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By the way, other prophecies related to the pole shift specify that picrel is due to massive earthquakes
>according edgar cayce
Source for that assertion? Lol, didn't think so.
2 more week man, aka suspecious 0bserver said its happening in 2 weeks + 25 more years.
I'm willing to bet that that map is not by Edgar Cayce or his fans. Looks more like a map where water-levels have risen by ~200 m.
Gordon Michael Scallion.
Atlantis and Lemuria coming back


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How does one reach permanent state of enlightenment?
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whatever comes goes
if you reached it its impermanent
ponder this and become enlightened fagtron
Mushroom are the way of Bandit. The right way is mindfulness meditation that lead to void and fasting. The right way would be the Buddhist meditation way, but living in that state is only doable in a monastery or in a retreat.
The whole beauty of reaching enlightenment is that it's not permanent, and takes a lot of work through other vibrational states to finally arrive. But remember that success is the journey, and what you get on the other side is the person you become.
My lower dantien keeps closing itself automatically and it wont open back up again unless I sit in full lotus and meditate.
Mewing, paleo diet, sipmaxxing, wim Hoff breathing, lsd microdosing + edging alternating days of the week

Do that for 33 days and you’ll get it

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Let's keep it simple and sweet.

I'm a real Buddhist monk I've got a lot of experience with spirituality and living at Buddhist monasteries in Asia and around the world.

I'm here to answer any questions that people have about the spiritual or paranormal or whatever side of Buddhism.

From the side of a real Buddhist monk.

Ask me anything.

And just to get it out of the way... I don't think I'm better than anyone here.

I'm just here to help.

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What kind of monk takes this kind of "selfies" and makes this kind of "memes? >>37952173
What a fucking faggot.
the guy is clearly fucked in the head, just a nihilistic retard
makes me sick desu
What did you see during your meditations?
Can your enter DMT realm without taking any external substance?
Can you explain us the seven layer of Jñāna and your own experience of it?
well said anon
Gotcha, so either a larper or some guy who is starting the thread for himself instead of giving insight for others
Fake and/or gay

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How do you differentiate a coincidence, sign from God and schizophrenia?
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that lines up with the prophecy of ya'juj and ma'juj.
Schizo is the path to God
If it's a sign from the Christian God, it's schizophrenia.
If it's a sign from the Old God's, it's real because they worked hard to get that message across to you after digging through all the garbage of the spiritual side thanks to the Abrahamic religions.

There is no such thing as coincidence.
exactly. As a non schizo who has seen schizos do impressive stuff as readers, I'm leaning towards this stuff being more real than not. Imagine explaining electricity let alone television signals to a person 200 years ago.
So Jesus wasn't talking to God?

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If ancient civilizations build this with their technology of 2000 years ago, what the modern elites could do now?
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Derinkuyu, Turkey
There was already a pretty nice cave system there, and they pimped them out further so they can hide there during the Arab and Mongol invasions.
they can literally fondle your asshole using their mind
imagine the smell
moar plz

What's the deal with the region, and why are so many people scared shitless of it? I'm a yuropoor, so I'm clueless on the local tales. From what I've heard, it's a pretty spooky place. Anyone got stories to share?
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>Nothing more dangerous than a stupid human.
/x/ has gotten an influx of fags lately
Dude, there are all kinds of prehistoric pornographic African and Polynesian statues, and I don't know how you could leave out the Asians, as they were the most prolific of all... Dunno about the rest, but I suspect it's universal. "Curve good, make curve."
>Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.
lmao I live around an hour away from there and that area is hellish. I'd say it deserves a mini-nuke, but then it'd fuck up the mountains and probably create some cryptids
If you really want to get spooky, larp as a wizard in Gary, Indiana around midnight at a chicken joint
Idk anything Appalachia beyond Fallout 76.

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Non-Christians burn in hell.
And many Christians are called, but FEW Christians are chosen.
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Crazy sounds real.
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Christians: "Many are called, but FEW, are chosen."
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i28V5YkSJfw [Embed]
This could be you, fellow Christians.
Are you in prosperity?
Are you rich do you drive one of Azazel's vehicles?
Are you in a club and have many "friends?"
Do you drink beer every day and smoke weed every day like me?
Need beer to cope with the boredom?
Need weed to get motivated or eat or whatever?
Do you get mad at God uncontrollably?
Do you not give thanks for every meal and every blessing?

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Why do you sound like that
unless you are a literal mason doing sacrifice rituals to a giant owl you are probably fine

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I wanna get so much energy that I can just grab 100 kg, with a one handed grip, of something and toss it like it's a toy. I think harnessing energy from the aether (basically infinite energy) is the best way to do this. But how?
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I’m not doubting any of that. What I’m skeptical of is any of this work existing as not a single shred of such highly advanced technology has come to light which leads me to believe that none of this is as important as THEY want you to think. Why wouldn’t we be seeing these technologies in play today if they were truly that significant? The CIA could make a literal killing exploiting such advancements by selling off all these miraculous inventions and yet, not a single thing beyond some papers.
/x/ or esoteric ways for inducing high energy states when your default is very low physical energy?
>than a true scientist
He was an inventor and electrical engineer not a physicists.
Can you really not comprehend why the government would want to suppress that kind of technology? Even to this day many people who are researching anti grav, free energy, and water engines mysteriously go missing when they make any progress.
Geniuses tend to be ectomorphs you fucking dumbshit

