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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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>there is no apparatus mounted to promote scientists in the media
sure there is
>i don't have time to teach class, i'm too busy publishing lies in the academic vanity press
>that'll be $100,000 plus tip
ppl actually pay for that (with daddy's money)
and look at the results it gets them
so he wasnt schizophrenic?
He was chosen, and selected...just like Him.

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>Elite university eliminates DEI hiring requirement: 'They don't work'
>MIT scraps diversity statement from faculty hiring process
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Education is not the way to salvation anyway.
Science won't build a stairway to heaven. Every attempt to do so have only made our existence worse.
Spreading the gospel and enforcing beliefs is equally futile. Biology (genetics and environment) determine our desires and willingness to satisfy them.
Europeans does not need to be the shepherd of the uneducated, evolved for far away environments.
It's okay being black - in Africa.
It's okay being white - in Eurasia.
They don't need to know how to engineer an isolated home on the savanna.
They don't need to know how to slam dunk a coconut in the throat of a lion in civilization.
Unnatural desires are the Snake's spawn, just be urselfs.
It won't mean anything until the sociology and cultural studies departments are gutted,
>pretend that they're as capable as the white men the envy so badly.
It's both push and pull. Not only did they want to pull a cargo cult of having incompetents dress up like competents to show non-white could be pilots simply by wearing a pilot's uniform, they had to pull white men down so the gap between white men and others would be less obvious. It's not enough to simply "pull up" the inferior as that has very hard limits on its effectiveness, they must push down those with ability.
Two more weeks to Kiev!
Two more weeks to the imminent collapse of America!
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>They're not chinese and doesn't want chinese ruling over them.
Yes, they were the perfect vehicle for a judeo-glowtard color revolution. The chinese recognized this and simply took steps to stop or prevent it.

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Engineers and doctors provide the most utility for humanity.
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>Philosocucks cope
Tell me what part of modern science requires philosophy. No, some ancient ones that kickstarted science don't count (they were basically polymaths anyway)
Engineers kinda suck.
They keep doing the same thing over and over again like mindless monkeys instead of trying to improve the process.
That must be generational. Tracy Hickman wrote the Tinker Gnomes (in Dragonlance) as a satire of the engineers he knew. They were always fucking around with systems that sort-of worked and making then totally-not-work (and injure people).
Do they not have to eat? Have their equipment fixed? Be catered to on much needed time off in order to function better at their important job?
Do they not need reading? I could go on.
Mothers are pretty useful.

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Even if its something stupid like a video game or some shit, getting "proficient" at something helps with mental health by telling your subconscious you actual place in the world.

>As such my mind is racked and taxed with making economizing
Because this is whats important right now...you need something more important than "now".
>simple rationality is cringe/midwit/soi
It really is though.
The low end can be right for the wrong reasons.
The high end can be right for the right reasons.
The middle is wrong for the right reasons (herd mentality).

Only the tails will produce new patterns. The middle just safely copies/reproduces the status quo.
Its literally juat metaphysical interpretations of energy exchanges no different that Thermoeconomics professor or a Many-Moons Sage Witchress (penised).

All is One.
>or a Many-Moons Sage Witchress (penised)
Now you know why those people are running the Uni-Versity.

Meta-Physics only works with Empath-y or Aspergers++ people, Autism gets BTFO'd by it, normies are lost in its hyper vague-ness.

So fucking abstract to have almost completely contradictory definitions operating simultaneously.
fucking javascript, I swear to christ

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Symmetries? Patterns? Cheat codes! To fully understand the universe you occupy, you need a mind larger than the universe.
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Probably but it's still fun to try
>To fully understand the universe
nice grandiose fantasy life, you developed it as a coping mechanism because you're a failure in you life here on earth. you don't even understand the community you live in on one tiny part of this planet
Send me your blog
What if gravity from other parallel universe attract matter in our universe therefore explaining dark matter?

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>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.


How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
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>traceable "infection chains"

this is literally a meme.

What it means is:
>similar place
>similar time
>similar symptoms
With the bonus
>symptoms are not even required anymore
>or can be obscure meme diseases such as "restless anal syndrome"

There is a list of things that can cause this observation, that are not the principle of "host to host transmission via a nanoscopic replication competent non living organism".

Let me name a few:
1. common exposure to a poison
eg. Food poisoning:
>similar place

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lol, the immune system is a conspiracy theory now according to "the science"
>Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols
how do you know that?
>high levels of immunity
Neither vaccines nor natural immunity last that long.
Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
>Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
So, natural immunity?

