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>RTS is fun
>RTS campaigns are fun
>RTS multiplayer is fun
So where's the big RTS multiplayer campaign?
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Is this the new "Every day until you like it" type of thread?
Are you having a stroke?
In Undaunted Stalingrad, the boardgame I used as example, you can absolutely fail a few missions in the beginning but feel good about it because you've killed a lot of the opponents' units, meaning they won't be available in later missions, meaning he'll have a crippled fighting force and you will have an advantage over him despite losing certain locations.
In RTS i can see much more done with a system like this, but it'll also need either transparency like the boardgame has, or an "intelligence report" where you're told not all but some of how badly you fucked the opponent over by focusing on the killing while allowing the objective to get lost. Maybe in that pvp RTS campaign you could pick the next battle out of a small list if you lost the previous one, that might be interesting as well.
>That would lead to meta bullshit strats
Yeah but who cares? It's like starting a game of TW Warhammer, you can watch a video of the perfect first 5 turns but not many people are gonna do that their first playthrough. And if they do, who cares? That's their decision, it affects nobody else.
I used to think command and conquer did this when you choose which mission you do on the map screen and also it tells you those stats at the end. I feel like I have played a linear RTS campaign where you can lose a mission and the game keeps going but I can't remember.
I just discovered lots of the later Total War games have coop/multiplayer campaigns. Not sure how it works but it sounds fun if only I had any friends.
>I just discovered lots of the later Total War games have coop/multiplayer campaigns.
oh I discovered this after I typed this
>It's like starting a game of TW Warhammer, you can watch a video of the perfect first 5 turns but not many people are gonna do that their first playthrough. And if they do, who cares? That's their decision, it affects nobody else.
I guess that would affect a multiplayer game. But all multiplayer RTS games have optimal build orders and strategies, not much you can do about that. If it was a battle in the real world a 'commander' could fight over and over, they'd develop an optimal way to do it too.

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does anyone still play this game?
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We love sc2
It's a high iq (e)sport
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lambo's gf is 24...
thats not 24. did he mean 44?
average german girl

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aka the GOAT ck2 total conversion
Any news on the ck3 port?
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>It's doable. Which region would work best? The Pacific Northwest?
I'm not sure. I looked at maps of Bigfoot sightings and there are a lot of them in The Pacific Northwest but also there is lots of them in vast part of the West and Colorado. Interestingly the map of Bigfoot sightings match perfectly with the map of US forests.
I think that lore is interesting but I'm going to stick to my original idea for the sake of creative liberties. It's OK. I don't really write anymore and they weren't that good in the first place.
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Huh, I didn't know there were so many sightings in the East.
>Interestingly the map of Bigfoot sightings match perfectly with the map of US forests.
Interesting indeed.

Fair enough, it's probably for the best in that case.
Ah, that's a shame. At least you're still applying your creativity elsewhere.

Also, I've finished adding in members of the Hillwalker family. I've given them Dallas county going all the way back to the High King.
Hank, Peggy and Bobby are Catholic to match the ruler of Metroplex, while Junichiro is Shinto.
Cotton and all deceased Hillwalkers are Americanist to reflect the religion of Dallas.
Hank is also born with the Gothamite (New Yorker) culture to reflect that he was born in Yankee Stadium. He becomes Texan again at age 10, but this doesn't affect anything in-game, I just thought it was funny to include.
that sucks lmao, is the NFL that prominent in the midwest? I thought it was an east coast/southern US thing
>That's a good point. Maybe in Des Plaines? Though the vikings usually destroy them too, but not as quickly.
yeah that works methinks
>One thing I forgot to bring up earlier, I was thinking maybe he should have a different lifestyle trait, but I'm not sure which one.
I chose architect because he's the self proclaimed builder of the third temple, although scholar or theologian could work too
>As for the location, either Streatorland or Decatur would work well.
I think I'll go with Streatorland
>Also, I've finished adding in members of the Hillwalker family. I've given them Dallas county going all the way back to the High King.
>Hank, Peggy and Bobby are Catholic to match the ruler of Metroplex, while Junichiro is Shinto.
>Cotton and all deceased Hillwalkers are Americanist to reflect the religion of Dallas.
sounds good
>Hank is also born with the Gothamite (New Yorker) culture to reflect that he was born in Yankee Stadium. He becomes Texan again at age 10, but this doesn't affect anything in-game, I just thought it was funny to include.

