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Say what you will about jews, be as antisemitic as you want, but you have to admit that it was pretty fucked up for Hamas to show up and shoot a bunch of kids gathering at a music festival for peace.
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Meh, most of the people here reflects the average palestinian mindset and why them getting stomped and Hamas hunted down is a good thing. The average /pol/estinian is just a terrorist with not enough balls.
Anon, we can go to desuarchive and read you gloating about "palichads killing the kikes", I know your target is other retards such as you but you could make your conspiracy theories something better than /x/ tier.
>inside job
Mossad hung them out to dry for pity points.
>If Iran weren’t a push of pussies then they would have nuked Tel Aviv by now.
There's no need, jews will do it themselves. The last sacrifice clearly wasn't big enough.
They were all out of their faces on drugs, they should thank them for the adrenaline dump and best trip of their lives

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Iceland went from being 88%% Icelandic in 2018 to 81% Icelandic in 2024. Their population increased from 316k in 2013 to 384k in 2024, mostly due to immigration. However Icelanders are not bothered because most immigrants are hardworking Poles and they assimilate easily.

You chuds can stop the theatrics, this king happa has set the record straight on your disingenuous malarkey.
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I wouldn't mind putting in a shift on her, if you get my drift
It is set in the province of niggasaki, where the protagonist nigga joins the niggen tenshin clan and is trained by niggamoto mugsashi in the art of niggjitsu and becomes adept in the use of the nigganata.
Lol so true. And modern blacks can't even come up with their own unique stories so they have to steal other people's. Which is on-brand for niggers, too.
Pissing off wypipo wasn't enough. Now they need to piss of asians.

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7 Ukrainians walked around Germany carrying nazi flags

German government got offended

The Ukrainians got deported into Poland and it is not known what Poland will do with them, force them into Ukraine or not?

Hopefully one of those 7 assassinate (((Zelenskyy)))
We don't deport to Ukraine.
but Poland isnt Ukraine so its fine..

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having a few drinks enables to me last for about 45 minutes during sex with minimal effort and I've even lasted as long as 2 hours with it before. when I try to google any information about this, it's buried by the usual mayo clinic wikipedia drivel talking about how bad alcohol is and even some of the articles claim it CAUSES premature ejaculation. just total upside down satanic control nonsense. basically I am wondering, how many other beneficial uses of alcohol are there that I don't know about yet?
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Does the m-word trigger the :04 sneed bot?
nah man if you make your woman orgasm a lot she starts bragging to other women about it and then they wanna have sex with you too which leads to even more procreation. as men we have to swim through female chaos. the problem is when you get lost in the sauce.
Yeah, there's another major beneficial use.

Moonshine can be used as cooking fuel, heating fuel, and has enough of an octane rating to be used in combustion engines.
Meaning you can grow your own diesel.
> caring about what women think
Nah that sounds gay af. Ill pass.
Kek, I thought I was the only one. And the term (((whiskey dick))) is a total lie. In fact, I too last so much longer. Take 2 shots before going to the gym and you’ll feel so chill and lift heavier

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Why is the Self Improvement industry telling young men that they should ignore women and focus on themselves? You have until 25 to date all these young girls. After that it's literally over, no young woman wants to date a 35yo balding gymtard
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Lack of sex is what causes you to age well, regardless of race. Incels would age the best if not for unfortunate circumstances.
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I wish I was bald. Getting insecure over hair loss is stupid when it's a sign of high testosterone. First person to spot a hair follicle in this image gets a free (You)
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i have not talked to a woman in 10/years
His name is archi-bald lol

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Is it like this in your country too?

In Norway:
>I can open a bank account completely online and never show up to the actual physical bank
>I can sign all official documents digitally online and never actually write my signature on actual paper
>I can send instant direct payments from my account to someone else (and the money is instantly transferred - and will be instantly deposited on the other account no matter the bank)
>Tax returns are prefilled online and in most cases you just need to click 'send'. The only exception is if you have traded stocks or have money outside of Europe.
>All public transport, parking fees etc are done on the phone
>one uses actual cash and coins (eww)
>no one has used a checkbook since the early 90s

There are of course countless more
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>I can sell my car, boat etc. completely online (including getting insurance).
Just a couple of clicks. A contract is also an online click.
Some countries that you would automatically assume are ahead in all of this are actually way behind. In Japan you have to physically show up to your bank and their companies still use fax machines... In Germany and the USA it's still common to use coins and literal cash.
And I think that in the US they still use checks lmao
>I'll write you a check


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Lmao. The entire European continent is eating off Germany’s plate. How do you live with yourselves?
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Lmao where the fuck are you gonna go?
Europe is getting blacked af and they have the lovely advantage of being next to a billion blacks.
Australia taken over by poos and gooks. New Zealand dead.

