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i'm amazed at how many people on this board underestimate the power of THE BRAIN.

it's literally the most complex structure in the universe. its workings are the closest thing we have to actual magic.

most paranormal shit spoken of here can be explained by the misunderstood machinations of THE BRAIN. never underestimate its ability to play tricks on you. there is a trickster living inside your head, and its powers are beyond your comprehension.
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>it's literally the most complex structure in the universe
okay materialist
your shrink doesn't listen to you because he's either ignorant, or he's part of the "shill" program. Basically , what the shills do is they "nip" the buds before they become flowers. There exist potential people on earth that have more gifts than other, I don't know to what degree, but it's very much like that gnostic hylic/pneumatic/psychic thing.

Basically, we live in a reality that's not really material, it's just that the material world is one of the lower layers of this reality. There exist interdimensional entities doing all sorts of stuff to people like leeching enemy, causing people to go berserk, guardian angel stuff, and that's probably not accounting for astral world stuff (though they're probably related to that). What most of these shrinks will do is they will likely gaslight you into thinking that the problem is within YOU, when there are papers showing that there exist black project technology to induce psychotic states in population. It doesn't matter if the shrinks don't know that, they don't need to, what matters is that they're following guidelines set by those who do, and those guidelines include gatekeeping of people whom "know" too much, people whom haven't sworn oath to secret society (meaning, it's okay if you're schizo if you happen to be mason, but if you're not mason, you're not allowed access to information that could help you).

This stuff is very complex, but also revealing to to the true nature of our reality, which is why TPTB want to keep big part of this stuff secret. CIA tried experimenting with it, because they likely will start running shortage of personnel capable of navigating through this stuff (it's why there're so many "how do i become freemason" shill threads, they're actively recruiting), probably they need more powerful people to maintain newer IoB technologies being set in place, and other advanced tech (UFO/UAP).. they need drones, monitors, sensor and other disposable psychic gifted people with no future.
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[It needs fluoride, thinking is a form of extremism and must be eliminated by
2030, thinking destroys lives!

• A 1995 study in the journal Neurtoxicology and Teratology, found that fluoride accumulated in the brain of rats and produced age-specific behavioral deficits typical of most neurotoxic agents.25 In the study, fluoride induced damage to the hippocampal region of the brain. Damage to the hippocampal region has been linked to hyperactivity and cognitive deficits. Based on the results, the lead author of the study, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, has come out and advised against water fluoridation.

• 5 recent peer reviewed studies from China have found an association between elevated fluoride exposure and decreased IQs in children - an effect that would be expected based on Mullenix's research.26 According to a May 2000 review by Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility:
• "Studies in animals and human populations suggest that fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may have adverse impacts on the developing brain. Though no final conclusions may be reached from available data, the findings are provocative and of significant public health concern."
• In the late 1990s, a British scientist discovered that fluoride accumulates to very high levels (avg = 9000 ppm) in the crystallized tissue of the human pineal gland. A subsequent animal study found that fluoride interferes with the pineal gland's production of melatonin, a hormone which helps regulate the onset of PUBERTY. In the study, animals dosed with fluoride had reduced levels of melatonin metabolites in their urine and had earlier onsets of puberty than the controls. With all the goyslop poison food, no wonder people are sik
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• Up until the 1950s, European doctors used fluoride to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland for people suffering from overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).28 The daily dose of fluoride which people are now receiving in fluoridated communities (1.6 to 6.6 mg/day)29 actually exceeds the dose of fluoride which was found to depress the thyroid gland (2.3 to 4.5 mg/day).30
• Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) is currently one of the most common medical problems in the United States. Synthroid, the drug doctors prescribe to treat hypothyroidism, was the fourth most prescribed drug in the US in the year 2000. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include depression, fatigue, weight gain, muscle and joint pains, increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease.
your body's entire electromagnetism is more important than just one single orgasm

