
sucks to be you
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Just because [YOU] can't hear the pitch of the whistle does not mean it doesn't work.

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turns out he's a Jew who looks like hugh jackman.
go ahead and tell me how this jew isn't based.

> Racist
this word is meaningless since everything is racist nowadays

Are they fucking retarded? Why would you protest against knowing what foreign entities are trying to influence your politics? They literally call the foreign agents law a "Russian" law. Fucking retards even fights each other in parliament over the bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNkZXTknjUg
over a million russians have fled to Georgia since the "special operation" began
I agree that the fight inside the parliament was kind of funny, but I'm also against that law because it's just needless surveillance of organisations and people which or who hold opposing views compared to the government. For example, RL/RFE could be affected by it (in Russia it's already banned)
Also did you know that the term "foreign agent" dates back to the Soviet era?

>"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said: "Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month." Although no specific gatherings or locations were mentioned in the warnings, the law enforcement agencies noted that messages from the Islamic State (IS) group distributed in English in February 2023 included rhetoric against LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex) events and venues. During Pride Month in June 2016, a man inspired by IS ideology shot dead 49 people and wounded 53 more at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The FBI and DHS warning also noted that three IS sympathisers had been arrested for attempting to attack a Pride parade in Vienna, Austria in 2023. "
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Please, no! What a tragic loss that would be for human culture...
There's no way that would really happen and the FBI is clearly grasping at straws for something to do.

Incidentally, ARE any of your plotting to commit anything though?

Didn't we just have 2 or 3 pride months

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You'll never guess the reason why.
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electrifying outer jacket
But more seriously your tesla will pull up and negotiate a handshake with charger, at that point it will unlock and you will be able to unreel the cable. In all other states the cable will be reeled internally with a fixed handle.
>But what if they just smash open th-
Tesla cables are a low effort target of opportunity
I miss 05-13 internet. shit was just kino

oh shit it was 2003

damn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYRDuOCKr2A

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>50 years ago interracial marriage was ILLEGAL in several US states
>Now there is a coal burning epidemic among white zoomettes

How did things get this bad?
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Yeah then they whine about "reparations" as if the white taxpayer hasn't been subsidizing their useless asses for over a hundred years at this point.
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>Now there is a coal burning epidemic among white zoomettes
Just have white babeeyyzz bro they won't be affected at all by the culture or society they grow up in bro just have whyte baybeez and save the white race bro
This isn't really possible nowadays because two reasons
1. Many men don't care if a woman has burned coal, probably the majority don't care
2. Women have formed an echo chamber today that has determined that racism is bad, so to any average woman, if a guy who doesn't approve of coal burning rejects her, she will receive affirmation from other women that "she dodged a bullet" or "he was trash anyways".
jewish vpnsamefag to his own post. fuckin sad

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and this fucking genius is the best the right has to offer?.
another republicant hero bites the dust
democrabros, we keep winning.
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>At least Giuliani was there in a substantial way during 9/11 years
Nice digits you cocksucking shill. Giuliani and Larry Silverstein were also friendly. Silverstein was the first private owner of the WTC. Coincidence. Silverstein who spoke to Netanyahu "every Sunday" on the phone for years.
Kikes hate him because he cleaned up NYC and for jews, crime pays from every angle.
>running from the law
>has party with over 100 people
>the law shows up
imagine my shock
Fellow New Yorker here, the old guy is right, you're a low IQ fag. Enjoy my 1pbtid.
>hate this guy because of a bunch of BS conspiracy theories I once read about on someones Myspace blog

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