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my grandpa's name was adolph and people always bully me when they find out
Hello, Adolph III
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>a dolphin
No they don't liar

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What happens here?
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gaza yn galw am gymorth
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Fuck off and die
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dim byd mwy cymraeg na chysgod
Inbred faggots that ate allergic to vowels
>due to the geography (it's sticking out)
Mate the mercian ango-saxons dug a huge fucking ditch to keep the welsh out.
If it were a bit deeper at the ends wales would be a fuckin island.

>Big surprises about gas chambers in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built.
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Summer Camps Holohoax Videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

YOUTUBE LINK at 40min30s:

Catbox Link:
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Silence Satan, the Britons were heavily involved in many of the Crusades. Englishmen and Scots put aside their disagreements to help the Spanish in their Reconquista, with Englishmen who had actually fought against Robert the Bruce following a Scottish general who brought his heart along as a holy relic. Every Crusade the English took part in was successful. It was the English and the Scots who were, other than Germany, the great sponsors of the Teutonic knights, and who were best represented among their troops aside from the Teutons and Livonians (who admittedly were the overwhelming majority); who ground the Mongol down in endless skirmishes and kept them out of the heart of Europe.

And it was the British who would decisively go forth and crush the pagan and the saracen across the world with the advent of our Empire!

... However, you are right that a lot of Britons are incredibly ignorant of this history. We were there though, our men spilled their blood with our brothers and cousins on the continent against the mohammadan and the mongol. So don't you go looking down on us!
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>Sir? Sir! That is a forbidden topic. No you don't have the right to know what companies were involved in the making of this product. Sir! These are banned thoughts, stop asking questions!"
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Because you're missing the point. It is an excuse, that's all there is to it. Or rather the technical meaning of the term "dogwhistle" is an excuse, in practice it is just a generic alarm sound made on detection of an ideological enemy, to call for help in swarming the opponent.
so, you guys talk about homeworld 3 here...?
This has been how many months of the whole world dunking on subhuman /pol/skins?
Nobody owes you anything. Keep the comedy coming though.
Yaaay I'm home.
Biden is gonna win btw lol

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I'm truly niggled when the Aryan race is impostered by brown people.
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>Germanics have more ooga boogas hunter gatherers than steppes herders.
You're lying you fucking retard, they are 60% aryan
commit suicide kike
>posts about whites
shut up carlos, you're a mutt
Post nose, schlomo.
No they are not, they are castizos in denial. The scotch-irish don't want to accept that they fucked so much Choctaw and Cherokee.

But since it's all based on lookism and not genes they don't care if they look like some ginger dude with blue eyes.

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I kneel EU jew chads, this has beaten me… you win
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>buying a bottle of water is the only option
Yeah if you're dumb and can't plan more than 5 minutes out. I use a metal canteen, you should try that too.
That sounds nice, I met some amish people near us last year and bought some of their produce, I plan to buy from them more this summer since their stuff is just better.
>why have that shit at all?!
Performative virtue, nothing more. It doesn't ACTUALLY solve any problem, but they can point at the solution and congratulate one another on being so eco-aware greenie fags. Meanwhile they keep selling 6-packs of 20oz which have been choking out seabirds for the last 40+ years, nobody gives a fuck about that despite it being arguably a bigger problem than goddamned pop caps.
>buy one abroad
Yes. You realise knives are cheap as fuck don't you?
damn, I wish we had amish here. they look based af (apart from the christian angle - just not for me)
>but they can point at the solution and congratulate one another on being so eco-aware greenie fags.
The US ships its recyclables to Canada. Canada then sends it to China. China then properly disposes of it by dumping it all in the ocean.
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Ahh the circle of "recycling"
I believe the debris from 9/11 was put onto barges and shipped straight there too, iirc.

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Yup. Putin maybe a jewlover, but Ukraine is atleast as uf not more zogged than russia.
Trump will preside over the biggest ramping up of war industry in world history, and russia/china/iran/NK are the main enemies. Pic related is 2023, but it regards current and future goals. Not a good time to be a russia supported.
What part of "natural selection" you didn't understand. If it wasn't because you keep massacring them so thoroughly they will not be any different from most other ethnic groups. You created "the jews".
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It was run by a mafia even back in the mid 2000s. Demue to this their is high corruption that was exploited by the western powers but when Russian found how to implement Western propaganda, techniques, via the Internet it escalated into the warfare with Russia as a proxy state to combat?! Combat I’m not sure, what exactly other than the transfer of money
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The major difference is in the west kikes control everything but in Russia the kikes are under control otherwise there will be pogroms really quick because most Russians know their history pic related while in the west everything antisemitic has been eradicated from the books.
Kikes underestimated Putin and hoped to get a puppet into power (Berezovsky admitted this) but it turned out that Putin was smarter and more independent than they thought and he ended up controlling the kike billionaires having them literally by the balls and punishing/hunting kikes who thought they could fuck with him like Chodorkowski

