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I've been rotmaxxing every day...
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>By that one can change the point of view, from something impossible to get throu work, gf, friends, to something archievable, better life, better social skills.
Yep, definitely better to focus on something achievable compared to something that has too many variables to achieve.

>That is part of the deal, to move forward one will! take sometimes a few steps back. Thats healthy and no reason to look down upon yourself.
>Everyone has its own speed, own path in life and there is no need to compare yourself all the time with someone else.
>They dont matter, and the only thing you gain by comparison is that you will likely devalue your own progress!
Thank you, anon. This is something I need to remind myself about. I definitely spend my time worrying too much about others, which makes me very indecisive and anxious. It's much more worthwhile thinking about the things you've achieved, however little, than to think about the negatives. It's a matter of mindset, and it's something that has to be practiced!

I love your image. Do you meditate?

I wish I were that cool.
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I wont be posting then, but will come by to check if its still as horrible as i remember remember it ;)

Unironicly, i dont know what you are doing, school, work, neeting,..
But one of the best improvements i experienced wasas i started to work,as i started with my job.
Everything improved over time without me doing anything in particular.
Social skills, anxiety, purpose,a reason to get out if bed.
Before i was three years neeting after they yeeted me out of school and that changed my life to the better.

With the attentiion...
If something interests me i have no problem with it, otherwise i have to force me a lot.
Maybe try changing the way you view a task.
Like... hmmm...
When i have to do the dishes, i hate that work, but it must be done.
I focus on the good feeling to have a clean livingspace and take that as the focus, cleaning the dishes is then only a step and not the goal anymore and i find more motivation.

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>But one of the best improvements i experienced wasas i started to work,as i started with my job.
That's what I'm focusing on right now. I think having more money would unironically solve a lot of my problems. The confidence boost itself would do wonders for me interacting with people, I think!

>When i have to do the dishes, i hate that work, but it must be done.
I actually have relatively little issue with doing the dishes. The things I have problems with are exercise and going outside... working on hobbies too, I guess.
>I focus on the good feeling to have a clean livingspace and take that as the focus, cleaning the dishes is then only a step and not the goal anymore and i find more motivation.
I'm not sure I get any good feelings from washing the dishes, unfortunately. The good feelings I get from cleaning my room are overshadowed by me lazing around, so it's hard for me to pick that choice regularly, too... I don't really feel happy about a lot of things, I think. I think I have problems with dopamine.

>Thinking about what to make later for dinner....
>Maybe some fish and schaschlik tomorrow on the grill
That sound super comfy, love it. Grilling stuff is so based.
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I try to meditate daily, but atm its more like two times the week.
Most of my time after work goes towards the market since i have to get back a huge amount that i lost being stoopid.
That is really shameful for me and to get rid of that mistake takes most of my timw atm.
Wakeup at 4
Work from 6 to 14
Market from 15 to 22
Working out,cooking, gaming, gardening and everything else usually parallel to watching markets in some way.
22 to 23, diary and anime.
Meditation will at some time part of the daily routine, but iam not there yet, 2 times the week has to be enought for now.

And YES!
To think that way has to be practiced, but you will get there if you stay course !

*replace god with yourself in the image// phoneposting at work suxx kek*
>Most of my time after work goes towards the market since i have to get back a huge amount that i lost being stoopid.
Are you in debt or something? I hope you can get it all back, maybe it will give you peace.
>22 to 23, diary and anime.
Comfy. Your schedule seems pretty nice though I wonder how you can wake up so early.

>And YES!
>To think that way has to be practiced, but you will get there if you stay course !
Yes, practice makes perfection!! Brains are so annoying though. It takes so much work to make a worthwhile change in the way you think.

