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Can you dispute this?
Next time post this horseshit on x or pol.
So you're trying to tell us that you can't dispute it, but you're unwilling to admit to that explicitly
Much of those claims are simply untrue perhaps as many as 100%, screenshots, twitter together with obsession for pol posting.

Consider yourself thusly blown out
Proof that these are untrue? Sounds to me like you're coping.

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I just found out I'm going to be a father.

Please provide for me all the data on vaccines, clamping, and other pitfalls of the modern era for optimizing health against profit driven hospitals.

I am looking to try and just get the 1985-1994 vaccine schedule for the kid (inactivated, no mRNA shit) so they don't have any trouble in my state going to school or other programs by requirement.
Wife and I got those shots and we turned out fine. Its 18 doses by age 6 (and starting at 2 months) but it seems spread out and tepid compared to the 80 they have going on now that starts at fucking birth.
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If it's a son pls inject him as much testestorone as possible during puberty
>killing natural test production
>making him dependent on exogenous test for the rest of his life
Hell no.
what does tf2 medic have to do with this
first 18 months from conception are the most important for brain development, I think. Make sure the mother has access to healthy fats. Grass fed meat and goat milk for both, maybe?

later, make sure the child has stuff to manipulate with its hands. Correlation with math skills later on.
I'm already on that. I even plan on giving my wife NMN while she is breastfeeding as recent studies show a 30% increase in cognitive development speed across the board from it being perfectly converted to the baby through milk.
He is holding a jab, one of my main concerns.

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How come average daily post counts on 4chan have dropped so dramatically over the past 3 years? Nearly 30% of the posters have disappeared, are they gone because they all died of the vax?
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why did bbs boards die
why did usenet die
why did topsites die
why did efnet die
why did msn messenger die
why did forums die
why did fark die
why did SA die
why did 4chan die <- you are here
>And two of them are almost always online, and make 75% of posts and threads.
I'm one of them. Feels good to be a high quality contributor to this community.
>on the order of 250-500 per day
ridiculous, 25-50 more like it
>2000 daily posts
1900 of them is vaccine, iq, climate change, or news spam btw
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someone—most likely the CIA—is silently taking out the most prolific posters
>worm super solider anon
>can’t build muscle anon
>0.9999 anon
>female politician dino anon
>where are the aliens anon
…watch this space!

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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The Star Trek connection

A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

The first thing detectives from the Toronto police sex crimes unit saw when they entered Roderick Cowan's apartment was an autographed picture of William Shatner. Along with the photos on the computer of Scott Faichnie, also busted for possessing child porn, they found a snapshot of the pediatric nurse and Boy Scout leader wearing a dress "Federation" uniform. Another suspect had a TV remote control shaped like a phaser. Yet another had a Star Trek credit card in his wallet. One was using "Picard" as his screen name. In the 3 1/2 years since police in Canada's biggest city established a special unit to tackle child pornography, investigators have been through so many dwellings packed with sci-fi books, DVDs, toys and collectibles like Klingon swords and sashes that it's become a dark squadroom joke. "We always say there are two types of pedophiles: Star Trek and Star Wars," says Det. Ian Lamond, the unit's second-in-command. "But it's mostly Star Trek."
trekkiexisters, this doesn't look good for us
shut up fatty
He's easy to hate because he's just a spokesman and entertainer, the "front door" of academia so to speak. Easiest to throw eggs and paper rolls at.
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He's not even the original black science man; that's my nigga Ronald Mallet

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previous thread >>16113091

This is one of the boards newest generals. Fairly high activity due to edge lords trying to be funny but instead spreading facts about the absolute state of our world.

Intro stats is fairly easy, intermediate stats come the programming and we have already have several battles about what language is the best in the thread. Nobody uses SAS funnily enough, SPSS has had some people trying to joust the edgelords who are into R and C++, while the stata children are silent as usual.

