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I wanna fuck someone's communist daughter
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>ywn cum in hippie pussy
Why live
lived in a feminist kinda hippie commune for awhile, now that was something
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Their will always be imitators all is not lost.
Faggot. Stop being a virgin. Men are the dominant gender. Stop being bitch ruled with your Cels and whatnot.
>>Faggot. Stop being a virgin.
I don't want a girl who believes in woo-woo stuff. I hate weed, easily my least-favorite drug. And my impression is that most of them didn't shave. Nothing about these girls makes me think "yeah, I really wanna fuck that"
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>cares about what women "believe"
>dosent know all women are retarded
>doesn't like weed and bitches about it
>dosent like a hairy pussy
>dosent like a hairy pussy
You my friend have porn brain. Most Girls don't shave; it's only a standard to shave for pornstars. Also, you sound like a whiny faggot. Caring about what women "believe." They are all retards meant to be piped. Again, The king rules the castle. Realize this and get you some pussy faggot.

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this seems like clear evidence that having a support network is immensely helpful for the stunted.
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>>Did you forget that humans are social creatures by nature?
>>Robots do themselves a real disservice by isolating.
yeah but I don't really like people very much, and they tend to notice that
>Robots do themselves a real disservice by isolating.
We live in a society where being "other" is creepy and unwelcome. Robots aren't isolating themselves, they avoid abuse. Ever heard of ugly duckling or Rudolph?
All people should be muscular desu...
Social media is probably not 100% to blame but I wonder how we as humans could educate ourselves and each other to have discipline and do "productive" stuff
*Rapes you*. Thank you sister
>history exists
because before social media everyone was muscular educated
>implying normalfags are interested in learning

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Just so fucking done with it. Havent nutted in weeks. Worst mistake i made was starting. So much time wasted, ruined my self image, contributed to an industry that hurts women and men around the world. I dont know whats happened but ive been getting less boners, unironically hope i have ED so i will never come back to this addiction. I feel like i can finally live my life.
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>contributed to an industry that hurts women
99,9% of white women do porn on their own free will.
9/10 baot got me to reply
>the downside of low libido is unironically worse life, less drive, less test
>pretty much life ruining
That's delusional and/or naive.
People with a lower sex drive are just satisfied more easily.
Keep going king! Coomers in this thread will seethe over that.
I thinks that what it is. They are too comfortable in their pool of cum to leave
>Hey guys my dick doesn't work anymore now I can finally live life!!!!!
Ok what does living life mean to you? Boxers care about having sex btw. Being a castrated warrior is pathetic.

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really quite sad since my gf ami died hope the fbi didnt have anything to do with it someone gave a fuck about me to gs me for two months and now my gf got hit by a car
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ami if this is another of ur stupid pranks i will kill you i was THIS CLOSE to killing myself last night i could legit feel purgatory but i didnt cause i wasnt sure if i heard you in there
it's literally over. do you find someone else or will you be loyal to dead people?
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It's been 10 almost years.
Tell me your thoughts on Elliot Rodger.
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An evil piece of shit. Literally, a piece of shit. He is not a legend or a hero. He's a pathetic waste of sperm who went out like a bitch when a fucking hooker could have solved his problem
>bUt MuH 20s=<
Stfu, he threw his life away and stole his victims. If he wanted true love, he should've stayed patient. He barely even lived. Most people his age will live 80 and up, yet he though it was over at not even a full 3rd of his life? Retard. Fuck that bitch ass hoe. May he rest in piss. Stop glamorizing and posting this faggot.
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>nooooo you have to know your place as a pariah without complaint
Just a dumbass narcissist. Maybe an ayahuasca trip would have helped him.
Stefan Molyneux's breakdown of his manifesto was my introduction to both Elliot and Stefan. Both have impacted and inspired me in many ways. Elliot had a hard life. Parent your kids properly, folks.
I still don't believe someone could be as retarded and narcissistic as him. Reading through his memoir, I just couldn't believe some things he said. There must be something more to him.

No neurotypical men are truecels. The 1% of men who become wizards are all autists, volcels, or some other kind of mentally ill or retarded person.
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All of the last remaining truecels died at 30. That's why the graph went up.
Wait that makes no sense. Why are there more 35 year old virgins than there are 30 year old virgins?
>Confidence intervals go below 0
>Using a polynomial to fit a clearly exponential trend
Are they stupid?
You don't have to be a virgin to qualify as an incel.
They are doing a best-fit nonlinear curve, so every value is within one standard deviation. The implication is that if you take a thousand samples at a certain age, the mean will be roughly what the value of the curve is at that point, within some error value. It's an approximation but there's probably some truth to there being more virgin women after a certain point.
Maybe they chose a polynomial fit because the exponential fit was garbage?

