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[chuckles in Mandelbrot]
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I don't get it
I might be wrong on that but I think almost everyone knows fractals. Certainly not only math and medicine guys since plenty of folks use them for art.
Well done anon, you've identified one of the core tenets of humour.
He's not running a lawn mower over it, he's using a trimmer, so he has to walk the perimeter. You're not supposed to take it too seriously, otherwise you would argue about the granularity of a blade of grass.

Chuckle at the normal fags, and move on.

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I feel like we might already have the technology for it
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>Isaac Asimov

Take a crack at the message if you have something to say, my friend.

I'm interested.

I think we should panic and try to pull the plug. If that fails we could always send a captured terminator back through time.
I figure out the message. It reads as follows.

"I take big fat dicks up my arse every night and I whore my mother out to drunken Negroes"

What did he mean by that????
Pretty sure the goal is to combine the red and the blue somehow for this.
Please describe what Blue Eisenhower November does. How else can we determine if it is "technically possible" ?

AI models have been trained on content from the internet since the first LLM's. That pastebin is from 2018, so it was a good guess at the time, but not unheard of, nor tough for any nobody to figure out back then.

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I didn't go to college. I'm an autodidact.
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im not saying he’s not allowed to do it, im just saying that its reasonable for someone to call the cops, and its unreasonable to charge them when they show up.
what if you have to leave your room to go somewhere? what if your wife is arriving in half an hour and has to walk by this guy to get to your room? you have nothing to lose by calling the cops, normal well-adjusted people dont get shot by cops, and by not calling them youre potentially putting other peoples lives in danger.
>what if you have to leave your room to go somewhere?
I'd go and give the man with a sword a wide berth.
>what if your wife is arriving in half an hour and has to walk by this guy to get to your room?
I'd let her know and meet her out there to escort her, then give the man with a sword a wide berth.

He's not actually blocking access to anything, you can just walk to your room on the other side of the cars from him.
You didn't answer my question.
He's brandishing a lethal weapon. That's against the law. Good try though.
>What Is the Legal Definition of Brandishing?
>In strict legal terms, brandishing a weapon means displaying or exposing it in a threatening manner.
>Most jurisdictions define it as showing a weapon in order to cause fear or intimidate someone else.
>Simply put, brandishing goes beyond just carrying or possessing a weapon - it involves actively menacing another person through the weapon's display.

Tell me, who was he actively menacing while standing alone at night in a parking lot? At which individual was he directing the display of his weapon?

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Determinist fags can’t stop winning
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All the evidence favours determinism. Free Will is simply a belief created by Jews.
You don't even know what consciousness is, but you think you can define its nature and function?
>philosophy and reason itself
both favor free will lol
That's kind of true, if she's a whore she's a whore, it is their nature.
You're not talking about the incoherent "Physics means determinism" nonsense right? Physics doesn't even have any meaningful way to substantiate material causal determinism, let alone in the far more physically nebulous notion of consciousness/decision.

We can't even get strict determinism (meaning arbitrarily small error in both process and measurement) to work in simple physical experiments. The "determinism" that is present in theoretical physics is a modeling convention for mathematical convenience, not a statement about reality.

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Why are they so bad at science? Why are they not producing any high-impact results, and instead publish in some obscure national and predatory-tier journals?
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serbia is a pretty small country. you wouldn't expect them to be hugely significant.
Solve a Millenium problem, then come back, Westoid))))))))))
ENS Paris does rival MIT and is outright better than other Ivy League universities. This has been my experience. Given a choice between working with someone from ENS Paris vs an Ivy League, the frog has been better almost every time.
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It means that there are bacteria and bacterial toxins in his blood. It could come from unhygienic nurse / dirty needle, splinters, any dirty wound. But because you are an uneducated dolt, you think viral vectors cause a bacterial disease, therefore vaccine bad.

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lol so mad
still wrong btw
It's okay to just admit you were talking out of your ass, anon.
Left: SOVL
Right: soulless
>verification not required
Why whould you use a dedicated calculator
>Skeuomorphic trash
Just use Desmos.