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the one thing you don't seem to grasp, the thing you dont seem to understand, the defining point you won't admit is that NO ONE in the generations below you and Gen X have any hope for the future. they have no hope for America. your generation was raised by some of the most patriotic (actual patriotism, not Jewish politics) generations ever. We watched you fuck the world in 2008 and then fuck it again in 2020. Zoomers now are walking into a market full of foreign mutts and overseas workers. delayed gratification? they're all spending the money they have to survive. sure, some spend frivolous on creature comforts to stave off the crippling depression about the state of the economy and the job market and the dating market. no one has savings. rent and mortgage/debt payments (if you can get it) take up most of all earnings. they took out debt to get trained for jobs that don't exist, at your behest. then, you have the balls to say they don't do delayed gratification? they chose to take on lifelong debt that can't be defaulted on because they wanted to? they went through the Jewish subversion because they wanted to? some of them, sure, mostly women. but most people went to college because they had to, at costs of education exponentially higher than what you had to pay for, because of Boomer economic machinations like student loans and tuition increases. these loans are the counterside of medical procedure costs and insurance. you guys HAD to push to put the government in the pot and it raised costs for everyone but you, subsidized by a previous cost of living and higher relative wage and medicare/Medicaid which have been leeches on hardworking young people since day 1. we watch our future legislated away to browns, blacks, and foreign workers who hate you and hate us all voted on and loved by Boomers and Gen X. You sold us out for profits and a second home and have the balls to tell us we need to invest more in "our future" give me a fucking break.
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Kek Mr. Potato Head got banned. Kid just won the coveted and highly sought after /pol/ Donkey of the Day award for May 18, 2024.
Yea I know how property taxes work thanks. But do you know how math works? What's more, $2500 a month in rent where the Mexican maintenance guy can open your front door at any time, or $200 a month in taxes where you can kill anyone who enters your home without permission?
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>Wagie wagie works like crazy
>12 hours of every day this wagie works, Bossman scoffs and calls him lazy
>Wagie wagie day 47, no mercy, no reprieve, no relaxation or rest
>Bossman ignores wagie’s every heartfelt request
>Wagie sighs and tries his best
>Wagie wagie collapses one day
>Bossman says “Pack your things, just go away.”
>Wagie wagie fired that day
>Starving now that he gets no pay
>Wagie dies, yet no one cries
>Bossman sees his profits rise
>Wagie gave his best endeavor
>Does Bossman care? Not now, not ever
>Bossman’s face forms a tiny grin
>One more wagie in the bin
>Gen Z have been raised in an environment where they believe it's perfectly reasonable to start the finish line.
Only bankers get to start at the finish line, huh?

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US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says NATO will deploy troops to Ukraine

In a major escalation of the US-NATO war with Russia in Ukraine, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown told the New York Times Thursday that the NATO military alliance will “eventually” send significant numbers of active-duty NATO troops to Ukraine, which the newspaper said meant the deployment was “inevitable.”
He won't do shit.

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>throwing sodomites into an eternal lake of fire

Based God
do you think God makes you fart too?
you choose to act on your impure thoughts anon. its not a life or death situaiton. you dont need to have gay sex or even kiss a man. none of it is necessary
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believers also get the rope

Who’s next?

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Previous: >>468414239

▶Day: 815 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea
>Budanov: Kharkiv region "stabilising" and "is not catastrophic"

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>Russian soldiers are "legitimate military targets"
It was my best pupil. I was so proud for him...
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But that webm is deceitful, see when you die your soul leaves the body making it an empty vessel, all those corpses? They stopped being russian the moment their hearts stopped beating, they became inanimate matter to fertilize bountiful ukrainian land.
Would you say an empty nut shell is a nut? No you wouldnt, same for vatniks, those bodies are not russian anymore thus russia stands at a whooping 0 casualties.
Power Outage at Novorossiysk. City without power for some period this morning.
Total zigger discombobulation

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>just randomly threw my mouse against the wall and completely destroyed it

I came back from a walk outside and basically talked to myself (sometimes out loud) how being an ugly sub5 man is basically the same as being a shunned societal reject. Even if you get a job and do everything society expects from you, nothing will change.

Got so pissed when I thought about how women consider people like me literal subhumans and how amny instances I had in my life where it was blatantly obvious but back then I was still stupid and naive.

This happened repeatedly over the last several weeks. As an ugly 5'8" 29 year old touchless virgin with no money, dead poorfag family and zero friends I just find myself faced with my rejection by society and the inability to achieve things that are percieved as normal and easy by normalfags.

