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Where are all the Aliens !?
Zoo hypothesis.
The aliens are keeping their distance and refusing to engage with us until that one primitive, unevolved /sci/ poster stops spamming his "Where are all the Aliens !?" threads.
You're late this time, what gives?
They are in >>>/x/

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Is there any truth to what he's saying?
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I got about as far as the 2*sqrt(2) thing. This is actually an incredible piece of performance art if you think about it. The man's a genius.
It would be if he did it on purpose. But his claims that he's studying this shit for 40 years seem to be correct - he has too much knowledge of random science facts and jargon and history of different thinkers and he's too consistent in his narrative just to be trolling.
i did when it came out. Dude doesn't know bout unit analysis
it's really not all that hard to understand
what is this video

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Post your favourite Penrose Diagrams

I was never taught this in school.
Never taught what in school? How to explain what you're talking about so other people can actually understand you and engage in discussion? We can't read your mind, use your words.
Pic related, it's your autistic ass.
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>i can make pentagonal hydrogen drones that need no energy
>hasn't done it

terry bros,,

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It's afraid
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no... please...
I take it back I could get used to sabine in a skintight bodysuit
It was unavoidable, she needs to keep up with the algorithm to make money out of this.
In my country a gas station clerk told a customer during the height of COVID that he would need to wear a face mask to shop there. To which the customer went home, got a gun and shot the clerk, because he believed into whatever the current mask related conspiracy was at the time.
Other than that there are probably countless examples of people forgoing legitimate medical care, because they believe that drinking enough orange juice will cure their cancer or some shit.
If you want to get political I bet there are also countless examples of people hurting someone else or getting hurt over believing some misinformation

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Are time machines possible?
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expand on this?
He's full of shit
>but only to go forward in time due to time dilation.
This wouldn't happen until you're hitting 0.999...c, and even then you would not travel in time, time dilation is an illusory effect and you would age normally
Look up time crystals
You would have to have negative mass, so no.

They are definitely not effective and therefore the risks outweighs the benefit but after 4 years it does not seem nearly as bad as /pol/ claims.
If it permanently integrates into dna like HIV, wouldn't there be a way to see and measure or how much spike protein is in the blood? The body would keep producing the spikes until the victim dies, but if no spike protein can be found in the blood after couple months, even in max vaxxed patients, wouldn't that show that it doesn't integrate? Would dna integration even be possible without the needed enzymes? I also doubt that every single doctor in the world would keep their mouth shut just because they are afraid to risk losing their job for a crime this massive, except for few thousand. If they would notice something very wrong in covid vaccinated patients, I doubt by now that there would be no bombshell hardcore evidence that would cause a shitstorm if it really is that bad.
If I am not wrong, immune system is a good indication of how much a person is at risk of getting cancer, everyone I know who got the vax are not unhealtier and their immune systems are as good as before.
Trump, Fauci and all the other pepetrators should still be prosecuted.
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Can you post studies that (RT) was sneaked in the jab?
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We have already 4 other threads about this.
its about a group of serial killers testing how to control, torture and murder their victims more than anything else.
The greatest and most dangerous evil isn't some cabal of serial killers, its sheer mediocrity, and the tendency of "normal people" to try to enforce control over others, two traits which the world has in plenty.

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If you think about it it's fucked up how all the trigonometry is just a single little function being shifted over and transformed
Every elementary function can be written in terms of a polynomial/rational equation
It's actually perfect.

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Ok, forget about the spirals. Two currents traveling in parallel will attract each other. Two currents traveling in opposite directions will repel.

Does the same hold true for electrons moving in free space, or do these so-called "magnetic fields" only exist when electrons are traveling in wires?
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yeah it's crazy
how comes both sides of a magnet attract metal but repel bismuth?
yet it is gonna repel and attract another magnet?
that's crazy!
I don't really get why!
what even is a magnet?!?!?!

