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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

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Sports are for closet gays
besides my help in wars, I should be fine by the love of God. but this is the story of the impossible, wars being waged multidimensionally only because men are sinners. if they were nothing of this would need to happen. I have a trinity of saints now, saint benedict, saint rita and saint lucy. against the evils of men, the impossible tasks and to be able to see the divinity of God over his creation, men and earth. those are the prayers you can do for me, because of the lost cause of this multidimensional thing and all it entails
Retarded women kill your men
Suicidal pussies
Real men kill women
Fuck society


you backwards lying deceiving bastards
Protect the world. Work together. Love as much as you can. If you feel your love is lost, go look in the void. You will find it there always.
fuck off

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Real, fake, inbetween I don't care but this board needs more stories.
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hi youtube
there arent any polar bears in antarctica
Interesting movie
You know they'd fuckin love it down there though.
>Does anyone remember The Holders?
Man so much nostalgia, I remember reading it in my old ass java phone, never did finished it tho

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How many of you have actually witnessed a UFO, one that is specifically impossible to be man-made and any advanced craft of our own?

I've seen about 3 for sure, with plenty that I believe are of our own advanced tech. The last and most insane one was back in December of last year.

I was outside having a cigarette, staring at the night sky as I usually do (3:30AMish) when all of a sudden a bright flash appeared in the sky and instantaneously there was an entire fucking fleet of orbs travelling in a triangular formation.

They were super bright (kinda bluish/white) and zigzagging amongst each other, while in formation, as they traversed the sky heading east. The group itself almost seemed like a spotlight moving in the sky, same kinda speed and behavior... moving up and down a bit as it panned across. All and all, it was a good fucking 5-6 seconds of me watching it lucid and clear, then poof.. it just disappeared.

Within maybe 20-30 minutes, all kinds of fucking jets, helicopters, and planes started flying to the area... which is very atypical for this are and especially time of day. I know most people will never consider what I say (and saw) as being legit, so I'd love to hear any stories from you anons. Picrel is closest representation I can find.

This video is very much like what I saw, but the formation wasn't stationary and they were zigzagging amongst each other a lot fast... I am guessing there were maybe 7-10 of them grouped together.

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i saw a shiny orb 2 weeks ago. It was just chilling up there, slowly swaying from side to side. at one point i couldnt see it anymore because it was also gradually ascending. I was looking at it for around 10 minutes. It also appeared to have some kind of force field around itself although maybe that was some visual artifact from focusing so hard on a small object. It was sunrise out with my dog dont bring my phone then.
This is something I saw on February 14 at 7:30pm in southwest Michigan this year
To my eyes it was even more blinding than the picture shows, I will always regret how I didn’t find somewhere to pull over and take a video or something but I was stressed and exhausted. The light wasn’t moving for the time that I saw it. The photos shitty and it’s not much to really go off so I apologize but that’s just my personal sighting. I feel that ufos are there to be seen but how often do people actually look at the sky?
I will post a screenshot I took of other people near my area seeing the same thing during the same window of time.
I remember a few days or so before the sighting there was a thread about astronomers seeing explosions in space, could be related. Some may say it’s a helicopter but it absolutely wasn’t, no noise and it was not a spotlight
I remember seeing a handful of stories on ufo forums when it happened but I can’t find them again and I can’t find the explosions article either
When I was around 6 or 7 I woke up one night with a very vivid dream of being taken from my room by 3 greys. It played out like some black and white slideshow in my memories but I remember everything up until I left my house. the only thing I remember after that was running screaming into my parents rooms saying they took me they took me and my parents just telling me it was a nightmare. To add context my sister often had night terrors and would awake screaming in the night because of figures she would see in the home. After this incident I started sleepwalking a lot and my mom would find me in random places of the house standing and muttering to myself. Most of it stopped but it would still happen sometimes even after we moved out.

When I was 13, out in the woods of northern michigan I saw a bright craft shoot across the sky at an incredible speed along with 9 other people. Camp counselor played it off as a satellite but it was far too low to the ground.

Recently over the past 9-12 months I have been seeing bright, oscillating multicolored craft in the sky over lake michigan at night. They are out there nearly every night and are never in the same spot every few hours when I look. I have also been experiencing an overwhelming number of synchronicities lately that either leave me to believe im losing my mind or some weird shit has been happening to me.
I've seen a few UFOs in my life, the most recent one was the craziest. Saw a very noticeable and large white orb fly across the night sky and curve upwards towards space before ultimately disappearing. Saw it twice in one week too. In the same spot in the sky, around the same time at night, moving in the same direction before disappearing. It was moving faster than a fighter jet. It also made no noise.

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If you wanna ask real magickan, ask.
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Find within yourself, the capability to differentiate between love and lust.
The rest will happen naturally.
If OP helps you out, that's just the cherry on top.
Good day to you :D
The divine feminine and the divine masculine delivered the divine child. This child will grow up to change the world, the child's birth was the cause of the solar storm. Humanity has waited thousands of years for this to happen.
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Well I'LL BE
What is the shape of the earth?
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Toroidal tube with a dome over it. Planets are wandering stars and their terrain ('craters', if you will) is just a reflection of unexplored Earth (Moon has all known continents and Terra Vista).

