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This aired on the Colbert show recently. /pol/bros.... Our response?
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>eight months late to the party
>fucking jibjab quality work that probably took an hour to make all together
I guess "out of touch, and lazy/incompetent" is pretty par for the course for modern mainstream politics.
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white bitches are getting blacked
Doesn't the Colbert show have a big budget? Couldn't they have spent a bit more time on the quality? This is shit even I could throw together in an hour.
what the fuck are you even on about
I, a millenial, grew up with Tom and Jerry, and even that shit had overarching plot
you don't need to go into dadaism for children

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Holy shit, only 40 lightyears away? That's practically a walk to grocery store! I can't wait for trans-POC astronauts to land on it!
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Wow... Too bad the earth is flat and outer space doesn't even exist.
>If the Nazis had won WW2 the terraforming of Venus probably would have started by now
Instead the wrong side won and get a half nigger mongrelized population saying things like:
Well guess what chud, you can't move from earth to mars without transitioning into a martian. Boom, you either stay on this rock until you die or you become one of the ladies
Your move, creep
nice cgi it would take me 40 billion light niggers to comprehend it
>humans will never leave this solar system alive and no not even going to waste time explaining how I know that.
gene editing
you can easily make someone immortal by changing a few genes that code for telomeres. but human experimentation is banned so this will never happen
if we ever want to become a space faring civilization we'll want to use everything, including

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bitch ass whitey gon' get killed know what i'm sayin'
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now just imagine his tight muscular black buns squeezing around your fat white cock. god i can't wait until football season, i'm going to fap so much to all those bent over niggers!

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I can't believe this... I've been a Rakieta fan, a Rakietator if you will, for over a decade now. When I heard about that shit he did, I was in shock. I'm beginning to suspect this is an attempt by the kikes to take a based man down. What do you all think? I don't think Rakieta is capable of doing anything wrong and this whole thing is bullshit but I need /pol/ to validate my thoughts because if I find out you all don't share my taste in streamers I'm going to kill myself.
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Every one of these smug larping-as-normie YouTubers always gets what they dish out eventually
>eceleb shit
>Thread after thread of 5 words and a pic. No URL, no explanation etc
datamining queries and zoomers and boomers line up to bump and engage with all the jewish slide threads
Insane amount of eceleb trash floating around. Never seen this garbage before.
Rakieta is rocket in Polish.

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That's your AGI in the making. Apparently, to make an AI you need 1 million jeets who solve google captcha.
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Glorified Markov chains, nothing more. Nothing less. Only a poojet's "job" is threatened by an "AI".
You only get one output at the time. An Indian each time.
>LLMs may actually align with what we define as intelligence

retard. we can't even define intelligence ourselves.
> An anarchist doesn't know what intelligence is

We know you don't know.

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Zyklon C has been unleashed
A sampling of her tweets today:
"I just want to live in America where the pedophiles stop having power."

"May she rest in peace. Why would the @ADL support the pedophile who ruthlessly raped and murdered her during Passover no less?
Remember Mary Phagan, this 13 year old murder victim, the next time the ADL tries to tell you who needs to be put on a hate list.
She was no match for the power and wealth of Leo Frank and his B’nai B’rith connections.
He harassed her and many other of the young girls that worked for him— as they testified."

"The ADL now refers to Leo Frank as a “victim of antisemitism”.
They are sick, perverted defenders of pedophilia and murder.
Every single person should study the Leo Frank case and ask yourself why the ADL has so much pull in our government."

"Some of the same people who openly (and rightfully) discussed the flaws of BLM believe that their own communities are above reproach.
That is called racial supremacy.

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what would be your evidence?
It's crazy. I wish every white man had the same balls as Zyklon C
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Me too, Satan. Me too. She's becoming a genius rhetorician, even the skilled commie shill from the last thread is powerless this time. Tel Aviv must be PISSED.
>Zyklon C
This is hereby her name, Queen of /pol/, Zyklon C I. Long may she reign.
If she handles this right, goes slow and easy, she could wake up millions. An entire generation of young men and women would experience what the Fuhrer experienced in the early chapters of Mein Kampf.

