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>made the transistor
>laid the foundations for semiconductors
>created the Unix system
>made the C language
>fiber optic cables

They were working with aliens , weren’t they ? That’s the only possible explanation
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I wouldn't worry about it.
Don't let it get to you.
Stop stalking me you creep.
by that logic then the greeks were the aliens
You're just intriguing me and fueling the search for truth.
Help yourself. I only work here.

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i remember friends and family who dont exist in this timeline. not sure whats going on. i just know im not the only one. that's it, that's the thread.
>that's it, that's the thread.
go back
Why would she paint my butt in a leotard.

Sergey Brin, and Larry Page, created Google (the most powerful company in the world) as a PhD thesis, which they completed inside of Susan Wojcicki's garage. Susan is the CEO of Youtube, her sister Anne Wojcicki is the CEO and founder of 23andMe. They are all Jews. I've just realised they are going to kill us all. They do worship Lucifer, they call him Adam, and that is Kabbalistically described as the form behind the physical Adam who has no flaw, pure light from the start of creation (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Kadmon).
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It's anything the Chinese Government (or anyone else) would plausably do with your DNA, as they have purchased it (or currently have access to it).
What fi it turned out that these elites were all being watched by an entity that could manifest as eyes or faces in walls?
I don't know the relevance. I just has a Christian woman grab my head and force me to bow to "Yeshua", a Jew from 2,000 years ago. I no longer care.
They're looking for the Christ bloodline so they can harvest those people's genetics, analyse it in hopes of finding the specific Christ genes, so they can reproduce it and inject the Christ genes into their own bloodlines.
And specifically, they're looking for a particular individual who's meant to be God incarnate.
They had an AI generate an image of God. They're looking for him.
Bringing light to the darkness creates shadows.
Bring enough light, and the shadows cease to exist, and with it darkness ceases to exist.
As such, the darkness would consider light to be the most evil thing in the world, in the same way that light considers darkness to be evil.

Why would anyone in politheistic mythology where there is big choice of gods to worship/work with would choose deity(like Set for example), which was canonically beaten badly by another deity(Horus) woudn't it be logical to choose god based on win/lose ratio?
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because you fail to understand what the real relationship with a deity is. They are like public servants, having known you for far longer than one life. Does the Lord not have its vassals, Lords and servants?

You don't "worship" deities on your knees. Worship isn't prayer. Worship is understanding your relationship between you and them, living in your own power and paying respects to the work they did. It's a form of remembering that they stood by your side when you were in trouble. It's not very different from your relationship between God and you being yours only.
Deities don't ask you to worship either. It's just that if they show themselves and the emotional load is released that summarizes how you were affected or awed by their True higher works, you get a sense of respect for them. from that respect forms of worship can come, but it's not something they'd ask for. It's just gratitude.

Also sometimes focusing all your energy on God can feel like being thankful to the Lord for the works of a friend. In that case, it's nice but it's probably more suitable to just thank the friend directly.
And which religion it might be?
There's at least one positive narrative which has Set helping Ra to fight of Apep the Serpent of Chaos. You'd find conflicting narratives elsewhere too in other religions, whether polytheistic or otherwise. Humans write these narratives and everyone just has different ideas across time.
Its it not that exclusive to Set?
Couple reasons
He might help you in some endeavors that Horus might not
He has less followers and so is more likely to hear and answer your prayers (Horus is probably really busy back in those days)
Ignoring Set entirely might piss him off, it's bad to dismiss the gods.

Post information.

These 'above top secret' deep-level underground bases are used for trauma-based mind control/MONARCH programming, experimental programming, genetic and other human experimentation, military/Illuminati/NWO technology development and storage (including advanced weapons and advanced antigravity crafts), the highest level scientific and 'paranormal' experiments, military abductions, 'black ops', child/human trafficking, rape and torture, breeding programs, and other terrible things. There exists a huge network of mag-lev tube shuttle connections under the United States, which extends into a global system of tunnels and underground bases/cities.

"They are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States."