Look at this shit. How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so? Or a Wikipedia article saying something is true because Salon said it’s true and Salon said it’s true because Wikipedia said it’s true? (Someone initiated the circular reference and then it becomes self-perpetuating)

Science is in salvageable and scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are. They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism. This allows them to justify any atrocity, and never consider any evidence outside their established narrative.
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Most paperns are not about reasoning, but some sort of study, what was done and what was observed.
wrong, they all have a conclusion section at the end which is the only part anyone ever reads outside of the abstract
>University is an intelligence predictor
no it isn't, college students are 100 IQ midwits
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Correct, university students are predictably all midwits and compliant and easily manipulated midwits is what employers want
I work at uni ... Yes, this is exactly what needs to happen.

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What's the optimal way to increase my productivity while avoiding burnout?

So far I need scientifically proven tricks like.

Do warm ups before working so the brain enters the right side.

Keep the practice session under 1 hour then meditate using binaural waifu asmr for 30 minutes so your brain rest.

Then switch to a diferent activity.
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microdosing LSD
sit at home and do nothing
you eat burnout
>level up
KEK. Now everyone knows there this is coming from.


Page 58 of the Anarchist Cookbook is not written in detail, is there some reason? Is this a legal issue? Or is it a chemical problem?

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Why the fuck do we have a mouse pepe? isnt pepe a turtle no matter what?
holy shit is pepe actually a turtle!?
He's cheesed to meet you.
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They should be doing experimentation in nigs and jews to show they are not antisemitic racists.

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>The highest regular use (16 percent) was recorded among U.S. adults who earned less than $24,000 per year, and those whose completed a high school education or less (13 percent).
>Almost half of Biden voters want to live someplace weed is legalized
>The consumption levels dropped nearly threefold with those who have advanced degrees and those who live in high-earning households.
>95% of people who make $180,000/year or more do not consume cannabis regularly

It's a fact. If you want to get ahead in life, you shouldn't be wasting time/money smoking pot.
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>>like femdom
Post video, you know the one...the "go to clip".
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>kino anime like One Piece and Overlord
Fact check: true!
Music minus merit. There is no sustained melody hence it is not real music. Like 96% of people you lack the ability to feel the music and process melody and replay it in your head under perfect pitch. Instead, like most people, you simply relate to the lyrics and find them deep and consider it music only because there's a background of scratches, strums or beats. You're worse than a loser. You cannot think in the proper sense. You were impelled to share your discovery of le deep song because of evolutionary social memetic broadcast action responses. You feel as though this makes you unique and repudiates feeling like a loser but its sheer lack of musicality and your personal relation to the lyricism of it, simply proves that you are an NPC. Music isn't a matter of personal taste. 96% of people hear and feel music one way and 4% experience it an entirely different way. One of my favorite hobbies in real life is ridiculing the musical tastes of a drunken individual, equating the artist to trash, denigrating the composition, finally levying the enjoyer is flawed for liking it, and watching the rage and seething that ensues. You would be among them.
post song


The Apocalypseis the feeling you have when you finally realize what the rest of the future will look like.

Do paper straws really contain gluten?
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how come science can't answer this important question?
They receive funding from the paper straw manufacturers
Not surprising, wheat is the world's 2nd largest crop, theres a lot of money involved in the gluten business
Yes, of course, can't you read that sign?

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The mechanism by which the vax causes cancer has now been discovered
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the real cause is aliexpress
enjoy ur sv40, fagit
How is intentionally injecting yourself with science juice the same as with catching a virus naturally?
Its like that because I don't want to admit that I made a mistake in volunteering to take an untested medication for a nonexistent viral epidemic
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They don't want to admit that they were tricked inot unnecessarily taking a dangerous untested experimental medication for a nonexistent viral epidemic

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I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca. that's why I opted for mRNA.
I even hedged my bet by splitting my shots between of Moderna and Pfizer so the possible (bad) effects average out.
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100% safe and effective. Get two COVID boosters in each arm right now!
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>ZOG bureau of statistics
fake and gay
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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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>talked about this to my gf
>now she thinks im a crazy lunatic and not just quirky
shes a feminist bitch and you're better off without her, find a decent woman who actually wants to be female
This, never date a feminist. They literally hate men, they only date men to jew them and torture them
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Even if there was a conspiracy afoot, it illegal to say anything because that would be "hate speech"

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