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Give it up for the heart everyone?(equal to the mind).
no. heart and mind have two different functions and its not to give one up for the other, but to balance it out.
The heart knows as much as the mind, the mind makes the heart look simple and has many of something while the heart is like the mind and has one of something. Your one move is a heart thing, your using of another thing, the mind.

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Call me a retard if you want, but I don't get it:
On one hand I keep hearing that "a true artificial intelligence is perhaps a century away" or "it would require a Manhattan project times ten" and "Chat GPT is less smart than a rat" "it is to the human mind as a 1870s mechanical calculator is to a Iphone".
Yet, on the other hand, for decades I heard that passing the Turing test was to be the threshold where AIs would have reached the level of human intelligence and it seems that Chat GPT passes it with flying colours.
Sure, even the best versions tends to hallucinate sometimes, but otherwise it doesn't seem like there is much intellectual tasks it can't take or would plausibly be able to take in the near future.
If we put aside stuff like the Moravec paradox, what's the difference between a GPT and a human mind, or a true general AI, from the pure perspectives of its abilities?
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>it honestly feels like the only things that's missing it to "plug in" different subsystems to the model
But the whole point of AGI is, that it is supposed to be able to perform well on tasks it was never trained on or programmed for.
Just like you can come up with a strategy for any game you've never played once someone explains the rules to you
>Well you do understand the concepts behind what you're saying though.
Do I? I honestly can't tell. I feel like I just make up plausible sounding sentences.
>Solving chess problems like these is a trivial task for an AI
Ackshually I think AIs are really shit at algorithmic problem solving. There have been computers built specifically to play chess or go or whatever, but these are not AIs. Meanwhile AIs are no better at chess than I am, which is to say not good at all.
>but these are not AIs
AIs are just decision makers powered by machine learning. The natural language support of LLMs is an extra add-on feature, not the standard and not required.
>AIs are really shit at algorithmic problem solving
Think again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaZero
The latest deep learning AIs are able not just to beat any human at chess, but they can also beat any humans at games which where regular programs previously couldn't beat humans (like go), AND they can do so without being specifically programmed for it, but instead by learning by themselves how to play.

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You’ve gotten too involved the maladaptive behaviors, haven’t you
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>too poor to afford a laptop
How do I stop procrastinating?
>be a good goy
>get punished

>be a bad goy
>get punished

At least one of them make sense
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Speaking tongues in your mom's pussy

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I am "le smart" according to random faggots throughout life who realized I was at least as smart as them...never applied myself. never really tried much. Honestly had an extremely fucked up life until this point alienated by normalnigs

where do I start? philosophy? math? I can't think of anything more fitting
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Anon... they were trolling you.
Yer a retard, Harry.
Start accepting that fact, otherwise one day you will go full retarded.
Philosophy has been a life saver for many. Epistemology and history of epistemology is a great starting point.

Also, stop posting frogs and post cute anime girls instead
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honestly what little philosophy I have been exposed to I can only call faggy and convoluted. I guess if its gonna be like that i can only grit my teeeth and keep an open mind

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>Earth has existed for billions and billions of years and didn't produce a technological civilization until 200 years ago
>Of the millions of lifeforms that exist on Earth right now, only a single one of them is intelligent, a pure fluke of evolution
>And the furthest they got was their own moon
>And people still think intelligent spacefaring alien civilizations exist and are common throughout the universe
Is extraterrestrialism a form of cult?
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>>Of the millions of lifeforms that exist on Earth right now, only a single one of them is intelligent, a pure fluke of evolution
n=millions and millions of non-intelligent, non-technological species on Earth throughout its history
At least you didn't think about you
We had that asteroid that slowed us down for 65 million years though. There were many other extinction events before that too. Every alien civilization isn't going to have the same bad luck we had and could have easily developed much earlier than us.
>t. waiting for the intelligent alien velociraptors to visit Earth
"Where are all the Aliens !?" poster BTFO
when did humans go to the moon?

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