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Anyone else afraid of having sex and losing your special status as one of the many adult male virgins during the incel epidemic?
males can't be virgins
in short, you are suffering from mental illness

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>comes up with plan for master race
>gets proven wrong by a homeless guy
>kills myself
Yeah, I'm thinkin that's based.

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why are all the old fags complaining about zoomers coming here? They were young when they first came here too. Don't pretend you're any different from the next generation of outcasts
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Because they were born to gen x and millennials themselves which were already pretty fucking dysgenic as it is. Boomers seem eternal because they were born and raised in a world free of microplastics, xenoestrogens and goyslop. As time passed on and everything got worse it was inevitable that newer generations became more sickly and ridden with early chronic disease. There's many zoomers with t2 diabetes and hypertension, they got unlucky is all. No idea what the guy above me is on lol
>sweeter, dorkier
Aren't they usually extremely harsh when it comes to dating? They want guys over 6ft who are extroverted and have it all together and shame manlets and fat guys. They are also addicted to social media which means they have a warped perception of the world.
Not really. You don't find many nerdy sweet girls like you could before. They dress sluttier now.
>People (fembrains) afraid of aging cope by pretending they look younger than they actually do and lie to everyone including themselves
Im sorry the internet fried your brain, millenizoomer.
Its all an act anon, they gather in secret places to discuss how to pull the best moids. They know exactly what youre looking for
>zoomer girls are more sensitive, sweeter, dorkier, and smarter than the previous generation were.


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>10 years Home schooled weirdo neet
May end up very smart but socially inept. May become scientist, game developer or die virgin
>20 years The most normal age for neet
You will end up becoming sub normie, homeless or dead. Slight chance at success.
>30 years The point of no return.
If you never had a job you prolly never will get it. You better have rich parents
>40 years life standards lowering
Your parents stop working. Now you better get disability or neetbux
>50+ years Weird hobo.
You failed life and now have nothing but regret

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Have you invented any memes? I personally invented "yikes".
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I invented Pepe. I can post my penis to prove it
I've made a few image macros, would have made more if I wasn't such a fucking lazy bastard. Started a pretty sizeable trend on a certain anime general on /a/ but other than that probably nothing else
I invented insaneo style as well as sicko mode and sexy time
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I was one of the five people responsible for the 2020 fanboy and chumchum revival memes. I was/am (idk it's still like this I haven't used instagram in forever) mutuals with the person who created the submissive and breedable meme
I was the primary driving force at the beginning for James Rolfe cuck memes on tv, as well as Molyposting in 2016 on pol.

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Are people who claim to be ex-gay and de-trans just lying? Why are these people so heavily censored and hard to find on Google and YouTube?
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yes they are right wing terrorists posing as trans people. nobody would actually be normal and not trans. everyone is trans. cut your penis off, it's normal!

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Biological femanons, post a pic of the type of men you are into, only concerning physical appearance.
If you are trans, please state so, as this thread is primarily for biofem.

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Men who have been through a breakup, what helped you move on that wasnt fucking some other bitch? I feel completly exhausted from the constant pain, and I cant focus enough to see solutions
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My advice boils down to
>enjoy life
>remember this doesnt mean you wont ever date again/are unfuckable
Mine was a genuinely bad person tho so it was easy. Anyway yea pouring yourself into music sounds great, expression is a good way to achieve catharsis/learn to cope with the breakup. Dont use rage though because rage only makes you feel worse but doing it in a constructive way should be fine.
My issue is that I dont want another bitch, I just want to fucking die. Id rather be alone the rest of my life than to make the past worthless, my love is garbage and nothing if I can just let go.
Ah I understand, well hopefully it will pass though you will feel like shit for a while, even I did. Good luck tho broski
It's gonna hurt for a long time bud, but the longer you go on the less painful it is. Seeing her move on will also speed up this process.
I moved to a new appartment in a different city, picked up some old hobbies and started going to the gym. I talked to close friends about my feelings and I cried a shit ton. It took me 5 months, but the pain did eventually go away. Good luck OP

