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make it vidya related.
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kill yourself
>the reddit tourists are mad at the twitter tourist template

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Have the Splinter Cell games aged well?
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I play and like both series. Hitman as well.
I don't care for you faggots who insist on this retarded tribalism in a dead genre.
Where do they stick that mission? Is it like in the middle?
IIRC, you unlock them after beating the game. They serve as a kinda-sorta conclusion to SC1. Very kinda-sorta.
It's between the ISP mission and the first embassy one

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>playing 4
>get to Tanimura
>hate him in the first few minutes
>still hate him after his first chapter

>express this to my best friend, Anonymous on /v/
>my best friend, Anonymous on /v/, says "his story unironically gets good 3 chapters in"
>keep playing
>credits roll
>still waiting for his story to "unironically get good"
>remember unironically isn't a word
bamboozled again

Anything to know going into 5/6?
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I started 5 a few days ago. I just got to Saejima's part.
Saejima's section in 5 is a rehash version of 4 but worse.
Say what you want but having "for faith" remixed for the 4 way boss fight was kino on the highest order.
who fucking care?
infinite wealth ruined the series.
False. Saejima hunting and Haruka idol sim (+Akiyama) a best, followed by baseball player turned whorehouse reviewer. But Kiryu taxi driver is also really good.

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Is Star Fox actually an allegory for racism since the good guys are Dogs and allies of Dogs and the bad guys are monkeys and fucking lizard bastards?
In some adaptations Andross even wanted to get his dick wet with James's wife, which is probably a metaphor for race mixing or some shit.
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What if Star Fox but western?
They accompanied Buddha on his quest for enlightenment. That's what that Enslaved game by Team Ninja was based on.
>jannies sees this image
Not new
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Krystal Ball

Why did /v/ hate this when it came it, was it just because it wasn't a copy of Exoddus?
I played it over the last few days and loved it.
It looked wretched. Why would I play something that looks worse than the PS1 games?
Is Strangers Wrath worth buying?
I didnt hate them, but I do vastly prefer the original Exoddus and Oddyssey. In my mind thats what Oddworld is, and everything releases aftsd those two games has just been dissapointing because its such a cool and bizarre setting.

ITT: best asses in vidya
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>mia malkova
young mia's ass was sublime but I genuinely prefer her thicc look now
horrible artwork

amazing artwork
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Why hasn't anyone posted Shermie?

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Why doesn't it have an ending for someone who just wants to settle down in Goodsprings immediately after leaving Doc Mitchell's house?
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Are you going to spent your life hunting geckos (until the legion takes over Goodsprings)?
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Just settle down there IRL
yeah it's called Bernie ending. The 2 bullets actually killed you.
childhood is wanting to settle down with Cass back on the west coast
adulthood is accepting your rightful place as dictator of New Vegas with Sarah and Lucy as your concubines
No she doesn't.

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Family and kids are overrated. Videogames and anime/manga are what grownup men really want.
You all just feel yourself lonely and think that femoid and brood will fix it - nope. You are alone FOREVER. You are borne alone and will die alone. There is nothing you can do. This is how we created. Maybe after death we will feel love from God but you need to die for that first.

Anyway just enjoy videogames. They are the best thing in life.
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Better yet, get into kpop!
I'm not reading all that

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>Etrian Odyssey with fur girls.
GOTY just dropped, bros.
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it is possible that it needed investment on relationship skill to make it easier to rise
otherwise 80% of the skill tree is very similar to EO down to the unlocking part
Ch*nese saying they like rpgmaker games more
Etrian already has fur girls dumbo
Rabbit and dog girls to be exact, they are samurai.
I like /u/ but I don't get how you can have custom characters with all these combos and actually have yuri in it that's anything but the most generic interchangable fluff. How does it even work?
Not until they add more loli portraits. I'll wait until it's fully done to see if the situation has improved.

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you bet i am
im not implying that, it's just true. stw is way more fun, has more weapons, cool hero abilities, has the old asymmetrical cartoony artstyle, and actually has voiced player characters and a contiguous story. it's a shame they will never finish the story.
This is one of the worst passes ever and I thought the Greek pass was shit
More interested in the peapod I like the weird ass skins
i kinda agree. it just looks like a worse version of ch2s3, which was a really great season(id say the best gameplay wise), but these cosmetics just dont look compelling compared to what i already have.

