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Why are midwits so obsessed with the idea of nuclear energy when renewables have easily eclipsed them in nearly every way possible over a decade ago? Is it just the "i hecking LOVE science... stupid greenpeace hippies don't understand how safe nuclear is..." identity factor? Imagine spending over a decade to build a nuclear plant that costs 15x more than the equivalent amount of solar panels and battery capacity added together. There's a reason why neither China or the US does that at any real scale anymore.

Then when you point this out it's all "molten thorium small scale nuclear fusion reactors are just around the corner, just wait, they just need more funding," when you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
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>we will end up und a hand to mouth Economy
That is exactly what we are looking at with this current trend. We will either have it dumb witted willingly through the renewables meme, or it will be forced upon us by economic pressures. Mankind stumbled upon the greatest ever windfall in history, fossil fuels, and rather than recognizing it as a method to accelerate technology at a geometric rate, basically squandered it on bullshit. Unnecessary consumer goods, wars, opulent lifestyles for the middle class, population growth in shithole countries, population growth among the retards in their own countries.
Now the easy to access stuff is becoming more scarce the economics of retrieving the 2nd grade and more inaccessible fossil reserves becomes more expensive.

Meanwhile dumbfucks like>>16191017 who can not comprehend the difference between tens of millions of years of sunlight concentrated into energy dense fuels compared to the relative pittance that falls on the Earth each day are part of the problem. spouting nonsense while so ironically taking a condescending tone. Simple math is beyond the grasp of these type of naive and ignorant numbskulls. The only consolation is they are so naive and delusional they will be among the first ones to feel the full effects of a previously energy rich society declining into energy poverty, and will be the least able to cope with the reality.
We’ve set off a handful of nukes underneath the Rocky Mountains, like 5-8k feet under the surface, then we drilled wells to extract and test the oil and gas that pooled in the blast crater way down there. People live directly above “ground zero”, pretty much always have, there is a house with well water like 100yds from one of the original bore holes / entrances where they dropped the nukes in
Couldn’t we just bury dozens of nuclear reactors down in holes that are 5-8k feet below the mountains and then build a long distance transmission system (like China did for their solar/wind/hydro) and power the whole US with safe nuclear that could also have a meltdown without affecting much if anything at all?
This is a big wall of just to say that you don't know what you're talking about.

Lol, no.
>Gets called out for being a dumbfuck
>Seethes because he cant refute any of it.
Try taking a math class before you spout more of your drivel dumbfuck.
Geothermal is is very heavily location dependent, though this might be changing given new drilling techniques, and the amount of material needed for both solar and storage means its EROI is dogshit.

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Why can't some problems be solved analytically? What makes certain problems difficult or impossible to solve beyond numeric approximation?
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Skill issue
>beyond defining a new function as the solution
But wouldn't that still be an exact solution?
It all comes down to inverses. Some functions simply do not have inverses and thus cannot be linearized.

It's fairly common in fact. All computational methods, btw, simply utilize small, invertible or linear functions and then stitches shit back together.
In a way, sure, but in practice, no.

If you can only describe it as 'the function that is the solution to X' that's not really feasible for actual use. Fundamentally it implies you have to use a computational method every time you want to evaluate the function of use it any meaningful way.
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>73% of US citizens are overweight or obese
How do we stop the obesity epidemic, anons?
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Meat was mainly used in holiday feasts
Sneed oils?
He thinks tendies are actual meat anon, so you think he understands that breading is literaly carb powder glued together with saturated fats?
I don't know about breading, but I know about breeding your mom
>glued together with saturated fats?
no, it'l be some sort of solidified seed oil or wax

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You are in charge of an eugenics program
Would you put IQ above beauty, or viceversa?

I have this theory that having an IQ above 120 is meaningless
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We had this thread just a few days ago.
>You are in charge of an eugenics program
Just like >>16164594 ?
>Would you put IQ above beauty, or viceversa?
Sure, as long as appearance doesn't indicate severe genetic issues.
>I have this theory that having an IQ above 120 is meaningless
I guess it might seem that way for anyone below 140.
Richard Feynmann was a midwit?
IQ doesn't work like that. Look up regression toward the mean. If you have to select then select for beauty.
>Genetics is only one half of the key to a truly intelligent society. I used to be a complete moron (~115 IQ) until I managed to excise most of the unhealthy habits and thoughts that weakened my mind. I imagine it must be the same for others.
No, I've been at this IQ for my entire life, from the earliest standardized tests and never changed whatsoever. I remain unchanged.

You would know that though if you were triple nine+

It's a simple question, /sci/. How many people are John Paul?
I hate niggers
uhhh... what the sigma
Maybe it would be better to write a petition to humiliate them for being bumbling idiots that can't get a ball right. Is this what a diverse britain has come to?
not watching this if it's a banach tarski paradox rubbish video.