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Why aren't we forming alliances with gorillas and orangutans to prevent a potential chimpanzee uprising?
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homocels insecure about gorilla chads taking their women.
>Shabani was the subject of further media attention in 2015, described as "handsome", "sexy", "photogenic",[3] and "metrosexual".[4] This led to significant news coverage,[5][6][7] and an appearance on the season 2 premiere of the TV series Not Safe with Nikki Glaser.

>The coverage caused an increase in younger female visitors to his zoo.[8][9] Shabani was also the subject of a DVD film,[10] and became the mascot for a brand of candy.[11] He was also used in a worker recruitment campaign by the city of Nagoya in January 2016.[12][13]
chimps are chumps. Everyone thinks they're those unstoppable killing machines with super strength, but it's not true. Yeah they're stronger pound for pound, but we're bigger and a fit adult human male is stronger than them. Their advantage is that they have no decency or respect and will go straight to 100% in a fight, biting faces and ripping off genitals. But humans can do that too, then the chump has nothing.
>It's more likely he was one of the chosen other species that graced us with knowledge.
You mean the Jews?
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Why are gorillas so strong, bros?
No, austria-hungarians, or, more broadly, Germanoids. Obviously.

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Alright, /sci/, let’s dive into some mind-bending speculation about the universe using a bucket analogy.

Imagine the universe’s spacetime as 100 points split between a "space bucket" and a "time bucket". At the Big Bang, all 100 points were in the time bucket. As the universe expanded, points started flowing into the space bucket, meaning we’re literally trading time for space!
Big Bang to Inflation:
>All points start in the time bucket.
>Rapid inflation shifts points into the space bucket, creating space.
Current Universe:
>Many points are now in the space bucket.
>Some points remain in the time bucket, allowing time to pass.
Accelerating Expansion:
>Dark energy accelerates the shift of points to the space bucket.
>Fewer points left for time.
Big Freeze:
>Almost all points in the space bucket, few in the time bucket.
>Universe reaches maximum entropy, and time effectively "runs out".
What if the accelerating expansion of the universe means time is running out? More space points mean fewer time points, leading to a Big Freeze.

Let’s hear your thoughts, /sci/. Is the universe trading time for space? Are we just points in an expanding bucket, heading towards a cold, dark end?

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schizo thread with longwinded self indulgent egotistical rants that nobody will bother reading
what is this shit?
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ARRAY EMITTERS utilize coded signal variations to allow MRI Quality imaging.

Think of a radiation imaging machine like an X-RAY box. The contrasts and filters are imaged on reactive film. The results are radiation resistant shadows.

Now imagine if you did the WHITE NOISE TEST wherein you emit white noise audio into a substance and consult a spectrogram of the received frequencies therein detecting resonance frequencies to emit and image (also using shadow images by absorption or emissive imagery by tuned resonance).

You have done the White Noise Test and found resonance frequencies, but what if you code for frequencies per pixel? If you emit coded frequency pulses that pass through with weak absorption, then in a room with pixel wall receiver arrays, you can detect reflection and reflection and absorption all at once. Think of something better than a MRI machine. Let's say the frequency is 2 Ghz, but your array of 256 emitter pixels has a time domain modulation per pixel following a Grey Coding. You emit 101010 as your "Zero Signal", 101011 for "One", 101111 as "Two" and so on. In your room, the wall tiles receive the 101010 and 101011 and 101111 but not in straight lines from the nearest receiver, but some a reflected, deflected, absorbed. Creating an image for that particular frequency over time. You can also code per frequency domain ranges as well as time coded ranges. This is the first step of coding Soliton Lens locations.

Magnetic fields exist in 4th directional spacetime, which is why they pass through matter and can exert force through solid matter without needing to influence that matter (example, normal paper isn't bothered by magnets, but you can attract metal or repel magnets). The magnetic field is a 4D shadow of the magnet pushed into 3D spacetime. The reason I bring this up is obvious, if you have no temporal force energy you cannot change temporal matter's directional path.
this thread was a mistake

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I was reading an illuminating opinion piece by Giancarlo Rota on the topic of ODEs. What are your thoughts?


