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>the holy trinity of stylish action vidya, 15 years later
feeling old yet?
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You need to kill yourself for impying that no DMC has ever promoted "efficiency" and that NG doesnt allow players to be stylish and elaborate.
No you. No you kill yourself first. Robin Williams did it so it must be cool
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You're in for a third person shooter posing as an actual action game while at the same time having mechanically dysfunctional melee.

Max Payne with kung fu mod is a better action game than Bayonetta so just play that.
These threads were way better when there were more than 8 people (with half of those people being Electric Underground watchers) posting in them.
>with half of those people being Electric Underground watchers
all of them are mork himself

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Favorite alien characters in vidya?
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>shotard sucking himself off again
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If I do that then it can't be headcanon, can it?
>one artist posted socials that means they all do it
yatsubrappito does the same
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>bigger launch than Last of Us
>bigger launch than Horizon: Zero Dawn
>bigger launch than Uncharted
Seems like the PC release of this game was a success. Thoughts?
snoys on suicide watch

so... like the fifth PS5 port?
>sony porting sony games from their sony console
Yes? How do you think this works?
>release game people actually want to play
>it ends up with being a success

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WOTR is finally playable.
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>hundreds of billions of dollars
>millions of "people",
As usual the leftists are hoisted by their own petards.
Non white people are free to exist in non white inspired fantasy settings
>black people and cars are equally unbelievable
Damn, if you think technology in fantasy is bad, you must absolutely hate Warcraft.
Considering Numeria not only exists in Golarion, and that you even see an alien spaceship in WotR itself, having a car in the game isn't even that lorebreaking.
warcraft is turbo gay indeed

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This is gonna be canceled, doesn't make sense to release this in present year.
Makes more sense to release Left 4 Dead 3 with characters having Hero abilities.
and the game is a moba
so who cares about FPS terms or from other games when lanes in Mobas have been well established for 18 years now
Sounds lame, I'll check it out if they have an eight-tiddy goth werewolf gf, skip it otherwise.
>but combining everything into one package is new.
No and even if it was new, that's not a good thing. See: Battleborn
back 4 blood is fucking jank
it's 80% feature creep and 20% amateur hour core gameplay

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why did Mac gaming failed?
Because you can’t speak English

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I'm looking for games with great spellcasting and/or magic systems, ideally RPGs. Any recommendations, /v/?
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Isn't Malena's sword just a way to cheat the game because the AI can't deal with all her flippity flip bullshit, either?
shota should have accurate cocks for their age I hate shota with adult sized ones
soulslop needs not to apply
gays not welcome
the thing i like about /ss/ the most is the adult woman who is willing to have sex with a kid either because she's just that desperate or because she's a legit degenerate OR because it's a genuine love story.
when you throw a big dick there the affection during sex scenes turns purely carnal and ruins everything.

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>be valve
>release amazing games, praised by critics and fans
>shape the gaming scene of the 21th century
>everyone waits for you to continue on the amazing franchises you've been building over the years
>stop making games
>continue to not make games
>make a game
>exclusively on your 1000 dollars hardware
>stop making games some more
>actually starts making game
>it leaked
>it's just overwatch
what did gabe mean by this?
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They're never going a kino run like the they had in the 2000s ever again
Orange Box 2 never ever
If you give people the freedom to do whatever they want in hopes that they'll create something great, it turns out they'll just not get anything done ever.
>Twenty Oneth Century
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Valve has ALWAYS been pozzed and shitty
They've been making games, they just never get released for whatever reason

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Has D4 begun its redemption arc?
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I just played a bit for the past hour and a half. Season 4 is an absolute BANGER so far.

It feels like Diablo has finally arrived.
If you're having a blast, thats good for you.
It’s getting better.

They need to add more complex dungeons/stuff to do that’s more rewarding at some point and maybe rework the skill system a bit.

It seems like the most efficient way to progressive to just farm helltides which gets slightly boring no matter what they do with them.
No. druid is still shit to play.
one of the big complaints was that itemisation was shit, this season seeks to address that (no idea if they succeeded I don't own d4)

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It looks like these shit games fails to meet Square Enix sales expectations.
Mind shock
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Good that'll teach those SJW pandering kikes to give her a tank top under her original tank top.
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Go to the start of 2002 and tell someone Pikmin outsold an open world Final Fantasy VII remake
>nooo think of the poor multi billion dollar company!!
don't care. It shat on FF7's legacy. It raped the story with KH-tier garbage. It tried to scam everyone by selling it in parts. Square Enix can get fucked.
This indicates the ridiculous state of Square Enix today

You now remember Flyff

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Miyu Archive
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Gamer maids sound more plausible, because there's no reason in the event story to make Akira playable. But, I guess, gacha devs don't always need a reason, so it's possible.
To be fair Dungeon Meshi is very, very different from Trigger's usual work. It's almost uncanny to see them do something that doesn't constantly have flashy, bombastic visuals
When else? It's her event. Not to mention that anniversaries are reserved for more Hina alts.
don't forget who the very first anniversary student was. so we'll get her in about 3 more Hina alts 4 years later i think

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>villain gets redeemed at the end and has a happy ending
Games that do this?
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are demons autistic?
I bought that game and Rei's route is the only one I've played and completed. Her voice is just so beautiful. Say what you want, she was destined to become an idol with that kind of voice.
Also, I wanted to give the protag an extremely generic Japanese game because naming him after myself is cringe. And guess which surname I chose? It made the entire situation extremely funny, especially since no one was coded to mention on it in any way.
Yeah but that's where the demons are sociopaths/psychopaths thing falls apart.
You see, there are people who are like that in our world.
What keeps people like that in line are consequences. If you attack someone you don't get told that you did a bad thing and should feel bad, you get arrested and sent to a shithole prison for years. So you don't attack someone because you don't want to be punished so severely.
It does not matter if they feel bad or anything like that. Action > Punishment. That is all that matters.
It even works for animals, so it would work for demons.
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>villainess gets redeemed and has a happy life with a family
>good female character from the story gets cucked by villainess with main character and falls into depression
Any games for this feel?

