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I can bring you to the light
I can answer any question you have
If you hate religion and want to vent, i am here for you too.


Christian Codex
I. Face evil and defeat it, do so without becoming evil yourself
II. Take what you’ve been given and make it better
III. You can be in pain and be happy, you can have pleasure and be unhappy
IV. The goal is to be remembered as a good person and the one who spreads happiness. Not the best, richest, or most powerful
V. Hatred ugliness and evil are viruses spread from person to person. Christianity is the cure. Your hatred ugliness and evil stop with me. I will not spread it to anyone else.
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More Jewish and proteatant unholy anti chorst spewing false heretical and then satanic shit they need to be jan hused and then all their muses taken and burned and bnai shit brith and all the rebbesa heads cut off and burned
Incoherent babble. You speak like that and dare assume that you speak on Gods behalf? Repent.

Masturbation and porn aren't the worst vices because they are actually based on something real. You're supposed to be sexually attracted to women, thats the intent of your design. But if you're lonely find a good woman or work on yourself to make yourself more attractive. Porn is not real, you deserve better.
Christ is cringe. Hail Lucifer

This is BYD's new sports car 1300HP. It's the fraction of a price of a ferrari but with better specs. All electric ofc

This car is banned from entering USA thanks to tariffs and other restrictions. In 10 years from now, people in Zimbabwe are going to be driving these nicer cars. They will live a higher quality of life than your average mutt thanks to China's investments.

It's okay though because you will own nothing and you will be happy. But China will continue to oppose degrowth with overgrowth
>4 chinese motors
are you being serious right now?
yeah but the car is chinese, its like riding a chinese escalator
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When I say Chinese
You say century
Nice specs but looks like ass.
But Chinese people are stupid

baby boomers grew up in families that would be considered wealthy by todays standards. I asked my boomer parents who paid for their banquet hall wedding? My mother said it was her parents. I asked her where my banquet hall wedding money was? She couldn’t dream to do that for me. That’s the difference between millennial, zoomer V. Boomer. You grew up with hope on your side in a two parent household lmao we grew up in the exact opposite environment. That’s why disregard boomer advice, that’s like taking advice from Richy Rich
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>charlie munger started his investment career in 1962
>$100,000 in 1962 is equal to $1,038,238.41 in 2024
this idiot is talking about saving a million dollars by walking and using coupons.
his advice is not really workable in today's world. listen to him talk and you'll see he's just another retard.
back in those days people got rich by buying stocks and just holding them like dolts. all the rich people from that generation are just misers and cheapskates who benefited from economic policy set by the government to maximize profits and growth. it's all fake. fuck every single one of these bastards involved in this bullshit.
Would you mind listing all of those books you reed for the benefit of the rest of us dummies, as you say. Go on now, throw your pearls out before the rest of us poor swine.
It's not unlike how boomers herded the young into college, and their were no jobs after they graduated in debt. Those boomers sure had good jobs though. lol "suckers"
Lmao that’s why I’m the OP. I said do not trust boomer advice
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These old faggots did not had to compete with 8 billion people who are free to come here back then autarky was still a thing because national defence was still a serious matter so hard industry was still strong even when not really profitable so they only had to compete with their own national population.
Now things are extremely different and there is no point in doing stupid jobs that can't even pay for rent and food.
I enjoy seeing old faggots getting thrown out out homes and then rapefuggers put in there instead.
Old people crying about being poor here when they had their entire life with excellent economy to build up some wealth but no they cry instead and still vote for the parties that ruined our country over and over again.

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>Israel is bad because they dont want their country to be filled with brown violent inbred muslim shitskin migrants just like Europe
absolute state of /pol/ in 2024
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> Endeavours to control the alienation of land by Arabs to Jews have not been successful. In the hills there is no more room for further close settlement by Jews; in the plains it should only be allowed under certain restrictions."[15]
Yes this is quite funny to me like do you fags want Muslims to win or not?
Israel is bad because they are terrorists who killed our soldiers. If you're British and you support Israel then you are a traitor.
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>You started a war and lost
but enough about kikes
Arabs themselves were colonial settlers. Egypt, rest of North Africa etc. Waste of time crying about it now because you got a taste of your own medicine.

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This image speaks volumes
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A tradwife wouldn't be taking selfies every 10 minutes and uploading them to Instagram for attention. Also, baking bread it's fairly difficult, let's see the resulting loaf. Show me your actual skill.
War be comin.
Talk of draft.
Better get pregnant coward sex.
Know your place, don't forget it.
Women seek attention no matter what.

