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Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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That's a pretty ship!
Translated into X4? Not much. You'd get an even faster and better looking Katana in >>1765238
and that's about it, but they jacked up Katana's speed so much already the difference will be negligible. The Aldrin M3 was also good but M3s aren't all that relevant in X4.
This ship was godly but I prefered the Hyperion.
>fly the Springy
>extremely fast, turning is mediocre but whatever
>huge cargo bay for heavy weapons, can solo M7s without a hitch
>dock at a station
>immediately die when undocking because the back fins are so huge they clip into the station
That's when I found out about safe undocking mods

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Honestly it's looking pretty good with lots of anti-gookclicking features.
Looks like us RTS fans are finally getting a real sophisticated RTS.
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But NLIPS is dynamic. Does this mean you can affect fights just by watching them at different distances? Hilarious if true.
Yes. It's not exactly a game-changer though.
I guess it would look silly if a round hit an NLIPS inflated ship and it missed the real sized hitbox and passed through.
You got it. Inversely, with NLIPS off, fighters are tiny and it's possible for round to pass through ships if the frame-time is off. With NLIPS on these ships are larger which provides a greater margin of error.
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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Do you have BepInEx installed on Ruina (most likely for Skin Format Normalizer)? If yes, your version is most likely outdated and thus is bricking mods that require a newer version of Harmony, so go and redownload it (should be at least BepInEx 5.4.19 / Harmony 2.9 - just don't skip to BepInEx 6, it's not backwards compatible).
Otherwise - do you have Unity Explorer/Basemod (Experimental/Nightly)/Harmony Load Order Fix? If none of the above, grab the last one from workshop (and don't forget to restart the game at least once afterwards).
Got too popular.
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one day there will be "grandma paintings 2"
Those are really good
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Damn...based grandma.

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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How's everything going?
Planned Release Date: 2024
I'm trying to make a proto-type, with a smaller map
You'll probably have a lot of trouble fine-tuning attrition (Pdx basically said "fuck it!" and introduced a hard cap)
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I'm experimenting with something with a temp map (because it is easier), which is surprisingly based on my maps here >>1584883

Regardless, I don't expect to make much progress within next week, as a pile of essays waits their turn.

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I just wish all of the crusty histfags would time travel back to 2008 where they could be happy with their dumb little historical TV series and primitive TW titles.
>CA makes a Star Wars game
>The rat forces it to be sequel shit
How badly would it flop?
People would buy it for the mods.
Yeah, on sale, after it flopped and had its DLC cancelled. However, I don't think what >>1765147 says would happen because almost all of Yidsney's recent content had fuck all to do with the sequels. I'd be more scared of some """"High Republic""" crap they've been pushing for a while.
you can mod modern total war games?

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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
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Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines? Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
>Recommendations on how not to be a brainlet with train lines?
In general, you just need to ensure that you have enough sidings or big enough yards for trains to wait in to keep the main line track clear, keep passenger and freight separate, and try to minimize the number of complex intersections you have. Long trains are better for traffic but they need a lot of room to work well.
>Diesel locomotives seemed busted some years ago, has that been fixed?
Refueling is pretty easy if you include an end station in their line, as diesel trains will now always top off in them. If you know the detour logic of trains, then allowing them to refuel on their own is doable.
I love this game.
> Dear Comrades,

The day of triumph is upon us. We are proud to announce that Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic will ascend to its grand version 1.0 on June 20, 2024! Prepare your factories, rally your workers, and stand ready to build the most glorious republic the world has ever seen.

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What's the best Railroad Tycoon or other train strategy game?
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what's with the huge influx of retarded cocksuckers making pointless shitposting threads? Fuck off to /v/ where you belong
There was an update in the spam bot. All hobby boards are like this for past 3 weeks
Rails Across America is a great one that is sadly obscure.
Errr... Factorio?

