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Gliese is similar to Earth in some way


Newly found Gliese 12b is Earth sized and its surface temperature is roughly 42 degrees C on average.

This is a new find, Gliese 12a was found earlier and is not habitable.

However the trouble is, it is 40 light years away.
Even with a spaceship reaching speeds of 1% of lightspeed it would take 4000 years to go there.

Humans are capable of creating a ship that goes 1% of lightspeed but we gotta go faster if we want to reach Glieses.

50% of speed of light would ensure getting to the planet in 80 years which would mean a generational human ship where children born in the first 5 years journey would likely live long enough to see their destination planet as an old person.
Who cares. We will even not be able to send a probe to that planet before the year 2500
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>Humans are capable of creating a ship that goes 1% of lightspeed
lol no, we haven't even gotten to 0.1% yet, trying to accelerate anything beyond tiny objects is very hard
>Humans are capable of creating a ship that goes 1% of lightspeed
You are quite mistaken, anon. You have no idea how fast that would be.
its fake
imagine the kino if Elliot Rodger was included in the colonist spaceship to settle an exoplanet
>girls... you still won't have sex with me, even if it dooms our race to extinction? then, girls... I WILL DESTROY YOU

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I'm 20 and I spend my entire days on the Internet, mostly on 4chan

I have exams coming up very soon and I haven't even started studying for them. I've been suffering from this addiction for years and it has seriously affected my grades, to the point of having to repeat a year.

I've tried all kinds of things but I always end up coming back to my old habits. I just don't know what to do at this point. I wish the Internet didn't exist.
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You're a fucking dumbass, if you have an internet addiction it means your addicted to the dopamine rush not the internet, which means that you have adhd. Go to your local doctor and tell them you think you have adhd and that you want a non stimulant. Specifically clonidine fast release 0.2mg, don't tell the doctor you plan on breaking the pill in half to take 0.1mg before bed and again when waking up.

"I think I have adhd...my symptoms are... and I want to be put on 0.2mg normal release clonidine, not slow release clonidine, but the regular fast release clonidine because it has the highest success rate of all non stimulants."

Not strattera because that has 2 many side effects and not guanfacine because it makes you feel dead inside.
Also your regular doctor should be able to prescribe you clonidine which is a non stimulant, you need a psychiatrist for stimulants kwjm
Damn, does this mean that this dude spending his life on 4chan is paying off because he sees this advice?
It was fate!
>he showers

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Dr. Jordan Peterson says that global warming is a big lie and that it is fake and gay
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it'll be longer than that because as atmospheric CO2 levels increase, the ability of plants to sequester CO2 also increases, so we're more like a few thousand years away from 1500ppm.
Dr. Jordan Peterson is a retarded faggot
This philosemite is as tedious as he is impotent. How many years now has he done this "oh, you keep this up and you'll be in trouble real fast! You can't get away with this forever bucko!" Meanwhile the woke side just gets stronger. He should just move to Israel and shut up.
Retard takes

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Mind is what the brain does, it is not a separate entity to the brain directly.
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Go back to your containment board
Why does he look so smug eating and shidding and farding and heating up the world.
How does that conflict with what OP said?
sounds like you are very well educated on these topics
I don't hold it against (you), (you)'re causally determined to be retarded.

1) A real number can be represented by a finite string of characters that uniquely defines that number. For example, there are numerous formulas for pi.

2) It follows that the real numbers can be arranged in order of their smallest possible definitions, from smallest to largest

3) If the real numbers can be arranged in the order of the lengths of their definitions, then Cantor’s diagonal proof is a faulty construction, since the diagonal number’s definition MUST be in the list and both out of the list at the same time.

4) Therefore, Cantor’s proof merely proves that one cannot define a number to be different than all other real numbers, and that this is the real cause of the contradiction.

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they are called finitist's and they are the mathematical equivalent of a flat earther, that is therefore the reason you only seeing them on the internet
It seems to be a socially inept nerd version of trolling. There are some topics like politics or ethics where trolling is naturally easy and effective by arguing an emotional or controversial opinion. But instead people like OP can only troll by "pretending to be retarded". Denying obvious logical facts while addressing an audience of mathematically educated people is literally the dumbest and most ineffective method of trolling. The only answers OP gets are people calling him stupid. What a sad waste of time.
>I have never seen a person like this in real life, only on the internet.
They are bots. Finite state bots. They cannot comprehend the infinite.
>undefinable numbers
new addition to religious dogma of the real number cult just dropped
diagonalization nigga

