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wtf are antientropic caves
Ever have a dream that felt so real you felt it couldn't possibly be a dream? And in that dream, as there a lighthouse beside a cave entrance? Did it seem like the cave was singing?

It's like that.
why would it be singing
They just do that. No one's really sure why.
what fun things can you do in antientropic caves

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>Normies assume something that costs 5x as much must be 5x as good
>Normies have faux-psychic abilities through their gossip network
>Normies have to wageslave or they'd go nuts from boredom without being provided something to do
>Normies see their property as themselves and their value as the sum of their property
>Normies love noise and have to be talking constantly
>Normies will imitate whoever's in charge. They're worse now than they used to be.
I'm forgetting some.
What things have you anons noticed about normies?
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normie opinion. I support putin because he's hot. Take it to /pol/.
I've got a couple
>Lack of knowledge of common things in nature they've lived around for all their lives
The most obvious one is not knowing the difference between a bee and a wasp and using both interchangeably but there's a million examples of this one
>Lack of understanding the danger of everyday situations
They'll act like nothing is happen when someone is yelling / screaming, at most getting a little annoyed that they've got a grown male throwing a temper tantrum near them. A more subtle form of this is when they drive or walk across roads or use their phones in parking lots.
>Lack of any kind of deep understanding of some particular topic
This can be anything really, learn a language, get good at a video game, whatever, but there are so many people that just never get good at ANYTHING, particularly common in women.
Just went on youtube and found one of the most obvious ones
>They LOVE science videos that they don't actually care about or understand
They feel like they're learning or whatever when they watch someone smarter than them do a math problem, they watch one of the science guys with a cup that pours a certain way or a guy who bounces a ball WITH SCIENCE or whatever.
Pretty much all of that low-quality content that just wastes your time and pretends to be scientific. Actually, most of youtube even. You just find a person with a nice voice and have them talk like a youtuber talks and it literally won't matter what they say, normies just like the sound of chatter.
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corvette owner here, they're perfectly fine to daily drive. copenseethen
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All of you are normalfags who should get the fuck off my board, you fucking niggerfaggots.


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ITT: Post well accepted 'facts' that are logically just bullshit. I'll start off with life expectancy
>Be in 1st world country
>Exposed to more chemicals, including microplastics, than older but still recent generations
>Have exponential rates of mental illness
>Be fatter than ever
>Be more sedentary than ever
>Have drastically higher rates of all cancers and certain conditions like dementia
>Be exposed to covid (bioweapon) and the vax (clot shot)
>"Uhh goy da life expectancy just keeps goin' up!"
How does anyone believe this shit?
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I'm high iq
Massive hunk of steel and metal, more dense than water, put it on water, floats.
Do you not believe friction and drag exist?

The hull of a boat literally isn't more dense than the water it displaces
Forced inclusion and diversity in the work place and C-Level is best for companies. We must have women and thebdisabkd, and minorities, and disabled women minorities staffed in leadership positions.

Affirmitive action. Lets take a bunch of students, make them punch up, way out of their league, take up limited class space, and fund it all with money from the performing students, and repeatedly watch the affirmitive action students predictably fail.

"Everything will be alright."

"This is a once in a lifetime economic crash."

What you think is beautiful isnactually engineered and sold to you. You may think clean shaven clean smelling women are beautiful by your own choice, those are your thoughts, but it's actually marketed and sold to you and you're incepted.

"I'm with the government. I'm here to help."
>Exposed to more chemicals, including microplastics, than older but still recent generations
Microplastics are a meme.
>Have exponential rates of mental illness
Everyone's expected to have therapy now, and everyone gets diagnosed with mental illness, because pharmaceuticals and my profits!
>Be fatter than ever
Better for most than all the aggravating factors of malnutrition, which used to be a lot more common, especially in childhood where the effects are permanent. It's not just lifespan that increased due to the excess of food, but the population that went up by a magnitude since the late 1800's, about the time we learned to extract nitrates from the air for infinite fertilizer and stopped having wars over bat guano.
>Be more sedentary than ever
The only parts of the body that benefit from more wear and tear are bones and muscle. (And arguably, the brain.)
>Have drastically higher rates of all cancers and certain conditions like dementia
We have the lowest rates of cancer of any mammal on the planet, which is a mystery that has long confounded biologist. The elderly have always gotten dementia, and it used to be more common to get it at a lot younger age.
>Be exposed to covid (bioweapon) and the vax (clot shot)
Why isn't everyone who took the vax dead? Two more weeks, right?
>"Uhh goy da life expectancy just keeps goin' up!"
Depending on how you measure it, it's actually been going down a bit lately, but if you include the infant mortality rate in the average and/or pan out, it's undeniably shot up to the extreme. Birth used to really be a 50/50 thing before modern medicine.

