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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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> island looks like banana
> call it banana
> CK3 generates a default character to lead it
More progress,
I think I overcompensated on how small the island provinces were and made this duchy to big, hmmm
Also, it kinda looks like a fish, XD
Might need to split it up more, but for now its fine.

My two current goals are to clean up the hex-map and finish adding provinces to the bottom continent, once that is done I'll have a look at building out some basic custom cultures and flesh out the titles a bit better
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A further cleaned up map
still needs to be completed though
I was gonna say if people are drawing adjacent tiles there's no reason to keep the hex border
Current progress
Added the other islands and some sea provinces,
Going to start work on first empire on the south continent

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Whole Spellforce series is on sale on Steam until June so I figure out it's a good occasion to ask which titles are worth checking out. I've only played the original Spellforce years ago and it was a bit too sluggish for my taste. Are sequels better?
It's a very mid franchise that only survives because there aren't any competitors that commit as hard to the whole RPG/RTS hybrid style as they do. Like yeah there are loads of RTS games with RPG elements and RPGs with RTS elements, but SpellForce pretty much splits the focus right down the middle, which nobody else does. At the same time, that's also SpellForce's main weakness. By splitting its focus it ends up being a below-average RTS bolted on to a below-average ARPG. If you really want to try one, get Fallen God, which is the best campaign in SF3 and super cheap right now if you get the standalone version.

Ironically, the third party spinoff title Conquest of Eo is the only title that doesn't suffer from this, being a turn-based strategy RPG. Kinda like HoMM mixed with a little bit of Master of Magic. It's an interesting game, even if it's super shallow and has only one map to play. Still too expensive at its current discount though.
i thought Soul Harvest and Fallen God were fantastic, multiplayer (which nobody plays) is a normal RTS plus heroes/zones of control
I played Spellforce 3 base game and got bored around the 3rd explore the map with your heroes then play a long ass spamfest RTS match which you very slowly win because you have heroes
>If you really want to try one, get Fallen God, which is the best campaign in SF3 and super cheap right now if you get the standalone version.
Funny thing I've actually considered Fallen God the most once I noticed it's a standalone thing. Odd it's not dlc, but it works for me. Maybe devs or publisher though it would be more profitable to sell it that way. I'm interested because of the playable troll race. Rarly you see trolls as their own faction so that's speak to me, even if they will end up too similar to orcs (who also exist in Spellforce universe from what I remember).
it's actually pretty funny because you're playing as subhumans and the story reflects that like none of the trolls can read and other races treats you like animals or slaughter or deceive you without a second thought

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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There's /ourguy/
I got filtered by this mod's installation, it just bricks my interface on launch and that's it. What do?
Contact the mod maker for help? First you should check if you have basemods
Do you have BepInEx installed on Ruina (most likely for Skin Format Normalizer)? If yes, your version is most likely outdated and thus is bricking mods that require a newer version of Harmony, so go and redownload it (should be at least BepInEx 5.4.19 / Harmony 2.9 - just don't skip to BepInEx 6, it's not backwards compatible).
Otherwise - do you have Unity Explorer/Basemod (Experimental/Nightly)/Harmony Load Order Fix? If none of the above, grab the last one from workshop (and don't forget to restart the game at least once afterwards).
Got too popular.

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Will we ever get another game like this?
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there was a game recently. something something economics and warfare? it looked meh but similar
That game tries to do too much but it looks like it was all coded in isolation so it all falls apart in gameplay. It is that riddled with bugs, and a ui that is riddled with glitches and very minimal feedback and actual information.

Still more of a game than scammer lords
NTA but
>complex and interesting economics that are hindered by an inevitable crash
>unit designer and interesting arms market
>somewhat fun espionage
>set inflation to six gorillion percent
>crash research nukes
>nuke everyone
every sp2 game ever god i miss it
I would also like to add the ost was kino

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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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Ck3 is the result of Paradox seeing a bunch of redditors memeing abut how hecking epic it is to marry your own sister in CK2 and deciding that they should base the next iteration in the series entirely on epic incest memes and screenshots.
It's because there were low numbers of people playing them so paradox won't waste dev time on adding them.
Help me pick between:
>Blobbing as a Hittite in the bronze age mod
>Blobbing in the Roman fall mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in the Shogunate mod + Korea, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in a(which?) East Asia mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in Stellaris
Also for the love of God and all that is holy tell me of some difficulty/behaviour mod that makes the game more difficult and dynamic, I can already see from a mile away that even if I were to start a Manchu game with the intention to blob into China the latter would just sit on their ass for hundreds of years, waiting passively for me to get strong enough to rape them.
skill issue
>tfw you fuck your son's wife because he's 40 years old and hasn't given you a grandson yet, but then your bastard is also a daughter

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It's Wednesday night, why aren't you player Heroes of Might and Magic III with your wife. What are you? GAY?
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She doesn't even understand chess
Nothing worse than trying to be gay and nobody will let you :(
I think the Tabletop Simulator mod for the game has miniatures that are in obj or something similar, which can be converted into 3d print file format with a bit of elbow grease.
What are some comfy HotA maps?
I've never player this series

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>The ambush worked!
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>SANITY is for the weak
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I used to think it was Earlob as a kid, and it became the name of my LOTRO Loremaster, Earlob Endlander.
Ah, I was thinking it some snark line from the airborne while they're under fire, my bad.

I just finished the Nod campaign and I DO NOT recall this, but then again I didn't click on the Hand of Nod often.