>White nations, before the 1950s, without any diversity: produced not only 97% of scientists, as Murray argues ----- BUT 95% of painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists, sculptures, music, and theatre plays.
Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?
100% awful. The moment jews were allowed into academia they filled it with their post modernist nonsense. Nowadays is a clown show with dancing monkeys.
Depends. But today, yes.
this thread will stay up for several days because /pol/tard freakshows got one of their own as the janny.
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>i invent insane paranoid persecution complex fantasies to explain away the fact that everyone realizes that all of my poorly reasoned opinions are stupid

Is this accurate?
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What does "procedure working" mean? How do you tell if it's working?
>What does "low IQ" mean? How do we tell if you're low IQ?
but I did my procedures this morning.
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<Left, religious Christian scientist
>Right, atheist soiyentist.
Atheists are incapable of being honest, thats why they can't do real science. Science was developed on the basis of Christianity, the scientific method is a subset of Christianity, without the foundation of Christianity to stand on, the scientific method collapses. Christianity is more fundamental to science than even mathematics is

Is wikipedia OK as a general science resource? I read wikipedia science articles a lot and sometimes wonder if things are correct. I assume things that are referenced to academic papers are going to have a good chance of being correct, but it's not uncommon for half the article to be unsourced. Sometimes i'll check the Talk page of an article to see if people are complaining about stuff in the article, and while I've seen it happen a few times it doesn't seem that common, so I assume most articles are decent.

Do you have any examples of science articles on Wikipedia that are blatantly wrong? Not just because you have a hunch they're wrong, but you actually know some statement is verifiably incorrect.

While the Out of Africa theory is often debated on /sci/, the Talk page on wikipedia is basically empty, which I assume means almost nobody disputes the claims made in the article.

The Climate Change article though has almost 100 pages of people arguing against the content of the article, with lots of comments like this one for example. So I assume there is likely problems with the article content, or important information isn't being included
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Could include these since it's relevant.
gee, i wonder who could've been behind all that pilpul
They reverted my edit to the Corinth canal article about Lee Iacoca sourcing the leather for LeBaron interiors from that region
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He says the whole mainstream media is completely fake and gay
Wikipedia doesn't even have a page about Dr. Twum, thats how shit and unscientific the site is.
All they've got is a page about her older sister, who is a politician

Why is science dying?
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amazing how inversely proportionate those two graphs are
>Low hanging fruit
Bullcrap. For all we know, there are whole undiscovered fields we're ignorant of. And I'm sure there are fields full of errs and unknowns, particle physics/QED/QCD for example. No one says it/dares to go against the grain though, and I've noticed that nowadays dissenting voices have become less, for fear of losing livelihoods. Whereas back in the day, there were multiple ways of thinking with usually, right thoughts somewhere in all of them. We're lacking daring thoughts that may be wrong.
Also, paper push culture/diminishing return as mentioned by others.
Very true. I wonder how many STEM majors are paying for their college football recruitment. LOL
the football team is the only department on campus that pays it's own bills except on a few campuses of a few schools with popular basketball teams. everyone except the football team are mendicants

Aspiring doctor brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he can’t swim


An aspiring medical student was left brain dead last month when his friends pushed him into a Louisiana lake knowing he couldn’t swim — and then looked on while doing nothing to save the drowning man, according to a report.

Shocking video shows the group casually peering into the water moments after they shoved Christopher Gilbert off the dock at Lake D’Arbonne in Farmerville on April 14.

At least one woman can be seen slowly entering the water before abandoning the rescue mission.

It was another 10 minutes before a patron at a nearby restaurant intervened and yanked Gilbert back to land — just in the nick of time.
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They don't teach swimming in medical school, they teach circumcision
>i can't swim.
>In uni during swimming classes
Why bother?
Either stupidity or LARP.
Why would you sit out literal swimming classes, when you can't swim? The POINT is to have them
They'll regret that when someone decides to drown them
Certainly not a respiring one.
but clearly an aspirating one

>This bum splitting turd (coprolite) was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide! Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread whilst the presence of several hundred parasitic eggs suggests they were riddled with intestinal worms. In 1991, York Archaeological Trust employee and paleoscatologist, Dr Andrew Jones, made international news with his appraisal of the item for insurance purposes: "This is the most exciting piece of excrement I've ever seen... In its own way, it's as irreplaceable as the Crown Jewels". The layers that covered the coprolite were moist and peaty. They preserved not only the coprolite but also timber, textiles and leather. Put simply, this is a fossilized human turd. Possibly the largest and – bizarrely – most valuable poo on record. It dates back to approximately the 9th century and the person responsible is believed to be a Viking
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>Ive done bigger turds than that

Says the 384 pound American with Pride in his voice.
ok turdlet
he was probably a Vanir (Aryan-frost giant hybrid)
Used to be a janitor at a high school. There was a kid that would drop a turd the size of a coke can. I wish I had pics. Lol, capcha TRDY
>20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide
Is that supposed to impress me?

