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if you look back at games from the mid 2000s and earlier you realize that there's literally 0 creativity in modern games and they're all nearly the same

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Friday night Jigsaw Time
247 dangan
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check the tg channel
Huh. So there is a discord. I thought that was just some schizo sperging out about something made up in his head.
ongoing emergency bump
576 sfw, Genshin

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>fiance going to Vegas for her bachelorette party this weekend
>her mother is looking after her son
>house to myself
>no work this weekend
>loaded up the fridge with craft beer, lots of snacks
>ordering door dash

Yep time to enjoy my last time as a single gamer. I'll be playing all the classics on the Switch, Wii U and I might even go retro and plug in my Gamecube
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i like black femboys but they're a rare breed due to their cultures toxic masculinity. all the good ones are anime nerds and also trans :(
his wifey is so lucky
>OP spends his weekends crafting larp stories about how he gets cucked by his nonexistent wife so he can get attention from /v/ because he is going to die alone
yeah the least he can do is post some furry porn to go with it for the hmofaggots (furries in denial)
>reading comprehension

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I just bought this game
What am I in for?

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'Hello Henry' and 'Hulk Hogan' share the same initials.
also, the first letters of both words... HH?

Aren't you forgetting someone?

I don't understand how the virus version of him has a stronger sense of justice and morality than his original self, shouldn't a virus only care about spreading itself as much as possible?
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>the eye disease trend
the what
making your lower eyelid look swollen is some nasty new beauty trend in asia
It loos horrendous
Fuckin hell is this and edit? I don't remember her being that stacked.
It's funny that zuko is canonically seen as cute or handsome despite his fucked up huge burn scar. The beach scene can be reasoned as fire nation groupies knowing he is lore zuko

But this earth girl was genuinely into him despite the fucked face. She was so good man wish we got more of her
He's Barry Pepper (yes that's his actual name) not a lot of voice work but quite a bit of film. He was the sniper in Saving Private Ryan and one of the guards in Green Mile off the top of my head.

Fun game.
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What's up with the side gutters in pinball? It's already hard enough trying to keep your ball from falling through center. The side deaths often feel cheap and too quick to react to, especially in Pinball FX series.
Why is noone releasing the source code?
Yea the demo on windows XP got me weirdly into pinball. I play this on mobile now to get my pinball fix, it's pretty good. Still nothing like full tilt space cadet though
Designed to consume your quarters. Don't like it? Git gud.

It's not that great.
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its the best of its genre because all the other games are shit
Yeah his presentation is cool but as a character there's not much there. And it doesn't help that you meet him so late, so there's zero investment.
A bad guy that wants to rebuild the world according to his vision isn't exactly ground breaking
Hearing about his orphaned mutants wandering the wastes, some wishing for the old days of serving the Master, is a greater element of the story than meeting the master himself. I dunno. It’s just cool that he still has some lingering legacy among the muties.
when you start out, every point matters. You realize that the DT system of Fallout means that an extra 1-2 point could be the difference between critically hitting for no damage and actually critically hitting for a huge amount right? Try fighting radscorpions with tagged unarmed, brass knuckles, but low strength and endurance. Pure suffering. Raise those stats by a few points and suddenly your character could not only beat them, but challenge Garl to a duel and win without savescumming.
While it's true that endurance can seem underwhelming due to critical gatling lasers, for a melee/unarmed character it means the difference between life and death for at least 90% of the game. You can certainly use chems to make up for your physical deficiencies, but it comes at the risk of lowering your IN for a very long time.

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I bought this on Steam the other day. I've only played Samurai Warriors 1 previously.

Is it just me or is this game absolutely soulless compared to SW1? I started with the Oda campaign (obviously) and the second battle was the one where Hideyoshi Hayashiba builds a castle in a single day to stun the enemy. When it's complete, the FMV was just... a static picture of a castle without even any narration. In SW, we got this masterpiece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp7BjFhqgjI

I know the SW1 version is goofy, but it at least made it clear what was going on. Similarly, Mitsuhide Akechi just... appears, and joins you, and so does Magoichi Saika. If I hadn't played SW1 I would have no idea wtf is going on. Why is the story so bad? Does it get better? I have currently played 96 minutes so I can still refund if not.
No Koshosho no buy
Better refund it now if you don't feel it. It won't change. All these new games are bit like this.
If you want a musou, pirate Warriors Orochi 3 (it's old but at least it's fun).
Yeah, I guess I will then, thanks anon. I was just surprised at how both the battles I did felt literally the same. Every level in SW1 felt noticeably different and it was always clear exactly what was happening in the battle because of all the little cutscenes.