Phil Schneider [3]
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research Donald Marshall REM driven human cloning.
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months May 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
Yo OP what have you got on remote viewing / astral projection? The CIA studied it right?
Why didn't OP address this?

I am wondering what you anons make of this recent painting of King Charles. I heard that people have seen faces and creatures in it, mostly when mirrored. I saw a demon pitbull myself.

Some say it represents him being in Hell, while others say it represents the blood on his/his family's of innocents. It reminded me of Username 666 and something from SCP.

Some videos on the matter:



Thanks in advance as always!
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It's magenta.
I used magenta all the time in my landscapes.
If you take a 2" brush and load it with water, then tip one corner of the brush with magenta and the other corner with another colour, you get the most amazing atmospheric blends even on paper instead of canvas.
There's red in that painting as well, but magenta's dominating the background.
Show us some of your paintings.
idk but this is him in piss
Looks like something an AI would spit out
Are we sure it's a real painting?

I thought about this too, AI made seems to be a lot more blatant these days, I wonder if the AI ran world/sim disclosure comes soon.

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there was no better battle than Freud and Jung in terms of modern philosophy. pick your poison.

Freud was your typical Jew. Self-centric, mother issues, wanted to fuck everything, stole ideas, and made sweeping claims as "science" without backing them up.

Jung was your typical Goyim. Believed in spirituality, attributed ideas and gave sources for his beliefs, understood there was something larger then us, was a philosopher, and believed in analytics that actually help people.

that is a basic summary.
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The only shrink I ever liked was a Jungian.
I don't believe a single bit of what Jung was talking about, but my heart lives in that world
jordan peterson is a intellectual-wannabe, first-class, midwit.
Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women who dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

What the hell is Abraxas?
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An old symbol for a Psychopomp that got turned into Baphomet. The golden armor of God over the heart, the beast like legs in the material where bad things usually gather, and the bravery of the rooster that so calls for the Sun when no one else does. You don't see it anymore because the "demiurge" is supposed to be evil now or whatever.

I made all of that up but, would be bitchin' if it were true.
His function changed throughout history. Revered by some, maligned by others. If he truly does exist, he might intentionally obscure his true nature.
He's the father of Christ
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man is both beast (hawk/rooster) and god (the creative)
both must be acknowledged to form a harmonised microcosm so self is ready to be transformed
coiling serpents on feet is wisdom and energy reaching down to earth which will allow this transformation
once true self transformation is reached, man becomes the embodiment of Abraxas
it is the highest level of self transformation, celibacy only scratches the surface

I want to preface this by saying this is just a sort of long train of thought/rant about my PTSD, but I can’t get over how annoying it is. Around this time of year as a child, a lot of turmoil happened in my life, and every year at the same time now I get depressed. I lost my mother in January and my house in May.

I’m nearly 21 and been through almost 7 years of PTSD therapy and I still get suicidal when the weather starts getting warm again. Every fucking year. I don’t know what needs to be done to fix this, it’s an inescapable and suffocating depression I have always just let consume me, including multiple hospital visits and attempts. 2022 was my first year at directly defying it and trying to overcome it, but the cycle just repeats every year and with it my memory of previous years gets hazier. It brings my current life goals to a halt and I tend to lose my job, fail my studies, and whatever creative projects I’m working on I have to pause no matter how motivated I was when I first started them.

My question for you all, spiritual and psychological folk on the ‘chan: Why the fuck do I still get suicidal at the same time every year, due to my PTSD according to my therapist, even though I don’t think about the trauma and I overcome the previous year’s depression? Why is May always so hard for me, despite my continual efforts? It seriously is the biggest detriment to my health and fucks up my daily life for months.