I mean, the offer and demand is real, the bases grow (by your hand), the train configurations are complex...
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i have always preferred Railroad Tycoon 3

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
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They are making a Warcraft 1 remake too
I applaud their dedication, but honestly WoW retconned WC1 lore is like kinda retarded and lame though (and it was already kinda sparse to begin with)... and seeing it in cinematic will feel more retarded. We're gonna see the half-orc chick kill the king awkwardly...
>Warcraft 1
Shouldn't the orcs have more demonic features like red eyes?
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They do...ish. But, yeah they should have Grom level glowies.
>Sees the Orcish runeblade
>Remembers that nuBlizz say those runes aren't Orcish
>Just as Scourge buildings aren't of Ajol-Nerub
>Fuck nuBlizz

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Will this be good.
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HW2 began with a massive timeskip too.
Karan is basically an immortal god queen, only way she dies is in battle which could realistically prompt an extremely overzealous Hiigaran response against the offending party which could then escalate into the total Hiigaran death scenario
>mothership is on peacekeeping mission supporting Taiidani republicans in shutting down imperial restoration coup #35204
>Karan the 1000 year old hag gets overconfident or plays heroics or something
>point is she buys the farm
>rest of her fleet go mad and nook the AfD homeworld
>Taiidani get mad cause the imperials weren't even majority of that planet's pop and had 0 chance of winning the war anyway
>Turanics and Vaygr use lack of OP mothership to raid
>Taiidani refuse to provide support cuz mad
>raider PoWs start not surviving interrogation en masse
>Taiidani get madder still, maybe those imperials were on to something
etc etc until Hiigara is burning.
Bonus points for Bentusi comedy gold as they desperately try to mediate and deescalate only for literally nobody to listen at all ever. The 50 Hiigaran refugees that make it to Kharak 2 are smuggled there by the Bentusi in secret, the end.
>kicked out of 109 planets
So can anyone answer whether the game is any good? I don't give a fuck about "wokeness" or the story. I want to know whether the game is similar to how Homeworld 1 and 2 played.
Disregarding "wokeness" and story, the gameplay is bad.

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GSG engine design question - field too long, so I'll post it as a reply.
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To clarify, I'm not asking about the visual representation; I bring that up only to make note that the engine does support relaying information regarding more than two data items compared to the Paradox hatching that we're familiar with (where you only have two data items, such as majority culture and largest minority). My question is specifically to do with tile ownership / control.

In a Paradox game it's an owner (or no owner) and a controller (which can be the owner or another state). My question is, if I'm treating it in a manner where control is represented by a control type (optional int id, int strength - 0 strength being no control, 100 being full control) and there could potentially be more than two factions with a degree of control over a tile, say in the case of a three way war, how many would it make sense to allow to contest control over a given tile at any point in time, before others are forced to "sit out" and wait until others are booted out of the tile?
The territories in your picture appear to represent very small areas and so I don't think you will need more than one controller per area. Now if you are using your map to represent something like politcal party popularity, that is a different matter.
How you should resolve it is through borders. This border is attacked by this entity, this other border by a different entity. But the defending tile only has one occupier.
As far as I can tell you are actually measuring a number of individual factors.
Governance, compliance, hostility, and conflict.
Are you directly administrating the area - as opposed to remote areas that are effectively unsupervised/autonomous?
Is the area openly cooperating with you demands and requires or do they refuse taxation ect?
Is the area openly hostile to occupying forces or quietly aiding subversive elements to act against them?
Is the area being directly contested by another power via force

You might argue for a gradient but you can have some small town trying to pay off and comply with two conflicting forces that drive through their territory paying them no mind. You can also have that same scenario with the natives undertaking their own guerilla action to displace one or both unwelcome regimes.

In this sense a territory that is directly administrated (1), compliant (1), placid (1), and uncontested (1) would be a 4/4 channels. Or of course you could weigh each criteria differently and even give multi-tiered responses to said criteria, like treating hostility as openly hostile, subversive, pacified

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You could do an essentialy combination of de facto and de jure control in ck2, Where you have de jure claiming owner(s) of the province, and whose administration is factually controlling it.
During wars you could overlay the occupying forces over it.
Likewise it would be a good representation of French vassals, where each family has it's own subcolor including the one currently on the throne, or the HRE with its Houses.
This way you could have internal conflict and competing claims of influence represented, while the whole are is still painted as "under control" of the country as a whole.

Songs of Conquest 1.0 is out. How do we like it?
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Partially because the writers needed some reason for the four factions to kill each other. Rana vs Barya & Loth vs Everyone is natural, but everything else requires some event of escalation.
The poor writing part is that it's mostly focused to Cecilia being a retard. I'm guessing the writer wanted her to be like young and rash, but it went over that and she just looks like a retard. To be fair, some of it could be lost in translation from French to English, but still...
It's kind of funny how evil Loth is considered by other factions. I played theirs, Arleon's and Barya's campaigns and they really don't seem that bad? We don't get any accounts of them specifically doing any atrocities.