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Kikes of pol is it true your mothers are all dark triad abusive dommymommys infusing you with mental ilness and neuroticism from birth or is that a stereotype?
Interesting question

The Disney "star wars" media is goyslop with attitude
No their amygdalas get fucked when their dicks are cut as babies. A lot of us men are the same. It's a Jew cult thing to keep the men paranoid and anxious. Cutting the most sensitive part of the body, the life giving organ, causes in them a fear they cannot unknown, a trauma too deep to release. No therapy will help them. And they will cut their sons
dark triad usually implies skilled self-advancement. my mother was a raging ball of misdirected angry my whole childhood, now shes divorced, aging, stuck in a low-paying career and will probably be dead in 10 years with all the medications and surgery she's going through.
i still cant decide if i pity her or im wallowing in witnessing her suffering

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I prefer it when niggers can have fun, in africa.
You can float unlike them, if you got in the water you'd be fine just doggy paddling
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>I'm white
suuure you are, schlomo.

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The use of automated 4chan posters disseminating propaganda is a growing concern, particularly with the rise of AI-powered tools that can generate images and text with ease. Users on 4chan have been known to utilize these tools to create and disseminate content promoting Nazi imagery and other forms of hate speech. This content is often designed to be persuasive and can be spread quickly across various social media platforms, making it a challenge for moderators to keep up with the volume of problematic posts. Research has shown that the organisational practices of digital political actions on 4chan's /pol/ board are marked by a negative perception of Western liberal democracy, extremely negative attitudes toward the Left, minorities, and progressive liberals, antisemitism, and racism - values closely related to the far-right. The goal of these actions is often to "redpill the normies" - indoctrinate the general population into denouncing liberal democratic ideology and accepting the far-right worldview. The ability of individuals to generate such a massive campaign online using generative AI reveals the potential for people to spread propaganda on a large scale. This has led researchers to propose a framework for mitigating the threat of generative models being used in influence operations, including building more fact-sensitive models, imposing restrictions on training data collection, and creating access controls on AI. The proliferation of machine-generated bigotry raises questions about the effectiveness of recent claims by social media platforms to expand their automated moderation of antisemitic content. Despite these efforts, researchers have reported that a significant number of posts flagged as hate speech remain publicly available on platforms like X (formerly Twitter). The use of AI to create and disseminate hate speech and disinformation has been identified as a new weapon for online radicalisation on 4chan. The leak of Meta's LLaMA model, for example,
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imagine stacking them all up and popping them up the butt in series. law enforcement make the best power bottoms.

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Is it a crime to run towards women at night?

Example: https://files.catbox.moe/0m689w.mp4
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what if you see a bear sneaking up behind them?
i do night shifts and i jog/run back and forth in the dark and if women get scared and say they thought i was a stalker or rapist i tell them they would have to lose some weight first no matter how fat or thin they are and especially if they're in a group
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Fucking bears why did they abandon us?
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Fuck off kike. Imagine being worth obscene sums of money and being a part of the cultural and political elite of an unfathomably rich empire, but the only hookers willing to fuck you are all underage, coerced into it against their will, and objectively ugly.

The endless rage against white women comes from kikes, and maybe now some of you newfag tourist niggers will start to understand why. Shitty little yid manlets with degenerate pornhub fetishes can't stand the fact that white women don't want them, and have indeed NEVER wanted them historically.

If white women wanted to fuck jews and niggers, then kidnapping millions of white women and children for the slave trade would have never been a business. You don't kidnap anybody who would come willingly.

Jews are pedophiles. Jews are rapists. Jews rape kids. The postmodern age is defined by seething jewish rage against everything they do not have and can never be.