Are there any introductory books that follow his philosophy?
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TLDR? I'm not reading your retard ramblings if it exceeds one 4chan post
What's funny to me is that so many parts of engineering are so heavily tied to ODEs and PDE solutions in particular. As an example, just about everything in control systems and signal processing are based on solutions to coupled constant coefficient ODE's. We have to do this balance between caring about analytical solutions for things like modeling performance predictions, but not getting lost in the weeds of the deeper mathematical properties.
why did you even waste your time in undergrad then?
he's completely right, and its even worse today since all the techniques you learn are completely useless in real life. Numerical methods have replaced almost all analytical methods. Only if you are doing graduate level research then you'll need this as a stepping stone to learning more advanced methods like integral transforms, and variational calculus.
I don't think this is true at all, especially for many applications of ODE's to engineering.

If you are working on a control system (for example), this is generally represented by a coupled set of potentially non-linear ODEs. Most controllers for these non-linear systems developed around linearization, and for stability you almost always need to have analytical forms as if the system is very ill-conditioned even slight errors in your approximation of the Hessian will produce a very unstable system.

Similarly, if you are doing state estimation (which is essentially just control but in the other direction) if you aren't able to produce analytical forms you won't have any meaningful performance assessments for your estimator.

That's not to say that numerical methods aren't important to know and understand, but there are still many domains where having a grasp of the analytical process is important.

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>The bigger the bitches titties, the faster your bank account drains.
But simping feels so good. I can't resist the urge to give my money to hot women.

Prove the Pythagorean theorem without using a circular argument.

That means no trigonometry, brainlets.
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It's obvious
you're replying to one of those 2+2=4 chuds, they're too low IQ to understand decolonized mathematics
>why should anyone believe that their claimed achievement is legitimate?
Low IQ, its common, most people have it.
It's on Wikipedia so it's must be true faggot
right image looks like ukraine and upa flag

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What is the scientific evidence that cannabis acts a proper pain reliever?
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When I smoked weed for the first time, I couldn't feel my face, nor could I tell whether my mouth was fully closed due to not being able to sense pressure in my teeth. That's all I need to know on this. I don't need soience to tell me what's clearly true from experience.
My facial proprioception also seemed fucked, wherein I couldn't discern my facial expression without looking in a mirror. My first high was a lot more intense than most it seems. Obviously if you use it every day you're going to build tolerance and a month down the line it's no longer good at pain relief.
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Here's a meta-analysis
Cannabis oil with the THC removed helps with the pain of my sacroiliac arthritis. Cannabinoids definitely provide some form of pain relief in specific circumstances, and it's not pothead cope, but I don't pretend to understand the mechanisms.
I had a very similar experience when I first tried it too. When I used my mouth, it felt like my entire face was just my mouth.

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I'm fucking fed up with the state of scientific research and politics. I thought that by now we'd be able to use stem cells to regrow body parts, but the eggheads and the politicians think we have better things to do. So I'll do it myself. Give me a fucking roadmap of books I have to read to go from 0 to regrowing my foreskin with stem cells.
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jews and muslims mutilate their kids. americans are spiritual semites. or rather they offer the foreskins of their babies on an altar for jews.
But what does MENA mean?
Middle East and North African
Thank you.
female genital mutilation is wrong, but everybody should cut off parts of their son's penis because it's an old religious ritual. it's perfectly normal and makes sense. You might go ahead and cut off his earlobes and the cartilage part of his nose to save time later. He'll thank you when he understands.

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How come scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong?
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If that one man talking to congress in a position of authority of some large public institution it is not just 1 man. He represents the insane opinions of many men.
scientists have been right for 40 years
Also works for it being the Year of Linux on the Desktop.
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Op is a Dirty redeck

To all anons reading this, be aware that you're in a shill thread.

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Where are all the Aliens !?
Zoo hypothesis.
The aliens are keeping their distance and refusing to engage with us until that one primitive, unevolved /sci/ poster stops spamming his "Where are all the Aliens !?" threads.
You're late this time, what gives?
They are in >>>/x/
dark forest

also dont underestimate space and time

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