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I'm surprised that there are very few geo-politics games in current times, leaving aside the hoi4 mods, I think this one wouldn't be so bad if it weren't disgustingly riddled with bugs, I was hoping for the sequel to SuperPowers but in the end what happened happened Is there a game I'm overlooking?
Does Terra Invicta count?
>Terra Invicta
If I wanted to play a space conquest game there are too many games like that niggaa

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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>The narrative that classic RTS games are gookclickers
Nobody says that though. Gookclicker are gookclickers.
>In the 90s most people had a PC
lolno, dumb zoomer opinion disregarded

I don’t like there there are no companies and tactics. Mass producing individual units and pushing blobs doesn’t do it for me.
If you don't like mass unit blobs did you play Warcraft 3? It doesn't even allow you to select more than 12 units at once. It's the only rts that I can like on pvp level.
any good rts games on vr?

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The mercenary system is so retarded.
Four barbaric tribes living in squalor in Belgium should not be able to hire 3/4 of the mercenaries of the continent and match my 300+ province state.
That's just retarded.
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Governors really should be automated. There are already values for Powerbase, Popularity and then the four main stats to draw from. From here it can be extended to government and the cursus honorum for Rome, citizen democracies for the Greeks. With low unrest, and war exhaustion (extremely) wealthy Senators with authoritas can fund private armies.
When you conquer territories the provinces, representing land grants would be sold at auction, proceeds collected by the state.
Rather than the timid handing them out for fake government approval. The standing army would have to be dismissed every 15 years (augustan reform extending it to 25), and your veterans settled in conquered lands not sold at auction, not an abstract message like we have now but pops.
Instead of misrepresented political parties, traits will be expanded with good men and populists. Ex-aediles, Ex-Quaestar, 3x Consul, etc will be represented in traits too, accomplishing a pipeline for the elect.
I think this would achieve something more lively and less abstract in government we have.
I would recommend system changes for the diadochi states as well. Instead of the copy-pasted Great Families I would offer positions for the companion cavalry to create your core influential characters. This is contrasted by 3 key factions.
The native priesthood, sidelining them would promote unrests for their respective pops and mass revolts, promoting offers happiness.
The Macedonian veteran generals, xenophobic conservatives attached to their ways. Sidelining, coups and promotion chances for colonists to arrive from Greece and Macedon
Third faction would be the royal family and its pretenders, now you get the gist.
Meanwhile governors for kingdoms/diadochi would behave as their own dynasts, their sons or daughters inheriting the position.
maybee i make more posts with desires
I never tried it but bribing your foes' mercs should save your immersion
Mercenaries are all about money. It's the one system in the game that makes any sense. If anything, the one that doesn't make any sense is the arbitrary number you're allowed to hire. Any nation that has a certain level of income is going to spam mercs anyway. Money is the #1 weapon in this game. The only penalty for not just spamming them and dying in big battles to grind down an enemy's manpower is the fact that if you hire more their morale has to refill. But if your leader has high martial, that'll happen quick anyway. So there's basically no reason not to just endlessly hire mercs, ram them down the enemy's throat, fire them when their troop numbers are too low, and hire more.
Tried it even with the Invictus mod, but really didn't get much out of it.
Fundamentally, I don't enjoy the game, because I just don't give a shit about anything happening. All the countries, religions, and cultures, I don't care about, I have no connections to them. Unlike every other pdx gsg, there aren't any known quantities like Italy, France, Spain, England etc. it's all just mumbo jumbo that may as well be fantasy. I can't play as a German or any regional variant, I have to make due with whatever the fuck "irmimonic" is supposed to be. Thus, I don't care to differentiate one random tribe from another, and so when one of them conquers all the others all I can say is "huh, I guess that's something".
I played Rome once, United my home country as some random tribe I never heard about before, and that was it for me.
There's some other issues, like tech always being the same, the same few hyperblobs forming in every game (looking at thrace owning everything from the Bosporus to fucking Belarus, but not even caring to conquer any other Greek land BOTH GAMES), and me not caring for the character system in the slightest (would have much preferred eu4 level abstraction, resorted to modding every character to have boosted opinion so I wouldn't have to deal with constant disloyal governor's or armies running off to wherever the fuck).

