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I heard you fuckers have general threads for 30 and overs here

Is that true
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Little fuckers want me to sleep at 1 AM.

Or 11 PM.

Or 6 PM.

Or 4 AM.

Or 12 PM.
Tell them I gave u permission to stay up all night and to keep the noise down during the day.
I am a khhv I've been browsing r9k and 4chan for over a decade and let me tell you, it doesn't get better, don't want to gigablackpill but unless you do something drastic nothing will change.
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Julia Butters is currently in my top 20 of most throatpieable women.
You could always post in them.

you need to watch it
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>*removes the need for a link in your path*
>retarded video
>retarded claim
>retarded claim
Reported for advertising. Mods these vids were shared here >>77597226

hey wait a second guys, don't gang up on me
arent we friends?
that one acctually wasnt me lol

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A man can endure being abused and neglected by his own mother until he moves out of the home, be falsely accused of harassing a female classmate, be abused by his girlfriend for the entire relationship, get told that hes a potential rapist and is a danger to all women in his vicinity everyday and still have the ability to love women until the day he dies.

A woman will hate men for the rest of her life based off the mere fact that others around her do the same thing.
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>Women hate men more than men hate women Anonymous 05/24/24(Fri)00:35:05 No.77600013>>77600023 >>77600050
>A man can endure being abused and neglected by his own mother until he moves out of the home, be falsely accused of harassing a female classmate, be abused by his girlfriend for the entire relationship, get told that hes a potential rapist and is a danger to all women in his vicinity everyday and still have the ability to love women until the day he dies.
>A woman will hate men for the rest of her life based off the mere fact that others around her do the same thing.
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For the rest of us who don't have room temperature IQs, care to elaborate how you are going to dispute OP's points apart from making vague attempts at character assassination?
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Wait, OP looks like THAT?
Guess he's wrong now :(
cobon wosak from basedak paty

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I feel a profound sense of loss every time I get a minor injury, like just because my body glues itself back together isn't the same as fully repairing it. A cut shows up as a scar for the rest of your life, and now I'm gonna be self conscious that it's there.
Invincible you are not.
How often are you injuring yourself?
my car drives just fine despite the zipties under the hood
my scars are like bookmarks of a specific point in my history
your body was made to take hits and keep going. a scarred wound is a healed wound, which means you can get back into the fight.
its not that deep op, and scars are cool anyways
Maybe once or twice a year I get a cut or scrape big enough to bleed. This week I skinned my elbow and a good bit of my pubic area and it's obvious both those are gonna show forever. It's not even a cool injury, it's a minor accident with big aesthetic consequences

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pulling an all nighter i have to be at work in 6 hours
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fuck yeah dude good luck.
all-nighting too to try and get my sleep schedule unfucked
>this man is obviously a Gentoo user
what drove him to transition?
This just reminded me of high school
>making plans with the bros
>aaaahhh yeahhh bros time for a weekend lan party
>we got snacks and energy drinks
>lets pull an all nighter!
>everyone is in
>"hey dude, I think I'm just going to go home"
>oh okay, that's fine
>"Alright, I'm gonna crash out
>stay up alone until 3am out of spite by myself
Those faggots never followed through ever.
the troons all migrated to NixOS
How old is that pic? Holy shit, that's a tiny tablet (intous3), and those screens burn ones eyes. I couldn't imagine working at a studio back in the late 90's-early 00s

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I've been banned from this website lol

Banned out of context and of course the retard admins have bots for their ban appeals

Is this over or does the grace period ends after 100 days?
Why do you think I'm here? I get banned everywhere I go.
You're both retarded tbqh.

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Janny here, all threads complaining about the bbc such as >>77600599 will be deleted for being off topic

All the old friends senior dog sanctuary dogs are dying, 2018 this is your hellscape. Emotional connection. Is futile

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Who snakkin rn?

1:02 AM MST reporting in.

Whats your snack right now /r9k/?

