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Happy Friday!
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Happy Lanzamaxxing day(everyday)!

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What goes through the mind of people who post comments like this?
Hindi, I'd guess
That and young.
>literally just one schizo
a bullet hopefully

In my ideal society people are segregated into those who do physical and mental work. There will be four classes.

>Untouchables: do work that makes you dirty or sweaty
>Servants: do cleaner physical work
>Managers: do mental work that involves interacting with physical workers
>Nobles: do work that is purely mental and free from having to interact with physical workers

People will only be allowed to interact with the classes directly above them to receive orders or those directly below them to give orders. Anyone who does things that are not befitting their class, like being dirty, will be punished by demotion to a more fitting class. In order to ensure a balance of the classes, every class will receive a certain number of licences for marriage and children. They will be bred for their respective forms of work. Anyone who has sex outside of these rules will be killed along with any bastard spawn which may have been created.
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no, I'm a 3D moid...
I didn't read your post or the thread I just clicked on it because of the feet.
I'm sorry to hear that... your ideas suddenly have less value to me but I can't help it
>caste nonsense
>ideal society
Unsuprisingly this shit coming from weeb.
you have bad ideas and a poor understanding of material realities that govern our world

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I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely beautiful
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Well I wanted You to know that You should Lanzamaxx.

Poor guy, can't get any attention from 45 year olds, so he has to resort to 30 year olds
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I mean it man giving women vote was a big mistake.
Zoomer girls haven't hit the wall yet and haven't experienced male alienation yet, so they do not know just how good they had it.
They are literally following in Millennial's footsteps and repeating the same stupid mistake.
Older generations exist so you could learn from their stupidity and avoid their pitfalls.
>Older generations exist so you could learn from their stupidity and avoid their pitfalls.
Lmao even
No matter how much older people warn young people they still are going to fuck up, unfortunately most people only learn through experience, they always think with them will be different
>just become forever indentured to a guy you barley know bro
dummy and silly goose

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If hating women is wrong, then why does it feel so good and right?
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based solanasposting
>Girls in school used me as the butt end of a joke in a "we're totally dating :)))" thing. They also got me dragged into trouble frequently and would leave me behind to deal with the workload much to the teachers' chagrin.
Yeahhh I just didn't talk to most people when I was in school. Didn't like them, didn't care if they liked me, just leave me the fuck alone. Naturally I'd let anyone around me copy my homework or cheat off me during tests, because that was the easiest way to get them to leave me the fuck alone. Worked pretty well too

All the stuff you mention is indeed what I would refer to as "woman behavior" but it's worth noting that I've seen all the same shit from men before too. I've even heard women talk about men saying that men are the ones who act that way. I'm always happy to see it too, reminds me that it's not just women who suck, it's most fucking people male or female. I'd be curious to see the percentages though..
Yeah, like I said men are more diverse. Though I've made friends of actual spergs and normal guys alike nowadays. They're way easier to socialize with most of the time.
Then you get guys that are just total shit, aggressive for no reason and can't control themselves, buncha narcissists usually..
But it's been a much better track record than most women I end up talking to. I'm glad when they're milquetoast enough to not press on socializing like most men do but they're also way more insistent if I regularly encounter them or sometimes you just roll a karen out of the blue.
After all the bullshit I had to go through early on I'm glad to see apathy from people instead of hostility. The highest point in school was when a boy told the teacher exactly what happened when a couple girls were kicking my seat because it was just what happened. Didn't do it because they pitied me or wanted to be my friend. Just about all of the kids just shit on me because I was a loser that smelled like my mom's cigarettes. Made me angry and unsociable, vicious cycle.
I think it's important to be alone, it was the only way I was able to relax long enough to actually reflect on things. Getting shit on by family and school without any relief is too much. I don't like the idea that we're supposed to be socialized all the time because for me that did more harm than help. I even remember getting "stood up" as a joke and while my family made a huge fuss of it I never thought anything of it, just typical girl shit. My yearbook was almost empty short of a couple teachers insisting on pity-signing it.