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Your time is valuable.
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Avoiding pol isnt cucking himself, this place gives you brain worms. You can have the strongest mind on earth but with enough exposure the shills and bait (90% of the board) will eventually break you down.
>I find in order to live amongst normies it makes it easier not to think too differently from them (npc take I know, but I happen to value making things easier for myself).
I just keep anybody I can't be honest with at arm's length. Polite but curt.
> Anyway man basically i'm just neeting I don't know what the fuck to do.
I was in that situation after I got laid off from my last job. I was just going to neet until the money ran out but my friend set me up with a job at his workplace. Part time, but I make enough to get by and my life is a lot easier. Partial neet life is the way for me.
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doing ok
feds stole my mail
deeply sad
thought I would be free of America forever by now
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Absolutely horrible
Only my survival instincts and the tiniest bits of hope and Faith in Christ are keeping me alive. Etc; etc; more bullshit I wont post because I dont want a wellness check.

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let's hear it, /pol/.

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he dead.
We miss you George! Please come back to life!
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twisted shitsters oy vay
Old news

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POV: You wake up on November 6th
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I'd be somewhat content. I'd won a bet I placed for Biden.
how does that work out with the 24/7 secret service guards that Trump has for life
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>nov 6
>trump gets arrested
>no one cares because everyone is mad at him for losing
who cares, jews win either way
This is true i weep

Don't waste your life on PMO. Don't let your erection give you direction.
Direct your life towards self-discipline and self-care. Many men fail, be the few that don't.
God helps those who help themselves. What you think becomes your reality. Think in terms of abundance, not in terms of scarcity.

What are the factors that caused inflation of the US dollar to reach this level? It has to be more complicated than "Jews" and "Biden".
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Growth doesn't have to increase the money supply. Quality of life could increase without increasing the money supply.
Money printer bo brrrrrrrr.
C'mon man, this is basic stuff.
The spike in 2020 wasn't because of bad orange man. Blue shitholes declared that the economy needed to be shut down, and that the government should borrow so much money that the fed stopped telling people how much money they were borrowing about it.
And it still pales in comparison to what happened under biden, as actual direct results of the actions of the federal government.
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It's actually the Jews and Congress. More compicated? AIPAC.
Once again, you can still boil the federal reserve issue down to the jews.

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>Go on LinkedIn.
Good tucking media matters is full of a bunch of dumb fucking idiots.
Also they are backing off the pressure for a short period. People can't maintain rage constantly. They either blow up and rebel or subside into apathy. They are engineering the apathy at the moment. Its why Giuliani was running the Two Weeks slide after the election.
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Martha Washington seething

Why did God create this?
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Yes God is retarded because he was made up by stupid humans.
>Why did God create this?
He didn't. He just created a universe that made this because he's not a petty and obsessed twat like you who wants to micromanage everything and force his way.
Something had to suck on more things than your mom.
Why not? What's the problem?
It doesn't conform to the arbitrary uninformed preferences of a random specimen of the upright ape species therefore God is dumb.

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How can you tell? Looks like a bunch of ordinary guys except maybe the one guy, but maybe he just lifts alot.
kys troon
if anyone is rounding there they surely don't know what they are doing
What are you talking about, they are clearly all blue.
White Fucking Power!! o/
no, but we have speedway hooligans

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Inflation is theft

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Previous >>468904082

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>#Yemen: Mr. Al-Houthi: The American floating port in the #Gaza Strip is a military base, and Washington was exposed when it brought armored vehicles and air defense systems.
>Gaza Health: The number of victims of the Israeli aggression has risen to 35,800 martyrs and 80,011 injured since October 7.
>UK Maritime Trade Operations: Unknown individuals have boarded a ship 420 nautical miles southeast of the Somali port of Merca.
>#Egypt: A high-ranking #Egyptian source told Cairo News: The #Israeli position is still not qualified to reach a deal regarding a ceasefire in #Gaza.


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theyre getting extremely schizo about Egypt, theyve been basically accusing Egypt of supporting Hamas and deluded themselves into believing they can retake Sinai, i shit you not
Israel above Nigeria and tie with Pakistan, over twice as bad as Russia, honestly quite surprising.
Because most Jew criminals don't get caught, or even get rewarded, Henry Kissinger is a good example.
Ah I actually saw this kino before, didn't just know the context
Here it is for someone still lookin
World needs more TKD
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
>israeli flag
>bitching and moaning that they're not being evil enough
Keep posting. This is more redpilling to normies than a hundred pics

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