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>one shot at existence
>born into a world with no superpowers and fragile mortality
>soulless money earners have the most "power"
>the most "powerful" men are balding fat nerds and can just be shot with a gun
>your personal standing in the world is pretty much reliant on convincing the NPCs you're a cool dude
Damn I wish I lived in a shonen anime where I could just train and experiment on myself with the dark arts and become more powerfulz than all the normies. I would probably have some crazy naive dream that I work towards like being the king of the world or some shit, instead we have to slave away at McDicks for pocket change. This reality is fucking gay.
>inb4 superpowers are real dude, look at this indian guy light a piece of paper on fire with his mind!!
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Now your trolling. Go to sleep bro. Tell your mom to buy more fruit, less McDonald's, and actually cook. Your brain n body is fried.
Cope, God is dead and we killed him along with the spirits, demons, and faeries. Elon Musk is our only hope, hopefully cybernetics and ChatGPT brain chips gives us superpowers so we can have anime battles and battle with our drone swarms.
elon musk is a lizard pedophile who will use brain implants to mind control u and to send u more ads
>the most "powerful" men are balding fat nerds and can just be shot with a gun
>Elon Musk is our only hope
retard can't even into his own arguments.
there are 'powers' in the form of remote viewing, limited telepathy and premonitions

there have been numerous studies done that support the existence of telepathy

the CIA famously experimented with remote viewing
premonitions are absolutely real as well, lots and lots of stories of people having visions that come to be true, you've probably experienced it yourself

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Could learning math give you a competitive advantage in getting a coding job? I dont know how you would certify it though beyond a full on degree.
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no but getting better at software dev and a cs degree helps
Computer science is math you absolute retards. Computer science is not a software engineering degree. It's not a coding degree. It's a mathematics degree with an emphasis on discrete math.
you can argue about whether degrees *should* be vocational training, but the fact is that they now are and have been for decades.
Degrees are more like a filter than training.
Like their existence allows for easily eliminating half of the resumes you receive because of the applicants not having them.
But at the same time they're just a requirement, not training and not usually sufficient on their own to get you a job.
Computer science degrees don't teach you much of what you actually need to know for a software development job. If they're vocational training, they're shit at it. You underestimate the degree to which academia resists being at all useful to industry.

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>God will never leave me nor forsake me
Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.
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>Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:
The warmth of the sun is underrated desu
do any of us?
yeah let's just intellectually jerk off to the fact while posting retarded memes, oh ho im so holy, it's like god from the abraham book was real!!!
>implying anything intellectual is going on here
you have a lot of faith in me anon, I appreciate this, next thread OP with have a phiosophy weeb theme as a result
>le god from le good is le real
reality itself confirms it, the vastness of creation and the creation of life
you're fucking delusional. the idea of "god" is nothing but your imaginary make believe.

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The worst part of coming to 4chan is realizing just how young everyone is. It's actually quite sad. It's even more sad that I'm still here after all these years. Where did all my old friends go? Why did you all succeed?

10 years here, it's a long time. I just wish I had a friend. It's been so long since I've had a friend.
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>10 years here

Newfag. GTFO. Goddamn gamergate tranny
Like other anons said, /r9k/ in particular gives a misleading impression of 4chans demographics. Only a kid or a mentally stunted adult would obsess this hard for so long over le teenage love, le depression I'm not saying depression isn't real tho, just that it isn't the badge of honor every teen discordtranny treats it as and juvenile topics or surface-level stuff.

The older anons are in other boards. But, BUT! here comes the problem: the other boards are dying too! That's what happened, some of your friends did find success, those who didn't moved on to greener pastures in other boards. But that too has to end.