Come one, come all. State your dumb questions, /pol/tardy or not. Some fairly useful and funny math is showcased in this thread.
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I want to know as well. This seems cool.
Do you have a background in SDE's/stochastic calc already and you're just looking for the PDE part of SDE's?

If not your answer is probably starting with SDE's and standard ito calculus.
>Do you have a background in SDE's/stochastic calc already and you're just looking for the PDE part of SDE's?

Springer's UTX series has a book on Stochastic PDE's that is pretty easily accessed via PDF. I've only actually gone through Ch. 4 and Ch. 5 because the rest seemed pretty standard SDE stuff but it's probably a step in the right direction (and might be free for you to download).

The 2021 edition of Kallenberg also has a chapter on PDE's if Kallenberg is your speed.
Thanks for the Kallenberg tip. It seems very cool. I will have to check out the other book soon.

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Both, AI and women:
- can't make genuinely funny jokes
- can't create anything truly original. everything they do is based on pattern matching
- learn by merely grasping outter layers of ideas
- can exist only because of the supervision of the system
- never self-directed
- they feel great spending long time on elaborating on some artificial, made up, shallow and fake stuff due to lack of awareness
- they constantly make shit up when they don't know something
- no soul

We see that currently AI is taking over jobs that are generally women-dominated, like "art", copywriting, couch-journalism etc.
So don't worry about AI, unless you are frightened of women's mental capabilities.
At least AI can produce a longer reply than "okay".
Women can also create long reply, but only when asked by chad.
>women bad!
good one chud, now back to the goon cave you go
>now back to the goon cave you go
Argumentum ad incelium

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>Eugenics is bad because...BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK
>it does NOT benefit a society to have people who are stronger, smarter, and healthier

What actual arguments can be made against eugenics? I'm not even saying restricting certain people from breeding (although that should be a thing too, but only in extreme cases such as chemically castrating pedophiles), but simple incentives and programs for people who have certain desirable genes. Why is this often turned into a moral issue? Why would it not objectively improve society?
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Because normies are retarded cattle NPCs.
But it's very simple.
Doesn't have to be under state control. And even if it were, your claim is delusional. Whites largely prefer other whites.
> more generally, there's no way to make it objective, non-corrupt, flawless
This literally applies to eveything. According to your logic, nobody should ever do anything. You're retarded.
> the correct answer is because eugenics is based on the assumption of genetic determinism
It's not, you're just retarded.
> because the environment meddles with outcomes in a chaotic manner, making it impossible to ever know what the 'best' genes are
Eugenics doesn't rely on knowing what the best genes are.
Example? People are already irresponsible. Eugenic incentives and pro-eugenic culture would make them more responsible.
>It might be enough to make the idea popular by legitimizing it in media, women already desire to mate only with the very best
First claim correct, second wrong wrong.
> Just make it very normal for women to choose sperm banks.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
> Where does it stop?
When it comes with conflict with individual choice.
> The state will end up controlling births and genetically modifying sperm and eggs of parents (i.e. women are artificially inseminated by GMO sperm like cattle). Why
Delusional fantasy.
You are genuinely an evil pro-dysgenics person who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. I feel bad for you.
What does this have to do with anything OP said, retard? Why shouldn't you?
Good government can do bad things.
It will affect the future of humanity which is more important. And if life extension becomes possible soon, it will affect our lives as well.
Why do you think you will be sterilized? I don't support sterilization but I'm extremely pro-eugenics.
> It's very difficult and it probably doesn't work without cultivating stupid inherited diseases that are worse than whatever you are trying to do.
How is it difficult? Why doesn't it work? You're just regurgitating things you've seen on reddit without any thought.
>i'll agree with you that chat gpt can write poetrry when you specify which weights are responsible for writing poetry
It's not. You have no evidence to back up your claim with.
Eugenics = good birth. It's being aware of your mating choice and doing your best to bring about the best birth, backed up by the best research.
>And then realize that in your new society there's still dumb and weak people
That is to be expected.
> And what do you do then? Kill all humans? Turn into an r/antinatalism shill?
Only if you're retarded.
What's your point?
What convinced you that it doesn't work?