This is still a good thing. You're a retard or a shill for counter-signalling it.
Those are overalls, dingus
Women are social creatures, it's in their nature. Better attention whoring with the tradwife shit than some YOLO slut.
I hate the word now, but it does "Influence" women watching. That's how you get tradlife back, make it appealing and sexy to young women.
They indeed may be washed up reformed reformed sluts, but it does have a societal effect if it catches on.

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You'll never guess the reason why.
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on a main road you expect people on the main road to stop?
>Let's Get You to a Healthy Place
That must be the road out of oakland
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Since OP is a homosexual:
>Neighbors said city workers removed the all the traffic lights in the last week and replaced them with four-way stop signs. The installation came after months of people stealing copper wires and tampering with the city electrical boxes that supply power to the traffic lights.

Ain’t nothing but decoration

Has anyone realized the public school system has turned young girls into complete whores? You send your daughter to public school filled with niggers and horny low IQ retard boys. By the time she’s graduated she’s been with at least 5 bodies, she’s now unable to pair bond, and she’s emotionally damaged. Now her only option is to larp as a “high value independent boss bitch” with an “education”. This has been the culture for the average American women since the 60’s but wasn’t as accepted as it is now. Now it’s seems to be tradition, it’s passed down from old bitter brainwashed feminists women. “Live your life, have fun”. Aka be a whore and sell the only value you have for literally NOTHING. It’s the biggest scam in America !

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Previous >>468381347 ,>>468275883

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, says its fighters have eliminated 15 Israeli soldiers in a pre-planned ambush targeting IDF soldiers barricaded inside a house east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.
>Urgent: Al-Qassam Brigades: Our mujahideen stormed the house and clashed with the remaining soldiers from zero distance with machine guns and grenades.
>#Breaking Fierce clashes between the #Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in the Jabalia camp in the northern #Gaza Strip.
>The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority announces that a ship suffered minor damage after being targeted 76 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah in #Yemen.


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That packing as many slur words that only kike shills use doesn't make it more effective. But simply increases the chance that one of the terms will be in the anon's 4chanx Comment Filter? Thereby ensuring that essentially no goyim are able to see it, and the kikes are simply rage typing & rage baiting into an echo chamber of just kikes being able to read it?

Let alone the pissraeli geoflag, ensuring that even more anons will never see it, due to the 4chanx MemeFag Filter, which is common in other extensions like uBlock as well


Then compare it to what he says publicly >>>/wsg/5545651 which is lies, since he always demonizes the right. To which he got community noted a gorillion times that it was actually far left dems, and not the far right. That more democraps are actually anti-pissrael vs republicans
>(due to the boomers and evangelicals. People become more conservative as they age, so boomers are mostly republicans)
China and Russia finally taking a piss on the US
Why are kikes like this? Now they are blaming the US for full support for being genocidal maniacs

I don't think the elites have realized how bad they've fucked up
They think releasing daily soldier gore films will """demoralize""" their enemies, but its having another effect:
Millions of men, all across the world, are seeing how fucked up, depressing and retarded modern war is
There is no honor or glory, young men are being sent to die by soulless machines

Mark my words, when NATO starts drafting, there will be mass riots and societal collapse
Too many men know the truth about zog wars know, the illusion is gone
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lol Yes
No irony.
Will gays make good soldiers?
jesus you must be a boomer to be this retarded
or a willing fed
either way, go cut your dick off
amen brother
Semper Fi this faggot hoooah
Ukraine is fighting for the American values.
giving money to Ukraine is a right thing.

written by moose and squirrel.

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Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US: Experts Confirm First Case

It's now official: the highly pathogenic bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020 has now been passed from a cow to a dairy farmer in the US, the first confirmed cow-to-human transmission of this virus on record.
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>Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US
Bullshit, of course.
>bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020
also bullshit.
H5N1 bird flu went around in 2010, and the eighties, and many times before. It's not a 'novel virus' and the risk to humans is low. Get ready to hear about even more chickens being culled but that's it.
>Zero mortality rate
>Oh my gosh it has infected one person over the course of many years
>Odds are there is no dairy farmer that has been infected and yet people still trust the establishment and what they have to say after the whole Covid 19 debacle
Based on the other times humans have caught it, >50%. Not entirely sure, but I think the number is 56%. Of course this is just poor malnourished shitskins, so they probably would have died anyway. Mortality rate is probably barely even there for actual people
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The mortality rate for chickenshit flu was about 75% for those who got infected on filthy poultry farms in China. The caveat is that it is very hard for humans to catch. The infected workers gave it to SOME of their spouses and children who they lived with in cramped squalid conditions. But there were no reported cases of transmission from casual contact.
The fear is that H5N1 will acquire the ability to spread easily among humans while ALSO maintaining it's 75% fatality rate, instead of just turning into another (mostly harmless) flu.

