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Is the information given to us in school designed to limit our thinking process, vocabulary, and understanding of the universe?

Let's discuss how this cube slave matrix system limits the mental perception abilities of persons during the most transformative times of their lives.

I'm not talking about school in general. Some parts of it including networking with others is good. I'm referring to the material taught in schools, and how they've designed a curriculum based on meaningless info to memorize.

When you're rewarded for meaningless information (which may no longer be facts as we move into the future) this breaks down a child's natural growth and learning processes that used to exist outside of this schooling matrix, and produce geniuses like Einstein and Edison.

Why aren't more geniuses like them produced today? It could be due to the societal structures build in which still haven't evolved with the times.

How do you recover from the mental matrix system?

How can we help others in the future to grow up and think outside of this matrix?
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that's another important thing to understand. how those neuropathways are developed and reinforced through all those years. At least they taught us to have fun in the summer. I'm thankful for that.
Listen up kid the thing that will expand your mind is critical thinking, books, and the little websites not found on mainstream websites. Blogs made by passionate archeologists and history enthusiasts will teach you more with more passion than any school book.

Use critical thinking: if the source of information is an article: look for the study or source they reference. The FBI have now bluntly said people who look directly at studies instead of articles are a problem. Be a problem.

Look at any studies that disagree with the mainstream. Any. Compare arguments between the mainstream and the rare one that disagrees and you'll see which is retarded. Especially look at sources made by black listed experts. Aka people who used to be well respected experts in their field, but they decided to be brave and say they think the opposite of the majority pushed belief is the truth. If there is an opinion on a subject you would be shunned for investigating, investigate it harder.

For example s o y is called by every single article you'll find perfectly safe. But a study I found pushing for its consumption admitted it is 1000% stronger than estrogen. But we don't know what that does, so therefore it is safe.

Since this is X/ I'll stick with x subjects and recommend b anned. Video, r umble, natural news, in fo w ars. They are were the blacklisted experts during covid fled in frustration when mainstream news refused to let them speak. Coast to coast is a nice source for real paranormal information if you ignore obvious fake crap.

Paranormal Witness is a show with the best proven real paranormal events. Like 2 are obviously fake. But the majority are ones like an entire god damn town that saw a UFO including 911 dispatchers. Or an entire prison, two police officers, and a family that saw a man perform paranormal shit while haunted by his grandfather.

The dead files has the most real paranormal information I've ever seen. I can confirm everything in it is real because two things in it match exactly things I saw in my childhood before I even knew about the show.
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>Let's discuss how this cube slave matrix system limits the mental perception abilities
You've already fallen for the trap again.

Believing everything is "mental" IS the trap.

Look at the colors you see on your screen right now, those colors are NOT inside your mind. That's why the mind literally cannot define what the perception of color is...
Really think about that. The smartest minds of all time have been trying for thousands of years to define what conscious perception is and they literally haven't even gotten as far as to define or merely describe it...

They'll say "that's because it's an illusion, yeah but guess what, you can explain what an illusion is LIKE. I can explain to you what a mirage is like.
I cannot explain to someone what red is like. Nobody can. Because it cannot be understood in the mind at all.

It's a part of your being beyond the mind, and the Matrix system is trying to control that part of you. To "flatten" what you think existence is down into a single dimension of being you call "mind".
Conscious experiences are literally like higher dimensions of logic itself, that we've fallen asleep to.
Yes, but never visualize when you could be actualizing. It takes vision and action. Think and Act!

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We are literally all the same person, just in different bodies.
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Abrahamics really are something special…
Based on relativity, when something falls towards Earth, it is also the Earth that is moving “up” towards it
yes, just like when you hit your brother, you are qualified to tell him to stop hitting himself with your fist.

hard to convince your parents though
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There is only one life.
Everything is made of Source the Creator. Nothing else exists.
Killing those who were chosen to do evil, is no different from killing a bad habit.
Y have trillions of bodies.