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>that sucks lmao, is the NFL that prominent in the midwest? I thought it was an east coast/southern US thing
It's literally just a Minnesota Vikings joke and it's as hackneyed as you'd expect. Refris instead of godir. Ragnarok being the end of a football season. Thor attempting to build an all star team.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Neither does OP's pic
>moderate AI
>doesn't know how to migrate in Migration
I mean most 1k elos can't play Migration so it checks out.
Finished Vietnamese campaign.. was a slog, wasn't worth the (no pussy/no bush) girl in the OP

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Currently playing again.
There's just something about it that always makes me come back to it.
Despite being hard as balls, I just find it... comfy. Might be the graphics.
I never managed to beat the missions as a kid. The german campaign was torturous.
I started the soviet campaign, which is ok so far, but I heard it was the hardest one. There was already one mission with an assault on two different villages which was pretty tough.
I also started the allied campaign, which is also fun so far. I just love commando operations where you just snuff a whole company with an officer+rifleman.

I also own the second one, which I might try when I don't feel like playing this one. It's supposed to be a bit easier. The only other game that could really scratch a similar itch was World in Conflict.
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Oh and I also remeber that everything changed when I discoverd you can pause the game and still issue orders.
Yeah, that's certainly a game changer with how sometimes your dudes get wasted from nowhere until you find that one at gun behind some trees.
I remember the seventh or eighth german mission having some hidden pillboxes behind some trees that were constantly spotting you so you got constantly blasted by artillery.

It was the mission you could win in a few minutes by landing a bunch of paratroopers in the north and making your way to a munition depot.
>with ss4 being made by some hungarian devs who also made valiant and swine remaster.
Are those the former Black Hole Entertainment devs? The ones who made Armies of Exigo and Heroes of M&M 6?
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What I find remarkable is that there is STILL a working website and people are STILL making maps and mods for it. For how small the playerbase is, it's even more dedicated.
It's great, wish more games had such longevity. There's a Russo Ukraine war mod, which I assume is your pic.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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The "N" patch of x-piratez has been ongoing for so long I'm getting dumb ideas like trying to speedrun the game.
I wonder how long would that be like 50 hours? Definitely not doable in a single sitting.
Camo paint catgirls rape them in the daytime.
Do you name them?
No. This is the guard.
>fifty hours
Who can even guarantee it? What if you get tech gated by one item refusing to drop?

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Who gave you the right to rule?
It wasn't the people
It wasn't God
It was (You)
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The playable factions include:
Game encourages you to be a chud and play the greeks by giving you a -9 debuff on the wre because westerns were bigots against the brain surgeons and rocket engineers migrating into the empire
The -9 public order from immigration is rough but remember that there exist ways to mitigate it.
Governor's Houses and Theatres can go a long way in fixing your public order. They also provide some wealth.

Look on the bright side: They are providing you with about 15% extra income in all of your provinces.
If only it wasn't based off Rome 2. Can't stand the battles in this.
Something in particular that you don't like about the battles?

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Whole Spellforce series is on sale on Steam until June so I figure out it's a good occasion to ask which titles are worth checking out. I've only played the original Spellforce years ago and it was a bit too sluggish for my taste. Are sequels better?
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I played Spellforce 3 base game and got bored around the 3rd explore the map with your heroes then play a long ass spamfest RTS match which you very slowly win because you have heroes
>If you really want to try one, get Fallen God, which is the best campaign in SF3 and super cheap right now if you get the standalone version.
Funny thing I've actually considered Fallen God the most once I noticed it's a standalone thing. Odd it's not dlc, but it works for me. Maybe devs or publisher though it would be more profitable to sell it that way. I'm interested because of the playable troll race. Rarly you see trolls as their own faction so that's speak to me, even if they will end up too similar to orcs (who also exist in Spellforce universe from what I remember).
it's actually pretty funny because you're playing as subhumans and the story reflects that like none of the trolls can read and other races treats you like animals or slaughter or deceive you without a second thought
Fallen God has an amazing story, and is the most coherent gameplay wise too (though that's not saying much given that sf has some freaky balance issues).

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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
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The Empire
Elven women and girls
Yep, it's gaming time!
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HUMAN knight lords and mages
Yep its GAMING tiem!
>sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
Full on warrior classes can wipe out armies by themselves and assassins can one shot pretty much anything, melee is viable, was it an empire or a knight paladin? Knights make better paladins.
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Pyromancer best class
>decent physical stats for a spellcaster
>high damage spells
>has a mass heal
>has a spell that gives units ranged fire attack with fire-breath helping with leveling buildings with cheap troops
And literaly all downsides can be avoided by microing your hero well, how can other mages even compete.

