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The reason you're a virgin is because the world is overpopulated and there's too many men and not enough women. So why do you support the creation of even more men? It's mind boggling when incels of all people are also right wing overpopulation deniers.

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will you go through surgery to fix inceldom?
when I was a kid I was bullied for having Dumbo's ears, went through surgery and no one ever insulted me ever again

looks matter.
no money, no dice
I want to but I need it to fix everything wrong with my face. It's alot so it'll be expensive so in the meantime I can't cause I'm neeting
if it's about money you guys should be motivated enough to go out ans get it. it will fix your looks
some of the changes turned incels into chadlites
Let's see.. 2-3 years min to save that kind of money, way more if I start renting. 1-2 years to get it done. Will be mid 30s and beyond by then and thus pointless. I'll probably have a heart attack in 10 years or less so I'm going to enjoy life lol.

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what are distractions good for?

Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

happy wednesday :>
hopefully all of you have a good one

>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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where's muh grandpa death progress
Grandpa Death progress?
>stupid little baby cuts
i knew you guys were pussies
hope your days get better bud
>what did you play?
My steam library is gargantuan so I'm trying to cut down on it as much as I can by finding all the games that I can beat in one day and play them. This leads to me playing lots of random obscure games. Today I played an rpgmaker game called stitched which was actually pretty fun but also rather generic.

>hope you two have a great time!
It was alright. This person is probably my closest friend atm but she emotes very little so it's hard to tell if she actually enjoys spending time with me or if she's just being nice

I've been feeling kinda shitty because I overeat but the food isn't even good enough to be worth it. It brings me down a lot whenever I do it but I feel like I can't help myself.

I don't understand how we ended up in a loneliness epidemic.

The internet should in theory let anyone find and meet up with anyone for friendships or relationships. Someone who shares a niche interest of mine like Byzantine calligraphy or monocycle racing is someone I would instantly consider a friend or wife material. But with the exception of hookup apps, nearly no apps or websites on the internet are made to facilitate IRL encounters of any sort.

There's 1 million people in my city and its meetups/facebook groups are entirely empty, not even book clubs or yoga meetings. I tried starting interest groups specific to my city, but everyone noped out at the idea of doing an IRL meet.
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>The internet should in theory let anyone find and meet up with anyone for friendships or relationships
social media apps are advertising platforms. the advertisers are the customers and you are the product. they don't want you to connect with anyone but rather to just doom scroll
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people like us would be alone even 100 years ago, we at least have internet now. wake up, bro.
Dead Internet theory is real. We are all told everyone is always online yet we know almost no one is actually online and it's all bots.
For dating, it's runaway hypergamy. I'm not in the mood to go through all of this because I'm fucking tired, but women will always want far more than they provide and when they are given an equal footing through equity and affirmative action they simply don't have men at their imaginary, perceived level. They think that their bullshit tax benefit tech jobs mean that they're actually all highly valuable, talented individuals. They are actually capable of believing all of this bullshit and double down on it.
All of this in the end turns a society of co-operation, friendship and brotherhood to a conflict-seeking and pointless competition.

TL;DR: Women's liberation will always, ALWAYS destroy it's host society. It's inevitable and it can not be reversed in this instance due to the sheer infighting it would cause. There's just no way to deal with it, it's actually over. You will live in a hostile, lonely world for the rest of your life.
the internet has connected us. but two things are happening:
1. interconnectedness is demystifying and laying bare the revolting aspects of human nature. everyone is more cynical of each other because of this
2. socializing on the internet is impersonal compared to real life. when people socialize online, that's time they aren't spending with people physically, so a chunk of all socializing is now impersonal, and the chunk keeps getting bigger

this is happening even to normies

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How do I get scared by horror movies/games again? Got some spooky suggestions?
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ULTRAKILL play prelude secret level
Interesting two anons are on the shrooms idea. Watching movies on mushrooms is my favorite thing but I'm not so sure it made them scarier to me but more into it like clinging the blanket at exciting or tense parts. Now I did have a friend say Pizza the Hutt from Spaceballs freaked them out so a lot of this depends on you (I'm figuring out I'm handling these things pretty well).

So horror movies that really worked for me tripping were Creep, Creep 2, Psycho, Vivarium. You're going to need something a little different vs 5 kids go on a trip.
nta but Vivarium was a really good example of "less is more". Not much directly horrifying, but that slow understanding really got me good.
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Yeah that's what I was telling someone like we're not talking hideous monsters or all kinds of violence but something sticks with you. I won't lie I watched a few extra movies that trip to distance myself from it lol. It might of been a combination of this and Requiem for a Dream, two very downbeat endings. The mushrooms are powerful but you can still steer the ship.