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>According to a variety of reports given by the Hills, the alleged UFO sighting happened about 10:30 p.m. September 19, 1961. The Hills were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. Just south of Lancaster, New Hampshire, Betty claimed to have observed a bright point of light in the sky that moved from below the Moon and the planet Jupiter, upward to the west of the Moon. While Barney navigated U.S. Route 3, Betty reasoned that she was observing a falling star, only it moved upward.[8] Because it moved erratically and grew bigger and brighter, Betty urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look, as well as to walk their dog, Delsey. Barney stopped at a scenic picnic area just south of Twin Mountain.

>Betty, looking through binoculars, observed an "odd-shaped" craft flashing multicolored lights travel across the face of the Moon.[10] Because her sister had several years earlier said she had seen a flying saucer, Betty thought it might be what she was observing. Through binoculars, Barney observed what he reasoned was a commercial airliner traveling toward Vermont on its way to Montreal. However, he soon changed his mind, because without looking as if it had turned, the craft rapidly descended in his direction. This observation caused Barney to realize, "this object that was a plane was not a plane."

>The Hills said they continued driving on the quiet and isolated road, moving very slowly through Franconia Notch in order to observe the object as it came even closer. At one point, the object passed above a restaurant and signal tower on top of Cannon Mountain and came out near the Old Man of the Mountain. Betty testified that it was at least one and a half times the length of the granite cliff profile, which was 40 feet (12 m) long, and that it seemed to be rotating. The couple watched as the silent, illuminated craft moved erratically and bounced back and forth in the night sky.
>About one mile south of Indian Head, they said, the object rapidly descended toward their vehicle, causing Barney to stop in the middle of the highway. The huge, silent craft hovered about 80 to 100 feet (24 to 30 m) above the Hills' 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and filled the entire field of view in the windshield. It reminded Barney of a huge pancake. Carrying his pistol in his pocket, he stepped away from the vehicle and moved closer to the object. Using the binoculars, Barney claimed to have seen eight to eleven humanoid figures, who were peering out of the craft's windows, seeming to look at him. In unison, all but one figure moved to what appeared to be a panel on the rear wall of the hallway that encircled the front portion of the craft. The one remaining figure continued to look at Barney and communicated a message telling him to "stay where you are and keep looking." Barney had a recollection of observing the humanoid forms wearing glossy black uniforms and black caps. Red lights on what appeared to be bat-wing fins began to telescope out of the sides of the craft, and a long structure descended from the bottom of the craft. The silent craft approached to what Barney estimated was within 50 to 80 feet (15 to 24 m) overhead and 300 feet (91 m) away from him. On Oct. 21, 1961, Barney reported to National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) investigator Walter Webb that the "beings were somehow not human."

Truth or bullshit? I feel like every alien story is either a grift like Travis Walton or random schizos
But this one is weird to me because they were an interracial couple in the 1960s and you’d think they’d not want to draw attention to themselves or try not to be perceived negatively by peers and yet… they claimed… this
>Ten days after the alleged UFO encounter, Betty began having a series of vivid dreams, which continued for five successive nights. She stated that she experienced them with a degree of detail and intensity that she had never had before. After the fifth night, they stopped and never recurred, though they occupied her thoughts during the day. When she mentioned them to Barney, he was sympathetic, but not too concerned, and the matter was dropped. Betty did not mention them to Barney again.

>In November 1961 Betty began writing down the details of her dreams. In one dream, she and Barney encountered a roadblock and men who surrounded their car. She lost consciousness but struggled to regain it. Then she realized that she was being forced by two small men to walk in a forest at night, and of seeing Barney walking behind her, though when she called to him, he seemed to be in a trance or sleepwalking. The men stood about five feet to five feet four inches tall and wore matching blue uniforms, with caps similar to those worn by military cadets. They appeared nearly human, with black hair, dark eyes, prominent noses and bluish lips. Their skin was a greyish colour.

>She and Barney were taken to their car, where the leader suggested that they wait to watch the craft's departure. They did so, and then resumed their drive home.

