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What experiments have you conducted that lead you to the conclusion that the earth is round?
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please don't reply to the thread unless you actually have some skin in the game
Inner product space says fuck off.
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>earth is round?
a disc is round
None. It has no significance whatsoever. I do not care.

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HPV vaccine causes encephalitis
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Birth control and STD medications are enablers of whorishness, people who work on inventing that poison should be strung up
how come all these vaccines keep on causing deadly health problems?
because they're good for you, shaddup and trust the science
99% of those autists are high-functioning autists and high-functioning autistm is not real. It's made up by mentally ill people that need excuses in their lives. You can't base your statistics on mentally ill people's words

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what do you think?

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Slam the plap piggy and have the secretary looking one eat out my colon
Make one where it's the libtar raging at the migi chud raging at the nigger and the nigger is raging at a white man climbing a mountain or something
Why are black pypl always proving theorems and shiet? What's the point?

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>CO2 is bad because it makes plants grow better and that leads to more wildfires
Why is science so incredibly stupid these days?
Presumably this is meant to be one reason and not the main one, but yes, changes positive or negative can still mess with nature in weird and unpredictable ways. This is also why a lot of forest growing efforts are huge messes- they plant higher density than is natural and make wildfires worse.

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aging is still a thing, nothing to slow it down let alone reverse it

This is grim
tranny thread

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Is there any expert climatologist here?
What would happen if the Earth suddenly became like pic related?
Please describe how climate and vegietation change in the various places
>if the Earth suddenly became like pic related?
Also, what would happen *while* this shift happens? Imagine it takes about a week for the Earth to become like that.
Is there any possibility of anyone surviving?
>expert climatologist
>on 4chins
Real scientists have no time for inane commenting on an inane website

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How come doctors don't consider hygiene to be important anymore?
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Muslim women were winning at weight lifting competitions because there was an exception for them in the rule that required competitor's elbows to be visible to determine if their arms were straight or not. The Muslim women wore all black sleeves so it was difficult for judges to determine from a distance if their arms were completely straight or not. Given the nature of weightlifting, the judges couldn't get closer for safety reasons. Other women complained it was unfair so the compromise was to add contrasting patching on the elbows of the sleeves Muslim women wore. They suddenly stopped winning competitions.
1337 article as fuck
They spell some words differently in England.
>hospital superbugs
why would anyone in their right mind ever go to a hospital? those places are death traps
Germ theory of disease is obviously fake and they are tired of pretending it's real.

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how likely do you think it is that there would be internet in heaven? i don't think hell would have internet but would heaven? would it have it's own internet or would you be able to access earth's internet while you're up there? are there latency problems?

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What is the scientific evidence that cannabis acts a proper pain reliever?
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it doesn't really numbs the pain, it mostly takes your mind away from it a little and the sensation of pain is not so bad
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tl;dr it depends on the person, might be placebo (or part placebo)
its just pothead cope. they only want to be stoned and will make up any excuse in the world to continue doing it.
When I smoked weed for the first time, I couldn't feel my face, nor could I tell whether my mouth was fully closed due to not being able to sense pressure in my teeth. That's all I need to know on this. I don't need soience to tell me what's clearly true from experience.
My facial proprioception also seemed fucked, wherein I couldn't discern my facial expression without looking in a mirror. My first high was a lot more intense than most it seems. Obviously if you use it every day you're going to build tolerance and a month down the line it's no longer good at pain relief.

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My friend has set me a challenge to solve a triple integral.
The last time I did maths was high school and I don't remember shit from calculus.
What do I read to learn this?
Triple integrals are advanced research math and not fully understood yet. It is conjectured that they play a role in the unsolved millennium problem of Navier-Stokes.

Buy an ad.
Onlyfans when?

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If you pick up a random 1-2 pound rock from the ground, what's the %-chance it contains at least 1 gold-atom?

Would you be lying if you gave away a random rock to someone and said it contains gold (clarifying you mean at least one "unit" of gold)?

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Determinist fags can’t stop winning
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I guess if you're wrong but you claim you are causally determined to be wrong your ego is spared as long as you freely choose not to think about it too hard.
That pathetic attempt to handwave away objections to free will as mere avoidance of responsibility is a feeble ad hominem that fails to actually confront the powerful reasons - grounded in science, philosophy and reason itself - that have led many to conclude free will is incoherent bunk.
do you have any evidence for your claims? oh you don't, do you! How interesting.
All the evidence favours determinism. Free Will is simply a belief created by Jews.

How can we be expected to deal with men (primarily white men) who feel entitled to having sex and a female house slave despite having a small penis? I have here a peer reviewed article from an academic journal that breaks down each and every single undue entitlement these small-dicked white guys think they're supposed to have, and I never realized how bad white dudes' psychosis actually is. This was an eye-opening read for me, and made me realize that the line between a dicklette and an incel (a known terrorist sub-group of the Western world's population) is way too fine to consider separate from each other. Is there a way to put small-dicked (smaller than 18cm x 13cm) dudes into re-education (with possible chemical castration) camps so they don't commit a bombing just because they're biological failures?

Rowland, A. L. (2023). Small dick problems: Masculine entitlement as rhetorical strategy. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 109(1), 26–47. https://doi.org/10.1080/00335630.2022.2136739
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>it's a law enforcement honeypot thread

do you think they remembered to include in the report that everything posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood? Maybe it's right after the part where they admit to agitating online incels into incriminating themselves under the new internet thought control acts.
>hey can you please not kill people because of your tiny dong?
You retards would say anything to absolve yourself of personal responsibility wouldn’t you?
gotcha law man

funny how that works the other way around too. maybe because you're projecting
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>PP captcha
Imagine spending 3 years lurking a subreddit where men with small dicks vent about their problems so that you can write an opinion piece based on a bunch of cherry picked comments and publish it in a "peer-reviewed academic journal"

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whats this all about?
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He is at least smart enough to know that global warming is fake
There are more bicycles in the boot of my car
Since Tyson is now a woman, are there any videos of him twerking?
They cause conflict because their poor memory, and then think that other people are abusing them.
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