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Is this worth getting into?
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Yeah they didn't change anything to account for predator takedowns
I still remember the hardest stealth section being the asylum one where the gargoyles are unusable
Come on bro. Speeding down the road and ejecting out of your seat like that pic will never not be cool. The problem with the car was how overused the tank combat was. You'd think after Origins they would have just ported those excellent battles into this one but no, you fight the Arkham Knight in a tank.
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While I'm on the topic of too easy stealth in arkham games, I want to bring up the Hugo Strange stealth room. Major point of his character is that he has been painstakingly analyzing batman to learn his moves and defeat him. So you would think that the final stealth room would be some sort of ultimate anti batman room that pushes your stealth skills to the limits. And Strange does stand around in the middle and call out your position, so it's clear this is meant to be some sort of bossbattle. But that never actually manifests in any meaningful way. You still have gargoyles to hide in, granted they are outside the tower, but they still provide that pisseasy get out of jail freecard. Plus you have floor vents to sneak around in. Ultimately it's not harder than any other stealth room. It is a damn shame because I think they could have done so much more with it, making it some sort of amped up Mr. Freeze type fight where you really have to use your wits and squeeze water out of stone, thinking several steps ahead at all times rather than just the standard find the isolated mook and steal takedown affair.
Predator encounters in these games are basically designed around the challenge map versions where you have specific takedowns and are encouraged to go for speed. They're pretty bland otherwise.
see >>677494783
It basically feels like they designed the extreme challenge map versions first, and then rolled it back for the campaign. The maps really don't work without restrictions.

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how old were you when you realized grafix DO matter?


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cool mushroom forest
nta but thanks, kino armor
i feel like this isnt from yaeposter because its actually a good gen

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We fucking WON
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see >>677477809

What's the price for something like that?
Low quality bait from low iq shitters who don't post webms. Keep up the good work.
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You motherfuckers better buy the game now.

It's a really solid game and deserves to be supported.

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>Lose access to Steam games
>Can't give them to a family member in a will
You will own nothing and be happy.
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Skill issue.
>games will be so much better in the future
thats what I said when I was a child with a super nintendo, yet here we are 33 years later
Just write your credentials into your will and give the executor whatever you use for 2 factor authentication. Or fuck just family share with the person you want to inherit your steam library. Valve clearly can't transfer ownership of a steam library due to anti-scamming measures but this is a trivial problem to circumvent.
>implying Jesus doesnt have the ultimate steam account with infinite family sharing
I mean at some point they, and other sites, might they have your DOB so could easily see obvious inconsistencies.

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What are your fhoughts on the new Fortnite Season?
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The psychological brainwarp that zoomers and alphas are getting hit with is enough to doom the white race. These kids will never be able to experience real human connection when they have this scifi hologram shit in the palm of their hand.
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God I wish I was a zoomer. Never knowing how good things can get is a blessing.
Just let us drive and shoot at the same time. Other games have done it. Why don’t this one do the same? It sucks having to stop to shoot unless you’re playing in a group.
Something about the way she looks just screams “beat who needs to be corrected.”
Is this SFM pr0n? I didn't know you could rip Fortnite models (i don't play live service games, i hack SP games but have no idea about modding/hacking live service)

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Now that the dust has settled, was the Coffin of Andy and Leyley any good?
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>this incestkino has BAD gameplay
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I want LeyLey to fuck her brother soooo badly

She was literally made to make babies with him.
>t. single child with a sister fetish
you mean like 100% of people with sibling fetish
nobody with an actual sister wants to fuck her
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>All these replies

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Now at last I have obtained the powers of the Stellar Blade.
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What other costumes were censored besides those 2?
Please don’t get him started
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The devs REALLY love their job there
>they've replaced the cutouts with the zipper.
they're evolving their censorship sense of belief levels.
Soon, people will say, "what censorship?" and "it's better this way."
I want to know if that is the case or not

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Because why not? Talk about all your favorite obscure nip games that only (You) played. You can also talk about the PSP, if you want.
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don't you guys have a TTYD thread to shit up
Better than you, tendie.
1000 or 2000 ?
1000 feels really nice but the 2000 screen has less issues and you can install a plugin to help saturate the colors.

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Vidya emote thread
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turdies look at this for hours daily
its their only excuse for making 1 dollar an hour
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Where do I sign up?
Asians are the best dancers, then Whites, then the Latin variants, then Blacks. In that order, due to obesity. Blacks used to be better but not they’re all too fat, so you don’t see them doing impressive stuff like breakdancing from the 80s and 90s.
Thought I was the only one who did not find this behavior attractive. Way too many easily amused simps out there.
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>Thought I was the only one who did not find this behavior attractive. Way too many easily amused simps out there.

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Were the early years of wow really as good as people say?
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Obviously for the 1% dodge chance at night so your tanks are tankier in naxx when you raided with your nightshift mates
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Playing in the dead of night during summer
I miss this feel
Idk why you keep insisting on comparing with the current website. I prefer the old one but it is outdated in terms of design, that is all.
Casters shit on everything in vanilla. Particularly SL locks.
you would think they had a filter for variations of nigger that stopped you from creating that char

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What's the salary at Microsoft's damage control office?