This part is 100% woman babble

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what are the paranormal implications of Abrahamic bickering/mind-control efforts sucking all the air out of the room? dozens and dozens of God/devil threads in the catalog but no greentext, no spooky, no cryptid, no personal experience, and pretty thin on actual spirituality too rn
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Religion and Spirituality and divinity and physiological stuff and New ager stuff like LOA and tarot and all that stuff isn't paranormal and shouldn't be allowed that's my final answer
spirituality is paranormal because its the guts of how this reality works and therefore is what is fueling the paranormal in the first place

your post is like saying sticking your dick in a mans ass isnt gay and should be considered straight instead
>Religion and Spirituality and divinity and physiological stuff and New ager stuff like LOA and tarot
I like all those kinds of threads, I never make fun of the /ceg/ people for example, but all this hylic muh Jaysus muh Loosifer stuff is too much. Top three threads at once? Come on man.
Doesn't matter literally none of them should be here
No it isn't also your weird and a creep
Agree abrahamism is a cancer

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I've wanted to do this thread ever since I heard about Jake's story.

Jake Lloyd is the actor who played Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace. After starring in a Star War movie, Jake's career stagnated.

Jake suffered harassment from some Star War fans due to the final result in PM. But that's not what I want to discuss here.

When Jake was between 13 and 14 years old he told his mother about the existence of several realities and that he didn't know which reality he was in but that's not it.Jake claimed to see people with completely black eyes watching him all the time and also said that he had conversations with John Stewart through his television.
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>When Jake was between 13 and 14 years old he told his mother about the existence of several realities and that he didn't know which reality he was in but that's not it.Jake claimed to see people with completely black eyes watching him all the time and also said that he had conversations with John Stewart through his television.
actors are mercantile products of the entertainment industry. Taking those people seriously and worshiping them is a sing of utter lack of core.
Bump star war
Why did he give himself the criminal look? He put the shoe on that fitted. Can't blame the public for his own actions.

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>look up article on wikipedia to answer a question
>go to take a shit
>Vafþrúðnismál gnomes sprint into my room at lightspeed and change the wikipedia page to make the answer to my question unknowable
>come back
>it's just gibberish I can't read

I'm so fucking tired of this
OP is proud of how stupid his thread is

1. Practice SR for a little bit (this doesn't do much besides just warm you up for the real method, think of it like when you're running with gear; SR is just the gear that you put on, but you could totally run without any gear if you so choose. It just helps)
2. Sit in a really comfy position, that is convenient to you and that you can do it in 5 seconds. I like to sit up fully straight and erect on my bed. Close your eyes.
3. Visualize PICREL, with a cloud of SEXUAL ENERGY or LOVE, going from your nutsacks (this is why SR helps), to your spine and into your brain. Imagine rapid waves of sexual energy or love, rushing from your nutsacks to your spine and into your brain. Now do this in combination with step 4:
4. As you start step 3, take a really deep breathe. Literally fill your lungs with as much air as possible while sticking your chest out. Breathe. If you want, you can look up at the ceiling aswell. Careful you don't strain your neck. Do this slowly. With your nose, fully fill up your lungs with air, when you feel they are full, breathe out with your mouth.
5. I like to do this on a 3 > 6 > 9 number of times 2 - 3 times a day. I start from 3 full breathes, then 6 then 9. starting from 0 each time i hit my number. Do whatever you feel works best for you. You are free to give feedback.

>What does this do?
Repairs your brain and gives you more endurance and more sexual energy. You see, the brain already does this, automatically. In this case we are helping our body out. We take all that reserve sexual energy from our balls and into our brain. The most important organ in the body? Which in turn helps our balls out even more. Which causes a greater nourishment of sexual energy. It is like a back and forth; When you help out your brain, it helps your whole body out, including your balls. So you are motivated to help your brain out even more.
the current alive srg thread
>does it work for you?
Yes. You'll start to notice it in your first time doing it.
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make a thread about it. unfortunately it'll get archived at like 50 posts because nobody cares. stuff like this will never reach 100 - 200 posts
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>one angel of God decimated an entire nation.
The word of nation in hebrew is like in arabic pronounced : Ummha or Ummah or Umma (see pic)

In Ancient Hebrew : Aleph (Sprit of God) + Vov (Spine) + Mem (Sea) is pronounced OM like in Buddhism. (The divine sound)
In Ancient Hebrew : Ha at the end of word is ( Personification or earthly incarnation of)

The word Nation or Ummha is the personification of the Infinite Spirit of God on Earth : The soul of God, the Heart or the Body of Man.