>chocolate pretzels and All Dressed Crispers at the moment
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1:40 am MST
just CRUCIFIED a quadruple stack of nachos
snacked way too hard walking 20k steps now
I've been sorta starving myself. I eat 2 smalls meals a day. I ate a chunk of meat when I woke up and a burger just now. I've got another burger to eat in about 6 hours when I get hungry and that will be all I eat today.
I've been losing about 1.5 pounds a week and I weigh 150lbs. I want to see what I look like at 130.
Why starve yourself?
I dont have the energy to cook. I drink a lot of caffeine which is an appetite suppressant. I want to be skinny.

i miss all the brown fembot posters
they were so nice and down-to-earth, they took away some of my prejudice about brown people
but you incels and hatemongers have scared them away ;_;
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i was refering to the quality of posts
/r9k/ is full of for a lack of a better term, coal
no that would be pol
surprisingly that's is actually /pol/
noo my heckin chocolate cuties :(
You finally admitted you crave BWC huh


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Masturbation is gay sex with yourself.

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Alright guys just bought my first lexapro. What am in for
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>already 4 yours
lexapro sucks that shit gave me severe dry mouth and nausea and made me feel like i had to puke for days after it felt like i had something stuck in my throat and food was really dulled antidepressants can have really bad side effects
Did the doctors test your brain for a lack of serotonin transporters?

No? They just threw a psychoactive drug at you on an assumption your brain was dysfunctional?

It's like taking your car to mechanic with a vague issue and they just assume it's the egr valve and start throwing parts at it.

Reality is multiple studies have shown ssris to be barely more effective than placebo, and the monoamine hypothesis of depression is long debunked. You've been prescribed a potentially dangerous and addictive psychoactive. Most likely after a 15 minute gp visit.

Mental problems are largely existential and material issues - not a brain chemistry dysfunction. You need to live a more meaningful life, not take drugs every day.

Anyway you won't listen and 2 years from now you'll either shoot up a school when you come off it, or look back and realize you spent years barely feeling emotions because you took a drug everyday that has the effect of muting everything you feel.
Dude I had the same side effect of Prozac. Like this constant massive fucking knot in my throat could barely swallow felt like I was choking.
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assuming you meant years, which is yeah. time passes and i'm scared of getting old anon, but im glad to have been here to experience these things.
speaking of which, they're back.

as for you op
i only took one ssri, venlafaxine, and all i got were side effects
>constant mid-grade nausea
>loss of appetite
some other shit i cant remember
it didnt help with my chronic dissociation and persistent emptiness, which put me off from trying ssri's ever again. good luck to you, but don't expect miracles, just side effects.

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I can go to the grocery store and see women my age in baggy sweatpants and no makeup. Yet Im still attracted to them. Is it the same for women?
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I know what it is because he is on 4chan and I am on 4chan and I am not a feminist. So I'm pretty fucking acquainted with the incel terminology. Anyway as I said, you look like a chad, so your only problem is assuming that every woman is a tranny and your terrible attitude. Have a nice day
Dont let it bother you, you get them next time.
>You know when you see a fictional character in a given manga, game or whatever and it's your favorite toon? Actual favorite, not your preferred coom, I mean.
I don't know, actually. I don't really read or watch fiction anymore. Actually I can't remember thinking this way from anything even back when I did.
same im really sick of being called a troon. its just the default course of action. They only believe youre a "real" woman after you piss them off and then their go-to argument is saying youre going to die alone (as if that's every womans worst worry, and not them just projecting because for them dying alone is actually a very real possibility)
>post on site where trannies outnumber women 100-to-1
>act surprised that everyone assumes you're a tranny

literally how can any girl that is this pretty be insecure I just want them to stfu sometimes and stop fishing for compliments damn (picrel)
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Total stacy death..
is this a woman? sounds overweight
this might be hard to believe but not all women are 10/10s
people like that are so spoiled and sheltered they do not understand what any form of hardship or struggle is so they begin inventing narcissistic fantasies to play with other people who stupidly go along with it. The best thing is to thoroughly ignore them as much as possible.
It's called "fishing for compliments," you fucking idiot

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You people talk about femcels but when you see real femcels you almost always make fun of them and don't give any love to them at all. And if you do its only for cheap validation
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looks like a dude orig
neither will NOT whining and complaining, it's not going to make you look like that either
Or are you going to pretend he went to the gym, got hobbies, and worked on his personality to be born with that face?
i pooped my pant
whoo are you quooting though?
>what are adverse childhood experiences
>what is learned helplessness
>how is someone struggling to survive thrive and grow
>what is a feedback loop

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