Anyone else can relate?
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If you get together with a lot of other ugly men you can form a militia...
I'm a massive Warhammer painting autistic weirdo that loves dumping on random women at social events with HOURS of unsolicited dune lore dumps and I've still been married for nearly a decade you doomer faggot, go out there an go get some puddin'
How tall are you?
You're 6'2" and good looking, he's 5'8" and ugly asf
assisted suicide seems comfy

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>It's a sunny saturday in sweden
>the swedes are on balconies having BBQs with people theyve known since they were 5
>if you don't know them since you were 5 or arent dating one of them you'll never be invited
>The music is loud and the sound of joy is in the air
>I sit alone with nothing to do
>All my coworkers are doing things too which in most countries is where you get your entry but swedes are autistic socially and will never open the circle

Guess Ill close the curtains and play vidya again...
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Force yourself into a hobby groups. Like martial arts or pretty much anything competetive that you have to do IRL. Those people are always looking for new people to hang out with. You have to be a dumb retard to lock yourself out of social opportunities these days, but it's the fixable kind of retardation.
Well, if you live in a 50.000+ city that is. Anything smaller and you're kinda fucked.
I joined the tennis club in horsens and within two weeks had a nickname and made some friends who I would still visit now, maybe I am the issue but I don't think I am
FPBP. I've given up on all these fags here.
You don’t.
Either you do it in kindergarten or school or you missed out.
Alot of people are starving for friends. Dont mistake acquaintaces(?) for friends. Friends are different, they are the ones driving you to and from rehab, people you play golf with and eat food with are just that . Its a big difference, and you feel that deep in your heart. Im glad you had a good time here

What are the political implications of being able to purchase a bride in 2024?
This is a very important geopolitical concern when accounting for increasing male sexlessness and its shaping of the economy and society at large.

And why is it mostly in Muslim countries? Should this practice be banned?? Because like it or not, this is probably coming to England very soon...
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oh nnoooooo I hope Sharia law doesn't take over the US this would be so much worse than having the average man jump through hoops for the chance to maybe get a fat selfish feminist who will divorce rape him!
Has always happened in antiquity when the parents lose the ability to provide for the child. Marry off the daughters, sell the sons. Better than death.
>buying gf
Ah, of course, the englishman, a creature who knows not his own history trying to criticize someone else culture.
The day the chud learns he can buy a wife is the day that roastie ropes

Huemonkey, please look at my flag again.

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International students, who are no longer eligible for postgraduate work permits and will be slated for deportation from Canada, are now protesting in large numbers against provincial and federal governments to let them stay in the country. New rules put in place by the P.E.I government last year means that permits are only being given to students with qualifications in construction and healthcare.
White guy antagonizes a bunch of student jeets throwing a hissyfit because they don't get an easy ride to PR working as a Tim Hortons slave anymore. Fat disabled woman yells at him at 8:00, I can barely watch the rest of the interview because jeets make me cringe. Some anons may enjoy the antagonism.
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I could hear your accent as i was reading.
top kek
at one point the poo says "brother why did you post the video", what video is he referring to?
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>the fat brown canadian foid whale
>i'm canadian
>these are my people

every single time..
MY new vm reply TO ALL YOU INCELS

HAHAHAHAHAHA, there is no way you genuinely believe my voice isn’t top 99.9% of EVERY fucking one u incel animals ever speak to. I sound like a pretty drippy lightskin hood nigga, while yall incels and hillbillies sound like animals. I bullied you types, worthless clowns

The fact i am even interacting with you animals is ur gift. Big fucking gift you worthless faggots

Disgusting animals won’t ask for maids, instead found another reason to live “muh muh Indian immigrants”.

You CANT make this shii up lol.

Disgusting animals, growing up all the weird classmates in my school were all white. Cause all the normal whites live in NYC or some big city. And worthless subhuman ones like YALL still live in the suburbs, and they are a net negative, almost all of them got no actual skills to benefit society. They leeches, they pull no hoes.

I drive a fucking m8 comp, and a benz 63s, i am a self made nigga, i fucked 11 prime 18-20 year old bitches in the January of 2023. genuinely believe my voice isn’t top 99.9% of EVERY fucking one u incel animals ever speak to. I sound like a pretty drippy lightskin hood nigga, while yall incels and hillbillies sound like animals. I bullied you types, worthless clowns
The "consent" is gaslighting everyone with unrelenting propaganda. Less than 30% of people want any of this, that includes the shitskins and slanteyes.

She planned to kill as many unbelievers in the name of Islam as possible, being dressed in a black dress, using a mohakh axe and a knife. She was part of an ISIS telegram channel. Her parents thought she was just addicted to insta and TikTok.

Could you have saved her?
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How does a 14 yr old girl travel to Syria alone?
good morning Saar
>Montenegro mentioned
Whenever a Balkan muzzie commits a crime in kraut lands, remember that you supported them against us from 1912 to 1999.
Fruits of your labor krautoids.
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>sniper rifle
>posts Tavor
Leave our guns alone you jealous turdroach mongrel

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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I see the jidf kikes are already seething this morning:
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Stop sleeping in the morning.
it will be interesting to see how he handles their derailment efforts the 2nd time, now that he's familiar with their bullshit
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i didnt even know i wanted to be in the tit biter crew. i didnt even know it existed
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no it's coonurday, for MAGAcoons

Anon, would I have some chances of being accepted in the ethnostate?
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>whiter than you
kike you look like a nigger
btw I take this opportunity to wish the best to Israel I hope that muslims shithole known as Palestine gets burned to the ground lmao
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Race is far more than just skin color, retard. No one is falling for your Kike tricks anymore. The obvious answer is: No, you're not White.
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And me?
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why do you shave your arms?
Prettier aesthetic anon

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