But I'll try and keep it on topic too. Video game wise I liked Dead Space. It's hard, my taste in things is more horror adjacent maybe. Say Fallout 3 is eerie, creepy so I want to recommend it but probably not what the OP is after.
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Horror stopped being scary to me but it never stopped being interesting.

I'm more comforted than appalled when i view or read any kind of horror media.

>I will never drink vodka and listen to lil peep with a tomboy in a night time doomer landscape
How to cope? How does one find a tomboy gf irl? This world is... rotten.
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because my picrel
total LGTV death
It hurts brother. Theres this cute cashier at my local game store who not only trooned out but also has lesbo gf. It hurts.
>>I will never drink vodka
alcohol is poisen
water is also poison
go out retard

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im a white guy. I've noticed my whole life black women show interest in me. Rarely a white woman shows interest.

Why is this?

Daddy issues, self hatred.
they're tired of being raped and murdered
look up the stats, the "black community" is a hell hole
They got that HYPERBOREAN fever
be grateful that at least some women show interest in you, which shows that you're not a fucking uggo ogre
there are many dudes that don't have that luxury

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Do you ever want to have kids someday?
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>have you ever
No. I've got too many issues of my own.
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I used to really want kids, like a deep primal desire to have kids, but these days I don't think about or even feel that urge.
I think it comes from not being able to become truly attracted to new women, the fact that I've had crushes on the same 2 women for years, and that neither of them want to be with me.
Getting older probably took its toll on the desire for kids as well.
What about you, OP, do you want kids?
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I'm 28 and always say I'm already too old to have kids around single girls the same age as me. It's funny seeing their subtle reaction when someone implies they're too old for kids, they get triggered, it's hilarious.
I don't want kids. Half for selfish reasons/I'm not affording it, half I have autism and don't want to add to that gene pool. I'd rather be an uncle than a father, I want to be an influence, but not a caretaker
im a faggot but i bet ive gotten more pussy than you

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Does /r9k/ have a breeding kink.
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How about Sloppy Window?
lol my caraval could easily win in a fight against that dog
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How about Red Rum?
He has been cloned twice, do you think your caraval can fight 3 Red Rums?
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Not girth smashed enough
Breeding is hot and all, in the sense that wild sex and impregnation are hot, but the real practical concept is just fucking bothersome. I guess it only doesn't seem so if you have a safe and secure romantic partnership, and the financial backing for it to boot.

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After years of browsing and observing various communities I noticed than there's quite enough of robots/incels/autists having pretty big (and sometimes even huge judging some photos assuming it's theirs) units but despite that they still can't get a gf or even hookups (some resort to hiring hookers), their sexual/romantic life is rather nonexistent.

I guess it's far less important than your overall appearance (facial features, height) and your psychotype.

It's kinda logical because the penis is the last thing that a girl would ever see and before than you need to pass the certain looks threshold and socialization test before being able to bring her to your bed. A person is greeted by his appearance and escorted by the his mind.
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I wish that was true but it's clearly not. You don't just lose tissue and get bumps (scar tissue) tightness, and pain from psychological causes. Like I said, it's possible that clamping pressure from the included rubber sleeve could have played a role in this.
Psh nigga that ain't nothin, check it out. Recently I decided I'd make my own dick pump, and since my dad and I couldn't find our old brake line bleeder, we were looking around for anything else that would work as a vacuum pump. One day he brings me this fucking comrpessor/nebulizer thing and I'm like "yeah I dunno man, I was thinking a manual one would be better, I dunno about that electric shit, but I'll think about it"

Sooo somewhere down the road I'm sitting here at 3 am drunk and that shit seems like a good idea, so I put together some PVC pipe and run some hoses to this fucking compressor in reverse, and then it is time to test this monstrosity..