>no rain in the weather forecast yesterday
>got nearly two tenths of an inch of rain
>no rain in the weather forecast today
>currently raining
how is it these nitwits presume they can predict what the weather is going to be like in 100 years when they can't even predict what the weather is going to be like today?
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Climate "science" is not science because virtually none of it is falsifiable
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every single one of their predictions always turns out to be wrong
The witches in Macbeth and the seer in Julius Caesar was way better making predictions than these stupid scientists are. How come so much intellectual regression over the past couple millennia?
Retard takes
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What would be the physical implications if mass could be negative and/or complex-valued?
Imaginary mass is tachyonic. Negative mass experiences repulsive gravity.
You're retarded because mass isn't even real valued
With negative inertial mass repulsive gravity would attract negative mass and repel positive mass with positive inertial mass. A couple of particles one with positive, the other negative mass would accelerate to the speed of light.

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World famous biologist Richard Dawkins is now saying that transgenderism is a mental illness.
Is he correct?
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They can't even cure my bald patch, and now /sci/fi-niggers are gonna turn a troon into a womyn?
None of that is defining of being politically left which is simply ("") a question of distribution of power and of wealth.
Liberalism start getting closer to your examples but some would argue that it about individual economic rights and so on and instead call the delusion "social liberalism" as the idiots won't choose to subscribe to what is objectively true and instead group by themselves in their own social order of delusions. Luckily most just grow out of it.
>>Dawkins says
>so what?
He's a rationalist and subscriber to scientific proofs over mental illness, I'd guess.
>>transgenderism is a mental illness
>so what?
It's an issue for today's society and the controversy surrounding it makes some scientists buckle under social pressure.
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I know, I'll chop my dong off! That's gonna fix everything! Boohoohoo, my titties make me weepy (grabs hedge trimmers), SNIP SNAP, surely I'm not infested with CASTRATING PARASITES. Hooray!

How would someone just them to be insane?!?

Parasitic castration is the strategy, by a parasite, of blocking reproduction by its host, completely or in part, to its own benefit. This is one of six major strategies within parasitism.
The parasitic castration strategy, which results in the reproductive death of the host, can be compared with the parasitoid strategy, which results in the host's death. Both parasitoids and parasitic castrators tend to be similar to their host in size, whereas most non-castrating parasites are orders of magnitude smaller than the host. In both strategies, an infected host is much less hospitable to new parasites than an uninfected one.[2]

A parasite that ends the reproductive life of its host theoretically liberates a significant fraction of the host's resources, which can now be used to benefit the parasite. The fraction of intact host energy spent on reproduction includes not just gonads and gametes but also secondary sexual characteristics, mate-seeking behavior, competition, and care for offspring. Infected hosts may have a different appearance, lacking said sex characteristics and sometimes even devoting more energy to growth, resulting in gigantism.[3] The evolutionary parasitologist Robert Poulin suggests that parasitic castration may result in prolonged host life, benefiting the parasite.[4]

Parasitic castration may be direct, as in Hemioniscus balani, a parasite of hermaphroditic barnacles which feeds on ovarian fluid, so that its host loses female reproductive ability but still can function as a male.

Being an expert in one field doesn't make you an expert in another one. Consider for instance his god awful poetry, or his god awful philosophy, or his god awful politics. Gender dysphoria is recognized as a mental illness, treatment of which may include transitioning, but transgender people are not mentally ill just by virtue of being transgender.

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Ugh... Mommy!!~
I wasn't ready for this...
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Onlyfans when?

I would say her channel must be doing poorly, but it's still not the cringiest thing she posted online, so I guess it's most likely just german autism.
the benifits of latex; can't see the wrinkles underneath, just be fit
>Sabine isn't sexy

Seriously this was nuts, this HAS to be her fetish (I don't remember what it's called but basically cosplaying and roleplaying as your character / a super hero).
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I love scooince

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