I was working on things like improving my production, memory, and overall happiness before this hit me this year. I have several creative projects I am working on that I need to take a break from now. My physical health was improving like crazy and I felt the best I had in years and now I’m being violently pushed back in every direction. I’m just tired of this happening. Every. Damn. Year.
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Your cold heart will be the end of you brother
Have you considered something like Ayahuasca? May help you get to the root of persistent issues. Or so they say.
Read up on trauma release exercises. Then, eat mushrooms and ask the demons to free you from your chains. Also, do some of the TRE
Do you have allergies?
A lot of depression is ankered in health issues.
May is peak allergy season.
If there is autoimmune fuckery it could give you inflamation and sabotage you.
i love you, keep living, i try doing the same <3

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Some of the most rational people of all time were called crazy by their peers. Who are some modern crazy people who will be vindicated soon?
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many schizos in many communities will be r3deemed
He's not crazy, he's a privileged spaz
>Who are some modern crazy people who will be vindicated soon?
David Icke
fuck david icke and anyone tells you earth is a loosh farm. it is the gayest thing you can believe.
the world runs on pyramid schemes... there's pyramid scheme in every fucking hierarchy and place on this place. if that's not sign of loosh farming, i don't know what is

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Magic isn't real
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Asta is an annoying fuck and Black Clover sucks ass. You have shit taste in anime and your mom never meant to get pregnant with you. She regrets ever bringing you into this world.
its not real because you choose not to believe in it
If you don't like it then you can't have any!!
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Shut the fuck up
LoA is trying to manifest a job or a girlfriend
I'm out here trying to conjure a fireball or lightning from my wand

Only one of us is trying to do magic.

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What even happened to the cosmic death fungus threads?
I come on here nearly daily and I remember CDF being a regular occurrence and while I didn't necessarily give it too much credence (really sounded like shilling a regimen) I did start doing things like raw garlic and oil of oregano and felt a bit better, never bought whatever they were shilling but did it just die off as a thing?
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Oh NOW you know eh?
Maintenance was gay. Protocol good enough but NAC gives you epic ahedonia and maintenance makes you a tranny due to niacin and especially resveratrol.

Basically you feel GOAT for a while but after that you are fucked. You need l-tyrosine and l-theanie to come out of ahedonia but they can be dangerous to use. For the lowering of test due to resveratrol well good luck.
those posts are adds to market consumer goods.
>the one we needed to get the cure got it
Might you be able to elaborate?
Sometimes a thread is there to inform many people.
Sometimes it's there just to inform one.

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How does someone benefit spiritually from fasting? What are the best ways to do that?
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Big dick nigga fuck?
Fasting benefits:

1. Autophagy
2. BDNF production
3. Growth Hormone secretion

These benefits are important to me.
u forget about Hunger, even you laugh. If i had Hunger i must get the shittiest job to not have hunger. But I do fast, so I laugh.
>Fasting from negative thoughts and garbage influences is way better than faster from food (which has its benefits)
yes this is actually very sound advice. ultimately the goal is to get a paradigm shift, which is actually very hard, but it's actually the only thing worthy of doing in your life

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I truly believe we have free will in this realm, both that I am not sure of in heaven or hell.
Elon was a chump. Sam is a chump. And the next guy will be a chump.
Sam is a floozy
It's mind boggling to me that someone can go through college and all that. Years of industry experience, everything. And still not see that your company doesn't just make the front page for being really awesome.

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When someone goes up someone goes down

When something gets built something gets destroyed
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>When someone wins someone loses
Maybe this is only part of a bigger truth? if following is the full "truth":

>When someone wins something that same person also loses something.
>So both parties are winning and losing something at the same time.
Your perspective or how you wish/choose to see things shapes the experience, and shapes whether you experience or perceive things as a gain or loss.
This is the balance of reality
Creation and destruction working hand in hand
The entity created to oversee the destruction part of the cycle rebelled tho
And thats how we got what Christians call Satan.
The ages (dark/light) were never about good and evil but more about eb and flow
A dark age would be like the fall and winter of reality, where as a light age would be like the spring and summer
Unfortunately, destruction became jealous of creation and here we are
>>37934582 >>37934764 I'm not good at translating my thoughts and feelings into words so I'm not gonna but in the energy it'd take to try. Just tell me what I need to hear
Destroyed your mom's pussy that's how you are born

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