I'm just surprised because I really enjoyed DW8, so I assumed this would be great too.
WO3 Ultimate is on Steam too.
DW8 is great too but after this, Tecmo went downhill I suppose.

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the dark carnival run to safehouse event is so fucking hard on expert
there are never ending common hordes and like 7 smokers and spitters not including hunters and chargers
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>you have nothing to gain
It's fun playing against humans, what can I say
Those moments of confrontation where you're trying to outsmart someone else are always great and bring the best out of yourself in a way repetitive director AI cannot
The level in Death Toll where they just randomly decided half the fucking level should be a crescendo in the L4D2 version is the most ridiculous level in the entire series.
>12 years
can skew your perspective, most players won't kick you if you have 1000+ hours regardless of skill
i didn't say it wasn't fun to play against humans just that it's incredibly hard to find a good random team
ez just let a boomer puke on someone if you didn't bring bile

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>Good morning, anon
What do?
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Bros ffs
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You need to use sliced meat to catch those.
I've tried every spot I know of.
try the cave with grapes
I was just there lol. Only managed to get Mahi-Mahi and Tuna.

What's-his-name is saying Eidos 9 over by the sleeping waifu. Gonna go try there.

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>game is le bad because...it just is okay?
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No, there are four types of triplets, one for every one of the 4 buttons you don't have to press. The other two are just rarer.
Focuses on the shit literal who human OCs instead of Miku and friends, gameplay is also inferior to Project Diva, which this piece of shit killed. FUCK Segay.
What songs even have the other triples? I've cleared up to 9s without seeing them once.

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It’s Saturday gents which Zelda should I play first?
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Play the PC remake of LADX. Just beat it, and the GBC version recently and it was wonderful.
TP should be Zelda crawling and dragging with link knotted in her
Majoras Mask or Twilight Princess

How is this game? I'd like to get back into digimon games and I hear good things about this. Also Digimon thread, digitits welcome.
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There's also a fantastic fan made version of the vpet that combines damn near everything from all versions.
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>only kit this year is paildramon
>no kimeramon even though they could reuse molds from other kits for most of it
>no Milleniumon for the same reason
>no angewomon to go with angemon
>no amped seraphimon
>no amped ulforce or the rest of the RKs to go with Omega, Alpha and Duke
>no amped weregarurumon
>no amped rize grey Mon using metal's mold
>not even a virus metal recolor
>not even a regular greymon
Hire me Bandai.
I will make a roguelike game with Digimon and people will not only accept that digimon will die and you have to start from 0 again, they will even love it.
You just need to give me $15m for budget.
If I liked Dawn/Dusk will I like Cyber Sleuth?
any digimon cringe meme image I want to send to someone you know in digimon circle

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>Loses 15% of their stock price after revealing their next game
>They say they are happy with their preorder numbers
So is it just free money to invest in ubisoft or are they full of shit?
Also why are they releasing 2 games close to each other at the end of the year, Isn't that just competing with themselves or are they all in on the end of year Christmas bonus?
Ubisoft released their 2023 earning report on the same day as the trailer, the report showed a drop in profits due to the lack of games in 2023, the failure of Skulls & Bones and the cancelation of few games, which is why their stocks dropped.


jewvestors do not watch or care about trailers or who is in them, stop making up fake narratives
stop saying 15% to make it sound bigger, it's literally just $1
So there has never been a better time to invest in ubisoft?
>has to drum up controversy about a shitty game that doesn't even have a gameplay trailer

I get it, no one is buying that shit

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Has there ever been another case where video game got eclipsed by its own soundtrack this much?
the OST is 10/10 W40K, they let the composer cook
game kinda ass doe

>is the best vidya anti hero in your path
He's not an anti-hero, he's a force of nature.

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Girl just can't catch a break, huh
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Thanks! And yeah good point.
Id be down to draw some if the thread can stay up for another 5 hours.
spent too long on this mspaint bb
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u crazy for this one

Convince me to buy this. I like Forgotten Realms but know nothing about Pathfinder
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Spain? Brevoy is more like Russia
well compared to games like BG2 and Pillars of Eternity, I'd absolutely call it challenging (on the default difficulty).
I found BG2 harder
start with wotr and skip kingmaker
trust me
kingmaker has the better story. it's the true successor to baldurs gate 1

Melony is IMPORTANT.
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Best belly
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Unsuccessful babymaking with cute hags.
KYS slop spammer.

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