The 'infinite cosmos' is just an infinitely large Earth.
The 'black hole' is a portal in the center of Earth that transfers you to Summer Lands, inverted reality containing the Black Sun.

Rip Boner
I knew a girl from the boner family once
she called herself a garage before I watched We're the Millers.

The tale of Benjamin Boner.
Boner petit
bonafide bonertown
buffalo boner
bonerton heights of the arious hills
bonerneirs shop
born again boner
the boner identity
the boomtown boners
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Cathy 'Boner' Scarborogh died? She had the fattest ass!
sharon tate
Tres' bon.
momma, I married a boner
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Fuck it we bone

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When will science be able to explain the workings of metaphysical phenomena in detail? Such as remote viewing, life force, souls, angels/demons, etc.
I know of experiments which prove the existence of certain supernatural concepts, but there seems to be a lack of understanding regarding the actual mechanics of these principles scientifically. Or is it already possible, yet kept a secret?

I personally believe advanced ancient civilizations could have discovered esotericism from their sophistaced understanding of science, such as the authors of the bible knowing the structure of carbon-12 (666). By ancient I don't mean ancient Egypt or such civilizations, these civilizations had mere scraps of the knowledge originating from what I believe some older, more advanced civilization (such as Atlantis, or god knows what)
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Why do you interpret the bible literally? Do you truly think that is how it is supposed to be understood?
>Why do you interpret the bible literally?
I don't. Some parts are literal, some are metaphorical, and some parts are poetry and song.
never. Super abilities and soul contracts are fictional. Angels and Demons will never show themselves to you unless you were crazy. I have no tools to know about supernatural revelations. Nothing has been recorded on camera that is mass believed, and if you saw something real you would still think about it. Science needs to be learnable for da future guys just think about all the hacks! It must be fun to be a technomancer magic wielding solo player and still rely on the one true God Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
language is symbols we use to explain real things we can experience. most religious language doesn't work unless you've had a religious experience.

likewise, if you've had a "weird" experience, maybe a time slip, or deja vu, or perhaps a pre-cognition or premonition, or maybe you once had just incredible luck in a row, or you've had a strong sensation about something, but it was a one off and it never happened again like an out of body experience or a strange encounter. all of these things can't properly be described by science until they are common and ordinary, because that's what science is about, repeatedly doing something and getting the same expected result.

look at lighting for example, science kinda knows how it works but not really. because a machine that can generate lighting has not been created yet, we still speculate as to the exact atmospheric conditions that cause large voltages to discharge from the sky and arc towards the ground. now lightning is common enough that we don't say it's not real, because we can observe it, but since science can't perfectly reproduce it there is still some fun mystery there.

>remote viewing, life force, souls, angels/demons, etc

i think all of this stuff is made up and the people who believe in it are lying and trying to make money from promoting these ideas. why do i think that? because science can't understand lightning yet, a random but predictable and frequent even phenomenon we can all observe. so science wouldn't even begin to understand these other things that far fewer people have experienced, we don't have a language for explaining those things and we never will, because it's linked to deception, imagination, and the innate desire humans have to find things out. people who promote those things are just tricking you with things they can never be proven wrong on. before we knew about electricity they would've tricked you with lightning.
Unoficially its already explained, as for official science no, it considers paranormal as more or less modern version of heresy.

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was there a shift in 2012? yes

what caused it? simply put neptune left aquarius and entered pisces, soon(next year) neptune will enter aries and things will change once again.
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look, idk shit about shifting or whatever, but ever since around 2013-2016, south america became east america, austrailia tucked up closer to where indonesia is, and our position in the milky way changed from the sagittarius arm to the orion arm, our eye sockets suddenly had bones, sun literally changed from warm yellow tones to a white fucking led lightbulb.
I truly believe a shift happened after 2012. Back then people on the internet are a lot more happy and positive. After that everyone was just hating on each other, forcing one's opinion to another, and always negative. I dont know what caused that but I experienced that shift myself.
very unfortunate waste of digits
I did the biggest shit of my life in 2012, it's funny but not funny, because i thought I'd end up in hospital - it was like being torn apart. I'd anhero if i thought i was going to have to pass a behemoth shit like that again, i can't face the prospect.

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Hey /x/, My brother is planning on Acking himself and he wants to transfer his soul to a doll or something just to fuck with my family after he’s gone. How does that work? Does he hold the doll while he commits sudoku?
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Is he your older brother? Maybe you were the doll.

You have to a toy store and say "abe due damballa, give me formioli, i beg of you" while you get gunned down by a cop
Please tell your brother I believe there's other paths he can take besides suicide. I believe he can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help he can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for him, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
I had aneurism when readin gyour post, i wish your life to be devoid of all joy and enjoyment, preachy fuck.