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I have been researching prime numbers for over almost 1 year and a half now (well much less since I was slacking off for some moments).
I had gone deep down to the thicket of ergodic theory, topological algebra and profinite groups in order to understand and share new perspective on primes and their distribution in some irreducible small degree polynomials and yet I feel depressed and bored to the point that I can't finish writing the paper.
How do you force yourself to work after you achieve something and think about how much there is still ahead to complete?
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Based ergodic pilled number theory maxxer
number theory more like numerology
Why, what's wrong with number theory?
as useless as impotent
I don't see it useless, at least cryptography-wise...

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Climate scientist Stephen Schneider of NOAA in the October 1989 issue of Discover magazine admitted that climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:

>Stephen Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research described the scientists’ dilemma this way:
>“On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.

>And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
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>you're skeptical that we can determine what summer was like 2500 years ago by the thickness of a handful of tree rings? You must be mentally ill
It must be nice to have faith as strong as yours.
Explain why you can't lol
Tree rings only correlate very weakly with temperature. They correlate somewhat well with average temperatures from 1880 to 1960, but since 1960 the relationship diverges. Scientists have some ideas about how to explain the divergence, but they don't know for sure.
If tree rings only correlate weakly with temperature, and if we can't even explain deviations in that correlation in the modern era, how can we possibly have any confidence in what tree rings might tell us about the weather in the ancient past?
Anyway, the burden of proof is on the tree-ring enthusiasts, not me.
>Tree rings
Why are you so obsessed with one kind of temperature proxy? It is because you get BTFO whenever you discuss any other proxy? Tell me, have you ever heard of the xenon temperature proxy? You have, right anon? You didn't just hijack someone else's argument, did you? You did actually study the subject, right?

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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>there is no apparatus mounted to promote scientists in the media
sure there is
>i don't have time to teach class, i'm too busy publishing lies in the academic vanity press
>that'll be $100,000 plus tip
ppl actually pay for that (with daddy's money)
and look at the results it gets them
so he wasnt schizophrenic?
He was chosen, and selected...just like Him.

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>Elite university eliminates DEI hiring requirement: 'They don't work'
>MIT scraps diversity statement from faculty hiring process
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Education is not the way to salvation anyway.
Science won't build a stairway to heaven. Every attempt to do so have only made our existence worse.
Spreading the gospel and enforcing beliefs is equally futile. Biology (genetics and environment) determine our desires and willingness to satisfy them.
Europeans does not need to be the shepherd of the uneducated, evolved for far away environments.
It's okay being black - in Africa.
It's okay being white - in Eurasia.
They don't need to know how to engineer an isolated home on the savanna.
They don't need to know how to slam dunk a coconut in the throat of a lion in civilization.
Unnatural desires are the Snake's spawn, just be urselfs.
It won't mean anything until the sociology and cultural studies departments are gutted,
>pretend that they're as capable as the white men the envy so badly.
It's both push and pull. Not only did they want to pull a cargo cult of having incompetents dress up like competents to show non-white could be pilots simply by wearing a pilot's uniform, they had to pull white men down so the gap between white men and others would be less obvious. It's not enough to simply "pull up" the inferior as that has very hard limits on its effectiveness, they must push down those with ability.
Two more weeks to Kiev!
Two more weeks to the imminent collapse of America!
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>They're not chinese and doesn't want chinese ruling over them.
Yes, they were the perfect vehicle for a judeo-glowtard color revolution. The chinese recognized this and simply took steps to stop or prevent it.