An angel of God that came destroy a nation is an holy spirit or Ha-kodech (the Holy fire) that came to purified the Body or Soul of Man.
>An angel of God that came destroy a nation is an holy spirit or Ha-kodech (the Holy fire) that came to purified the Body or Soul of Man.

sounds plausible. is probably the hidden, true meaning of it.
i usually link to this here, if you are interested, give it a read:

Is reincarnation real? Can I choose what I reincarnate into (a man, woman, dog etc)?

I feel like I'm dying, my whole body is really weak and sickly and I lost all my cognitive/emotional/language/physical abilities irl. When I die I really want to reincarnate as a man or woman who's won the genetic lottery and make the right choices in life to ascend to an "Alpha Chad" or "Stacy" like the AV actor Ken Shimizu or the AV actress Hitomi Tanaka. I want my next life to be full of lots of erotic pleasure or "kama" as the Hindus call it, the Kama Sutra.
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You will reincarnate into a nigger or a pajeet
>Is reincarnation real?
>Can I choose what I reincarnate into (a man, woman, dog etc)?
Man or woman yes, but souls usually choose the same gender as their aura. Dogs or any other animal no, but there are exceptions like whales, dolphins, elephants and a couple I forget.
>I want a better body next time for sexy time
The wildest orgasm you can experience here as a human isn't even a fifth of the bliss we as souls feel all the time across our whole being in the reality we're originally from. It really changes your priorities on what you want to experience as a human, so no matter how you feel now you'll have a very different opinion when you're up there choosing from the bodies Earth invited you to incarnate in.
one individual got to age 90 in a really trashed, abused, addled body. that was a punishment life, but life stories are a different topic. though the things we do follow us. their current life got hella punished for what they did in that previous life (rekt by troons before the pride parade. troons are God's punishment upon the earth apparently) - at the end, they got holes in their brain. severe dementia. they'd switch to NPC mode and you could TELL by looking into their (surgeried w plastic lenses) eyes that their holey brain was skipping like a broken record, and they'd repeat their lines and forget everything that happened a minute prior. this person was also an MK Ultra victim, was put on ye olde proto-Lupron (yes lupron was being used in the early 1920s, no one ever told you that) and was programmed to act weird. there's more to the story but i'm gonna leave that there. the soul was clearly exiting the old body and i found out 8y after the fact that the current life was in another city. again there's more, but private person stuff. then the trannies got him lol. DON'T DIDDLE KIDS!!!!

>Jewish women do what?
when there's a line of 3 yentas in a row: grandma, mom, daughter - there's one particular "soul" (ugh, really it's a dense robot spirit) that will jump from host to host. when the "mom" is "on", grandma & daughter are in NPC mode, and there's tells. like humming nonsense tunes and acting extra super robotic, instead of just regular evil robotic. if daughter is on, grandma & mom are "off". there are freakishly rare cases of a yenta with an affixed soul inside, but there's only 1 case i know of. that soul was formerly a man. sucks to be him.
so "live host switching at will" is unique only to jewish women, afaik no other race or sex does that. all things have a spirit, gotta see the unseen.

>40 4T
Reincarnation is real but you cant reincarnate into animals or plants, also there is a kind of racial/familiar criteria when you reincarnate
Then there is the karma, the ones with the worst karma are those who seek the liberation of the spirit and its return to the source
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>the ones with the worst karma are those who seek the liberation of the spirit and its return to the source
lolno, the ones with the worst karma get sucked into the sinkhole too deep to climb out of. once they pass the moral event horizon because a God or angel didn't bail them out in time - they're doomed.
guess where macaques come from. guess the diff between macaques and spider monkeys. guess why the longer a race has been on earth, the more they degrade and forget.
samsara. it marches on forever and ever and ever. and it eats anyone it can. those who don't make the cut lose their divine spark and become a shadow of a person. monkeys used to be people.

Link to the wiki with the story: https://paranormal-world.fandom.com/wiki/A_Big_Cockroach_Problem

"It was the late 1990s, and Peggy was getting tired on her long journey from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. An inviting-looking motel sat on a grassy hill in California City (approximately halfway between Bakersfield and Barstow) - and Peggy decided to settle down in the warm embrace of the place's vintage charm for what she hoped would be a peaceful night's rest. This, however, was certainly not to be the case. Peggy would later describe the scene as 'horrendous' in an interview with Jason Offutt.