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If a Women raped you, how would you ever find out? Who would you tell? Who would believe you?
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Men have been led to believe that women can't rape, but if they can, then you're gay for not liking it.
Hell, the definition of "rape" used to be something to the effect of "forcing sexual intercourse on someone without their consent," but now they've changed it to include the specification of "penetration" to imply women can not rape; since women don't have dicks.
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Good thing im ugly as fuck so nobody will ever touch me, not even gays
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>the definition of "rape" used to be something to the effect of "forcing sexual intercourse on someone without their consent," but now they've changed it to include the specification of "penetration" to imply women can not rape
It's literally the opposite. Being penetrated by a man's penis was the original definition for rape. Some jurisdictions later changed it to accommodate the modern autistic compulsion to treat men and women like equal opposites you can apply situations to for the same results instead of reality where men and women are different and ir's nonsensical to talk about a woman raping a man when her genitalia is a hole and 99.9% of males including scrawny 14 year olds can easily overpower that woman.
Basically your kind took feminism way too seriously when all feminists were getting at was "I want to be respected and powerful like men so I'll argue we're not that different and that it's just society treating us differently."
They were really thinking more or social power though, like being in charge of a large business or having people in their academic circles praise their writing.
Very few feminists were dumb enough to believe or claim the physical differences with men are social constructs.
Just look at children or pet animals by analogy. You wouldn't treat a child or a kitten as equivalent to a man. They're much smaller and weaker and shouldn't be held to the same standards. Women are like that. Just look at the sporting events with trannies beating the shit out of them. Even after killing their balls and dosing themselves with female hormones for years trannies are still stronger than women because they were born male.
That's the best part about not having a dick. No one's going to falsely accuse you

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>At gym
>Super cute short blonde qt sometimes there
>Lock eyes a few times
>Go over to the cables and only use one side
>Hope she comes over and uses the other side right next to me
>She goes over and uses the cables on the other side of the gym
>wants to manipulate others

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Hope you enjoy work tomorrow, wagie
tomorrow is sunday you fucking retard

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Pretty gurls wanna fuck a demon

thats all for today.

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Nature lesson:

If you get happiness with the suffering of another person,
there will come a day when other person will be happy with your misery.

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I believe that every autist deserves reparations from normies for all the suffering they caused us. If I get elected, you will receive your just compensation, either in the form of money or sex slaves. Or both, if you just want a few sex slaves.
I think the reparations should be high enough that you can buy a house and never have to work again and also take ~3 pretty sex slaves.

Why do you think Asian immigrants make such high income? Were they already rich back home? Or do they simply work harder?
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I would say that's true now for many cases, but not always the case, especially with historical cases.
Do also give it a little credit for that, since those values I can see with more middle of the road income asian immigrants I've known. Really also depends on what we mean by rich here.
higher avg IQ and stricter parenting
>Lmao shut the fuck up. They were already rich. Poor people aren't allowed to move overseas.

All the professional high end cleaners are Asians that I see. They stick to the high end stores, usually a family job. Some of the young girls I see are very pretty.

It's like that super hottie white girl working and McDonalds and wondering why shes even there.
Bruh the shut in asian incel is literally a common stereotype lol. Be peoud of being black, you guys have cool athletes, celebs, the bbc stereotype. Asians are just short small-dicked autistic nerds.
Another black guy here. if you're anywhere near socially retarded and black youre cooked. Literally no one's type cause we don't get represented well anywhere. We for sure have some cool people to look up to but they're so far from us were never actually associated with them

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>mfw I've seen fifty different threads about that stupid man vs bear in the woods study
Did moids ever consider that when the girls voted for the bear, they were just joking or doing it to giggle about with their friends?
Yeah they got trolled by WOMEN. That's where we are at now at days. Pathetic.
>W-we were just JOKING!
Women are not funny
Nice numbers but you're wrong.
>Did moids ever consider that when the girls voted for the bear, they were just joking or doing it to giggle about with their friends?
Like with everything, ~30% of people have some critical thinking and don't get caught up in meme outrage and just have fun with the memes, and ~70% of NPC teenagers take it too seriously and it forms their personality.
The thing I really dislike personally is the power Twitter has on setting the agenda on 4chan. It really shows how low this website has fallen when every retarded Twitter trend has a strong aftershock on 4chan.

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Heres your slavic trad wife anon! She's a christian just like you and wants to make babies on a nice comfy farm!
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Even the baby has a 1000 cock stare jesus fuck.
Prostitution is very trad actually, before feminism it was considered normal for cities to have entire prostitution districts and Thomas Aquinas defended prostitution. Prostitution = patriarchal enslavement of women.
I am slavic, grew up on a farm with a nice family, and I can tell you the difference between my female family members, neighbors and friends, and these larping girls, is like night and day.
>This should not bar them from reforming and becoming good wifes/mothers later in their life.

How does that wall feel, roast?
Taste of the wine? Smell of the cat piss? The torture of an empty crib?
You made your bed, now lie in it.
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The old school idea of it was, no the modern "empowering"version.

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