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>still no Roman-Jewish wars game in which you could erase the 2nd temple
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In praetorians one of the missions involves you siding either with jews or the guys they hate, forgot the name.
i need to replay praetorians
i don't remember what you're talking about but one of the playable nations is egypt
It is strange that there aren't any strategy games focusing on Israel. It's not like there's a shortage of suitable conflicts: historical, biblical or modern. Given their militaristic history, you'd think they'd want to have at least one such game to rouse patriotism.
Israel isn't interested in making its history any more visible to outsiders than what it already is.
It thrives in being the underdog in the hearts of christians and adjacent.
If syrian warfare dev wasnt a zigger we could have Hebrew warfare: six day war

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So based that Blizztard couldn't bring Him back the Marvel-like cameo's expansion, Shadowlands.

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>Lord Garithos.png
>What causes this mental illness in ex-WoW fans?
Wasted infinite pontetial. Now is just a fag-shadow of its former being.
DonĀ“t having the brain and balls to go working at Blizzard and adding the thinks that WOW was suposse to had right now.
>contrarians shitting on WC3 and praising WC2
I don't hate WC3 but it's obvious that people who enjoyed WC2 might dislike WC3, the series went in a different direction.
i played WoW a little but skipped every single line of dialogue and in-game cutscene.
Literally don't give a shit about WoW lore past WC3.

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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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ERE in vanilla, the interest rate lets you snowball with fuckhueg armies
ERE, not that many enemies as WRE from start, no infinite -9 order debuff from immigrants. Great economy.
desu I do it for the sanitation more than anything else
I like my leather+sheep combos, plus fertility loss is really not that big of a deal if you plan correctly
no morale malus against the huns is nice too
-10 morale when you standard troops only have about 34 morale really is insane. I have seen my troops rout at 60% entities.
The best way to defeat the Huns is to sit outside of your settlements and wait in fortify stance.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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What happens if you take the academy of tomfoolery architecture help offer? Do they straight up helpo you build a part of your settlement? Do they grief you?
So movement between continents is not possible anymore and if I spawn on one I didn't want I am fucked?
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>buck won and Arborea is at greggs
THE buck? The one that tried to Pearl Harbor old Ingerland?
Not the case, but movements are limited to 10000 arpents at once
Scratch that I just found buck on the map and he's living in South Russia now ngl though that logres blob is a fucking eyesore

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Original or remaster?

remaster has muh QoL but I dont want the jump to cataclysm to be too jarring
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You mean this? Its only a small visual bug, nothing to cry about
Yeah it's just a minor annoyance, but it does take some getting used to. Especially for moving vertically.
Playing it for the first time and nabbing enemy ships is so fun lol
It feels like cheating to me in the campaign so I never used it
Stealing ships in Homeworld is the best kind of cheating.
It's fully in-game, takes time and effort, and is just plain fun.

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been awhile
is the game any different than it was at launch?
I remember the early game being massive slogs with its fake ass turn base shits
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Is that in the game? Resistance is now less worse than worse than HF. But they're still second best.
Resistance are Biden Democrats. Conservatives are opportunistic grifters like the Initiative.
Lore wise the resistance want the status quo maintained as much as possible despite the aliens. Were the game to reflect this properly they'd probably find it easy to slip into countries but it would be impossible to actually properly act against the more extreme adversaries, and their idealism would crumble as the aliens begin to act more openly. And even were they successful in repeling the aliens there is no putting the djinn back. Just pretending like everything is normal again is naiive.
All things considered the academy gets memed on for being "idealistic" but I think their outlook is the only proper one.
>We are going to ram DEMOCRACY down their throats until they agree to be our equals.
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Yes here's the full text (spoilers). It's from the set our goals tech each faction gets that outlines their ideology and gives them their faction org.

They don't necessarily want to force the status quo as much as leave it up to each country to decide while avoiding extreme actions.

One of the tech texts from Fiona's perspective have her complaining that rifle squads shouldn't be deployed to look out for aliens since they might never be undeployed even after the threat is gone.

Though I agree a resistance victory scenario would leave Earth weaker than a HF or Academy victory, since the aliens aren't defeated and it's likely Earth will just go back to infighting etc. And the galaxy has been proven to be a Dark Forest.

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