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out of all of undertale's fangames, why is yellow the most discussed?
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Overtime I'm kinds of on the fences about since apparently it stills mostly Undertales but with the Teams Fortress 2 characters.
i'm just going to think it's hilarious if this thread 404s but the indigo park porn dump thread reaches bump limit
Its been a minute so its mixed up in my head, did pacifist Axis have the orange/blue lasers while blocking orbs at the bottom attack or was that just genocide? Because that one does stand out to me as bullshit since orange attacks hate when you make a turn
pacifist only has that same attack but with blue lasers i think?
Anything that isn't dogfucker noncebait.

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"Heroes" who did nothing right
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That kinda got deconstructed in FFTA2.
I don't remember it exactly, but apparently, everything that happened in FFTA was real and in reality, Marche and the gang were teleported to that place.

The world would not get destroyed, they only dimension traveled and Marche pulled everyone back.
In the end Marche was right because the book entity was devouring their souls... altough it could be argued that he was right merely by accident during almost all the game.
You're bound to experience adversity in your life. Sometimes, you have to learn to live with things that have happened to you. Marche is telling you that you have to take the ups and downs.
>"but the book actually erases the adversity!"
Genuinely imagine for a second what a person would be like if he could erase any difficulty from his life from age 10 on. When Marche says "it's not healthy," he's right. And, obviously, the healthiness matters because Remedi rules Ivalice based on Mewt's whims.
>no one has played it.
I've played both of them, rented them through Gamefly.
>literally my favourite version of the job system
I have to agree. A high effort FFTA3 would be amazing but even a little less effort with a switch game or whatever would be great.
Just add a few more races, some new classes and improve on the verticality and I'll buy it day one

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I miss local multiplayer games...

Custom Douser Dualies FF come with burst bombs and triple inkstrike for a much more explosive kit. Custom Hydra gets itself ink mines and splattercolor screen to allow for more backline play
And with that, not only do we have all the new kits for this season, but after 2 years we now have alt. kits for ALL the weapons in the game! Thoughts on the weapon line-up of S3? Did YOUR main get an alt. kit you like?
(Also in the news, SashiMori is back! You can take a listen to their newest song “Seasource” here)

Sizzle Season 2024 Kits:
>Wellstring V: Autobomb / Ultra Stamp
>Custom Wellstring V: Point Sensor / Wave Breaker
>Mint Decavitator: Suction Bomb / Big Bubbler
>Charcoal Decavitator: Splash Wall / Inkjet
>Custom Range Blaster: Splat Bomb / Kraken
>Custom Douser Dualies FF: Burst Bomb / Triple Inkstrike
>Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau: Splat Bomb / Crab Tank
>Custom Hydra Splatling: Ink Mine / Splattercolor Screen
>Bamboozler 14 Mk II: Fizzy Bomb / Super Chump

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I seen to remember you put your weenus in her ear hole, weird but I can live with it.
seriously what
that's exactly what the gold rotation is
>It's a Gold Rotation.

Man, I am still not great with the GrizzCo Slosher.
he told you what it is
it's all random grizz weapons
shit, sorry meant for >>677480171

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Wtf is this
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well this thing is clearly blue
You can see the full design on the precuel comic
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Let me just explain the multitudes of stupid here to any non comic readers. DC comics has no shortage of ice villains. You got Captain Cold, Mister Freeze, Icicle Sr/Jr, Blue Snowman, etc. So they had plenty to choose from. Woman? Could have been Blue Snowman (actually a chick in that armor), or more likely Killer Frost. There are THREE versions of Killer Frost for crying out loud.

The point I'm trying to make here is that NuRocksteady is so incompetent that they make up a alt-universe variant "Mrs Freeze". And furthermore since we're on the subject, this Multiverse Brainiac plot completely detracts from "The Arkhamverse" from the get go. I get that they slapped Arkham canon here so the game would sell better, but it does everything in its power to get away from what made their studio a success

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Literally how the fuck
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>Thought it was going to be some clever use of mechanics
>It's just a emulator bug
meh, why do I keep bothering?
tj "henry" yoshi bent the knee a long time ago
this is the 70 star run, 120 star still has a dozen of a pressses
In the past society would give autists like him meaning and purpose, and help channel their autism for the betterment of all.
Yeah they became monks and manually copied bibles
Someone had to do it

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what's your excuse?

>my rootkit anticheat doesn't work!
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>Active Directory
I puked a little
funny, tons of pajeets use Linux, because they can't afford an actually working system (Windows)
that blonde bitch was retarded tbf
Aka an overwhelming percentage of them ignore you completely even though you can't shut up about them, and that causes your tiny peabrain to believe they're all as loud as you are
do they?
I've never seen a pajeet use linux personally so you'd have to provide a citation for that information
there are so many pajeets so if they used linux it would actually be super popular worldwide

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What can Square Enix do to make Final Fantasy popular again?
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Go back to turn based battles and pre-rendered drawn maps.
They were dead the moment they merged with Enix and the corpse has been shambling around producing ugly shounen games ever since.
I did not say anything about anuses. That just you and your retardation
>they have excellent combat, and building mechanics, and narrative, and music, they're far ahead what the rest of the company shits out and always have been
Like I said, a special breed of retarded fanboy.
You don't know what that word means.
And that's a word stupid people use when they want to pretend to be intelligent.

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