It was later that same evening, and Peggy had settled herself into her cozy room - already going about lazily viewing whatever was on VH1 when someone knocked on the door. Approaching said door and opening it as far as she could without unhooking the chain, she could hear a male voice asking to be given some bed linen - but couldn't see anything at that point. As she continued to survey the outside for the source of the voice, she suddenly came to the heart-stopping realisation as to what exactly she was looking at. There was no human outside that could've spoken those words - but what there was instead was an enormous cockroach. This creature was seemingly positioned as if stood upright, and was cleaning its legs 'frenetically'. It was roughly 6.5ft tall.

Once she'd noticed it, it seemingly didn't take long for it to notice her as well. Upon realising that it was being watched, the horrific creature spat a brown substance towards her. Understandably terrified, Peggy screamed - prompting the brutish bug to utter the word 'why?'. She gave no response, and figured that the best course of action would be to rush past the monster. She threw the door open and ran down the corridor, passing the slumped body of an unfortunate motel employee...."

>1 of 2

"The voluminous vermin scuttled down the hall behind her. Just as she was nearing the exit, the hideous critter caught up with her and grabbed onto her cotton dress. It wrapped its 'doubled-barbed hands' around her wrists, and its chitinous antennae brushed against her face.

Presumably due to the terror of the situation, Peggy's vision started to grow cloudy as she neared the point of fainting out of fright. However, just in time she remembered an action movie that she had previously seen - and decided to emulate one of the manoeuvres performed by Chuck Norris. She dropped her body down and used this momentum to kick the creature's ankles out from underneath it with her tennis shoes before kicking it in the face for good measure. Stumbling to her feet once again, Peggy took off running once more.

In a continual sequence seemingly right out of an action-horror movie, the cockroach was also able to get back to its feet (or legs?) and continue chasing its terrified prey. It was nearly upon her when she reached the door at the end of the hallway. She threw it open as quickly as she could - before immediately turning and slamming the door shut onto one of the monster's antennae. The creature emitted a high-pitched shriek of a volume and pitch unlike anything Peggy had ever heard before or since.

As Peggy cleared the hotel and sprinted out into the cold nighttime air, a young man who happened to be at a nearby payphone witnessed the monstrous cockroaches pursuing her. Presumably not believing his eyes, he immediately called the police. Almost instantly, two police cars careened onto the scene - prompting the mutant monstrosities to scuttle off out of view, disappearing over a nearby hill.."

>part 2 of 3(sorry)

" finished her story by noting how quickly insects are able to breed - and by bringing up conversations she'd allegedly had with the locals in the area. They said that they'd been seeing 'things flitting behind trees' - thus leading Peggy to wonder out loud if the colossal cockroaches that had so traumatised her that one night were now breeding out of control in the Californian wilderness..."

>part 3 of 3
it was obama
It sounds like the plot to Mimic

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What is the disclosure?

Are human psychic abilities real, such as astral projection, remote viewing, and telepathy?

Are Havana Syndrome and UFOs the tip of the iceberg?

Is there a hyperspace that can be dominated by consciousness technology? Is there really technology that can remotely cause people to hallucinate in a controlled way?

How does the hallucination technology work? Is it radio waves modulated by an AI?

How do UFOs work? Are they time machines? Can they astral project? Do they use electromagnetic gravitics and zero-point energy?

Are there human military factions using supercomputers and AI hooked up to antennas to torture people with telepathic interactions? Are they staging fake alien events with UFO technology?

Are there also actual aliens? Are there native hyperspace entities? Is this a simulation?
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How pointlessly vague. You may as well say nothing.

Space is fake, aliens are a psyop, and Christ is king.

To every comment, there may or may not be replies.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-AML-7001 is an anomalous EF5 tornado that originated from the town of Elie in 2007. It has since exhibited signs of sentience and possesses extraordinary abilities. Notably, SCP-AML-7001 manifests appendages resembling circular-shaped hands without accompanying arms. Additionally, it wields a sword composed of the combined souls of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, two notable Foundation personnel. Also it has two demonic-looking Red eyes.

