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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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btfo at this point tbqh
Locked army.

Either way not much progress this week, but I been experimenting with UI and animations.

The thing about the spit, regardless if it should be there, think it's too small to be depicted.
How's everything going?
Planned Release Date: 2024
I'm trying to make a proto-type, with a smaller map

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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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It's possible he just told her to do that in advance too. He wanted people to think he was in the area after all.
Except he IS in the area, he appears in the endless mode mission after you finally go down. Willy is confident/delusional enough to appear in person when he thinks it'll have an effect, see the lab scene where he executes Mendo's parents. Or when he was hiding at the edge of the fighting to witness the first ever reverse collapse in 2064.
I don't think he was anywhere near the place until the AU left and his enemies in the local garrison were rooted out. There was no risk in him showing up at that point to troll Jefuty.
I got to 30 turns and nothing special happened.
Thanks anon. Saves me from redoing it.

Why Ottomans can't annex all of the Mamluks in 1 year like in real history?
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You think they would have made pu's more generic or a mechanic so ottomans can own MENA territories a bit more accurate to their historical autonomy
They can with the correct DLC.
cuz eu4 is a nigger boardgame. now roll the dice like a good goy
>filename says it's from 1.35
>they literally get an event to annex the Mamluks in 1.36
fail post
They can. You are just incompetent

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Something need doing?
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always liked shadow hunter voice lines
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All I hear on here is how bad any given game/mod is. I want to try something that the majority of the board would say is a "good" strategy game, so toss a recommendation.
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I've gotten Ground Control 2, just haven't tried it yet though. Thanks!
that's good, it's a good game and obviously i'm biased but i don't think it's dated even a little bit (nor is act of war for that matter), not even in terms of graphics. if you like it, you can move on to world in conflict which is a progression of the same formula, but set during the cold war.
You sound like a cumguzzler so I shan't. Good luck on your thread's remake.
You can't go wrong with the original Starcraft, it's free. Also Battle for Wesnoth got a ton of polish over the years
Meant for OP

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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From that point of view why? Every tree that replaces the generic is worse.
You can win in this game?
Yeah. After 1948, there is a scoreboard, of which mostly air score dominates, and whoever have the most total score wins. If a war with major nations still ongoing, that screens only pops up after the peace conference.
I once fought a war until the 50s. The war participation score overflowed so much that the peace conference bugged down
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>cluster fuck of shit fuckery

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
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I can see that now that you mention it
I suppose it's way easier to use an existing model as base rather than making one from scratch
I don't like how they lean in the movie designs
I really hate how they went with World of Warcraft designs. Too many bits on everything that don't make any sense. Basic grunts and footmen are way too ornate.
Refunded was such a colossal fuck up, it's amazing people are still trying to salvage it
>Refunded was such a colossal fuck up
Says actually nobody that shitty goysoy Youtubers/Livestreamers bitches.

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looking for RTS recommendations with good single player campaigns or matches vs AI.
pic related is pretty much the first RTS I've fully dived into, beat the campaigns twice, spent some hours on skirmish mode but now I'm burned out on it. looking for something similar (other than the sequels), I liked how this game is more tactical and relies on you keeping your units alive rather than just have a massive army.
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Vlad and his chicken farms are from Legends
Or are you talking about a mod?
Ah fuck, I am thinking of Legends
He should play that too
Seconding this. Blitzkrieg is a ton of fun, really love it and all of the clones and spin offs. Very much a dated game, but I feel like nothing else has that right mix of jank and simplicity. Stupid difficult at times, but also can be a cakewalk after you memorize all the arty locations and counterbattery. It's worth a play on its own merits and uniqueness.

But it doesn't have much of an AI, which is kind of a plus for a singleplayer, lets you pace yourself, but you can't really skirmish and don't expect complex maneuvers.
Also in need of a space age rig lest you keep running at cooking temperatures
The fuck you're talking about lmao
Clean your shit

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What is a good and flavourful set up to use for dark elves?
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adamantium centaurs with flame blade + eldritch weapon killing everything in my game, they are durable enough to function as a core unit as well
Wish the Deity Empires dev didn't abandon his shit, that was the closest I've experienced to MoM in recent times.
there is a Civ4 mod "Fall from heaven" that is quite similar, but since it has the awful Civ combat mechanics, I never touched it.
It's pretty good. I used to play it all the time, back in the day. There are a few mod mods out nowadays, I should pick it back up.
>since it has the awful Civ combat mechanics, I never touched it
The combat in FFH2 is better than in BTS thanks to some adjusted values like a warrior's base strength being higher and promotions being essentially twice as effective. You can also use spells to create swarms of expendable summons or cause area damage before combat begins, which lets you conserve your living units.

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I won't play it until the whole Sea of Japan region has been added
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>Sea of Japan
>not East Sea
I wonder why Paradox hasn't introduced a Asia map expansion dlc yet.
Seems like easy chink money to me.
Last time grognards had a meltdown over their CPUs being too shit for India
my thoughts is that ck3 is shit and will likely always be shit

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What's the verdict
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i liked the multiplayer in the beta but i will hold off on buying this game. im trying to save money. it is really fun though and i hope they made it better since.
Utter and total shit, I can't believe how much better GoH is compared to this. I would be embarrassed to have been part of the team that developed this piece of shit game, holy fuck it sucks shit.
Shouldn't you be making and overpriced DLC about shit nobody cares about, Robz
multiplayer is for soulless retards
It's crazy how much better this runs compared to GoH

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>coast through the game
>this mission shows up
>try using different rifles
>try using shields
>always lose at least 3 men
>just preemptively throw flash at known key locations
>easy win

sometimes i think this game just rewards knowing where the enemies are going to be but the same info could've been easily provided using drones or some shit
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what is this
doorkickers. there's also doorkickers2 but the first one is cheap and solid too.
Yes Anon, police SWAT teams did not use tactical drones.
they used a drone to kill the blm shooter in 2016 and it was considered a novelty then, but that might have been because the drone actually did the killing. i think op is proposing a recon drone but idk how common that would be either. might even be less common
It wasn't even legal for them to use drones for most shit until 1-2 years ago. Citing practical reasons ignores the entire bureaucratic procedure of their adoption. So outside wars, and especially Ukraine, you will see more hobbyists using drones for things while the police for a very long time would use borrowed predator drones in a state-by-state basis.

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Still waiting for a game set here...
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a sea trade oriented game would be goat.
there are many interesting regions, cultures and events outside of europe and that's one of them, not my fault that you're an uncultured swine
vietnam repelling mongols TWICE was pure kino
Its not Australia
>Forment Indonesian nationalism and partner up with Japan before they declare on you. If Japan capitulates you, you get a choice of being Japan's puppet nationalist government or continue fighting for the Dutch. Choosing one or the other will start a civil war.
with the Vichy + fascist Ethiopia mechanic?
I mean, it can be good if done correctly
Now I want an aboriginal tribe game

any games with combat system like power&revolution/geopolitical simulator 4?

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Thoughts on a DPRK simulator RPG?
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It would be so fucking boring

>No real threats
>Everyone loves you and fears you
>No revolts or civil war
>start with nukes
>Start with a cute sister that AI controls half of the country with you

Basically the most comfiest strategy game

I meant more like a 1945+ type of game INCLUDING warfare and logistics.
Pointless cause everything was determined by the great powers involved.
nation only exists due to the us and china not wanting to share a border

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