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This guy talks about how seeking the mind of Christ is waiting in your consciousness to be discovered and to unlock the right side of the brain, but how does one achieve this level of thought?
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you guys should buy an ad!
Someone other than me sharing Bill Donahue on/x/ for once. Hopefully more people learn about him.
thanks!, guess op is always a fag

and you should suck my dick nigger
>Christ is waiting in your consciousness
If you don't want to believe in Christianity that's fine but don't dilute it with your retarded new age shit
the dogmatic zogbot appears, let me guess, you are also a good goy that thinks Israel and the chosen people should do whatever they want?

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We can experience subjective phenomena. It seems to me like life is mostly suffering and boredom, with the rare blips of pleasure that actually make you addicted to it and go in search of it
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Did you expect to become a disembodied head playing Minecraft creative mode without having to input any thought into it like some cell or a cog in a machine? Honestly no matter how advanced our biological systems become throughout our evolution we will never have more 'being' in this universe then your average rock in space. Blame mother nature for being flawed enough to give us language so we can extend our entropy enough to realize this fact
My whole life is pleasure. I worked really hard for many years and then retired and I'm living where I want, doing what I want, and enjoying every day like a child. The world isn't a terrible place, but you have to earn your pleasure.
You don't have to earn it, your behaviour is simple minded and your nights are filled with retardation. My mom does all that
Life is mostly fun for me, digging and trying to find God's secrets. Like a kid in an Easter Egg hunt. And he enjoyed setting it up. None of it would seem interesting to the outsider most of the time, but I'm OK with that.
One way to frame evolution/reproduction-based biological adaptations is as a series of reality-probing addictions
pain is the limiter

Years ago I voluntarily went to mental health hospital after being overtly spied on with some slight gangstalking. The fbi or whomever is doing this shit knows how to induce psychosis into their targets. Then the doctors for whatever reasons think incorrectly that you have paranoid schizophrenia or something.

My hospital was in on it since they changed the room numbers just with paper and tape to 14xx room numbers. For example there was a 1488 room and a 1433 room they wanted me to stay in bc I liked listening to Chris cantwell podcast.

They also made me stay the first night with a black male that just so happened to show up right before bedtime. He said his father and brother died in the last week so I found it hard to believe anything he was saying.

They also had what appeared to be other crisis type actors there excluding the obvious black male actor. I recognized one Hispanic chick from the news after a tragedy that I won’t mention specifically.

A Native American lady in her 20s was telling me how freeing it is to sell your soul and how it’s not what you think and that you won’t care about your body anymore. I think there were many Satanists at the hospital both as patients and staff.

I soon realized that I made a mistake by going there but they don’t let you voluntarily leave even though I came in that way.

Some things happened and they made me stay for almost two weeks. Now years later it turns out I was obviously telling the truth about being spied on and messed with and my current doctors know I don’t have paranoid schizophrenia.
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Gummint exists. Gangstalkers, though? Only for very high profile targets like particularly productive spies, say.
The best spies are likely the ones that don’t know they are spies.
I fell for that alt right extremist psyop that was pushed by the feds. I am racially aware, but I no longer have stupid hate for other races. I do believe they were trying to create "neo nazi" monster out of me. I am currently being gangstalked and being hit with DEW's.
You sound like a fed. But if you’re not I’d recommend you start sharing truths again to people. Whether online or in real life or both. jews like demons don’t play fair.
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Was Trevor Moore a spy?

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>*lies for 40 years*
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Yeah thats what happens when you make outrageous claims that cant be substantiated
>military brings a bunch of physicists to A51
>No matter what you do DONT LOOK AT THE FUCKING UFOS
>Physicists look at UFO
>mission accomplished boys, they will spend their lives propagandizing that we have alien tech their wholes lives
>and they will do it FOR FREE
Whats the best debunking porn on this guy on youtube
Secret societies are all chuds themselves? *shudder*
>>No matter what you do DONT LOOK AT THE FUCKING UFOS
heh yeah so true

The seed of doubt is the smallest of all seeds.

But with enough sunlight, enough water and saltniness, it will grow into the biggest of all trees, bearing endless amounts of fruit.

Narrow and straight is the gate + pathj of liberation. Wide is the gate + path of destruction.

This game is exciting, scary, painfaul (I'll leave it at that hehe) and (sometimes) a lot of fun.
>narrow pussy is the path of liberation
>wide roastie pussy is the path of destruction

nigga even the ancient chinese knew this, whats your point?

You tell me, my nigga

Looks just like the mexican alien to me

Glowies need not reply
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What do we do now
Eat it. Duh.
be good
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When the folk get stuck here from their realm which is all around ours and just slightly out of sight.

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Everything is true, nothing is real.
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Everything is real
Nothing is real
Rome wasn't built in a day, but this 9mm certainly was.. WHICH DOOR I CHOOSE I HATE THIS RIDDLE
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Man I really fucking hope so.
The screenshot in the OP is either from an MTV show about Beavis and Butthead or from an interview for Ren and Stimpy's Aduld Swim special. The former is probably correct. I don't remember exactly. It was either in the late 90s of the last millennium or early 00s of this millennium. In any case, it's obvious that the fruit is in a cornucopia.
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