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Did white people invent porn? Also...what are the paranormal implications of porn?
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Jews are gonna put in the oven by the same people they advocated to enter europe to “save the west”
Their god played so many ironic twists on them, this is another one.
Also, why saviors of Jews always end up trying to kill them?? Persians? Selecuids? Americans? Why?
Maybe it’s because they realized that Babylonians and Germans knew what they are dealing with?
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It's also because the Persians, like every other group of people with an irrational hatred of Jews, misunderstood the success, religion, mysticism, mystique, resilience, and traditions of the Jewish people.
Right on.
What? Perisan LITERALLY saved the Jews, fund their temple creation, and welcomed them in with open arms.
They had NO REASON to hate them.
How come they never decided to kill all the other groups within their empire, only Jews?
It’s because Jews did some fuck up shit agaisnt Persians, just like they are doing the same to whites who saved them. Scorpions
Also if they had “irrational hatred of Jews” then they would have never rescued them, nor funding their temple remaking efforts.
They were literally in Babylonian ovens and they rescued them. If they hated them from beginning “irrationally” then they would have let them rot in there

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ITT: Share your paranormal experiences here. I'll make myself sound like an oldfag with this one but I'll start:

This happened about 15 years ago or so. I'm at my girlfriend's house, hanging out when her Mom was away. Now, before I begin, she always told me that the house was haunted but I always thought that was bullshit. Anyway, we're in her living room, making out on the couch. The house keeps making these creaks and groans, and I start making jokes like "Maybe it's the ghost" and all this shit.

Suddenly, the phone rings, both of us freak because we think that her Mom is already on the way back. I get up and start heading towards the back, but she just sits there with the phone in her hand. Eventually she shrugs and tell me there was no one on the other line. Okay, cool. So we sit back down on the couch and start watching some dumb show we found flipping channels. Eventually, the phone rings again. My girl answers it, same thing. Nothing. Just silence on the other end.

At this point I think maybe it's someone playing a prank on her or someone's phone is fucked up. Few minutes later, the phone rings again, and I answer and I say something like "Hello? Who is this?"

A voice on the other line screams at me, "What are you doing with my daughter?"

I panic and place the phone on my shoulder, and tell her it's her dad. But then she looks at me with eyes wide, and says 'My dad is dead.'

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The difference between a paranormal encounter and schizophrenia is that you can understand and reflect upon a paranormal encounter within its context.
maybe you had a stroke.
A very mild occurrence but this one's also become sort of an in-joke amongst members of my family

About two years ago my mom, sister and stepdad moved into a different house in a different town and a year later I joined them and started living here.

Now, the peculiar thing about this particular apartment is the fact that an old lady used to live here all by herself and apparently also died inside this very house, presumably in what used to be her living room....which is now my bedroom. Wonderful.

So, one night I randomly woke up (this happens quite often mind you) and decided to move to the left side of my large double bed....a few seconds later I could swear, I started feeling as if somebody was pushing their hand against the top side of my pillow, as my head was starting to kinda sink against the wooden railing.

I got up immediately and couldn't go back to sleep as I was too frightened.