Imo if you're a romaboo I guess the game is fun, but if not, it's ungodly boring and monotonous. The pop system was really nice though, I very much enjoyed seeing those numbers get bigger, and their religion/culture gradually change
It's true that generally speaking, from an historical knowledge point of view, games with a classical setting are "Mediterranean Factions + NPC Barbarians". In general it's better to focus just in a bunch of rapresentatives of the macrocultures (Germans, Gauls, Iberians) etc

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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leave your prejudice outside, xer a knightess bigot
FUCK, I’m so sorry
>Wandering warlike tribe seeking to conquer civilized areas so they can settle down
Yep, sounds like the romans alright
>allowed grooming in tno discord
>had bestiality pics show on stream
>is now a full tranny
never saw this one coming lmao
pink panzer says trans rights are human rights!

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UNDEAD the most chaddest of Chad choices
>Big Dick
Lich, the most aggressive choice. Frost Nova fucks hard and you can sacrifice a foul or whatever for mana. Frost Armor is only a defensive spell if you're a retard. It's literally worthless and a waste of mana if you're not constantly on the offense like you should be because you do have a big dick, don't you?
>National Average
Crypt Lord. A close second, everyone loves the big bug. AoE stun? Amazing. Summoning beetles? Decent enough, body blockers are always great. Hurting dudes that hit him? Badass but not very good, you shouldn't be tanking with your heroes.
>EZ Baby Mode
Death Knight, the safest hero there is. A true support slut. Your dudes are good at running away, he's good at healing, and that's pretty much it. The safest way to play, therefore BITCH MODE
>Hot Garbage
Dreadlord. Shit nigger, what are you doing? Carrion Swarm sucks, Sleep can be cancelled by literally any basic attack, and Camp Aura is obsolete since you'll have mostly crypt friends anyway.

>Big Dick
Blade Master. You're the nightmare of the early game, slaughtering all of your opponents workers and wind walking away. Fantastic at counter creeping and stealing last hits while still being useful late game with bladestorm.
>National Average
Tauren Chieftain AND Shadow Hunter. Both are absolutely fantastic supports for your army. TC with stuns and aor damage AND with Endurance Aura, and SH with Chain Heal and Hex.

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on with the Garithos memes then...
Garithos is a joke character and the most cucked of all.
>literal nepo baby who only got his position because of his family name
>despite pretending to be a human supremacist he uses tauren and dwarf abilities
>gets literally nothing done, too busy sabotaging his own allies
>gets raped by demons/undead
>after this he's so butthurt he immediately sides with... more demons and undead
>predictably gets raped by said demons and undead again
>pala is hot garbage
But isn't pala rifle meta now?
Is it?
I thought archmage reigns supreme
I know that pala rifle is being played a lot but I don't know if its the top strat. Also recently top orcs started massing wyverns with fs 1st and sh 2nd vs ud and it seems to be working. And dreadlord sees play on some maps like lost temple because you can use sleep to expo your natural really really early and then use ghouls + sleep to surround and keep map control early, the sleep can't be canceled for the first 2 seconds like do you people even play the game or is this board just /v/ but pretending to be the good guys.

¨10/10 but i cant ignore the feel that could have more content.¨

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The fact that it feels like a puzzle is a big plus for me since figuring out a solution to a tight spot is very satisfying, plus it puts the blame square in your lap when things go south. I agree that the AI does sometimes feel like it's holding back with how aggressive it could be - there's always a few targetting your mechs that could have done much more damage to the run by going after buildings instead. Haven't played on Unfair much though so maybe it's different there.
For the tactical aspect of the game the minimal RNG gives it a chess-like feel which is fine really. The dev gave a talk on the design process of ITB and they really wanted to avoid extra stats layers, and just play with "boardgame" numbers.