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Engineers and doctors provide the most utility for humanity.
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>Philosocucks cope
Tell me what part of modern science requires philosophy. No, some ancient ones that kickstarted science don't count (they were basically polymaths anyway)
Engineers kinda suck.
They keep doing the same thing over and over again like mindless monkeys instead of trying to improve the process.
That must be generational. Tracy Hickman wrote the Tinker Gnomes (in Dragonlance) as a satire of the engineers he knew. They were always fucking around with systems that sort-of worked and making then totally-not-work (and injure people).
Do they not have to eat? Have their equipment fixed? Be catered to on much needed time off in order to function better at their important job?
Do they not need reading? I could go on.
Mothers are pretty useful.

What was the difference between the standard vaccine and the Covid vaccine and what about it made people skeptical about taking it?
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The mania with which the government and medical establishments pushed the injections, permitting no discussion and no alternatives. Even naturally acquired immunity was declared ineffective in order to require those people to get the injections. It quickly became evident that the injections had nothing to do with preventing the spread of the virus. When it's clear that someone has a hidden motive, it's irrational to go along with their stated, obviously disingenuous, goal.
It started before that even. At least in my area. Even before the products were available.
For me it was never their goals (testing for social and political homogenicity) being disingenuous but the horrifying dynamics. Any form of cooperation could've been mistaken for approval. No one who participated can claim they didn't know whats going on or rely on an excuse that has never worked in the mind of any human being: 'It would have been me if I had not gone along.'
You misrepresent them. "Naturally acquired immunity" that someone acquires after having had covid is (almost?) as good against covid as a vaccine - you're just a lot more likely to get complications from covid than the vaccine, and the entire point was that the healthcare system couldn't handle so many people getting full-blown covid and requiring hospital beds and ventilators (not to mention that many of them would die, which I suppose does render them technically immune). Still, if you had had covid recently, you were advised against getting a vaccine, and if you'd had covid after the first shot, you weren't required to get a booster. So, the effectiveness of naturally acquired immunity was acknowledged on the individual level, whilst also highlighting its complete ineffectiveness as a means of preventing the spread of covid, because it in fact requires the rampant spread of covid.
Then there was also the anti-vax talking point of conflating naturally acquired immunity with "natural immunity" which basically amounted to "if you take your vitamins you won't get sick so nothing to fear", and that is of course completely misguided.
Covtroons still haven't gotten the point. *sigh*
Did you have a point that wasn't grounded in a lie?

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Yet another plagiarism scandal at MIT
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We can see that already have happened in science, just look at Retraction Watch. Fraud gives you promotion, ethics gets you kicked out.

How can you be so sure?
>you have to be a gigaretard to think moving out of the US is going to help you in the coming competency crisis. for one, basically every country except for the US is prey for china. the only other countries in the world who will do anything to insulate you from that threat are even more expensive than the US with many of the same issues (Australia, NZ), are complete shitholes (India) or have immense cultural/legal barriers to entry (Japan).
I am sure the Romans said something similar up to the collapse.
Filmmaker makes movie about US decadence, critics are furious:
>The setting is manifestly Manhattan, though it has the trappings, nomenclature and costumery of ancient Rome. Coppola’s screenplay is based on the first-century-BC Catilinarian conspiracy, his grand thesis seemingly being that the US too is a decadent empire teetering on the edge of collapse. Luckily, this hasn’t occurred to anyone over the past 40 years.
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>The epidemic of bogus science
>In a 2022 interview with Retraction Watch, a website that monitors papers under suspicion (for unintended errors as well as fraud), Wise itemised how brokers hook up with unscrupulous academics: “There’s this entire economy, ecosystem of Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels selling authorship for papers, selling citations, selling book chapters, selling authorship of patents.” All pollute the knowledge pool.

what happens to fields of study if there's too much material to remember?
let's say they start including dark matter, higher dimensions and quantum entanglement into courses that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD. What about all the stuff that students are learning these days? they'll have to cram the new knowledge in as well in addition to the previous stuff
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suddenly math is for trannies?
>knowledge accumulates
Some theories get refuted or changed
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>missing the joke this badly
no I got it

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