Or at least that's the story they are preparing.

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Which way, /pol/?

Why do white women do shit like this?
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I highly recommend not getting into accidents. I've a titanium spine, reduced mobility and a brain fucked by the Fentanyl I was on in the hospital.
With this level of self awareness you have broken the internet. Damn!
Japan will inevitably reject you, and you will go back.
>be dental assistant
>get hooked on coke
>lose job and living on street
>sell body for coke
>prob gonna die this way, its all mixed with fent
>someone says in nicaragua you can have all the coke you want
>get flight there
>get beat over head by cartel member and drug to his "house'
>fucked nonstop and have to do all his chores
I am the Anti-Norf.

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Said the one with 23 muhammads in his basement
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Strange, i only find his 72 virgins there
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I remember being very shocked about learning that mutts paint their grass...
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The lateral strength is in the plywood. Shouldn't have framed the whole house before finishing the exterior walls on the lower floors.

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Who killed Shinzo Abe and Robert Fico?
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The assassinated him yet you never hear about it. The japs are fucking useless as well. Normally a collective would discover the cause, and then collaborate to disseminate the information and then devise a solution.

It's fucking basic normal human behaviour.

I can't find a real person anywhere.
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Robbie is still alive faggots
The correct question would be who ordered a hit job on both

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Only asian girls not guys
I would garrote these whores if thy came to my neighborhood
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Honorary what?
That food tray is fucking vile

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Why is /pol/ so opposed to walkable cities?
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Nipper literally every single city in America used to be walkable before drugs and prostitution got banned. Did prohibition prevent solve alcoholism or prevent organized crime? Didn't think so, fucking retards
>dude weed lmao!
Amsterdam sucks fucking ass
full of shitskin that will stab you or shoot you if you look at them the wrong way.
The dem side should have ho.eless shitting all over the streets and the stores all closed or being robbed by junkies. Illegals should also be raping the people on bikes.
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>Everyone rides bikes

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Even in 2024, after all the lawsuits and criminal penalties, there are still real estate agents and brokers who are openly discriminating against potential buyers. If these allegations are true, some people are going to be in some hot water.
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Her credit and assets were probably trash. Could of had more offers. You can pick whoever the fuck you want nigress can fuck off.
Wetbacks are getting interest free home loans I hear.
What if it's some spic who doesn't care about "muh racism" the way Whites do?
Nigger or naive white woman
They're trying to make it so that disparate outcomes are illegal, regardless of whether or not the policy in question is actually racist. If it causes an inequal outcome, then it is racist.



Is Mexico really that scary? It seems like every mexican man is fat and 5’6. I’m supposed to be traveling there in a few weeks.
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Mexicans are nice people, even the bad asses love their mums. If you stay out of troubles, troubles stay away from you applies as always to traveling
Which city? It's a large country
Yes and love Jesus. Have family in Mexico, work normal jobs, should learn some Spanish at least and just treat people kindly.
Only when you drive across country and encounter potholes larger than your car on mountain roads or cartel checkpoints, which you might mistake for legitimate military. They generally dont fuck with you, but will search your whole car. Othereise stick to tourist towns, stay in your hotel compounds and dont go out at night. Best place I went was rosarito beach papas n beer. The bouncer would just hold up his arm next to his and if you were darker than him you didnt get in.
I always wonder how do people Mexico function espeically the woman and children. Do they just never leave their house or go to school? The place is just apocalyptic nightmare fuel. I cant imagine living there its got to be hell on earth.

Do you roll your own cigs?
Is it worth it?
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In Canada no. You won't save any money unless you buy crappy Indian tobacco
10 rupees for a pack of 550 papers monthly + ~17-19 for 30g (around 55 cigs) for two-three days + 10 minutes for rolling vs 18-20 for 20 cigs daily - for me it's worth it
It's good, also don't smell like cigarettes.
I can't always be arsed to drive down the mountain and get some, takes me 45 minutes. So I keep a pack of rolling tobacco, but I don't like the taste. Too sharp. Poor boomer yokels here buy cigars and use the tobacco from that to roll cigs, kek.
In here yes 2$ for 500gr of tobacco. But most people would probably just gonna buy the normal tobacco since the price are pretty much the same

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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A new id but the same me.
I HATE party foulers!
You could take all the enemy names from Infinite Wealth and just turn them to euphemisms for niggers.
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I want trump 2.0

I want HyperTrump

I want him to Seize the Stars
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cat picture day
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I made it just in time. MAGA!

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