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Are souls created somewhere? What determines if a body gets a fresh soul or an old one?
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Interesting theory.
So whats the end goal?
Why would we want to get godly qualities?
I agree Earth is incredibly difficult, and honestly I wouldnt want to be born here.
What is the carrot that comes from being incarnated in this shitty place full of shitty people?
its not rehousing, its graduation from animal kindgom.

some souls that were in animal vessels are now in human vessels.
extremely hedonistic and animalistic people are fresh animal graduates, are having their first human experience.
you will find them in discos and bars and chasing after sense gratification.

you will find old souls in esoteric/occult circles, deep into buddhism, mystical christianity, platonism, philosophy, etc.
they are about to graduate into divinity.

its a flux, really.
Animal population decrease, human population increase.
You don't reomcarnate the day after you die. You may incarnate any amount of time in the past or the future, in fact this amount can be so high that you may end up in another cycle of the universe
>extremely hedonistic and animalistic people are fresh animal graduates, are having their first human experience.
>you will find them in discos and bars and chasing after sense gratification.
that explains the smell

ITT: We talk about how to manipulate reality USING METHODS NOT UNDERSTOOD BY SCIENCE and then we PROVE OUR BULLSHIT.

Read that again!

That and/or we piss off the real power fags until they show us something real...

What we do NOT do in this thread without being mercilessly mocked for being illiterate

1) We do NOT say "Just use your hand to lift the pen you are trying to levitate with mind powers." This is completely understood by science and you can't read.

2) We do NOT say to just go do this other thing that is completely unrelated to what was asked, and give up on your desires... Go proselytize your bullshit somewhere else... We ain't trusting a baby murdering God or The Universe in here, we are forging our own destiny, go fuck off and die from a life of unanswered prayers...

3) We do NOT say trust me bro, this method totally works... You just have to spend 18 months meditating in a cave and then buy $700 worth of materials but it's totally worth it bro! In this thread we PROVE our bullshit... If it can't be done within 5 minutes and for $0 then we either make something happen to show OP that it's the real deal, or we shut the fuck up about it...

4). We do NOT say I have secret knowledge, but I can't give it to you because... reasons... Yeah, yeah, go brag somewhere else Kemosabe... Your input is useless here...

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who are oyu quoting anon
Nobody cares about any of this convoluted Carl Jung "secret steps" stuff that if you read all of the works of some author 10 times and analyze them 20 times each, you'll MAYBE finally interpret a step 1 exercise that leads to you MAYBE getting an occult ability after you practice it for 10 years.

That's leaving things up the chance, people what concise and clear steps with no subjectivity at all, and no interpretation required (because that makes it a game of luck). If anybody here could depend on luck, we wouldn't have any interest in magic. Magic is about creating your own luck, that's the entire point.
holy shit thank you so much...

this is exactly why i deleted most of the "occult" works I've downloaded. just bunch of horseshit most of the time, and even the few things that i kept are barely good.
>this is exactly why i deleted most of the "occult" works I've downloaded. just bunch of horseshit most of the time, and even the few things that i kept are barely good.
I was one of those idiots that downloaded basically the entire Library v1.5 archive from the torrent (you know the one if you know, it's from wizard forums). It was hundreds of gigabtyes and I was so excited too lol. But as I started to read and skim through all of the material, depression just washed over me as I realized that most occult books are just piles and piles of useless theory and philosophy, with no clear steps on how and what to practice.

Most occultists are really just practicing and accomplishing nothing. You'll see them online talk about what ritual they are going to do this weekend after they get home from their wage slave job.

They can't actually use magic to change their lives in any meaningful way. Their powers and abilities are all in their heads.

This is because all they do is blindly read and perform rituals and "fee like" it's working, but there's no real structure to what they are doing. They truth is, most of them are completely ok with that, because it's honestly just a hobby for them and they don't take it literally or seriously.

They'll treat us as the weird ones for taking it seriously and literally.

Yeah, psychologists and artists LARPING as wizards has been the worst thing to ever happen to the occult in my opinion...

Man has a cried a trillion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.
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your mother has cried a trillion tears of joy when my dick entered her anus
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>gold was witnessed this night
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Endless creations, endless suffering and despair. It will never be enough for him, it will never pull the plug on his creation. It probably revels in the cruelty of his creations by now.