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Every attempt to explain God is ordained by fate to fail, prove me wrong.
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shut up and pay the jizya/tithe, goy. don't you feel guilty yet?
Your incomprehension of God is your comprehension of God.
Hah, organized religion is modern totalitarianism fueled by blood money. Energy vampirism at it's finest.
>go to a place where people have seen the paranormal
>go to a place where people have seen demonic spirits cringe away in fear at prayers of help for Jesus
>go to a place where people have seen angels attack demons viciously with swords because they prayed to god for help
>go to a place where people have seen multiple haunted places where multiple witnesses saw the same evil spirits
>Go to a place where where people saw their father run around the house desperately doing a sage smudge you didn't understand, just to see the demon harassing you every night disappear for two weeks and come back when the sage wore off

LOL LMAO even. You're a dumb fuck who has never felt the chills of evil's gaze on you or you would know God is real. Only asking him with humility will save you from evil.
I believe in in God I'm just saying that every attempt to explain God is destined to fail. Defining the ineffable is inviting a curse.

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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did you mean
>[Not] being able to comprehend
like you made a typo and blame other's for not correcting it for you?
I don't know about you
but I don't have
to prove a damn thing to anyone

no matter how many think they can convince me
I have to prove myself to them
by using ALL caps when shit posting in the same thread I'm shit posting in myself

as if such simple
"mind games"
will work on me


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not your friend here anon
how's it going
you're still breathing I take it

do please keep in mind
if you do stop breathing
and die becoming a corpse

I can pee on you no problem
my internet acquaintance
*waves to lurkers of all kinds equally cause I'm me and I can do that*


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these fuckers still can't agree on anything other then who is NOT the nobody and even then they only do so in silent protest most of the time


Flat landers are our guests anon.
They can't comprehend 3D why are they here?
Because their parents paid us in 2D sims cash $$
Holy simolions!! $.$
you watch too much anime, goddamn otaku
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The whole universe is to teach Flat Landers about 3D. Mom was annoyed how they stayed behind. The medieval ages? Because they are busy being village guards against an enemy that doesn't exist anymore.

So respect your fellow flat landers. They fought against monsters and dragons anon. In armour with spell upgrades and stones that boost agility.

We keep going until we win anons.
yabohu waruwe silikijizabopikiruwenijili
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Yahdibu na var iliki piaizu wan ija

I've heard revelations used to not be a part of the new testament but was added later, is this true?
Is it satanic schizobabble?

Why would everyone be judged and die in hellfire after being absolved of their sins through jesus's sacrifice?
Was hell even a concept in the new testament save for revelations?
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not trying to convince anyone else. simply expressing my joy and awe
No it's an esoteric knowledge only understood by the enlighten ones (those who saw end of times and went through the rapture).
The fire burning in book of revelation is the baptism by holy spirit, the holy fire that doesn't burn the righteous one, but burn any (spiritual) sins (mental disease like addictions), it's the spiritual Catharsis : a purification.
>The Torah
>The Bible
>The Quran
is the same teaching written in 3 different style each one is an update of the previous one.
Moses came to the world to show Adam sons how to enter the kingdom of the father.
Jesus came to the world to show Israelite sons the last step to enter the kingdom.
Muhammad came to the world to show Christian how to enter the kingdom.
Basically all the evil that Christianity has wreaked upon the natural world, the mass consciousness, and the imagination of children stems from this one book of dangerous lies. Many bishops fought to keep it out of the canon but to no avail. It's a roman a clef whose key is lost, a product of ergot poisoning (or possibly syrian rue) and contemporary politics of the time (Neron Kaisar 666 and all that). Without the horrors of Revelation, children (including myself, age 5) and barbarians would have been able to withstand the forced and coerced conversions that go on to this day. Without the horrors of Revelation, those who already believed would take care of their planet the way Genesis instructed, instead of spending their children's inheritence since muh Jesus is coming back any day now!!1!
Also without Revelation we would not have Luciferianism or Satanism, we would not have schizos claiming to be the antichrist, and half the christcuck material on this board would not exist. Without Revelation, /x/ would be a paranormal board.
>Verification not required.

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wtf is he humping here? is it something terrestrial?

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the power withiiiin
the power withiiiiiiin
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when some people mean "old spongebob" they mean the first 3 or 4 seasons. so 1999-2003 Id say. "old spongebob" is like a term ive heard cartoon nerds use.
The eagles lodge in my area is full of sexually abusive people; Would take them out for cost of materials to do so (extremely cheaply).
>exactly, eagles are sometimes triforce in disguise
usually anything before the 1st film, yeah
>um 24 year old spongebob is old, but 18 year old spongebob is not old
It's a worm in the ear IRL
>cartoon nerds
and do those nerds argue extremely retarded points like this on 4chan dot org

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Discuss this faggot's claims , I am becoming increasingly interested in their faith but he is not on the server. What are the imaginary dots and the singular dots they talk about? what the f*** is the shadow pillar of light? Why have they hidden all of it over the centuries? What do you think of their metaphysical conception of the lesser trinitarian godhed Yaoim drawing the Azilla out from the Ghaib to formulate the divine forms and the souls?
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there is no such thing as a reality or a conscious experience
you are hallucinating in a hypnagogic state
there is no such thing as a thing or a nothing you are hallucinating a thing in a vast sea of nothing

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You have to summon a dark spire of magic to use them. A spire of shadow light.

Weren't the Azilla an Ismaili concept though?

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