Ok I’m officially a schizo
I can literally see another planet or moon in the sky and it’s huge and location maps of the moon say it’s over Brazil currently which is in the complete opposite direction of this shit
I’m having a meltdown
Tell me it’s some sort of vapor reflection of the moon
Qrd on what I’m seeing and why
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He didn't say he was in Brazil, just that he said the moon is suppose to be over it.
it's darth vader and his death star
just kidding that sounds weird
Sure it’s not just Jupiter or something?
Venus is also often visible in the sky at day
no need for a meltdown. its probably Niburu from the Bible. believe in Jesus Christ, and repent. no need to be afraid.

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Im losing my fucking mind at this point, i was studying alchemy for basicly 2 years and i still cant understand anything, what is the green lion and why is he devouring the sun? do i just mix sulfur, mercury and salt and boil it to get the damn stone? mfs on reddit didnt help eighter, half of them suggest piss but dont tell me waht to do with it afterwards, at this point im considering shooting myself with a shotgun to see if the blood that will paint the celling will be as red as the damn stone, Christ give me strenght for i have none anymore. The only motivation i have now could be classified as delusions. I might as well just do whatever the fuck it is that they say, even if its just the recipe for nitroglycerin.

I weep, for my ears are listening, but they hear nothing but mocking voices that speak in riddles.
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And when you die the world will breathe a collective comforting sigh. So please just hurry the process along. We are waiting.
It's not. It's a scientific and spiritual pursuit. Has nothing to do with whatever xyz religion you believe to be the right one.
If you don’t understand these things then you’re not ready yet.

There have been massive attacks against Hermeticism and the paranormal. This world is shit and it’s a shitty boxing ring. You’re here to take punches and swing till your muscles grow and get strong enough to K.O. Spiritually you must get out of here at some point.

Ok so what's the point of losing your time on alchemy? Just study chemistry
>Spiritually you must get out of here at some point
why is that? isn't this gnostic ideology just defeastism, doomer mentality meant to keep you in victim mindset / slave mentality? Shouldn't you be searching ways to change your paradigm ?

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>Year starts with a bang: Aliens at Miami mall
they were just teens
"oh well, maybe that was just too soon.."
>Jews underground doing very shady stuff
"well, it was expected"
>Jellyfish ufo video released
"it's getting started!"
it's actually memoryholed too
>Epstein list released, potential crisis for Hollywood and politics as a whole
>Grusch releasing an OP-ED following the big revelations of 2023
never released, and the topic is way less relevant now too
>big world changing Eclipse people were prophecizing about since 2017

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in my imagination
It's all so boring. I don't even register the Bukkake Ritual shootings that happen in the news anymore. At least in the 00's and 90's, the elites puled no punches. They weren't quivering in their boots and preparing nooses over a Midwesterner saying the word "Jew", they faced those types with violence, they intentionally brought out the worst in them so they lost all public respect. They had the knowledge that humiliation is more effective and practical than hushing
The glowcucks now, they give those chuds a genuine platform, they only pretend to hate what they say ironically, they consider those beliefs to respectable and reasonable
>makes a claim
>nothing to back up the claims
so useful idiot for shills? not even getting paid? sad! pathetic!
It's birdflu, btw. Causing a famine + also killing a decent number of humans directly.
We had bird flu as a thing in 2004

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>>Book Recommendations

>>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous here >>37878665
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kek, hehe even
Why didn't you post a gigachad?
IDK what that means anon.