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Rust edition

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NOBODY I'm just autistic and RETARDED you dunce.
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The faggot boss at my work got really fucking scared because the repair crew that were here earlier forgot some prank paper with a picture of a hammer and his name on the backside (he happened to have the same name as the other repair dude). Some people are so fragile.
>I'm just autistic and RETARDED
what did you do then
Didn't do a good enough job and needed too much help/wasn't learning quickly enough.
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I want to tell you something
About the grace of faded things
The draped compositions
Hiding from the new world
Behind old French doors
The last rays of the setting sun
On the cheeks of cherub faces
The traces of their tears

But you do not listen
Your mind is somewhere else
I speak with a frozen tongue
In a dead language

There's a world between us

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tfw I can't try playing around with a smooth bodied big dicked faggot
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That penis isn't erect, bud...
Yes and unless he's a mega-grower he's average at best.
Incredible dick sizes that these cute boys have.
at half chub it goes down my throat easier
Who's that twink? He cute

Sleeping until 5 and taking it easy
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Dats breddy gud.
>Dats breddy gud.
soo far, i beat classic mode with a lot of characters and did lots of records with them
the two characters i did the HIGHEST records is
Rayman in 407381 in scores
and Megaman with 401327 in scores
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She can't understand your struggles.
Aren't you considering attempting uni again?
Yeah, I have to force myself quite often. It pays off, at least.
I understand though, getting harassed even on an anonymous website is painful. Maybe you should make a new persona. I do this often to avoid getting recognized.
Woah, that's awesome!

>Maybe you should make a new persona.
Hmm, maybe I should. I think I'm getting tired of Mio, though she is quite iconic to me.
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>U need 2 set boundaries with her.
Doesn't respect them and never will, she's too entitled.
>She seems like a very controlling person
I might be biased on this but she's worse than that, she only got lucky with my father.
>will u play mc with us 2day?
Might try to set it up one of these days, haven't got much to play.
>Once you're an adult you should be on your own
>My parents probably think I'm retarded or something so they're being a little more lenient with me
This is more or less me, I'm not as capable as my brother so I end up needing someone to handhold me with stuff most times. Sucks, at least I can do most of the house chores beside bills, washmachine and other minor things that should be easy to learn.

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I want a man to love but i am too asocial to date

Made threads here and on reddit looking for one but i have ghosted everyone. I do not have the energy to talk.
The only way i could have a bf is finding a who is ok with me calling him while i eat and puke (or who lives near and is ok with that) i do that all the time but unlikely that one who is older than 24 blonde blue eyes not a misogyst and ok with that fml. I will die never having felt the pure love of a moid
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>very asocial
Time to bust out the ol' pigeon mail
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yes me too. talking to people consistently. without blowing up at them or ghosting them. it's simply not possible. we are doomed to be alone. it's my fault i'm like this!
detest women cuz i'm not like them. yell at men cuz i am hostile to their mannish ways. dtetetststdtd
Get off my board trannycunt fuckwit
>i am hostile to their mannish ways
How often do you purge and why? That's terrible for you.

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I have a fetish for big tit nazi women, am I in the wrong bros?
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same until I see incorrect medals and ranks and get upset over it (no iron cross first class which is required to get the knights cross)
I saw this nazi girl in an animated Batman movie and holy shit I couldn't believe my eyes. What's her name? I need to see if she has porn art
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history weirdo girls do not exist
Nazis were the most stylish motherfuckers ever. Surprising women don't like to dress like that. There could be a lot of female fans of this style and maybe even history but women are only about the looks
Big tits with the swastika stickers turn me the fuck on

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it's a crying at 5am kind of day
what hats do u have anon
>Waaaah! WaaaaaH! Cry some more!

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How do Whites cope with the fact that Indian men are moving to their countries and swim in White pussy? Pic related guy is even a dating coach and teaches Whiteboys how even they can get some White pussy if they really try hard enough.
please do not redeem the white women big sir
why does this bitch have ak47 tattoo? whats the meaning of this? btw this guy is definitely a grifter like andrew tate and dan bitcherian. No way those girls were not paid for this photo

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How many cuss words do you know?
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fart head
cum fag ass cock bitch fuck
poopie head
Heck hell and poopyface

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im 20 but i wish i was alive during the 90s. im grateful for everything i was able to grow up with but i wish i didn't have to look back 30 years to find good music, shows, and games
I was around for the 90s but I wish I'd been an adult during that time, instead of a kid with hand-me-down PC hardware who couldn't buy stonks or anything.
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those old school pcs are max kino

fancy uniforms edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


/trash/ thread >>>/trash/65947390

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sometimes this video plays in my head when I'm bored


Me when anything involving society
Peeking inside Goas head


now that I think of it I kinda always have some form of music playing in my head be it random melodies, guitar solos or riffs or drums.