In random events in skirmish, they really seem alright. They include sending oathbound to help the peasants with the harvests or to slay some troublemakers, toxicologists helping out with the health problems, cultists dealing with some mystical threats to your people. It all seems pretty alright. It is especially glaring when compared to how Arleon is described, with them crushing popular rebellions and executing peasants every other day.
Is it just about the necromancy?
>Is it just about the necromancy?
Pretty much, and probably the older races like the fey don't want the empress (their former master) back. Although granted it's implied that probably Necormancy does have some negative effect on the land (that's why you see Loth towns all the vegetation dead).
>and they really don't seem that bad?
They are all literally brainwashed by undead lich/empress
If you dont mind not having any free will then i guess Loth isnt so bad
either the rising or the presence of undead sucks life out of surrounding land leaving it desolate
also theyre kinda automatically genocidal against anyone not under Oath

Does this anime RTS, Touhou Empires, look like it'll be any good?

Found this demo of a skirmish game vs AI:
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My thoughts:
Minimap clicking and shift-queueing is good.
AoE3-style eco chafes. Lacks strategic element of expansion and meaningful resource denial.
Inconsistency in resource iconography.
I can't tell if the hotkeys are set up for AoE2-style building selection since the guy in the video clicks everything. Likewise, don't know if they have attack move or unit stances.
Not a fan of hero units in RTS.
Can't see unit stats or techs.
Eco investments just expand lifespan of resources. Not sure how worthwhile they are.
No siege seen. Not much unit variation.

Has potential, but has a long ways to go and may need to either drop or overhaul systems.
I played the demo when it was available so I have a bit of insight.
>don't know if they have attack move
Attack move was already in the game.
>Can't see unit stats or techs.
It was handled in AoE3 way - attacks with multipliers rather than bonus damage, percentage-based armor, unit upgrades increase only health and attack by a set percentage.
>No siege seen. Not much unit variation.
Grimoires are the siege units. There were a bunch of extra units in the campaign, too.
You can pirate the devs' other RTS, Age of Ethanols, which is actually pretty decent.
>Fairy Difficulty
>The Fairy units swap control based on whoever looked at them last (they do not swap if you are both looking at them at the exact same time)
>If you haven't looked at them long enough, they'll go neutral or wander off
>No one has any idea who has the strongest eco
>No one knows who has the strongest army
>Sometimes the fairies all create an AI faction and attack you if you are watching them for too long
Does a more annoying game exist than this hypothetical?
>No one has any idea who has the strongest eco
Not Reimu, that's for damn sure.

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In honor of Burma Anon.
Keep the leaks coming, lads.
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>tno is LE DEAD
whatever as long as i can larp as wallace i'm fine without the 50 red italy paths
Fun fact anon the US rework is completely gutting Wallace. He'll be saddled with a liberal VP and all his extreme actions are gone. At most he can be a speed bump on the inevitable road towards progressive liberalism.

You're welcome.
saddening but won't happen until 2044
we need burma anon back
i'm tired of
being the entire thread

True the thread is basically one long Spiderman pointing meme. It's almost like everyone hates the devs. Maybe if they gave us some Burma content this wouldn't be the case and Burma anon would return to posting here.

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I know know hoe logistic works
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Damnit that changes some things I was testing in Farmville and I'm just about to have all the initial hi-tech factories setup
I have enjoyed the hilariously aggressive minors (especially Guardians)
>annex guardians
>mass scrap guardian militia
>+124000 population
How’d you get the minor factions to grow their armies that big?
I've been very passive with them and without AI regimes annexing them they're mostly allowed to grow. A few hunter tribes did have to be put down. Also minor cultures usually have some kind of fertility bonus which they lose as they adapt to your culture, so by not annexing them (instead going for client states for testing) Farmville thrives.
Ah that makes sense. I didn’t even know they could grow
overthrowing MTH leaders and supporting the new one lets you grind Government

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What's your favorite scripted/special war in Anbennar?
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How about "no"? Sarhal exists for political reasons only, with the discredited "out of Africa" theory bolted on top. Everyone knows this, but people on Discord are either too afraid to speak it out loud or wanking each other for being "good allies" for negroes who would be disgusted with their cracker-nerd bullshit.
Sars Taychend massions tree whan?
Wow. I still abhor the idea of brown elves, but someone did a good job with this MT. If only the region was interacting with the rest of the world instead of being a mod inside the mod like many other continents.
Stuck in systems review, which isn't going to show up until after the update gets released.

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