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No armour is best armour
>no armour and speed 27
Henry you are supposed to run TOWARDS the battle not away from it
>not running around your enemies while fucking them up with poisoned arrows.
go play ass creed

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They married each other, how cute and canon.
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Rena is canon for Claude but if it was me I'd have gone a different route
Rena absolutely BTFO and MOGGED in to oblivion
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Serves her right for that Dias obsession she had. It's not like she's the only female around.
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She's a cute dork

Would you nuke a town just for a crumb of pussy?
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Yes not gonna lie.
It's insane that her crippled version appeal to me than the bossgirl one
Sure why not? I dont have any actual reason to think killing her would save the town. All we get is some circumstantial evidence and one looser claiming we should kill her. Thats not enough for me.
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i did.
She looks like she would smoke all of my weed.

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Previous Thread >>676526082

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

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Gbf grea waking up in just her school blouse and panties.
Excited elizabeth from fate wagging her tail and hitting other people with it.
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Requesting Callie and Marie both attempting to do a standing split. With Callie being able to do it no problem, but Marie falls face first onto the ground.
Pose ref: https://files.catbox.moe/lz0adj.jpg

what the fuck went wrong here and what could they do to make it better in the next game?
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Eric, you lost and got raped
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Nice page 10 bump, Eric

Look at this piece of ESG goyslop shit, is this the next "overwatch killer".
How did valve sunk this low?
Blizzard won, valve lost.
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more fuel for the tf2fag victimhood complex
They don't. The argument that they have more money is that they obviously make a lot. Valve employees are (in)famously overpaid to underwork. They even outsource support to India because they have to save the money.
Would blizzard add a TPS camera to Overwatch, and call it Overwatch 3?

cant be that hard, I think people were making it on the map editor
I mean even Riot couldn't bear Hearthstone, I could not believe that it took them 3 years to add it into the League client but also they stopped doing PVP content.

I think OW2 hurt the possibility for OW to be a juggernaut, and no other hero shooter is "that" thing yet. Siege is a massive wall for new players to get into and besides that you have like XDefiant.

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Your Sonic Heroes
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Does Trip wear leggings or is that her scaly skin?
nothing like Zelda
>I did the Mario galaxy thing-
meaning Lost Worlds in
>Playable in Dream Team, an Apple Arcade Exclusive
>Playable in Rumble, a Mobile Fall Guys knockoff

When will the Monkey Paw stop curling?
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Especially with the boon of Mario Kart I’d love more racing game options but I got F-Zero 99 anyway, regardless I thought of Sonic Riders as the cooler alternative to Mario Kart
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But enough about Sage

>Captcha: WYYY

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>entire franchise is about mocking capitalism and consumerism
>Does collab with a game who’s known for collabing with every franchise ever to sell more shit
Devs, writers and executives are different people.
Erm the franchise is about nuclear bombs and music from the 50s

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the dark carnival run to safehouse event is so fucking hard on expert
there are never ending common hordes and like 7 smokers and spitters not including hunters and chargers
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nah that guy was a dick and delusional, actually a good representation of the vs community...
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dark carnival is thematically fun but the difficulty is all of. most of it is snooze except for three crescendos. barns crescendo is the biggest ball buster in the game. and this bastard is cursed by evil energies.
valve fanbases are known for being ''special''
it's the hardest crescendo in the game yes, besides maybe dead airs penultimate level?
I am baffled every time I read posts like this. There's no denying some versus players on L4D2 can be extremely retarded or even toxic at times, but it's not that often. In the 12 years I've played this game I seldom got kicked, and if I was it's because teammates were waiting for a friend of theirs or by me deserving it due to playing games drunk or intentionally sabotaging my team by griefing.
Also, it's called versus mode - of course it's going to be competitive. No one is expecting everyone to be on a god-tier level, but basic campaign knowledge and situational awareness is required to have fun in this setting on the survivor side. It's just like campaign mode, really. Still, odds are really against you when you're infected especially against a good team, but as long as you understand:
>element of surprise is key; prioritize ambushes, spawn and attack immediately if you choose to spawn
>attack together as a team
>understand your role

You will rarely be kicked unless you're playing with seething russian/BR chudcels with whom communication is impossible.

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Have a great day and take care of yourself today. You're worth it. Never forget that.
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>You're worth it. Never forget that.
Every Human being is made in the image of God, each a unique creation that is uniquely loved by their Creator. You have infinite value and dignity anon.
What I wish they'd have at least considered in Ring Fit was adding other characters. Having Wii Fit Trainer, the Fire Emblem characters you're talking about, any other Nintendo characters (original or otherwise), or ANYTHING would have been nice to have, but they just release the game and gave us nothing afterward.
taking a rest on a friday night?
god you're worth it
If this game came out during the early 2000s into maybe 2014, there would be so much rule 34 of him it'd be ridiculous

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You do play Brawls Stars, right anon?

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You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Marnie!
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Don't do it
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Imagine trying to take Gloria home only for Marnie to step in and stop you.

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Friday night Jigsaw Time
247 dangan
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1032 sfw
seems like the issues are fixed
still working on this one
Ecchi sfw footfag 234 https://jiggie.fun/HxX6O_
check the tg channel

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My wife Penny
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But seriously, outside of the cart, how could I get a pufferfish outside of the season? Can't unlock Ginger Island, so that one's out. Maybe some mobs drop it..?
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>At least Elliott is happily tradwifing
Early game you can't. Unless you get somehow one of those magic baits. From a treasure chest or those mysterious boxes.
He unironically cooks, cleans, does the chores, reads MC poetry, utterly adores them and generally reads as a guy who can easily chill and write while Farmer is busy killing slimes for or.