SCP-AML-7001 harbors an intense animosity towards both SCP entities and fictional characters. It displays aggressive behavior, actively targeting and attacking any SCP or fictional character it encounters. The motivation behind this hostility remains unknown.

The tornado's powers extend beyond the conventional capabilities of a natural tornado. It is capable of selectively destroying targets, avoiding non-targeted structures, and exhibiting heightened agility and maneuverability. SCP-AML-7001's destructive force far surpasses that of any known natural or artificial tornado.

Caution is advised when dealing with SCP-AML-7001, as its powers and malevolence present a significant threat to both Foundation personnel and civilian populations.

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I really cant be convinced that aliens look something like when person consumes three kinds of drugs.
I am leaning more on the side that they dont want to come here still, because we are savages for them.

But anyways their looks would be interesting.
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greer aliens
>red medic
>andromedan named bijou
>plasma alien
>short blue robed bald alien
Greer glows
this post glows
what more can you tell us about this
The ET interpretation of UFOs glows hardest of all you dumbass
>this post glows
They're aliens but so are draconians which are the race most associated with the typical demon figure. There may also be some low astral niggas there, the ones people involved in witchcraft contact, though I'm not too familiar with what they look like.
>what more can you tell us about this
More in general or do you want to know something specific?

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ITT: Post well accepted 'facts' that are logically just bullshit. I'll start off with life expectancy
>Be in 1st world country
>Exposed to more chemicals, including microplastics, than older but still recent generations
>Have exponential rates of mental illness
>Be fatter than ever
>Be more sedentary than ever
>Have drastically higher rates of all cancers and certain conditions like dementia
>Be exposed to covid (bioweapon) and the vax (clot shot)
>"Uhh goy da life expectancy just keeps goin' up!"
How does anyone believe this shit?
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I'm high iq
Massive hunk of steel and metal, more dense than water, put it on water, floats.
Do you not believe friction and drag exist?

The hull of a boat literally isn't more dense than the water it displaces
Forced inclusion and diversity in the work place and C-Level is best for companies. We must have women and thebdisabkd, and minorities, and disabled women minorities staffed in leadership positions.

Affirmitive action. Lets take a bunch of students, make them punch up, way out of their league, take up limited class space, and fund it all with money from the performing students, and repeatedly watch the affirmitive action students predictably fail.

"Everything will be alright."

"This is a once in a lifetime economic crash."

What you think is beautiful isnactually engineered and sold to you. You may think clean shaven clean smelling women are beautiful by your own choice, those are your thoughts, but it's actually marketed and sold to you and you're incepted.

"I'm with the government. I'm here to help."
>Exposed to more chemicals, including microplastics, than older but still recent generations
Microplastics are a meme.
>Have exponential rates of mental illness
Everyone's expected to have therapy now, and everyone gets diagnosed with mental illness, because pharmaceuticals and my profits!
>Be fatter than ever
Better for most than all the aggravating factors of malnutrition, which used to be a lot more common, especially in childhood where the effects are permanent. It's not just lifespan that increased due to the excess of food, but the population that went up by a magnitude since the late 1800's, about the time we learned to extract nitrates from the air for infinite fertilizer and stopped having wars over bat guano.
>Be more sedentary than ever
The only parts of the body that benefit from more wear and tear are bones and muscle. (And arguably, the brain.)
>Have drastically higher rates of all cancers and certain conditions like dementia
We have the lowest rates of cancer of any mammal on the planet, which is a mystery that has long confounded biologist. The elderly have always gotten dementia, and it used to be more common to get it at a lot younger age.
>Be exposed to covid (bioweapon) and the vax (clot shot)
Why isn't everyone who took the vax dead? Two more weeks, right?
>"Uhh goy da life expectancy just keeps goin' up!"
Depending on how you measure it, it's actually been going down a bit lately, but if you include the infant mortality rate in the average and/or pan out, it's undeniably shot up to the extreme. Birth used to really be a 50/50 thing before modern medicine.