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How did we even come to believe the lie that Hades is somehow "anti-anime"? If you actually look at the artist and developers, they seem like they're really into anime and Jap games.
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>everyone shit posting about her being a lesbo during the technical test
>she has an extensive canon relationship with a Med Chad
90% of the complaints about this game ended up being bullshit
my god you are one angry little troon
Yeah, tried to use the impervious mode on reaction to one of Chronos' moves and ate 50 damage for the trouble
Funny, you're the one typing like you need to dilate.

I was actually less assmad the first time Chronos did that because I was just resigned to him being immune to time gimmicks being HIS gimmick, but my god-normal skeletons doing that triggers me.
>no u

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>OMG! dis game so deep and dark!
>le allegory for trauma and grief!
>le oppressive atmosphere!
>such realistic characters and undertones!
>the darkest Zelda game and one of the darkest games of all time!

[the game in question]
>dude about to die, springs up to give a guitar solo as his last dying words.

yeah the gaming community is retarded, literal children, no probably worse than children, because I think even children wouldn't try and pretend their obvious retarded kiddie game is deep and dark, just because people "die" and cower in awareness that they will die.
how old are you
no one says that, you're fighting ghosts you sperg
>uses le instead of the
>accuses others to be retarded

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Why aren't there games where you can play as the good guys that represents civilization?
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Chinese don't hate Jews.
However, the CCP hates the West, and sees Israel as one of the Easternmost 'Western' 1st world states, and thus an enemy. They happily use Tik-Tok to inflame latent Western anti-semitism as a way to disrupt Western solidarity against anti-civilazation forces like Islamic fundamentalism; leading to nationwide riots against Jews defending themselves from genocidal terrorists, while those same hate-filled activists ignore the CCP putting all their Muslims in concentration camps.
I swear the funniest shit of this year has been /pol/tards siding with brown Muslims and college lefties. That board is cooked.
That's the power of Tik-Tok, they got three groups that oppose everything each other stand for team up against a group less powerful and numerous than any one of them.
they want to enslave you
china is not a free country
defend your freedom or you will lose it
So glad anti jew sentiment is all time high

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That's right. FREE CALL OF DUTY to all Xchads. Sony is finished.
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You would have to pay me $1,000 an hour to play that shit.
Doesn't matter, Call of Duty isn't a video game anyway. It's a curated experience designed to keep low IQ retards paying money and rewarding them with easy lobbies.
>what is EOMM
inb4 they kill Raven next year after the losses from pulling this stunt
>why Arkane and Tango got the chop.
Tango and Arkane were chopped because of Zenimax retardation and MS being way too hands off with their studios.

When did you realize that Final Fantasy X was a masterpiece?
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As always. First post is the best post. Contrarians here are too fucking stupid to see how much of a step down everything after X has been
Unironically this.
X is the only one that feels refined. Just a true classic JRPG with no frills. Great gameplay, memorable characters, the best Nobuo Uematsu soundtrack by miles, it's basically perfect.
9 is a close second, but 10 is just more polished.
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>Best Nobuo Uematsu soundtrack by miles
>Most of the best tracks were done by Masashi Hamauzu
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When I got to this scene.
And then picrel just sealed it as one of the all time greats for me.

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>historically inaccurate magic, monsters, giant snakes and demons in Japan?
>historically accurate black samurai in Japan
Why is /v/ like this?
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Are you secretly saying all niggers are the same?

But you yeah, if ubisoft wanted a niggurai they should've done a $130 Afro Samurai inspired highly stylized in a fictional not-Japan world full of cyberpunky technology and no one would complain(or care, it's ubishit after all).
I'm horny, can you please suck on my cock?
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>Japanese game developer make a game about feudal Japan
>all characters are Japanese
>French Canadian game developer makes a game about feudal Japan
>characters are black and gay
Lets take a step back and remember who's appropriating whose culture here.
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Sekiro never pretended to be anything other than fantasy.

But you don't get the point, it could be Sekiro but with a nigger MC, I would still not play it. Yes, I hate niggers, I admit that, you got my confession. So can't you just fuck off already? No amount of shill threads will make me even pirate your dumb asscreed game
Imagine being a discord tranny "raider".
What a pathetic existence

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Are you ready for total WEGgers replacement?
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make a decent coomer image, add a premise, start a patreon
Get a solid foundation for either gameplay or possibly animations if AI can pull that off, then start a Patreon begging for support I guess. Maybe buy a banner or something fuck if I know
Make sure that the opening pitch isn't barely a minue long.
Unfortunately not, at least not at this point. You can get stuff like waterfalls and leaves blowing in the wind, but fucking is basically off the table, unless you create each frame yourself with inpainting. But that defeats the purpose of using AI, which is that I'm a lazy fuck and don't want to spend a lot of time on or pay anyone for art.

Consistency is fucking easy. Just bake a LoRA for your character and style. You've got to be a braindead moron to not manage that at least.

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