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What books would you recommend for those who want to pursue esoteric knowledge or just generally good books in this area? list as much as you’d like.
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I've heard Manly P. Hall be recommended before in similar threads, some of his stuff appears (at least to me who is retarded) to have some merit but I'm hesitant to read his stuff as he's a mason. Regardless of what you think of them its undeniable that they, and all members of mystery/initiation schools, secret societies, whatever you wanna call them, are under vows of silence. Is content that originates from sources like him meant to derail your spiritual development and plant thoughts in your head or is it generally useful?

I would highly recommend reading the Secret Teachings of All Ages if you are serious about being a scholar of esoteric works. It’s really the best book ever written for someone starting out because it just gives you this great broad overview of so many traditions and all the symbolism. From there you can go down whatever road interests you. But if you’ll START with that book a lot of other things will be much easier to digest. It will take you quite a while to read as it is very dense and like 700 pages long!!! Even more amazing, Manly P Hall was in his 20s when he wrote it so clearly he was just a profound intellect.
all his significant works were written and published many years before he was initiated into Freemasonry (at least, officially)
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this is my book

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What is the wildest conspiracy you will admit to believing 100%?
No evidence needed, but bonus points for explaining your decision.
it's the jews
I unironically believe that CERN has done wild timeline experiments and that it has had an effect on our timeline and that a lot of false memories are a result of multiple timelines slowly blending into each other. I don't think CERN has any control over this but that they're experimenting with it regardless of the cost.

I have no idea to what end, but I'm guessing it's some basic-bitch shit like money.
Kek has spoken.
I believe quarks and leptons are alive. Humanity has a very narrow definition of what being "alive" is and doors will continue to close on modern physics until we understand that.

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>Kato Kaelin invites himself to go to McDonald's with O.J.
>They each get a sandwich, fries, and a drink. O.J. drinks his Coca-Cola on the way home, but not before Kaelin takes the opportunity to slip a tablet of Rohypnol
>Upon arriving home, O.J. goes inside and calls his friend Dr. Christian Reichardt
>Dr. Reichardt would hear O.J. ask somebody in the room, "what was the score?" - referring to the NBA Finals game that had ended hours earlier. The only person on the property was Kaelin, and O.J. was in the euphoric stage of the "date-rape drug", and doesn't ask what the hell he's doing there
>90 minutes later, O.J. would be awakened by Romazicon and hurriedly prepare for his flight. Kaelin distracts him and the limo driver with claims of "noises". He doesn't remember anything that happened since arriving home, not even the call to Dr. Reichardt (he fails to tell the police about this call when being questioned the next day)
>After leaving Rockingham in the limo, and forgetting to set the alarm, one of the murderers (Ron Shipp) pulls up in the Bronco, proceeds to plant blood inside, and then enters the grounds to plant the glove and other evidence
>O.J. calls Kaelin from the limo and asks him to set the alarm, but Kaelin never does
>O.J. catches his flight, arrives in Chicago, and is awoken at 6 A.M. by a phone call from the LAPD
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It worked for me. He made it clear it was hypothetical, and it was a funny little dick you to Fred Goldman
There are a lot of inconsistencies and oddities about the OJ case, including possible glowie shit. The problem with the idea that OJ was a patsy is that a patsy is ideally a person who will go down easy - someone poor and/or obviously mentally ill. OJ was a millionaire and had no history of mental illness. Him being a patsy only makes sense if you view the entire case as a psychological warfare operation directed against the American public.
Or, just a well executed frame job.
you'd believe anything if they didnt like jews, fucking mindless toad
The fuck are you talking about, nerd?

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Will we ever have answers?
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Why would they hang a chandelier?
it really brings the room together
cliffs? i cant watch it if it's a jump scare.
Damn the video is actually kinda creepy lol.
so why aren't normies talking about this

How did I quit my degenerate porn addiction. I've been seeing a lot of paranormal supernatural subliminal messages in my PMV hypno. Why would someone add this kind of stuff? Who would add this? What is the connection with the otherworldly and porn?

So what's the difference?
they’re both bullshit.
The circle.
That was a really easy spot the difference, OP.
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I means they're not teaching you the whole thing. They're withholding information from you so they can control you more easily.
I meant what's the difference in their meanings?

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I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device. In the beginning I had non idea how it works. I can't reveal much about this device's nature, but I would like to experiment its functions for the first time on /x/ with you.

In order to see how it works, you will have to make a sincere question (you can write it) or just be willing to accept a random communication.
Details about you or the situation you're asking advice for will be welcome, but they're not necessary.