Even if sometimes I get bored of every single playlist I have and I just drive in silence I will still have


or something playing in my head subsonciously
Time to head on out, gotta do things for possible things thanks to things done thingly

I always suddenly remember a megacringe memory of me being socially autistic out of nowhere and try to make it go away by telling myself to die etc internally repeatedly

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>inter at Uber for 55/hr
>intern st Amazon with living expenses paid off
>gets a job offer back st Amazon for 6 gigs
>then heads to Google where he gets paid 225k

How do u get to this level
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that's pre taxes and in a high col area
also says >worked
so he doesn't work there anymore and it probably was his most he's ever going to make in his life for a brief moment before being fired
pretax 225k is like 40% tax , remove a other 4 to 5k a month for rent and another 2k for general expenses
7k a month x 12 - 135k = 50k take home for the best and most profitable moment of your life.
not that great. my neetbux pay about that and I literally do nothing. that guy slaves his entire life away , works overtime and probably steals lies cheats and corrupts himself in every way to get ahead and has spent 70 to 80% of his life time wasted for numbers on a account that's meaningless
>my neetbux pay about that and I literally do nothing.
How do you guys do it?
by lying on the internet. Unless he is some kind of war veteran with depleted uranium poisoning and missing limbs.
I watched the video and it's even worse than he claims with clickbait it was 225k by including his sign on bonus and stocks which aren't salary he was only making 145k after wage slaving for years and it's in South Bay in Cali, literally a nightmare fuel dystopia hell hole where niggers Rob all the stores and break into your cars, the rent there is probably even higher than I assumed

meanwhile neetdom is literally watch anime jerk off to cam whores and play video games 24 7
i dunno if you are serious bro but wtf world are you living in where you have a 4-5k rent a month and 2k for general expenses. im in uni and my rent is 350$usd a month at a state school (granted my apt is hilariously shit) and my monthly living expenses are about 300-400$ a month outside of that.

When I dream of her, does she also dream of me?
Yes she does

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Incels are turning into literal Chads just by listening to subliminals while they play vidiya with the game muted. subliminals during the day or night, and/or then falling asleep to them, will guarantee results. There's nothing to lose. do it. Also, believe the process.

Make a good playlist with the likes of:

https://youtu.be/xlOaQgk1Rso?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/6vHSI_E7YfY?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/lXCJ_Vh2D74?feature=shared [Open]
https://youtu.be/Zfyz6CUv9Cg?feature=shared [Open]

wow desu even my dick is bigger now 2 days in
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He's sucking in his cheeks and squinting, he doesn't even look like a chad, he just looks retarded.
This seems interesting, I'll try it out.

How does it work? What is the idea behind it?
That subreddit is like 95% women. Incels really are just fembrained retards. Imagine thinking you changed your biology or killed the fucking president of Iran by listening to an audio file.
it's the difference between moids and women. girls deal with their problems, moids cry and rot in bed and seethe"IT DOESN'T WORK!!!" without putting in the effort into trying
Seems fake at first glance, but some of these changes seem impossible from just having time pass, getting a different haircut, or using a different angle.

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Tradition is valuing Face
Modernity is embracing the Rear.
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You know what maybe some roastie whores are worth the effort
Fathom the odor
I will date any weird psycho femanon over this
can't stand this shit
>Tradition is valuing Face
Bullshit, tradition is valuing fertility and ability to bear many sons without getting injured. Modernity is valuing face = eugenics. Yeah I get it you like clanking against bones
I can't tell if you meant to post this on gif or not

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