Blizzard puts in charge of a balance patch for brood war. What changes do you make?
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>Marine range increased by 2 (from 1) when inside bunkers, specifically to prevent Dragoon contains during early TvP.
but the contains happen only with dragoon range researched. And it would severely change how Z harasses T with mutas. I'd rather see Marines with an extra 10-20HP to tank shots (but still get rekt but photon cannon)
Mostly pretty good, larva timer is unnecessary, maybe put those 2 seconds onto mutalisk creation. and extra marine range is very risky

Let me give you a guaranteed safe idea for P: scarab splash now affects the owner of the reaver and can do friendly fire
You don't have to start by tweaking any numbers, simply the fact that it doesn't splash like everything else in the game is fucking retarded, and then they can be countered somewhat like how zealots counter mines
zerg gets to infest nexuses too, infestation is cheaper, infested marine/probe targeting reworked (give them an explode spell rather than have attack move explode them on ground location, so attack move can be used), mutas slower

hallucination cheaper, dark archon spells cheaper, disruption web cheaper. zealots less HP, reaver friendly fire

optical flare cheaper and longer range, restoration gets small AoE, EMP wider AoE, nukes cheaper
oh and valkyries kill intercepters instead of not affecting them at all lmao (seriously)
You're right, scrap that line, then.

Scarab AoE affecting friendlies is based, I didn't want to suggest it since P players tend to be sensitive about that particular unit.

I wanted the larva time as a buff to Z as a counterweight for Defiler no longer being able to make your units untouchable. The already good Z economy is now better thanks to this but that's acceptable if their units are now more vulnerable. I thought so at the time of writing, at least.

I'd add an either/or rule too to my patch:
>Spawn Broodling no longer affects Siege Tanks
>Spawn Broodling now affects Reavers

No sense in bending the rules this much, this game isn't that deep.

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I would love it if the guys that made Jagged Alliance 3 make the next XCOM. Surely i am not the only one?
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This collection is a good place to start
Here is a sample
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Why is Buns so sexy /vst/ bros?
they said it was like their most selling game ever and big success. and keep in mind this is company that has been shitting out relatively niche titles for like 25 years now so if nothing else they seem to know how to sustain themselves
How is mines running dry supposed to work? My understanding was that on max difficulty they're all supposed to drop to zero income eventually, but the only ones that actually ran out for me were Diamond Red and Fleatown. I got warnings for the other mines, but they never fully depleted. Does 100% loyalty prevent it?

Mouse best girl

Wow I beat the whole game in under 5 hours what now? I guess the building animations are cool
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From what I have seen on default, just having more food types produced does way more to alleviate hunger demands than anything else. Even honey, which somehow is being created in surplus in my current town despite the 2 family investment. Curious as to how realistically sustainable it is to play similarly on challenging
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>just having more food types produced does way more to alleviate hunger demands than anything else.
That's because the game's stupid in that it will allocate all food types to the closest house to the stalls; even if they don't needed mechanically. For example, a level 1 house will receive 4 food types if they are physically close, even if they only need 2 to be happy. My worst newbie situation was for me to upgrade a far away house first and later build houses closer to the market. That far away house will not get supplied unless you increase market supply for every food type.
Considering that the stupid order of eating mechanic was removed, I hope that more restrictive tiered demands are patched down the road.
New Patch dropped. Looks pretty good so far.

It's cool that you can hire 6 civil militias + any retinue & mercs, but honestly you only need like 3 full spearmen and 1 full upgraded retinue to beat the game in challenging.

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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Damn, that's a name I haven't heard in years.
Reposting from /egg/

Does anyone here use kOS? If so, to what extent?
I made a crude sequence that gets my first spaceplane to orbit because it's pretty hard to control, and I figured this would at least let me automate fuel delivery. I'm not sure if I should dive deep and try doing a lot more with kOS, or just leave it at that.
I'm >>1749799 and that's basically the entire extent.
And it's not because I suck at programming, but because I suck at programming enough to not being able to make proper sense of the documentation, plus I suck at math.
What are the best tech tree/career/contract mods for KSP?
Something that works long-term; unlocking the entire tech tree without ever leaving the Kerbin SOI is kinda lame.
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Colony is coming along nicely

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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I still hope they just get somebody to translate all of the Japanese games.
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didn't expect that
How much of a retarded nigger does a guy need to be to call fucking NOBUNAGA a chud?
he should name him noobchudnigga
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That 2010 3k series really make me see both Cao Cao and Liu Bei differently
Damn its good

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Play Seven Kingdoms 2.
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I always play Egyptians. Because they can spam pops so very easily and can end up with giant armies.
I love my wife the spider so I will at least google it
Thank you.
It's good!
Or at least kinda decent.
This bitch needs to get her powers back already.
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Mind your tone, that's my wife you're talking aboot.

We Wuz Pharaoh's n shiet
You're a bit late on that one. Need to be quicker if you want people to care.
Huh? I just think it's funny they put a black man as a pharoah.

Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
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Came to post this game

There are two copies in circulation, one with bugged patch, nad one that works. If you are willing to wait, I can offer the working one on Sunday evening, when I will be back from a weekend trek.
Keep in mind that Trade Empires is a very straighforward game in design, but it's intentional - it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
> it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
In fact I loved it as a kid back in the days.
this game is very text heavy but its also very good
Too bad it relies on dice rolls for literally everything.
Thanks for the recommendation

My /lit/, /his/ and /vst/ interests might be satiated.

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