Grid% could do with a buff, because it's just so low it may as well be zero, and if you're finger crossing on a Grid% roll to survive a mission, you may as well abort the run.
Its kind of a difficult game to talk about, I feel like its hard to really keep a discussion going without it just being our reviews of the mechanics.
For me, its FTL
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Post you’re best turns

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Bow down to the king.
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never played Imperator, is that a bad mechanic or something
Victoria 2 did not have a bonus to "promotion speed", it was based on chance. Imperator did, and pops are promoting and demoting constantly unless they reach equilibrium, pop promotion speed accelerated the process
I think it means pops will promote and demote to reach a certain strata equilibrium like in Imperator. It's less complex than vitoria 2 but it works better imo, in Victoria 2 it was just astruse and it worked quite fast so you didnt notice.
dude I just asked a question, calm your chins
>Tito's ancestor was the king of translvania
Are croats just the natural rulers of the western balkans?
Can't wait to buy the base game and pirate every dlc, hoping they don't focus on meme "mission tree 184729.e+42748 for the byzantine larp" and instead add more fun army and governorship decisions, i liked the 3d province interface in eu III or rome total war for example, though they could meme this as a main selling point which would be a mistake.
Yeah sorry dude I have a lot of atuff on my mind, I deleted and re-wrote

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Will they ever nerf Body Cultivators? As things currently stand there is literally no point in the other two.
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>There's tons of unironic power fantasy media catering to the lowest denominator around in the modern day still.
Not really.
>ridiculously contrived rape
Rape doesn't bother me.
>MC who still claims to be a paragon of morality that condems other characters for comitting the same acts.
That's based.

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I found THE book for you.
I simply can't stand the remolding mini game for body cultivators. It's too much micromanagement. Easy to fuck up and requires specific essences you don't even know you need until you level up.
I don't want to follow a 1 to 1 guide either. Just have a rough idea of how it works. Which doesn't seem to be enough.
>no point in the other two
Nether guard shendao is unkillable if you don't equip the artifact.
Physical cultivators can't do shit against spells.
Xiandao are most versatile, vital to the actual functioning of the sect and are kings of endgame.
Here's a good thread "documenting" how one guy attempted to do high tribulation run with a xiandao
they're both shit compared to physicals

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>The ambush worked!
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>We're panzergrenadiers, and we hate you
>Rain, Open top tank, great fucking engineering
>For ma and apple pie
>Lead me, follow me or get out of the way
>Yes sir, engaging the enemy tank with my rifle
>Let the cleansing begin
>Siigh, Harvesting...
Tilbar daga!

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>Mean, green and unseen
And of course, the horror:

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Original or remaster?

remaster has muh QoL but I dont want the jump to cataclysm to be too jarring
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>How difficult is it to get the original running on Win10? Does it run stable?
It runs out of the box but you'll need to disable "hit effects" under custom effects in video settings.If you don't, you run a risk of random crashes during battles. For me it made certain missions impossible, it would always crash when I engaged the enemy. With the setting disabled, it never crashed once.
Now getting it to work with those effects is a bit annoying, you can try running it with dgvoodoo.
>I'm pondering that perhaps (with the 2.3 players patch) it'd just be less effort to play the remaster.
yeah its more like a buggy fangame remake of hw1 than the actual experience, people are strangely deluded about it. Until a few months ago you couldn't even dock strikecraft in combat or it would soft lock all docking in the mission.
That's true, but then you can pause and give orders whenever you want which is nice.
In the campaign, battles don't get too hectic until several missions in, which should give you enough time to get used to the controls without needing to pause.
I was thinking about replaying the series and I was wondering if there was much a reason to go with OG HW2 over remastered with the players patch since most discourse about remaster vs OG mainly just concerns the first game? I am already pretty set on HW1 with the Splendor Mod. I feel like theoretically for 2 the remaster should just be a straight upgrade but I haven't played the original HW2 since I was 10 so I can't really remember it well enough to compare the 2 versions.
I gave it another shot and I still absolutely hate them. They are such a chore to use. Getting your ships to do what you want is clunky as fuck and mos of the time it still won't be what you want.

