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ITT: THAT part of a game.
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I remember hating that part too. I don't think I ever managed to beat it as a kid.
Meat fucking Circus.
The whole game is THAT part.
The first generator in Wacky Workbench is the real filter. It makes me genuinely have to ask, what were they thinking?

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This game looks like shit.
I'm interested in warhammer, thanks for letting me know about this game.
Enjoy your female space marines gayboy.

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>sf6 pools
>T8 pools
>KI pools
>strive pools
schedule next post
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all smashie and smashie cloneslop players have to get past security (bathrooms equipped with shower stalls) to play at CB this year so only the smashies showed up sadly
Mystery Tournament is great but the current commentators are retarded fags.
To anyone else who's been watching it: want to try thise Taotaido and Fuuka Taiaen games?
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>try these chinchong and nipnong games?
i guess that's why it's called mystery game tournament
Not even MVSfags believe that.

I'm sure the Combo Breaker crowds smell like flowers.
i dunno numvs seems incredibly slow and low skill
im still definitely not playing rivals though

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Predictions? Since Artyom's story is done i wonder where in the timeline the game will be set.
>Artyom's story is done
no? he still hasnt shown his face yet
anyways still hoping this leak is real
i remember reading the devs themselves were confirming it tho
so they're literally trying to re-create STALKER Clear Sky's faction warfare system but modern and in METRO? lol sounds interesting if true
most likely different protagonist this time around

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>like tetris
>like lumines
>hate puyo puyo
Why is puyo so unfun bros?

Hello /v/!

There was or is an online database that was even more detailed than Mobygames. I think it was founded and run by a thai woman. I think it had a name related to dogs. And then the name was abbreviated to just four letters.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Nope! This is just some kind of news aggregator.

And the database had a really homemade design. Not bad, but it had SOUL!
try /wsr/

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They are the Panzer Elite,
born to compete,
sometimes retreat
(Company of Heroes)
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absolute dogshit
Dawn of War 3 all over again
player base sinks to like 1400 players with 900 minimum then relic releases a patch claiming they made their shitty game better, player base goes up to like 2500, then tanks again when everyone realizes what a piece of shit it is

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man the vfx suck so much
why the hell did they hire a chink who only has experience making goofy fantasy league of legends fx for this game
T34, not T-34
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This game is so good, I hate that CoH garbage gameplay is the more popular style.

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Will you be playing Bunny's game this weekend?
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gacha games and mobas have all the real hotties.

what is there to do here in contrast

>grind mission
>buy character / gear
>level it
>buy next one and do the same ad nauseum

dont get me started on "plot" since GAS games always suck at that unless they are built to have a low tier plot like Darktide or something similar, where it dun matter
is that a black woman
only eastern ones. dota 2 girls are ugly.
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shes one of those white koreans
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playing dota is pain, i do not do that

its either league or nothing, i cannot be bothered switching

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What's the best looking game

No "realistic" graphics allowed
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Ori and the Will of the Wisps
One post in and you already failed
all that gore details can't be realistic looking unless you're some kind of sicko that splatters human brains etc in real life
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>no screenshots

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why aren’t they making any more AvP games? I’d even take a remake of AvP2

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that is the joke yes
DCSS CAN be more complex, it can also be much simpler depending on your build choices. Dredmor stays fairly simple regardless of build
I did unironically give it a try when back when but found stone soup a more productive waste of my time
This IS a roguelike. Fulfills all the criteria. It's very simple compared to its peers but it still qualifies as one.
one of my favorite games, and still it sucks
too long, too many floors, too repetitive, never got to the final boss because I'd get to the point where I'm winning and just restart because fuck playing ten additional floors
amazing builds though

>newfag players suddenly flocking to a standard meta because of dev favortism

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>This character is trans!
>Because reasons...
>See right there, there is a reason!
>Developers confirmed Vivian is trans! See, she was trans all along!

Why are there STILL no good alternatives to The Sims yet? how has EA had a 30 year monopoly on the genre?
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Is this gen alpha humor?

How do I get kek the frog gun?

>When I was a boy my mother often said to me.
Kino, Whistleblower was great.
Are they ever going to do another actual Outlast game? I know they did some multiplayer thing.

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Just finished this game, what did I think of it?
You now understand the power pet names and pet play.
What do you mean, puppy?
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That you are a nobody even in your own fantasies?

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>game forces you to do some stupid shit to progress
>game then tries to blame YOU (the player) and make you feel bad for making a decision you were forced to do and wouldn't have done otherwise if you were given the freedom to make another choice

Does this actually work on certain audiences?
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It works the less control you give the player. If you give the player even a single option, then have them do anything in a mandatory way later they get way more pissy than if you just have them do what the game tells them to do in a linear way, think metal gear.
this is why so many games that try to be like undertale don't work, morality in games is fine but if you're making me do bad things i'm not gonna feel bad for them

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Why do snoys suddenly worship this guy so hard? He led the darkest financial era for Nintendo and the Switch's golden age success was thanks to being without him.
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Shhhh. The Cubesnoys need something to cope with.
The amount of eric samefagging himself is almost sad.
>all of a sudden
Never has to sane people.
3DS flopped, it didn't surpass the GBA in sales.

wtf I keep getting stucked
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shame expeditions sucked, they should have just made it dlc or something. all players have dropped off now not to mention its buggy as all shit
Fuck off. It's supposed to be a driving game, not a puzzle.
I hope multiplayer saves it. If they actually made it work this time, by having a functional crossplay and also advancing everyone's goals at the same time.
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I don't know what I'm going to use for catching up on youtube when I run out of content but at least I'm a good bit away from that yet
You're going to have to go to the next higher difficulty and do it for real.

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