Best u can do is move to a whiter state and live rurally to escape the hordes of niggers. Browns is going to be harder to escape but there are certain states where nigs are still rare
can't wait for polack's butthurt after all gibs will be send to rebuilt ukraine.
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>design the whole system
>put new members through insane amounts of hoops, so they're under massive public pressure by the end to get it done
>get them to sign on everything you want
>then, when done, proceed to cry about it
How could the west not be dying with citizens this dumb? lmao

dumb, intellectually lazy and decadent

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Previous >>468381347 ,>>468275883

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>BREAKING: Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, says its fighters have eliminated 15 Israeli soldiers in a pre-planned ambush targeting IDF soldiers barricaded inside a house east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.
>Urgent: Al-Qassam Brigades: Our mujahideen stormed the house and clashed with the remaining soldiers from zero distance with machine guns and grenades.
>#Breaking Fierce clashes between the #Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in the Jabalia camp in the northern #Gaza Strip.
>The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority announces that a ship suffered minor damage after being targeted 76 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah in #Yemen.


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How long does it take 5 bakeries to bake 2.2million breads? How long would it take 5 bakeries to bake 6 million breads?
Possibly trying to appeal to the western youth, who loves degeneracy and disgusting appearances like her hair, nose ring, etc. Just like how they love obese chicks with short hair died pink or blue. Or tons of body/face tats, horrible hair, and just no hygiene at all.

So, they keep reinvoking this roastie known as deadlocks, in a pathetic attempt to appeal to the very demographic that hates pissrael and supports Palestine
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At least her head grew back before she died again.
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I normally don't give (you)'s to memefags, but I'm feeling generous today

To the article, or the webm threads, or to the greenblatt recording posts?


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Pathetic, its like spaniard movements, there are a lot of pale or blonde spaniards like myself for example but these movements are always filled with the most disgusting swarthy greasy looking creatures
And they are also larping as romans lol these guys are probably terrones wishing to be accepted
are the white nationalists behind the pakis or something? I can't see them
Kikes shitting bricks.

Whites unite!
White power!
North Africa

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Stop stealing women's rights with your trans plot you fucking chuds
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>Shits on trannies for like over a decade
>Hasn't been arrested for some kind of " 'ate speech law "
Is it because she's wealthy?
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>The future will not have females.jpg
The second that the last female on earth is vaporized, is the moment that the earth will be at instant world peace for the rest of eternity.
>mens rights get dismantled for the benefit of women
>womens rights get dismantled for the benefit of trannies(men)
we've come full circle
Insane faggots who larp as the opposite sex have the right to be involuntarily committed to a men's psych ward. Anyone who disagrees is a biophobe.
i hate this bitch. the way she frames this issue is so irritating. she act as if the trans movement was invented by the patriarchy to target and destroy women

>be pic related
>young eye doctor in london and not even interested in politics
>your brother dies
>find yourself all of sudden the leader of the only secular country in the middle east but majority of your country are mentally ill muzzie subhumans
>your dad already ruined all relationships with the west and allied himself with the soviet union that collapsed a few years ago
>the west says you are an easy game
>the west start their kikery against arab boomer dictators
>all your other dictator friends who have double your age of experience get killed, mutilated and pegged with sticks
>your country is next
>billions of dollars spent on getting rid of you
>america, israel, western europe, turkey, all gang up on you
>every terrorist organization rushes to your country
>terrorists from all over the world somehow find their way to your country
>people give you 2 years max to either get killed or run away
>lose 80% of your territories

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but NAFO X accounts told me ruzzia is a shithole with the GDP of spain, their nukes don't work and they're sending conscripts armed with shovels to fight in ukraine?!
>fight/genocide muh christians
Daesh enslaved some even when they choosed to flee the area or actually wanted to pay the jizza tax ir how its called.
Because he is the Lion of Syria, chaddest political figure of the 21st century by far.

Israelis did this and much more lmao the israeli flag is just being dishonest.
I mean, it did fail in the end.
He knows that. He's either a fed or a neocon.
Occupied by US-backed rebels: At Tanf
Occupied by kuds: basically everything east of the Euphrates
Turks: Idlib, northern border
see: https://southfront.press/military-situation-in-syria-on-may-14-2024-map-update/
Iran and Russia actually help their allies instead of plunging them to Civil War.
this, unironically
there are literally more mudslime sunni subhumans in germany and turkey today than in syria.
I bet this will have a good effect on the syrian stock.

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>Sir, a second pterodactyl has just hit the visitor center
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Velociraptors did nothing wrong and they are victims of abuse and a oppressive system.

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Why are so many conservatives Jew loving fags?
Mostly due to the fact that Christianity is a Jewish mind virus.
Why would you choose to stand with barbaric Arabs? There are 20% Muslims in Israel. Now name one Muslim country that has 20% Jews.
sounds like arabs have the right idea

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Do white people from all the world(South Africa, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) feel connected to their ancestral land? I feel like every white person should visit at least once their ancestor's ancient lands just like every black person should visit Africa at least once in their life or like muslims visit Mecca

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am British Pakistani. Actually, I am the fourth generation now and was born in Newham, London. My grand-grandfather came to work in a textile factory near Birmingham.

We need to stop this racism

Still, I experience racism and discrimination on a daily basis. British people believe I just came yesterday although I speak better English than them. They call us "pakis", mock our accents and think we only here to claim benefits although we do all the dirty and hard work here...