I have no idea what happened that night, if it was all a product of my vast imagination or something odd had actually occurred, but from that night on I've never slept on the left side of the bed again and I've started referring to it as "The ghost's side".
I've had loads of paranormal experiences, and 2 ex partners that experienced it with me too. It loved messing with our front door chain, it even put it on the door while we both popped outside and we had to break in, with great difficulty. Whatever it was managed to break the door's locking mechanism too cause it kept locking and unlocking it without the key, which caused it damage somehow. So much stuff went on for years but it's calmed down now for the most part. Would love to find someone who can relate to it.
>no one in the thread realized the copypasta
to be fair, it's over 15 years old. damn, im getting too old for this place

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How can you tell whether or not an entity is attached to you?
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We met on the bus in 2022 and we had an intense eye-fucking. She fucked me with her eyes, I fucked her with my eyes. We both made love, as complete strangers. Then we separated for 2 years..I think she is suppose to come to me this summer. But I cannot catch her.
Whenever you walk outside, faggot demons try to surprise attack you.
I pay psychics about three fifty.
Damnit, monstah! Get off my lawn!

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By the way, other prophecies related to the pole shift specify that picrel is due to massive earthquakes
>according edgar cayce
Source for that assertion? Lol, didn't think so.
2 more week man, aka suspecious 0bserver said its happening in 2 weeks + 25 more years.
I'm willing to bet that that map is not by Edgar Cayce or his fans. Looks more like a map where water-levels have risen by ~200 m.
Gordon Michael Scallion.
Atlantis and Lemuria coming back


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Real, fake, inbetween I don't care but this board needs more stories.
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Awh fuck off with this one lol
While I was in the Marine Corps, we would be stalked by these Bigfoot creatures at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. It didn't matter how many of us were out there. We were armed with rifles and no ammo and or blanks during field ops. They would pick up whatever trash or snacks we would drop. We sometimes could see their eyes in the treeline and see random glimmers of shadows through our night optics. But, you can see outlines and or someone's figure. I mean like stuff that was used probably during the early 2000s and they were monocular.
We would hear knocks or rustling throughout our nights around Verona Loop training grounds or on Camp Lejeune. Many of us who spent time in the infantry spend about 45-60% of the year in the woods. You could hear them at night. One night I was doing patrol ops in the woods/hills and we decided to take a pause. It was around 3 am and we were taking a nap break. It was during a wargame and I was on watch with one of my buddies. Holding security we saw an outline in the woods and meanwhile, we were sleep-deprived, not thinking we were seeing real things in the tree line till we talked to each other to confirm what we were seeing through our nods. Pebbles were being thrown at us and we were confused.
Thinking we were about to be run up on by Opfor (Opposition Force). So we wake up our guys slowly thinking we're about to be ambushed. Turns out we were being stalked. We decided to get into defensive positions and the rocks kept coming thinking we were being messed with by the advisors running around overwatching the wargame.
We checked on the radio if there were any nearby. None. None at all. So we thought it was Opfor. We opened up with blanks. But, as we opened up we saw a massive creature and another one about 25-30 meters away. The creatures knocked over a semi-thin tree and gave a deep growl. Something that would shake guys who were desensitized and not really scared by anything.
When daylight came we circled back to look and we found huge footprints. We were so confused and shaken. After that situation, we didn't know how to explain what we saw or experienced. That night I became an actual believer. I was always skeptical about Bigfoot or some creature being in the woods. It was about 5 years ago. To this day I struggle to go into the woods.
Fuck you anon

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It's a play on words, to be a "chosen one" one must choose to be so.
I think we all have the potential for greatness, to be chosen by the divine but we must make the first move, we must choose to allow the divine to make us great. If you choose to work some wage slave job or choose to be a NEET you have essentially rejected greatness for mediocrity.
You are already chosen, you need only acknowledge it.
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It hasn’t even begun
Yeah no this is fucking retarded.
>The kike god is weak and only has slaves

He loves the blood of baby dicks too, as much as he loves the blood of small animals and slain Amelekites.
Psam 137

7Remember, O LORD,

the sons of Edom on the day Jerusalem fell:

“Destroy it,” they said,

“tear it down to its foundations!”

8O Daughter of Babylon,

doomed to destruction,

blessed is he who repays you

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I know this feel.