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the usual sites

>60 fps mod

Is there a reason they have to actively remove fun from the game? I understand making weird art choices and not understanding what looks good. I understand making Vivian a boy if that's what the original intended. I understand letting you restart at the beginning of a fight, thereby making the Pit of 100 Trials pointless, because I know that people are stupid sometimes.
But why did they change something like this? In case you don't remember, in the original, there was a little joke saying "Goomfrey (age 30) is suspected of violently shaking the Pianta
Changer (age 5)". Were they scared they would offend someone with that?!
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nah thats a normie take.
heres a real weird one: i wish they never remade it at all considering how bad they fucked up the visual and audio design. they made all the floors too shiny and the lightning too washed out so every single room looks like it just stopped raining. also they deleted lots of old iconic sound effects in favor of "muh paper" realism bullshit.
>false equivalence meltdown
I was kind of baffled how many battle distinct battle SFX got removed/replaced

Audience screaming when Mario hits them
All the Bingo sounds
Power Smash/Piercing blow unique stylish sound

Hell some of sounds that are still in just became soulless like the appeal or superguard sfx
Honestly after the hype dies down and I finish my playthrough, I can't really see myself replaying this over the OG.

Usually I can just be like "At least it has prettier graphics" but even that's kind of a stretch with this game
yeah, it's definitely not the definitive version. They dropped the ball on way too many different things for that. The lack of QOL features and settings/options alone really hurt it. It's so half-baked.

Why are there so few games with flying characters?
Who this?

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why did she do it?
I already pirated it thoughever
how do you detect chatgpt bots?
I like that comic where she gets her huge tits sucked

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what place do space babes have in our games?
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NOT an alien thoughever
gross give me actual alien chicks with big hips and boobs but an alien face.
I understand
sure why not

>here's your new Elizabeth bro, no need to thank me
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Needs a shower but those are some plump juicy-ass lips.
Shaln't be playing ziokike slopaganda
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It's crazy how ITS JUST bioshock which Im okay with
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When you see it...
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>guys please don't turn my daughterfu into a digital porn actress again

Rivet is a miracle of the universe really.
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So this is technically selfcest right?
My only wish was that they kept the dimorphism and made Rivet an amazon too.
There's no evidence that Rivet has any genetic similarities to ratchet. She simply is a very similar situation to ratchet in another universe, when clank says she's the ratchet of her universe he isn't saying she is literally a genderswaped clone of him. So no not selfcest.
>where's the off model fanart that makes her plump and thicc with huge ass and titties?
...that's a good question, I don't think I have ever seen an way off model Rivet fanart?

was that screaming writer too powerful?
They look like they fuck human men.

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walk like an egyptian
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it's called "world building", it's why the khajiit still have the unarmed bonus in Skyrim even though there's no hand to hand skill
I am afraid to put beast people, or humans with animal features in my worldbuilding for my books. Not that they will ever take off, but in the slight offchance, what if they become just another fetish dump ?
the more "beast" they are, the less likely they'll be fetishized, make their animal attributes stand out more than their people attributes, believe it or not furries don't want to fuck actual dogs
Huh, I came to the exact opposite conclusion, the more fucked up individuals and communities are drawn to more animal like creatures, especially those turbohomo comics with talking dogs that sometimes get posted on here. In my mind catgirls=humans with cat ears and maybe a tail is so inoffensive they would stay away.
the closer a furry gets to actual beastiality, the more niche it is, like yeah there will probably be someone turned on by it but it won't be a lot of people, but cat girls will attract the coomer anime crowd

>no feet
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Cut content. She was supposed to be Ranni.
To cuck her with Ranni
I purposely burned the tree myself from the frenzied flame just to piss her off , then used the needle to get with ranni
Yeah, she felt like an afterthought. You can even do a bunch of convoluted quest lines to save her and get one of the normal endings with Miquella's needle and she doesn't even have any extra lines or cutscene after all the work you did for her.
I feel the same about all ER lore. It feels like it was supposed to be massive this time around but turned out a nothingburger
And then retards still voted it story of the year when most of them had to watch youtube videos to know what the fuck was going on and even then it wasn't anything special

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Why is it always vitiligo? Is it just for humiliation or what?
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the devs need to remind you visually that theres a little bit of good in every black person
Its the least off-putting birth defect and is piss easy to implement.
because it requires minimal effort
Vitiligo changes your skin colour to the "opposite" so naturally there would be a weird gimmicky obsession with it amongst those who pay too much mind to race and "inclusion".

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For me, it's the small-tittied police girl.
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She is not real
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What will be the Natlan version of those little guys and the slugs?
We'll have the fully-grown Saurians which are dinos that accompany Natlan warriors into battle, and baby Saurians which are the marketable plushies of Natlan
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Fucking hell, seeing shit like this always reminds me of what kind of absolute shit fucking taste your regular retard has and how much superior are the mihoyo designs.

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