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Did white people invent porn? Also...what are the paranormal implications of porn?
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This might explain why
This. Jews didn't invent it but they definitely are the largest proprietors and promoters of it.
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this is the most balanced take in this thread
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>Persians would never be jealous
Funny, because they certainly were impressed enough by the culture and religion of the Jewish people back then to help them rebuild their temple.
>All the ngos that are pushing for immigration are also headed by Jews
Literally means nothing by itself, but this is also not quite accurate. Jews tend to be leaders all throughout civil society because they are well educated, conscientious, and socially conscious people. Jews are usually taught to be socially responsible from a young age so that society doesn't collapse and so that a bunch of insane people don't start attacking Jews when civilization collapses because that shit happens every time.
That's why Jews care deeply about civil rights and human rights. It's not some evil conspiracy.
>investing into degeneracy
You didn't understand my post. I wrote that Jews invest in human capital.
What I meant by this was that they actually bother to EDUCATE their children. Jews mostly receive a very good education. It's this education that helps them in other areas of life such as business, banking, academia, the sciences, the arts, philanthropy, civil rights advocacy, human rights advocacy, and entertainment.
You should know that, when the survival of your culture depends on your ability to read ancient languages, you might end up good at other things as well.

Oh, and didn't you know that, traditionally, Jews were not allowed to have normal occupations in European societies because of racist discriminatory laws? This means that Jews back then had NO other CHOICE but to go into things like banking, entertainment (ie pornography), and international trade because Christians weren't allowed to do that.
So don't you dare complain that the Jews are the cause of muh 'degeneracy' when non Jews FORCED them into that profession and Jews were able to triumph successfully in that despite the odds!
To strengthen their semen retention.

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ITT: Share your paranormal experiences here. I'll make myself sound like an oldfag with this one but I'll start:

This happened about 15 years ago or so. I'm at my girlfriend's house, hanging out when her Mom was away. Now, before I begin, she always told me that the house was haunted but I always thought that was bullshit. Anyway, we're in her living room, making out on the couch. The house keeps making these creaks and groans, and I start making jokes like "Maybe it's the ghost" and all this shit.

Suddenly, the phone rings, both of us freak because we think that her Mom is already on the way back. I get up and start heading towards the back, but she just sits there with the phone in her hand. Eventually she shrugs and tell me there was no one on the other line. Okay, cool. So we sit back down on the couch and start watching some dumb show we found flipping channels. Eventually, the phone rings again. My girl answers it, same thing. Nothing. Just silence on the other end.

At this point I think maybe it's someone playing a prank on her or someone's phone is fucked up. Few minutes later, the phone rings again, and I answer and I say something like "Hello? Who is this?"

A voice on the other line screams at me, "What are you doing with my daughter?"

I panic and place the phone on my shoulder, and tell her it's her dad. But then she looks at me with eyes wide, and says 'My dad is dead.'

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The difference between a paranormal encounter and schizophrenia is that you can understand and reflect upon a paranormal encounter within its context.
maybe you had a stroke.
A very mild occurrence but this one's also become sort of an in-joke amongst members of my family

About two years ago my mom, sister and stepdad moved into a different house in a different town and a year later I joined them and started living here.

Now, the peculiar thing about this particular apartment is the fact that an old lady used to live here all by herself and apparently also died inside this very house, presumably in what used to be her living room....which is now my bedroom. Wonderful.

So, one night I randomly woke up (this happens quite often mind you) and decided to move to the left side of my large double bed....a few seconds later I could swear, I started feeling as if somebody was pushing their hand against the top side of my pillow, as my head was starting to kinda sink against the wooden railing.

I got up immediately and couldn't go back to sleep as I was too frightened.

I have no idea what happened that night, if it was all a product of my vast imagination or something odd had actually occurred, but from that night on I've never slept on the left side of the bed again and I've started referring to it as "The ghost's side".
I've had loads of paranormal experiences, and 2 ex partners that experienced it with me too. It loved messing with our front door chain, it even put it on the door while we both popped outside and we had to break in, with great difficulty. Whatever it was managed to break the door's locking mechanism too cause it kept locking and unlocking it without the key, which caused it damage somehow. So much stuff went on for years but it's calmed down now for the most part. Would love to find someone who can relate to it.
>no one in the thread realized the copypasta
to be fair, it's over 15 years old. damn, im getting too old for this place

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