>10 years here, it's a long time. I just wish I had a friend. It's been so long since I've had a friend.
Same. 2011 newfag here, gonna quit for real before 2024 ends. After so many years I got nothing out of this. I came empty handed and I'm going to leave empty handed too. I wish I had tried harder to make friends when it mattered. It was my fault, sure, but life fucked me hard. The only anons I would have liked befriended are not around anymore, just the hypersocial faggots, lucky wealthy guys, simps and pretend mentally ill, if your biggest problem in life is tfw no gf you need to kill yourself right fucking now.
you were young when you first came here too
I'm in my mid 30s and struggling with a bunch of autoimmune disorders so constantly in and out of hospitals. I'll probably never "make it" but I did manage to convince two people to have consensual sex with me several times and to become a homeowner so there's that.

>Why did you all succeed?
I doubt most people who escaped this place actually succeeded in the normie sense of the word. Based on the people I've known from here, I think a lot of them fell into drugs and alcoholism. Some of them like me achieved some of the basics but likely won't be able to go much further. A few of them killed themselves. I think this idea of making it is misguided anyway. Life constantly throws new challenges at you. Got the wife? She might cheat, get bored with you, etc. even 10 years into the relationship. Got the home? Might burn down, get torn down by a storm, etc. Life isn't a videogame where you can secure and lock achievements and inventory. Anything you have can be taken from you at any time. You have to become comfortable with it somehow and never take anything for granted.

>gonna quit for real before 2024 ends. After so many years I got nothing out of this.
I like to call this place a digital crack den. All you get from it is cheap empty dopamine hits and an illusory sense of community through shared struggle with people who would immediately throw you under the bus for 5 bucks or the promise of pussy. I will also warn you against this "I'll quit tomorrow" mentality which is just your ego bargaining to keep you in this mess. You can quit now. Today. The key is to fill your day with other things. I only find myself here when I'm idle for no good reason. If you're tired, put the phone down and sleep. If you're hungry, eat without looking at a screen. If you have 15 minutes to kill like in a waiting room, bring a book.
My life is otherwise fine and could be otherwise great with an ounce of "Joie de Vivre". I was just born with genetics that make me unwanted to other people, which left me an atrophied husk of a human after a childhood of loneliness.
> t. Small town Zillennial
I agree about one thing though, the internet's userbase fell off of a cliff after smartphones. All everyone now seems to be good for is orbiting women (they're normies or have room temp IQ or haven't had this misfortune of actually knowing one of those one in a million "loser girls")

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Aaaaah! Anal sex with Asian girls!
Thats disgusting nigga
wtf kizaru

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>move out with childhood best friend
>chilling in the living room with childhood best friend one day
>dealer friend says he's coming over for a visit
>introduce best friend with the dealer friend
>they get along really well
>make plans for doing x and smoking on the weekend
>best friend comes home from work with the x on friday night
>has 5 total, immediately pops one and passes one to you instead of waiting for the weekend
>pop it
>text dealer friend that we're doing it today instead of the weekend
>says he's on the way asap
>fast forward 5 hours
>2 strangers and a total of 5 men sitting in anon's living room
>the previous batch of x has been consumed and another batch of 12 is on the way
>everyone's smoking

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Oh, the things we do for drugs...
i'd like to be in ur place anon, sounds hot, got boner reading it..
as for reason for not cumming I assume its from drugs and weed
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this is way too hot. you're either a psycho for remembering all these ridiculous details like how many pills everyone took or you're a psycho for just making it up. either way it made my dick hard reading it.
Schizo thread, do not interact further.
OP is just letting everyone know that they will sell their body for drugs.

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Why is it surprising to all of you that people are mostly garbage, including women?

Did you not experience bullying in highschool? Did you not see how apathetic people are to your existence?
Only foids are garbage. Most men are normal people
>Did you not experience bullying in highschool
I was such a pariah nobody could be bothered. Literally untouchable
Maybe I watched too many anime and think people can be good. Besides I'm quite a big guy(not in fatness)so I never got bullied
Not everyone gets bullied at high school.

>Why is it surprising to all of you that people are mostly garbage, including women?

i already know, i always comeback and pretend i am part of them because am lonely and barely have no friends, fucking hate this

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