Why do people say mass and energy are equivalent because of Einsteins equation
>yea bro they’re the same man look after i add a bunch of these units on one side of the equation they’re equivalent
And why wouldnt KE = mv2 not imply this aswell?
Nigger we literally apply it in nuclear binding energy, on top of the fact that you can predict exactly how powerful a nuclear bomb is based on it.
he established the relationship when he made gen. rel. His goal was to incorporate gravity into his previously established special relativity. He finds that not only mass will curve space, but in fact all forms of energy do, including kinetic or electric - it is energy that curves space, and rest mass is one type.
Because c is constant but v is not
The Mass of protons is 99% not the proton itself but the energies of the photons it is exchanging between its quarks, the quarks mass is microscopic.
A proton has like 19 tons of force bound up inside itself.

Mass is just restistance to change in momentum, force carrier particles are packets of momentum. Trying to change the metric fuckton of the photons, the energy quarks are exchanging, takes alot of new photons being added, removed, or warped.

We use these shorthand measurements like mass at our scale for simplicity and utility, not accuracy or comprehension.

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>we exist
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>we exist
> get bored with existing
really wish it weren't so

therefore I give
Therefore, I am.
give her

>Poisions the well of what could've been a potentially interesting branch of science
Why are schizophrenics like this?
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I make the meta
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Nature is actually trying to kill us all because of the gays and jews
>He's unironically smarter than witten
What the actual fuk is going on
Why not apply that same skepticism to string theorists? They've made no predictions and yet get hundreds of millions in funding (factor in the year salary of every string theorist from post doc and up for every year they work, as well as conferences etc).

There is a program to try to bring back the woolly mammoth and reintroduce it to taiga and tundra biomes. Apparently before the disappearance of the mammoth these were more steppe-like and supported much greater biodiversity.
What do you guys think about this? I think it is kind of neat and maybe will be one last great scientific accomplishment by the present society before the senescence which we are seemingly destined to endure.
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I think they wanted to modify an indian elephant genome to express mammoth cold climate genes
To imagine that these animals were still alive during the Egyptian Old Kingdom
Probably like chicken
yet another delusion of soientists who think they can defy the will of god
It's not delusional. It's about to be reality

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Can we change the future indirectly by focusing on the future and our position, and acting out of order, thus changing the events that come after? Or is it determined prior? If so, how? If no good answer, it's stalemate. Kys fags.
Why not just act on it directly and in order?

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>Only Nobel prize winners tested had 120s IQs
>Only US presidents tested (Bush and JFK) had ~119 IQs
Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?
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Well for that you need high iq though, cs like webdev is useless and any monkey can do it. Not everyone can do leetcode or codeforces which humble u quickly
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Many careers. People live paycheck to paycheck because they have poor discipline or want to live right in the "hustle and bustle" of the city. Maybe take some to learn about budgeting and investing
I was just shit posting, I have a comsci background so I know what you mean, but as I took more and more advanced courses I realized that I needed to become a mathfag. And sometime soon, I'll "transition" into physics.
>Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?
Because they understand statistics and probablilty unlike you.
Being popular or 'successful' requires being within range of general population.

>10 and 90 percentiles aren't marked
The question is *why* a persons profession, popularity, or acclaim is so weakly associated with intelligence

Can anyone recommend good books for learning bioinformatics/genomics/data science?
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Nice links, thanks
Bioinformatics has been around for decades
Any book that's like this but geared towards python?
Nothing comes directly into my mind. You could of course try to implement the book's algorithms independently in Python or search for corresponding bioinformatics packages. I'm sure someone has written those and shared as packages, at least the most common ones.

Or you could be master of both Python and R. I personally don't write Python that much, but that's probably because my uni teaches R for biologists

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Is math invented or discovered?
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You first you double nigger.
>God is real
Source on that?
Retard take

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Let's finish this once and for all. How the fuck does revealing one door alter the probability of winning?
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>Monty Hall is obligated to act a certain way.
This is what a lot of people don't understand. I've seen people say things like, "What if the host reveals the car?"
Only if you pick a door at random. Add jews to the problem: they will cheat so the chance will be 1. That is why jews never pick the other door.
>muh joos
Even women can solve this, you don't have to be a savant.

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>good topic
>immediately derailed with garbage

this is 4chan, even on /sci/
things that people thought were infinite turned out to be finite.
mathematically things appear to be infinite but irl ain't. I dont think the universe is infinite, the same way there is no infinite source of energy in the universe that allows the universe be infinite
If there's no infinite source of energy, then what would be making the universe to be infinite?
I feel weird stating something so blisteringly obvious, but you can't have an infinite series that ends. That's a contradiction in terms. Infinite series, by definition, do not ever end.
>I feel weird stating something so blisteringly obvious, but you can't have an infinite series that ends
Sure you can, there's an infinite quantity of real numbers between 0 and 1 inclusive. It has an endpoint, 1.
This is a routine shitpost, not a "good topic".

Your philosophical commitments predetermine the answer you're allowed to give

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