Before answering a question I will ask the entity about the author's intentions in order to avoid time wasters.

The outcomes can be various and depend by the entities connected with you.
Good entities will most likely reveal useful information or give you good advice.
Bad entities are usually willing to confuse or frighten you with chaotic information.
It might be that you can establish contact with someone who recently passed.

When you ask a question or a random advice, you'll have to accept the answer from the entities connected to you, so avoid asking me to connect you to a specific entity or person.

In time I realised that received communications are not subject to spacetime, and can refer to future timelines. If you don't understand the answer, it might be just a matter of time.

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The true nature of man is determined in the battle between our subconscious mind and the desires of the subconscious.

Can you ask this entity if the event would affect only me and likewise if my reaction would threaten others?
>I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device.
I have no idea why anons want to play along with this LARP. My question would be just say what the device is and where you bought it from and that would be enough to end the LARP.
okay karen, go do smth else will ya.

theres billion other threads u can enjoy that agree with your dogmatic beliefs.
I would like to hear what words they have for me. I've endured a great deal of pain over the last few years, and I have found it difficult to reset myself mentally and physically. I feel as if I bear a heavy burden, but I don't know what it is.
What type of scientific studies? I have no clue as I don't study any science.

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Why aren't you afraid of going to hell?
[spoiler]I'm a faggot[/spoiler]
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i'm not. that's the last place i was before i came here, anyway
Heaven and hell are states of existence, both during and after death. In life, the way you react to things affects this, in death, your state of existence is tied directly to the frequency your being vibrates at. Most people just dissolve, but they want that. There are also many heavens and many hells.
Well, it's not like I want to go to hell.
But I figure that at the worst you could burn for a limited amount of time.
I mean, think about it.
Think about what pain is and how humans learn.
There's a fundamental limit to how much you can take before you just dissolve from existence like some kind of ascetic.
So it would most definitely be finite, regardless of what any book says it is.
Anything else really just doesn't make sense, as there is basically nil punishment if you were frozen in your current state. Time is a necessity to feel, process and realize pain.
If this wasn't the case then any individual moment of pain, sadness or despair is an infinitely long hell in itself, as is any moment of joy or relief.
Either way, the whole eternal torment thing shouldn't be able to exist.
I think it is more of a metaphor for life and what happens to you and your soul throughout time.
>thinks shrooms evolved apes

>guy makes thread on taking shrooms

>/X calls him a druggie

Can you look at this imagine and really believe that people really are telling you the truth?
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It's a little like creating a language out of nothing to describe functions you don't understand.
uhhhh you can jusy look at these things and their effects in a microscope

this board is such a fucking timewaste shell of what it used to be. what inane bullshit. flat earth-tier niggerbrain nonsense
Buy a microscope or join a biology class with a DNA extraction lab then OP

I think about something or do something and then the threads arrive. Explain that shit, you can't. Pic mostly but not entirely unrelated.
they installed humanity’s first major upgrade via covid: “mind reading ads”

wifi antenna eh? took humans long enough
feds are just baiting and messing with you.
when you recognize it, use it against them. engage in those threads and throw out some misinformation so that the profile they have about you, gets incoherent.
this site is people who are the same as you: mentally ill virgins that obsess over stupid shit.

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I like to think they do. It is a comfortable thought that all things are filled with same "stuff" I am.
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Lol I understood everything you said. Beautiful. Love you
Animals have souls and some have argued that crystals do too, that they’re alive even.
your poop has life too. don't flush it out the toilet
It’s fertilizer for the sea
everything is soul

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>Steals 95% of Hinduism
>Tries to claim man is God, that he can extend his life, work miracles yet none of this shit has ever been recorded by these so called magicians.
>Psychological studies report that splitting the ego through occult practices leads to schizophrenic symptoms
>The practicioners of the Occult sciences are feminists, manchildren who can't get over their hatred of Christ, LGBT, trannies, redditors all of the degenerates yet we are supposed to believe these people hold the keys to the universe.
>Extrene Asceticism can be irreversiably damaging to the body
TLDR: It's the white man's version of Hinduism with extra steps
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>an actual illiterate retard
oh okay you convinced me
Oh, ok. So you just have a small dick and anger issues.
>He actual admits it
Bro, life is kind of a miracle if you don’t get stuck into your limited virtual reality.
/x try not to be hard-core rapists challenge impossible

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