I'm rambling again, introspection and all that and it's too damn late/early. I know I'm bottom of the barrel material, not likeable by women but it's better this way. I don't wanna know 'em and they don't want to bother with me. It's a nice fence and I'd rather keep them as neighbors than let them in my house. It's the most honest relationship I can think of and that makes me happy.
Based and scumpilled
>The highest point in school was when a boy told the teacher exactly what happened when a couple girls were kicking my seat because it was just what happened. Didn't do it because they pitied me or wanted to be my friend
Oh yeah, that would be me except then the kid would want to be my friend for the rest of the year.. That's fine though, need someone in case there's some assignment where you have to have a partner

>Just about all of the kids just shit on me because I was a loser that smelled like my mom's cigarettes
lol I had a friend whose mom smoked USA Golds, she kept them in that pouch that was on the back of the passenger seat, you know? So if I was riding with them I'd have to hand her a new pack out of the carton. Ahh that was great, my grandma smoked USA Golds too when she wasn't making us roll her cigarettes like some sort of child labor cigarette sweat shop. Good times

You musta went to some higher class sorta school. Shoulda went to a school like me where everyone was broke. Hell, we made fun of the kids who DIDN'T get free lunch lol. God forbid you brough a lunchbox and shit

>look at this faggot, his parents actually care enough about him to pack his lunch?! HAHAHAHAHA

>I even remember getting "stood up" as a joke and while my family made a huge fuss of it I never thought anything of it, just typical girl shit
In ninth grade this girl I had a crush on since fucking pre-k asked me to get some weed for her, so I had my cousin go get this weed for me right? Then, I'm bringing the shit to her at the football, she tells me to meet her on the tennis court, and lo and behold, she shows up with another dude from our class. Fucking bitch, I got weed for her!

>I know I'm bottom of the barrel material, not likeable by women but it's better this way

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Godesssbailey in her tweets says the does not feel sexually creative at times and does not know what to do for "content".
She just "does not have it" in her...

I mean you either look at others are doing and what looks good or just do what feels horny desire etc

There is a similar picture like this one from this set that disappeared and it was one of the best huge tits pictures I had ever seen
I think she already knows from my depressed habits that I have this preference but I already proved things to her and she is very smart too and knows I did have this habit because of depression and scrolling and a period of turbulence ... But in real life I am not like that and prefer to lose the chanceto have sex with a woman that really really hits me in all the right spots than the certainty of hurting her feelings and be unfaithful etc.
(I'm coping)

Holy moly it's like being in jail and being forced to watch the tv...

I don't even know what happened(I was hit on the head very hard and I met her)

Sorry for the nonsense reply.
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Microbikini on huge tits with nipples showing partially and micro panties with bush showing is one of the most rare combinations there is and super under rated

She has an only fans she squirts and masturbate
I know that feel. Like when busty bitches cut off their tits. Or just lose weight and with it their entire appeal (steph kegels and leahgoeswilde). Sometimes things go the other way. You know Chelhellbunny? Went from lewd cosplayer to full on assfucking slut.

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tfw no girlfriend like gura
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tfw OP isn't Lanzamaxxing.
INTP girls are pretty common nowadays, you just gotta know where to look for them.
t. knower
forgot to mention but I hooked up with around 6 of them, 3 were virgins lol. I don't really regret doing so though because it's just life experience you know? gotta take what you can get these days.

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i think i have diabetes
Stop drinking soda and go for a fucking walk
i do walk a lot and don't drink soda
i don't eat/drink a lot of sweet stuff in general except for these last 4 days where i really let myself go

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Girls losing it to Chad thread?
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>That Malicious Age
Thanks bro!
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Camera angle and lighting helps a lot. Also try not being fat.
The best fucking plastic surgeon money can buy
>You just didn't notice that you are probably not seen as a 2/10 by others.