I jam my dick in the pipe and flick the on switch and I swear to god, by the time my drunk ass processed what was happening, this thing had sucked my whole dick AND NUTS up in it and just keeps on sucking. Man, I can't remember if I hit the off button or if I just yanked the fucking hose out of the machine but holy shit I did not expect that

I still use this contraption now and then, btw, just gotta be careful about the nuts and not leave it on for more than, I dunno, a fraction of a second at a time lol

>His dysfunction is mental
For sure. One time I'd had my dick in this pvc pipe that was too small and when I finally pulled my dick out, the head looked like some sort of alien species. Lasted the rest of the night but was normal again when I woke up the next day
In the real world if you sort sex toys by bestsellers normal size dildos and vibrators are actually the most popular.
Whoever said size doesnt matter is coping. Dicklet guy like me has to focus on my game and career while some random 6ft with 8 inches penis could be the ugliest guy possible and can still have bitches gagging on his cock . I was very lucky that I got a wife who love me enough to ignore my small penis
>For sure. One time I'd had my dick in this pvc pipe that was too small and when I finally pulled my dick out, the head looked like some sort of alien species. Lasted the rest of the night but was normal again when I woke up the next day
I wouldn't have typed up that wall of text if it was psychological. I'm in physical pain every day and my dick has measurably lost size. If you got lucky, good for you. Maybe try doing exactly what I described and see if you get a different result. You had consistent pressure, not rapidly increasing and decreasing with compression at the base.

When we were little, we all wanted to be like Sasuke and growing up made us realize... that we were right Sasuke is better than Naruto.
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sus gay
simply closer to dark side
he is still one of the heroes of light though
I wanted to be like Naruto and I was right (I became like Kabuto or something like this though)
Fuck that, I want to be the guy who fucks cosplayers at cons as gojo or chozo
errrmm.. who became the hokage again??
sassycoon couldnt get his emotions in check and his period led to him being sexually taken advantage of by snake dude for several seasons. aint NO way someone with that backstory gets the "just like me" award unless you're a 14 year old girl or black

>Be me
>Was fat but still kind of social with only male friends through all of elementary school-middle school
>Depression starts around 7th grade, slowly begin lose sociability
>Fast forward to high school, Covid hits, I lose the weight but I also lose the means to make and retain friendships. Depression evolves into suicidal thoughts
>Graduate, lose contact with all remaining friends within the year.
>Wage slave for a year with no social life, no longer sad about suicidal thoughts, make peace with them and accept them fully
>No longer delusional about "I like being alone" try going outside but I'm rejected everywhere
>Forgot to mention 5'1 manlet
>Fast forward to last year, begin to bald
>Self hate has evolved into just hate
>Try to socialize here and there in an act of desperation
>People are the usual fake nice, just talk until I fuck off
>Some people are worse at hiding it than others
>I hate everyone around me as well as myself
>No longer see a reason to live life if I'm going to hate every day and wagecuck

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>indian or something? there's finasteride if you're willing to risk the side effects and haven't tried it already
close enough, still that little chance itll stop before going on finasteride, seen those health effects
wtf is close to indian? anyways yeah how receded are you? just don't wait until it's too late if you really care about balding.
Norwood 3 vertex, long hair so i cant even tell if its there. If it is too late I always have a backup plan
alright man well good luck
I'll need it, having a fullproof backup plan is enough to keep me "sane"
just wish i could actually talk about it, its one of those things you can never say

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Would you date this woman if
>she loved you
>she were educated
>she had a job
>she knew how to cook
>she cleaned the house
>she consented to whatever sexual acts you want at whatever frequency
>she did not have autism
If no, why not?
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>Would you date this woman
Being morbidly obese has telling signals
>idiot (low IQ)
>no self control
>bad health
I shouldn't have to. I am more attractive than her. I deserve my looksmatch, nothing more, nothing less.
What is your looksmatch anon
Will she stop eating for me until she loses 200lbs? There's really no excuse for being fat. It's so ugly and gross.
i'm not a morbidly obese or a kike, so you can't really go "REEEEEE INCEL!!!!!!" on me. she's definitely not my looksmatch, whether i'm chad thundercock or not

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the caraval MOGS the housecat
>it can run 80kmh (50mph)
>it can jump 5 meters vertical from standstill
>it can kill a coyote in a fight
>it kills 30 small animals a day
>tame, will still kill you if you dont let it outside
>refuses to eat slop, only accepts raw organ meat
need i go on?
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Pallas cats are cooler.
That's why they're going extinct while the house cats keep pumping pussies with they superior BIG HOUSE CAT COCKS
Ebin cuck joke
and a housecat can?
anyway thats why i equip mine with a thorium reactor so you cant shoot it without killing yourself
pallas cats dont get tame
they cant go extinct because they dont even exist
theyre a hybrid so as long as caracals and servals still exist theyre fine
uh huh
>a housecat can?
A housecat will stick a fork in your neck while you sleep
True story, happened to Jay Leno

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