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How does one reach permanent state of enlightenment?
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whatever comes goes
if you reached it its impermanent
ponder this and become enlightened fagtron
Mushroom are the way of Bandit. The right way is mindfulness meditation that lead to void and fasting. The right way would be the Buddhist meditation way, but living in that state is only doable in a monastery or in a retreat.
The whole beauty of reaching enlightenment is that it's not permanent, and takes a lot of work through other vibrational states to finally arrive. But remember that success is the journey, and what you get on the other side is the person you become.
My lower dantien keeps closing itself automatically and it wont open back up again unless I sit in full lotus and meditate.
Mewing, paleo diet, sipmaxxing, wim Hoff breathing, lsd microdosing + edging alternating days of the week

Do that for 33 days and you’ll get it

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Let's keep it simple and sweet.

I'm a real Buddhist monk I've got a lot of experience with spirituality and living at Buddhist monasteries in Asia and around the world.

I'm here to answer any questions that people have about the spiritual or paranormal or whatever side of Buddhism.

From the side of a real Buddhist monk.

Ask me anything.

And just to get it out of the way... I don't think I'm better than anyone here.

I'm just here to help.

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What kind of monk takes this kind of "selfies" and makes this kind of "memes? >>37952173
What a fucking faggot.
the guy is clearly fucked in the head, just a nihilistic retard
makes me sick desu
What did you see during your meditations?
Can your enter DMT realm without taking any external substance?
Can you explain us the seven layer of Jñāna and your own experience of it?
well said anon
Gotcha, so either a larper or some guy who is starting the thread for himself instead of giving insight for others
Fake and/or gay

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It's almost like the Collins Elite would prefer the plebs remain plebs. Perhaps we could do them a favor and retrogress to being serfs, or troglodites.
Anyway what the Titans showed Benjamin Franklin eclipses fire by a long shot. Soon we will melt the Antarctic with our man-made electrically-powered climate change and the Titans will rise again. (or so says picrel)
It's extraordinary how little esoteric knowledge there is among /x/ posters, given that they're brushing shoulders with loose-lipped initiates here every day. Every fool in medieval Christendom knew that the domain of demons was the air, or specifically the sublunar realm. The crystal spheres prevented them from escaping past the moon into the further reaches of heaven, perhaps. Aliens come from far beyond the sublunary: if not from the wandering planets, then from the belt of stars... (But modern category-collapse lobotomized christcuckery is not the Christendom of old)
Significant 20th century tech was reverse-engineered from Roswell, and the first civilizations of this third age of civilization (see Alterwelt.txt) were rebooted by extraterrestrial gods, but genuine demons have a much more limited range of action and influence. Read the Udug Hul manuscripts; read Iamblichus.
bump 2

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How do you differentiate a coincidence, sign from God and schizophrenia?
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that lines up with the prophecy of ya'juj and ma'juj.
Schizo is the path to God
If it's a sign from the Christian God, it's schizophrenia.
If it's a sign from the Old God's, it's real because they worked hard to get that message across to you after digging through all the garbage of the spiritual side thanks to the Abrahamic religions.

There is no such thing as coincidence.
exactly. As a non schizo who has seen schizos do impressive stuff as readers, I'm leaning towards this stuff being more real than not. Imagine explaining electricity let alone television signals to a person 200 years ago.
So Jesus wasn't talking to God?

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If ancient civilizations build this with their technology of 2000 years ago, what the modern elites could do now?
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Derinkuyu, Turkey
There was already a pretty nice cave system there, and they pimped them out further so they can hide there during the Arab and Mongol invasions.
they can literally fondle your asshole using their mind
imagine the smell
moar plz

What's the deal with the region, and why are so many people scared shitless of it? I'm a yuropoor, so I'm clueless on the local tales. From what I've heard, it's a pretty spooky place. Anyone got stories to share?
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>Nothing more dangerous than a stupid human.
/x/ has gotten an influx of fags lately
Dude, there are all kinds of prehistoric pornographic African and Polynesian statues, and I don't know how you could leave out the Asians, as they were the most prolific of all... Dunno about the rest, but I suspect it's universal. "Curve good, make curve."
>Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.
lmao I live around an hour away from there and that area is hellish. I'd say it deserves a mini-nuke, but then it'd fuck up the mountains and probably create some cryptids
If you really want to get spooky, larp as a wizard in Gary, Indiana around midnight at a chicken joint
Idk anything Appalachia beyond Fallout 76.

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