Uhmm guys, what are we going to do about this? https://patents.google.com/patent/DE10253433A1/en
I know our technological devices, like smartphones and laptops listen to our conversation, but have you ever experienced, just thinking about something(not saying it aloud, not typing it on the phone) and suddenly it's in your recommendation videos, ads, or a post from a site. I'm having thought that they already have the technology to do that. Like they say, they show technology to the masses 30 or 50 years late. How do we counter this? TInfoil hat? Meditation?
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ok hear me out.
This is the latest one that happened.
> One of my classmate (we are not friends, just a classmate) asked me if I know someone that has a PS4 so that I can borrow games for him, cause his only games is Hitman, Tekken, and Uncharted.
> I said "no" then proceed with my life
> I don't have my phone with me when this happened because the power button is broken. >1 week later
> I thought about his PS4 and the Tekken game, and planning on borrowing it to play with my cousin.
> Then I open youtube,... viola, this yt video is in my recommendation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZEHTjAx7ds
I'm not a video game guy, I don't watch any video game gameplays, streams, not subscribe to any gaming channel. I only watch basketball and skate videos in my PC.
The timing of it is so fucking weird.
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It’s too late. We are already inside.
This is the first time a gaming related video was recommended in my YT account. Even GTA6 that went viral didn't make to my recommendation
Has anyone else been noticing CONSTANT double dubs today?
it's called meme magic

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just say coincidences, you fuck
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Fire hydrants tongue your anus while you sleep.
Oh vey
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I'm sorry you had to find out this way. But think about it this way, it's kind of like a bidet.
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no the cute robot girls called it that
Writing everything off as a coincidence is why your pineal gland will always be calcified.

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I have never seen the dot like this before
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It is going to rise again soon.
Good day to you :D
He walks the Earth again, and this time has conceived a child with his female equal. Seethe all you want, you will understand when it is time.
Those claws pierce the earth and it’s all the humans fault.
Nothing to see here, citizen.
>24 hour plot
>less than 24 hours of data
I like.

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What is the meaning of this? Is it über for us /x/bros?

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Can I get red pill on Manifestation, and the movie Bruce Allmighty? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6et2ZSodS0g

What are they trying to tell here? Do they want people to do manifestation? Why is there a manifestation/LoA general along with succ general, is it because they want spiritually sensitive people of this board to become demonically infested? I've read stories of people asking to become pussy magnets that become demonically possessed, is that why this manifestation shit is being pushed both here and on youtube? Why is nobody talking about the dangers of manifestation? Only person whom has said bad about manifestation is Mark Passio (you will get karmic debt, other words, you'll probably reincarnate here again or something bad might happen during your current timeline) and this youtuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyX5mU7wF7Q . Literally everyone else both here and on youtube seem to be on board to becoming puppets to bunch of entities whom want to play with you.
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Not to sound like a sappy bible thumper but isn't it obvious that using your mental energy to pursue selfish things will never turn out well? I think "manifestation" is a new age repackaging of something so basic and fundamental people in previous ages didn't bother to have a hokey sounding word for it. Its really just understanding that
1. Like attracts like, weighing yourself down with "low vibration" (another new age term I'm not a fan of but you know what I'm saying) negative thoughts will bring negative things to you and bring forward more negative thoughts, which in turn brings more negative things and 2. Seek and you shall find. The will of your soul is much more powerful than we give it credit for, if you REALLY want to become a pussy magnet or attain great wealth you WILL find what you desire just not without incurring the given karmic debt. We have free will but we're not free from the implicit natural law of cause and effect.

The only positive way to manifest things, if you can even call it "manifesting" is to try to be grateful for what you have and think positively, it will necessarily shape your actions to be better and you'll see things improve.
>manifestation is incredibly dangerous. it is not done by the ego. it can even kill the ego
can you elaborate? what do you mean when you say it's not done by ego? I know it seems to fulfill the desires of ego at very least. How can it kill ego?
The only thing I know is that I am having an experience. I can see, hear, speak, perceive, think.

Thinking is interpreting your experience.

Thoughts and spontaneous manifestation of physical items are not possible. But a man is what he thinks about all day. There is no doubt in my mind that the universe is mental.

The law of attraction and positive outlook results in positive manifestations and experiences.