I definitely was, I nearly got bullied to suicide in middle school desu. I was so weird looking that even the teachers made fun of me. But there was still women who liked me, some even to an autistic degree of obsession.
you people are cucks

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imagine dying/fighting for anything at all other than yourself
If the fights that matter are lost, it'll affect everyone. The solution really is to just send the least of us to war, which is to say fags, shitskins, and etc.
I dont know what the fuck is more cucked than the military. Idk how or why anyone ever glorified it. Literally just a poece of meat waiting to get cut up or blown up, while you cut up or blow up your brothers and cousins. Hell world
I cannot get a gf or get laid. I am ex military and pretty tired of life and living. No options for work even though I have a degree and a trade certificate. Everybody hates straight white men too and white women hate us the most. So decided to go to the Ukraine.

I can probably save up enough for myself to go but should I start some way to take donations for travel expenses, extra food and equipment? And also donate it to kids and families over there?

I am not political I just cannot get laid and hate women.

What advice can war vets give me on this? And likewise advice on raising funds for traveling and such?

PS: I am ugly and I have been posting here since like 2010 when you all said ever since I am ugly and it is over for me for finding a gf unless I went to Philippines somewhere which I am not doing.
There's zero glory in being a soldier, you're telling me I'll be FORCED to go die in a war so women can go to a fun vacation to europe or wherever and get fucked by niggers and foreign chads? and my compensation is some discounts for public transport or even fuck all?
nah, let the ruzzins rape the dumb whores, I will even help em out.
if i was an independent warlord then it's a different story, but fuck low military ranks. No chance to rise up.

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Any guys here? With penises? Can I see them? Do you have foreskin? I love foreskin. Please show me your penises.
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Liking foreskin is gay, start Lanzamaxxing instead.
You have to post yours first buddy

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Incels are turning into literal Chads just by listening to subliminals while they play vidiya with the game muted. subliminals during the day or night, and/or then falling asleep to them, will guarantee results. There's nothing to lose. do it. Also, believe the process.

Make a good playlist with the likes of:

https://youtu.be/xlOaQgk1Rso?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/6vHSI_E7YfY?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/lXCJ_Vh2D74?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/Zfyz6CUv9Cg?feature=shared [Open]

wow desu even my dick is bigger now 2 days in
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yeah it's fucking real and easy
subliminal messages inserted into the audio get into your subconscious and make you change
>great bone structure
Do you think people are all full grown once they hit 18? No. Most men don't peak until they hit 30.
>This is what high estrogen does to these retards
i literally want to be a woman with high estrogen lmao

if manifestation works and physical change is possible then why do troons exist and why hasn't anyone changed their race

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we could be experiencing the same life over and again and we'd never know about it because it would always feel fresh because of memory wipe. we could be stuck in an endless time loop, that's pretty crazy possibility if you ask me
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Yeah but we all also could be Lanzamaxxing right now.

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My least favorite part about a woman is her vagina. There, I said it. I love boobs, I love ass, I even love the butthole. Hands are nice (im not a serial killer) and I'll even look at her feet IF she's doing something else (I'm not a weirdo). I just can't get behind the vagina. It's weird looking. It feels good, but it looks lame and gross. I'm not gay, it's just how I feel. I love women, but God is the vagina the worst part. Just a fleshy hole. Gross
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I prefer the term moist.

Just get a fleshlight

Generic foid be like I like sex, but withhold from everyone who isn't blackpillmaxxing
>I've never eaten booty but I'd lick it if it's clean.
Well there's only one way to find out if it's clean..

Anyway, how have you eaten pussy but not asshole? It's right there! It's like, rude if you don't also eat the asshole, isn't it?

>I prefer the term moist.
The grass is moist with dew in the morning. Pussy isn't moist, it's a fuckin wet, juicy, sloppy, nasty filthy whorehole
I agree. Pussies look gross. But boy it's been 3 months and I'd go down on a girl for 20 mins I miss it so much. Worst part is that I was super drunk last I fucked so I wasn't really there and haven't came from fucking in over a year.
>Just get a fleshlight
>My least favorite part about a woman is her vagina. There, I said it. I love boobs, I love ass, I even love the butthole.
You really are autistic aren't you. You should get a fleshlight and the rest of us can enjoy the touch of a real woman and vagina.
You're not a real 4channer until all you can think of is bussy.

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