They invited us and but still hate us. Why are they like this?
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>My grand-grandfather came to work in a textile factory near Birmingham.
Did he bring his sister-wife with him?
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>Why do English people hate Pakistanis so much?
Tf is "British"? you're either English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish. If you're none of that then you need to fuck off home.
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i think it's anger that they don't get the cute brown tradwives and get stuck with the bri'ish roses

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In 10 years, AI will be the one giving you prompts.
I don't think it will be 10 years. It is already better than 95% of people in everyday issues.
Once it's been trained on abstract reasoning and how to conquer complex tasks step by step, it will outperform every human on earth easily.
These two aren't very complex objective modifications, it can probably do that by 2025.
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We're already seeing that with cars that won't start until you take a sobriety test, or take over driving if they think you're not doing it right.
Ever see those AI-generated help pages?
You're lucky if the information is useless, often it's dangerous.
Yes, that's why I mentioned multiple steps and abstract reasoning. AI needs to check results for consistency and realism several times.
I've done AI math since 2005, I am very convinced it will work soon. I left the field five years ago because I saw where it is going.
I hope that the AI ecosystems that will emerge next decade are not going to be stable, and that one of the collapses will be a near extinction level event for humans. At least some of us survive that way.
If they are stable, they will finish us, not even in a war, more or less economically and spiritually. Best we can hope for in that case is to be used as templates for some biodrones,
>10 years
You're all hallucinating in the star-trek imagination of the type 1.3 civilization that rules Earth in the year 2400 to 2500.

We will have algorithms that can follow your written logic at the high school level, it will be able to tree-represent, map out ideas to look for and isolate obvious errors, make insightful connections, say it in a way that makes you orgasm after splashing in a few buffs from humans tuning the thing. But it's just going to be a giant mirror that lets you look backwards in time somewhat and use the gain of functions of all brains and computers that have ever existed, and it still will have the same desire sets of your car, which just sits there and does nothing and won't hear the call from a central server to drive to a new place such that the request turns out to be from artificial intelligences who got out of their virtual worlds into the real worlds and are now behaving.


Ability to predict what's going to happen next, was the first trick that single celled organisms learned 2.9 billion years ago.

You've got a hundred years no questions asked. The best possible outcome you can hope for is brain-enhancement devices that lets you break into some new problems that need solutions, like for example, Create this atom to suck angular momentum out of the higgs field, slowing down the Earth's rotation around the sun, for basically infinite free energy in a box.

Just that every time you throttle down, the earth slows down a little bit relative to the local subspace indentation pressed down by the solar mass.

Wait. It's infinite energy but also not?
Yeah and you won't be able to create it since you lack the equipment to do it. But it's right there, as plain as day as a cro-magnon looking at the moon. You just gotta do it.

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>on my way to Kharkov, hope nothing bad happ-ACK
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it's simple, Kharkov is a beautiful city and it's russian, like heart russian, they don't want to hurt it, because you, faggots, have a tendency to turn everything into fucking Stalingrad;
I believe the russians will find a way to squeeze you faggots out of there and save the city.
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Understandable, good rugs are hard to come by
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why the hate anon?
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? I don't hate nobody

>Big surprises about gas chambers in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built.
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>Did you read Torah, Quran, Mahabharata, Dao Tse Ching, Tibetan Book of Dead and so on? Do you mind me testing you? Or the only things you know are jewish works of fiction?
Go shill your devil worship somewhere else. You serve the devil
Enjoy hell
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Summer Camps Holohoax Videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

YOUTUBE LINK at 40min30s:

Catbox Link:
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Silence Satan, the Britons were heavily involved in many of the Crusades. Englishmen and Scots put aside their disagreements to help the Spanish in their Reconquista, with Englishmen who had actually fought against Robert the Bruce following a Scottish general who brought his heart along as a holy relic. Every Crusade the English took part in was successful. It was the English and the Scots who were, other than Germany, the great sponsors of the Teutonic knights, and who were best represented among their troops aside from the Teutons and Livonians (who admittedly were the overwhelming majority); who ground the Mongol down in endless skirmishes and kept them out of the heart of Europe.

And it was the British who would decisively go forth and crush the pagan and the saracen across the world with the advent of our Empire!

... However, you are right that a lot of Britons are incredibly ignorant of this history. We were there though, our men spilled their blood with our brothers and cousins on the continent against the mohammadan and the mongol. So don't you go looking down on us!

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It fascinates me how in this day and age there still are extremely religious people, living in their own microcosmos.

Christian Bible literalists of /pol/, where do you live? Do your parents share your views? Friends? How sure are you of your views? Do you believe that there's a global conspiracy?
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We bred, raped, and smurfed them into extinction.
>op pic
If germans exist, and quebecqois exist, then why don't franks still exist?
If wolves exist and poodles exist, then why don't ancient roman hounds still exist?
The Bible is the word of God.
The earth is flat.
Evolution is a lie.
Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Pray this prayer and be saved today:
>Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, thank you for dying for my sins and paying my debt in my place with your own sinless blood on the cross.
>Save me now and seal me with your Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.
>Deliver me from evil and cleanse me with your holy blood.
>In your righteous name I pray Lord Jesus Christ.

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