If I had one partner for the rest of my saves, I'd always give my BFC to Elliot. He's just that good of a husband, and reads pretty tradwife-core, same with Harvey.
Well I heard things only through the grapevine but not sure what's the whole deal. Is Stardew Valley a comfy game?




Lucky Hank
Babylon 5
Mat Kearney's new album released yesterday. Really enjoyin the rest he hadn't released as singles yet. Watch Me Go is a friggin' Hawaiian banger.

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Why make another one?
I'll always hated this racist caricature of a fat ugly Hispanic that you continuously repost.
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maybe some judgment, hope they'll crack lost judgment too
a book about mafia
jsut ate some fried eggs with a shit ton of tabasco

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>32 years
>Endless Dragon Ball games
>No GOOD Yu Yu Hakusho games
For the love of god just give me something
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>nowadays I know she is a basic bitch whore
You shut your fucking mouth.
I'll need a few cool millions up front to do it justice.
You mean endless Dragon Ball Z, GT, and Super games. We need an OG Dragon Ball real time combat RPG. Pilaf to Piccolo Jr. With every dirty joke intact.
Play the megadrive one
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Came here to say exactly this.
Now I have a massive attraction to girls in kimonos

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why are "those people" defending the new ass creed like their wife's boyfriend's life's depended on it when they whined for 14 years about a game with a foreigner killing natives being racist?
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>how is this different
In the way that was just described, you fucking illiterate
The irony is, I was prime recruitment material for the far-right. I was pretty typical for 4chan. Straight, white, discontented teenage boy into video games.
But the moment I told them things like
>hang on, your source doesn't support your claim
>you're misrepresenting what your opponent said
I was a whore or a kike or a tranny or a nigger. My experience with the right-wing has been nothing but irrational hatred, no matter how many times I engaged with them in good faith. I've tried for years. Every single time I just find all my words twisted beyond recognition, double standards levelled against me, and no end of vitriol and abuse.
Do you people have any idea what right-wingers look like to people who aren't right-wingers?
He'll always hate me on principle because he's a leftist and I'm not, but getting him to show he's as dishonest and violent as the rest of his ilk has been fun
projecting hard, zoom zoom
Anon. I'm gonna level with you. Most of those guys will never become better people to be released back into society. Most that do genuinely feel remorse for their actions can get let off for good behavior. Prisons exists to protect the common man. As cruel as you think it is, it is crueler to keep letting people who only want to ruin others lives out of prison.

I don't understand how the virus version of him has a stronger sense of justice and morality than his original self, shouldn't a virus only care about spreading itself as much as possible?
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Today modern vidyas sell you 'realism' which isn't really fun and now that games have billions of budgets big company won't risk making something new and fresh. We'll probably never get the same era of games like in 2000s, even indie games will never be able to replicate that feel.
This is super explicit in the comparison of resident evil 4s remake.
There's a webm going around showing the difference in movement between the original and the remake.
Moving the walk stick back and forth makes move forward straight away, or move backwards straight away.

But the remake takes 30 years to sway forward or backwards for the sake of realism. Wasn't a fan when I played it
Gta sa (2004) changed your walking/running animation depending on how steep the road was
I liked remake but it definitely feels so backwards that they gave Leon more freedom to attack while moving and options with the knife but limited his base mobility like that. Feels like a game at odds with itself while the original very clearly wanted to adapt the way 1-3 controlled into a tighter camera.
Because at the start the Virus is basically a kid with a jumbled mess of memories and a vague sense of instincts and justice. You can basically call him a baby. Throughout the story he learns to appreciate his relationships, especially those of his 'sister'. He is not corrupted like the real Alex because he never actually got involved in the petty scientific squabbles nor did he carry the ego and arrogance that the original Alex did. It's safe to assume he's Alex if Alex didn't go down the rabbit hole of Gentek and didn't get corrupted in the process.
If Alex is the version of the Redlight virus via the synthetic knock off Blacklight he created, Pariah was supposed to be the true representation of the Redlight virus and the ultimate being as he was 'natural'. He was born with it. I'm so fucking pissed that they set up the story of Alex vs Pariah so beautifully in the first game only to throw it all away with that nonsensical slop that was the sequel. That sequel was such an abomination for so many reasons and totally contradicted the first game. It was made by an entirely different team from the first game and it shows.

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Is the culture war over? Can we just talk about Stellar Blade now without the trannies flipping their shit?
Trannies will always flip their shit. That is the nature of a tranny. That's why they become trannies so that they can justify flipping their shit

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>game is le bad because...it just is okay?
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Diva lives on with project eden
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Any Diva players???
How do you do all the multi press notes and the hold notes?
I can't get my head around either of them.
I play on a dualsense and fat thumb triangle + square and x + circle with my left hand
Same on right hand for triangle + circle and square + x
Bumpers have macros for the opposite button doubles
Then it's just a matter of training muscle memory, although by far I haven't tried going after full combos on tracks above 8.5 yet, Ievan polkka might be a 9.5 but it's actually really easy on controller
As for holds I usually ignore them unless they're very free, they give you score and I just play for Perfects
most multis are just doubles with variety. they require a bit more thinking on controller since you have to mentally figure out where your thumbs go. for rising/falling I usually prioritize Triangle on the left and O on the right then press the other note. on an arcade controller you only have 4 buttons to deal with. triples are rare and the full screen triangles are super telegraphed.
for holds you can do hold transferring. set your L2/R2 to a quad macro. hold X, L2, release X, hold O, R2, release O, now holding X and O on R2.

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