Paradise is a state of mind and requires effort, something that is achieved through good experience outside of service to self. Strangely enough. It's both inward and outward efforts.
pseudo-spiritual quackery. fuck off, idiot.
there's nothing "pseudo" about IoB technology and energy weapons, but nice try, shill

I've realized I have to be on a kill list by now, and while mulling over that I had a thought. I'm only on a kill list because I've been searching for tje truth because it's not whatever these looney tune motherfuckers say it is. And then it dawned on me. Why are these bastards telegraphing every move? Like a boss meant to be beaten. Is it purely out of swagger/ego and the belief we actually are stupid enough that we don't see what's going on? It's a wierd dynamic. They joke and tease and give little breadcrumbs of hints but the second we pick up on that, straight to the kill list? It's fucking stupid. You know what else is fucking stupid? The new 300 second timer to make a post unless I'm a name fag. Anonymity is dead you feds don't need me to be a namefag on top of that.

I refuse to comply

I refuse to comply

I refuse to comply

I refuse to comply

Go fuck yourself

I refuse to comply

Also, why the FUCK do feds do the work they do? I get ai and demons doing it, but actual humans? Like bruh what has to happen to your soul that you become such a faggot
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World is flat
Dome is real
Vampiric clones run the show
White people are the result of yakubian genetic warfare
All awnsers exist in geometry
Stop being fucking retard
wake up
Fuck you pharmagoy

Take a meme, leave a meme. I want only your spiciest, freshest ones.
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>Wasn't Mein Kampf made by capitalists?
far be it from me to tell a /x/ user to come back to reality but IM pretty sure most Norse pagans even admit its not a reliable source due to the date of its creation and that era of chrisitan expansion
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Yes, I know who Snorri Snorluson was. He collated and wrote down the beliefs of his ancestors, changing what he had to in order to avoid charges of heresy by the church. He didn't "make" the Eddas any more than English and French translators "made" Mein Kampf.
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Checked, and saved.
We can do all that fun stuff and fug as well

Man has a cried a trillion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.
your mother has cried a trillion tears in hopes that you would leave her basement and touch grass
your mother has cried a trillion tears of joy when my dick entered her anus
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>gold was witnessed this night
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How did I quit my degenerate porn addiction. I've been seeing a lot of paranormal supernatural subliminal messages in my PMV hypno. Why would someone add this kind of stuff? Who would add this? What is the connection with the otherworldly and porn?

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I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device. In the beginning I had non idea how it works. I can't reveal much about this device's nature, but I would like to experiment its functions for the first time on /x/ with you.

In order to see how it works, you will have to make a sincere question (you can write it) or just be willing to accept a random communication.
Details about you or the situation you're asking advice for will be welcome, but they're not necessary.

Before answering a question I will ask the entity about the author's intentions in order to avoid time wasters.

The outcomes can be various and depend by the entities connected with you.
Good entities will most likely reveal useful information or give you good advice.
Bad entities are usually willing to confuse or frighten you with chaotic information.
It might be that you can establish contact with someone who recently passed.

When you ask a question or a random advice, you'll have to accept the answer from the entities connected to you, so avoid asking me to connect you to a specific entity or person.

In time I realised that received communications are not subject to spacetime, and can refer to future timelines. If you don't understand the answer, it might be just a matter of time.

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The true nature of man is determined in the battle between our subconscious mind and the desires of the subconscious.

Can you ask this entity if the event would affect only me and likewise if my reaction would threaten others?
>I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device.
I have no idea why anons want to play along with this LARP. My question would be just say what the device is and where you bought it from and that would be enough to end the LARP.
okay karen, go do smth else will ya.

theres billion other threads u can enjoy that agree with your dogmatic beliefs.
I would like to hear what words they have for me. I've endured a great deal of pain over the last few years, and I have found it difficult to reset myself mentally and physically. I feel as if I bear a heavy burden, but I don't know what it is.
What type of scientific studies? I have no clue as I don't study any science.

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