I'll probably give it one more shot and just leave it aftwards since it's so frustrating.
Is there any guide on how the controls work and how to used the various commands, formations, orders efficiently?

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Still prefer US because firebases are fun to spam, but Chinese are fun too.
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GLA as a faction sucks, though.
someone doesn't main juhziz
>finally defeated Normal AI
I hate how it only feels challenging early.
I hate china cause their economy game is shid.
Yeah but they have the best defense buildings.

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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
>over four days
>still zero replies
Grim. I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts.
But this reminds me that I should go back to WB1 campaign. I only finished the two first missions before I had other things on my mind. For hero I went with human ranger. Dunno if that's a good choice.
The only good choice is undead necromancer.

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...What does /vst/ think about this game?

I don't play a lot of rts games. A bit of Starcraft 1, Warcraft III, Age of Empires II, Stronghold Crusader, back in the 00's. Played a bit of Halo Wars when it released.
Played a bit of Crusader Kings II last year, but really that's about all of my experience with the genre, and I'd never call myself competitive or really invested in any of those games.

Went back to Halo Wars and for some reason it really got its hooks in me recently. As a Halo fan I think it's a really authentic feeling Halo game. As an extremely casual rts player and someone who prefers action games, I appreciate its simplicity and ease of use, and how it seems a bit faster paced than other rts games.
And now, when I say it got its hooks in me, I've started not only playing it a lot, but I've also started watching videos about its meta and nuances, and I guess to me it seems like it's a really well designed game too. I'm not playing competitively or anything, but it's a game I've started to get better at.

Does /vst/ like it? How do rts players feel about it?

thread to discuss Halo Wars and also similar games, if there are any
would be interested to know if there's anything out there that plays similarly
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If I have any complaints with this game it's that the meta sort of limits your options in the early game, so games tend to play out very similarly at the start.
I mean that might just be because I'm not very good. I'm sort of hoping this is the case, and there's a better way to play to allow for more strategy?

But I feel like it's almost always necessary to pump 6-10 anti-infantry units (flamers or Jackals) to take out Covie leaders who try to leader rush bases. Maybe I just haven't played enough games against UNSC factions to figure out different strategies.
there's a pretty active modding community for this game on discord, they've got like 5 regularly updated overhaul mods on there
Had a blast with Halo Wars back in the day. I didnt trust anything halo post 343 so I knew HW2 would be shit. I watched the cutscenes online and I knew from the dyke haired AI and all her terrible scenes that it was over.
I played it and it was awful. Horrid UI and controls.
I'm actually still playing my 360 copy. I should break down and get the PC version for the mods.
I think it's got quite a nice UI and controls, considering it was designed for consoles.
What don't you like about it?

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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What turn is it now? Since you've played it for a while.
Very well played. But seeing your map reminds me why I prefer Rome 2 with 1 tpy.
Im wrapping up an Epirus campaign.

Who should I play next:

Around 200

Thanks, I think Baktria is easiest DEI faction to play though.
I love Parthia

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what's the best/easiest TW game to get into?
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medieval 2
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Between these three, I can recommend both Rome 2 and Attila. Rome 2 is much easier than Attila and more fun IMO. I couldn't get into the fantasy aspect of units in Warhammer.
I miss Milan. all the stainless steel based mods use gay ass genoa or pisa. Who the fuck wants to be a merchant republic? The only other Italian option is fucking Norman Sicily.
Napoleon polished Empire's gameplay. The map for Empire is better in a few ways though.
If the maps were legally moddable people would probably play both without problem. It's incredibly easy to win as France in Napoleon. You won't even need to reach Russia, it'll be finished by 1807

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